The following messages are stored in message class FMCA_ISR_EN: .
It is part of development package FMCA_ISR in software component IS-PS-CA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PSCD: Internet Service Request".
Message Nr
Message Text
000000 - 030 reserved for FPF Customizing
001Work items ID/Version/Type should be filled together
002Sequence cannot be duplicated for the same form bundle type
003Initial value is not allowed for form configuration selection
004No form configuration found for form bundle type &1
005Max number of forms should be greater than min number of forms
006Form bundle type &1 not defined
007BRF context element &1 does not exist
008Errors occurred when accessing context element &1
009Placeholder &1 of type &2 not found
010Errors occurred when creating inb. corr. of type &1 for BP/CA/CO &2/&3/&4
011Form bundle &1 has status &2 and therefore is not processed
012No form bundle was found in context
013InCorr. of type &1 is created for BP/CA/CO &2/&3/&4
014Errors occurred when creating the place holder &1 of type &2
015Errors occurred when creating the payment data for business partner &1
016Errors occurred when creating accounting data for contract object &1
017Bank data of contract account &1 to business partner &2 is updated
018Errors occurred when changing payment data for con. acc. &1 of BP &2
019Workflow &1 with reason &2 started
020Errors occurred when updating data of form bundle &1
021Errors occurred when creating BUPA relationship for &1 &2 of cat. &3
022BUPA relationship for &1 &2 of cat. &3 is created
023Errors occurred when creating/changing rules for InCorr of BP/CO &1 &2
024Rules for InCorr of BP/CO &1 &2 are created
025Rules for InCorr of BP/CO &1 &2 are changed
026Correspondence of type &1 is created for BP/CA/CO &2/&3/&4
027Errors occurred when creating corr. of type &1 for BP/CA/CO &2/&3/&4
028Placeholder &1 of type &2 exists already and cannot be inserted
029Billing document &1 created
030Billing document &1 adjusted to zero
031Billing document &1 adjusted by billing document &2
032InCorr. of type &1 is cleared for BP/CA/CO &2/&3/&4
033Errors occurred when clearing InCorr. of type &1 for BP/CA/CO &2/&3/&4
034Invoice document &1 created
035InCorr. of type &1 reopened for BP/CA/CO &2/&3/&4
036Errors occurred when creating address for business partner &1
037Address with number &1 of type &2 is created for business partner &3
038Form-based process &1 does not support confirmation letters
039Bank detail &1 is created for business partner &2
040Error occurred by TOBL for BP &1, CA &2, CO &3, rev.type &4
041Fact type/rep. &1 and fact cat./rep. &2 is not allowed for COTYP &3
042&1 BRF messages for form bundle &2 are created
043&1 BRF messages for form bundle &2 are updated
044Error occurred when creating the context element &1 in BRF
045Form bundle type &1 is date-dependent but no key date is specified
046Form bundle type &1 is period-dependent but no period is specified
047Either a key date or a period should be specified
048Errors occurred when posting billing documents for form bundle &1
049Business partner &1 changed
050Object &1 &2 is neither a tax division nor a tax unit
051No tax division and no tax unit found for position &1
052Tax division &2 but no tax unit found for position &1
053Tax unit &2 but no tax division found for position &1
054Object &1 is not a tax unit
055Object &1 is not a tax division
056No tax division found for tax unit &1
057User &1 has no leading position in any tax division/tax unit
058No tax division found for user &1
059Workitem &1: Neither a tax unit nor a tax division could be derived
060Scenario cannot be found for period &1 and ISR template &2
061Scenario cannot be found for key date &1 and ISR template &2
062System cannot find scenario for ISR template &1
063ID number &1 with ID type &2 of partner &3 is created
064ID number &1 with ID type &2 of partner &3 is changed
065Error occurred when checking the header of form bundle &1
066Either revenue type or form bundle type is nec to deter. reason codes
067Reason code &1 is not allowed for form bundle type &2
068Form bundle type &1 does not have a valid number range
069Form bundle type &1 only allows numbers from &2 to &3
070Do not enter a number as form bundle type &1 uses internal assignment
071Revenue type &1 does not have a valid number range
072Revenue type &1 only allows numbers from &2 to &3
073Do not enter a number as revenue type &1 uses internal assignment
074Status Management:Business transaction &1 is applied to object &2
075Revenue distribution key &1 is created
076No history object with sequence number &2 if found for form bundle &1
077Specify a caller for form bundle processing
078Specify an activity for form bundle processing
079Status Management:Business transaction &1 is applied to form bundle &2
080Form bundle &1 does not exist
081Form &1 number &2 of form bundle &3 can not be inserted due to duplicate
082Enter valid from date
083Enter valid to date
084Valid to date &1 must be later than valid from date &2
085Validity &1 of ISR scenario &2 must cover validity &3 of BRF event &4
086Errors occurred when posting invoicing documents for form bundle &1
087Form &1 cannot be updated due to erroneous logical key
088At least one BRF message of type W, E, A, or X occurred
089&1 form bundles were updated with indicator and status in header
090Complete master data creation for registration form bundle number &1
091Failed to create master data for registration form &1
092No processing variant is defined for form bundle type &1 and act. &2
093Form based process &1 is not defined
