FKK_SG - Nachrichten der Safeguard-Routinen des Vertragskontokorrents

The following messages are stored in message class FKK_SG: Nachrichten der Safeguard-Routinen des Vertragskontokorrents.
It is part of development package FKK_SG in software component FI-CA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable: Safeguarding".
Message Nr
Message Text
001No check data was found for document &1
002There are no documents to be checked
003Select at least one row
004Select one line only
005There are no incorrect documents
006Select just one line
007Document check is locked by user &1
008System error occurred during locking (inform your system administrator)
009There are no documents to be checked
010&1 documents were checked, &2 documents have errors
011You are not authorized to execute the check run
012Test run - no database updates
013No records deleted
014&1 records were deleted
015Document &1 does not have errors
016Document &1 does not have errors or was not yet checked
017&1 documents were checked, see result in check result column
018Correct status after posting of document &1
019In relation to document &1 there are no other documents to be checked
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