FKKINFCO - Informationscontainer

The following messages are stored in message class FKKINFCO: Informationscontainer.
It is part of development package FKK_INFCO in software component FI-CA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FI-CA: Information Container".
Message Nr
Message Text
001No data was found for the selection criteria
002Sending of data for information container category &1 (&2)
003Send for information container category &1 via send type &2 (&3)
004COMMIT WORK executed
005ROLLBACK WORK executed
006No data was found for the selection criteria
007Information category &1 does not exist
008Text for information category &1 does not exist
009No settings defined for information category &1
010Send type &1 does not exist
011Text for send type &1 does not exist
012Storage type &1 does not exist
013Text for storage type &1 does not exist
014Specify an information category
015Information category &1 is not active
016No implementing class defined for information category &1
017Class &1 does not exist
018Class &1 does not implement interface &2
019Class &1 does not implement method &2
020Specify a save type
021Specify a memory structure
022Memory structure &1 does not exist
023Memory structure &1 is not declared as a structure in the Dictionary
024Error during the creation of the table type for memory structure &1
025Method &1 delivers different number for memory and master data
026Specify a business partner
027Business partner &1 does not exist
028Business partner &1 does not exist in role MKK
029Contract account &1 with business partner &2 does not exist
030Internal error occurred on initialization of the data container
031Internal occurred when saving the data container
032An error occurred during the reading of the data of the data container
033Internal error on creation of UUID for information container
034Internal error on creation of XML string
035No master data determined for the memory data
036Internal error on conversion of XML string
037No send type defined for information category &1
038Specify a send structure
039Send structure &1 does not exist
040Send structure &1 is not declared as a structure in the dictionary
041Error on creation of table type for send structure &1
042Error opening file &1
043No authorization for access to file &1
044Error closing file &1
045Specify an implementing class
046Specify a text for the information container category
047Specify an information container category
048Status &1 does not exist
049Select a line
050You have selected multiple items; select only one item
051No contract assigned to the information container entry
052No contract account assigned to the information container entry
053No business partner assigned to the information container entry
054No reset history exists for the information container entry
055Internal error on creation of send package
056Sent to recipient &1
057An error occurred during the sending of the data
058Send successful
059Send has errors
060Status updated for information container entries sent successfully
061Status for expired information container entries updated
062Send status &1 does not exist
063Select one or more lines
064No send information exists for the information container entry
065Number of send statuses reset: &1
066Number of send statuses skipped: &1
067Error when importing additional selections (RFDT)
068No XI messages for selection
069Status updated for incorrect information container entries
070File used for writing data: &1
071Test database table DFKKINFCOT updated
072Update of test database table DFKKINFCOT simulated
073No customer-specific function module defined for event 3703
074No customer-specific function module defined for event 3704
075Method &1 returns no data to be saved
076Method &1 returns incorrect number of send data
077Event 3704 does not return any file data
078Specify a structure for the process data
079Specify a send type
080No XI interface exists for information category &1
081Archive indicator set without specification of master data
082Status of obsolete information container entries was updated
083Cannot display; entry data was deleted by archiving
100Error while writing application log
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