FLOG_RETURNS_PROCG - Field Logistics:Return Processing Info

The following messages are stored in message class FLOG_RETURNS_PROCG: Field Logistics:Return Processing Info.
It is part of development package FLOG_RETURN_PROCG_BASE in software component CA-FL-RET. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Package for Returns Processing at Base Location Objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
000IDL &1 distributed to warehouse.
001IDL could not be created. Check configuration and try again
002QM inspection lot &1 created. Proceed with quality inspection.
003Error in creating GR. Check configuration and try again
004Material document &1 created.
005Error in transfer posting. Check configuration and try again
006Goods receipt is successful. Material document &1 created.
007Transfer posting completed.
008Transfer posting is not successful.
009Proceed with putaway and quality inspection.
010Proceed with quality inspection.
011Proceed with putaway.
012Proceed with quality inspection and return to vendor.
013Proceed with putaway, quality inspection and return to vendor.
014Proceed with putaway and return to vendor.
015Proceed with returns delivery.
016Creating returns PO failed.
017Proceed with putaway to blocked stock.
018IDL &1 is created and distributed to warehouse.
019Error in creating IDL. Check configuration and try again
020QM inspection lot &1 created.
021Transfer posting is successful. Returns PO &1 is created.
022Returns PO and OutbDeliv created.
023Material document &1 created to blocked stock.
024GR is successful. Material document &1 is posted to blocked stock.
025Product &1 requires your attention to complete &2 process.
026You have &1 Materials requiring your attention.
027Invalid recipients &1.
028Create IDL manually and proceed
029Return to supplier has been initiated. Proceed further with returns PO.
030Initiating returns to supplier process failed.
031Check configuration and try again
032Return to supplier initiated.
033GR posted for the original purchase order item.
034GR posted,
035Goods receipt posted to blocked stock,
036material document &1 created.
037GR with IDL &1 posted.
038warehouse task created.
039Goods receipt posted to quality stock,
040Goods receipt with inbound delivery &1 posted to quality.
041Product &1 with reference document &2 moved to container &3.
042warehouse task,
043Returns PO and OutbDeliv created.
044warehouse task, returns PO and OutbDeliv created.
045Create returns PO.
046OutbDeliv created to remote.
047warehouse task and outbound delivery created.
048Material document &1 and outbound delivery created.
049Goods receipt with inbound delivery &1 posted to blocked stock.
050Goods receipt posted to scrap,
051Proceed with quality inspection and create STO to remote.
052STO created to remote.
053Proceed with outbound delivery.
054Proceed with scrapping.
055Goods receipt posted for IDL &1.
056Proceed to create warehouse task and returns PO.
057Proceed to create warehouse task and STO.
058Proceed to create warehouse task.
059warehouse task, returns PO and OutbDeliv created.
060Proceed with quality inspection and returns delivery.
061QM inspection lot and returns PO &1 created.
062STO and OutbDeliv created to remote.
063returns purchase order &1 created.
064Proceed with manual posting change.
065GR is successful. Material document &1 is posted.
066GR could not be posted.Check configurations and try again.
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