The following messages are stored in message class FKKSK_MSG_VAT: .
It is part of development package FKK_ID_SK in software component FI-LOC-CA-SK. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FI-CA localization Slovakia".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
001Error during field catalog creation
002Select VAT ledger type
003Incorrect layout &1 for program &2
004Enter number of the report run
005No tax-relevant document posted for this period
006Cannot create original VAT ledger, check period status
007Cannot create Amendment, no original VAT ledger created
008Cannot create correction, missing original or amendment already created
009Error during update of VAT period table FKKSK_VATPER
010Error during data insertion in VAT run table FKKSK_VATRUN
011Error during data insertion in VAT Ledger table FKKSK_VATLED
012Error during update of DFKKREP06 table
013Report run number &1 does not exist or related data has been deleted
014Report run does not exist
015Unknown combination of Company Code &1, Tax Code &2, and Document Type &3
016Event 936 implementation for filtering documents is missing
017Data related to this run cannot be deleted
018Error during updating DB tables
020You are not authorized for &1 in Electronic VAT ledger report (SK)
021Operation is cancelled by user
022Data related to the run (&1/&2/&3/&4) has been deleted
023Period was already run as a quarter. Run report for quarter reporting.
024Period &1 was already run as a month. Run report for month reporting.
025Quarter contains only two months, check parameter for short quarter
026Quarter contains three months, check parameter for short quarter
027Processing cancelled by user
028Either Period or Quarter has to be defined
029Quarter was already run for different number of months
030Tax relevant data was successfully extracted
031No report runs match posted parameters (CCode &1/Year &2/Period &3/ID &4)
032Either month or quarter can be supplied
033Either month or quarter has to be supplied
034No tax data match posted params(CCode &1/Year &2/Period &3/ID/Sect &4)
035Error during data insertion in VAT Ledger table FKKSK_VATLED_D2
036No new document was posted for this period, no amendment is needed
037Period (&1/&2/&3/&4) cannot be found in database or is inconsistent
038No program found for transaction code &1
039Error during backgroud job &1 closing
040Period (&1/&2) skipped; VAT ledger not submitted yet
041Job &3 for amendment created for period (&1/&2)
042Period (&1/&2) skipped; amendment not needed
043Error during application log creation
044No record was selected
045Period was run as a quarter
046Maintain residence period in transaction FKKSK_VATARCH_PER
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