The following messages are stored in message class FKKSK_MSG_VAT: .
It is part of development package FKK_ID_SK in software component FI-LOC-CA-SK. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FI-CA localization Slovakia".
It is part of development package FKK_ID_SK in software component FI-LOC-CA-SK. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FI-CA localization Slovakia".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | & & & & |
001 | Error during field catalog creation |
002 | Select VAT ledger type |
003 | Incorrect layout &1 for program &2 |
004 | Enter number of the report run |
005 | No tax-relevant document posted for this period |
006 | Cannot create original VAT ledger, check period status |
007 | Cannot create Amendment, no original VAT ledger created |
008 | Cannot create correction, missing original or amendment already created |
009 | Error during update of VAT period table FKKSK_VATPER |
010 | Error during data insertion in VAT run table FKKSK_VATRUN |
011 | Error during data insertion in VAT Ledger table FKKSK_VATLED |
012 | Error during update of DFKKREP06 table |
013 | Report run number &1 does not exist or related data has been deleted |
014 | Report run does not exist |
015 | Unknown combination of Company Code &1, Tax Code &2, and Document Type &3 |
016 | Event 936 implementation for filtering documents is missing |
017 | Data related to this run cannot be deleted |
018 | Error during updating DB tables |
020 | You are not authorized for &1 in Electronic VAT ledger report (SK) |
021 | Operation is cancelled by user |
022 | Data related to the run (&1/&2/&3/&4) has been deleted |
023 | Period was already run as a quarter. Run report for quarter reporting. |
024 | Period &1 was already run as a month. Run report for month reporting. |
025 | Quarter contains only two months, check parameter for short quarter |
026 | Quarter contains three months, check parameter for short quarter |
027 | Processing cancelled by user |
028 | Either Period or Quarter has to be defined |
029 | Quarter was already run for different number of months |
030 | Tax relevant data was successfully extracted |
031 | No report runs match posted parameters (CCode &1/Year &2/Period &3/ID &4) |
032 | Either month or quarter can be supplied |
033 | Either month or quarter has to be supplied |
034 | No tax data match posted params(CCode &1/Year &2/Period &3/ID/Sect &4) |
035 | Error during data insertion in VAT Ledger table FKKSK_VATLED_D2 |
036 | No new document was posted for this period, no amendment is needed |
037 | Period (&1/&2/&3/&4) cannot be found in database or is inconsistent |
038 | No program found for transaction code &1 |
039 | Error during backgroud job &1 closing |
040 | Period (&1/&2) skipped; VAT ledger not submitted yet |
041 | Job &3 for amendment created for period (&1/&2) |
042 | Period (&1/&2) skipped; amendment not needed |
043 | Error during application log creation |
044 | No record was selected |
045 | Period was run as a quarter |
046 | Maintain residence period in transaction FKKSK_VATARCH_PER |