094No description for the form based process &1 is found in &2
095Enter either form bundle number or the form bundle guid
096No form bundle is found for the specified conditions
097Form bundle &1 does not exist
098More than one form bundle found
099Errors occurred when creating a form bundle
100***reverse for intern use in form processing framework
101Start creating business partner
102Finish creating business partner successfully
103Start creating contract account
104Finish creating contract acccount successfully
105Contract object &1 is assigned to business partner &2 with account &3
106Start updating contract account with payment data
107Start creating contract object
108Finish creating contract object successfully
109Start creating business location
110Start creating accounting data for contract objects
111Finish creating accounting data for contract objects successfully
112Start creating bank detail
113Finish creating bank detail
114Status Management: Transaction &1 could not be applied to object &2
115Start changing status
116Finish changing status
117Start triggering workflows
118Finish triggering workflows
119Start creating tax obligations
120Finish creating tax obligations
121Start updating form bundle data
122Finish updating form bundle data
123Start creating revenue distribution key
124Finish creating revenue distribution key
125Start creating billing document
126Finish creating billing document
127Start creating business partner relationship
128Finish creating business partner relationship
129Start creating/changing rules for creating InCorr. Req.
130Finish creating/changing rules for creating InCorr. Req.
131Starting creating turn around letters
132Finish creating turn around letters
133Starting creating conformation letters
134Finish creating confirmation letters
135Starting clearing inbound correspondence request
136Finish clearing inbound correspondence request
137Starting creating inbound correspondence request
138Finish creating inbound correspondence request
139Start creating business partner address
140Finish creating business partner address
141Start creating business location
142Finish creating business location successfully
143Start modifying the status of BRF messages
144Finish modifying the status of BRF messages
145Start creating business partner identification
146Finish creating business partner identification
147Error occurred when processing ID number &1 with type &2 for partner &3
148Start creating invoicing document
149Finish creating invoicing document
150Processing rule &1 is not defined for form bundle type &2
151Processing variant &1 is not defined for the form bundle type &2
152You have to enter either revenue type or form bundle type
153Form bundle number &1 has already been assigned
154Process for registration form bundle number &1 completed
155No form-based process is assigned to form bundle type &1
156Start creating/updating CO relationship
157Finish creating/updating CO relationship
158Event is not defined for &1 &2 &3
159No BRF events determined for form bundle &1 and activity &2
160Start extracting master data from form bundle
161Finish extracting master data from form bundle
162Start updating tax number for business partner
163Finish updating tax number for business partner
164Error when creating/updating tax number &1 for business partner &2
165Successfully create/update tax number &1 for business partner &2
166Create relationship type &4 for master data &1 and &2, revenue type &3
167(BP) Identification type &1 is not defined
168InCorr. of type &1 created for BP/CA/CO &2/&3/&4
169Start processing SAP User Management Engine (UME) users
170***170-200 reversed for correspondences
171Business partner is unknown for correspondence
172Return ID is unknown for correspondence
173Application class is unknown for correspondence
174Action is unknown for correspondence
175Business partner not found
176Contract account not found
177Contract object not found
178Timestamp is unknown for correspondence
179Business partner relationship not found
180Tx obligatn created/updated for BP &1, CA &2, CO &3, rev. type &4
181Form bundle &1 will be processed without any form in context
182Start updating industry for business partner
183Finish updating industry for business partner
184Error when creating/updating industry &2 for business partner &1
185Successfully created or updated industry &2 for business partner &1
186Tax number &1, for business partner &2
187Industry &2 for business partner &1
188Relationship type &4 for master data &1 and &2, revenue type &3
189No valid processing rules is defined for form bundle type &1 and act. &2
190Form bundle type &1 is not assigned to process &2
201*-----201-230 reserved for mass activity FMCAPFPF------------------------
202&1 form bundles were processed
203Form bundles not processed successfully: &1
204Form bundles simulated: &1
205Form bundles skipped: &1
206Start processing form bundle &1
207Finish processing form bundle &1 with errors
208Finish processing form bundle &1 successfully
209Form bundle &1 was not processed in mass activity; see long text
210Messages raised during form processing by system
211Messages raised during form processing by BRF
212No message raised during form processing by system
213No message raised during form processing by BRF
214&1 is in status &2 - activity &3 not allowed
231Object type &1 for trace form processing history is not defined
232Object type &1 for trace form processing history has no description
233Activity &1 for trace form processing history has no description
240Start processing SAP User Management Engine (UME) users
241Finish processing SAP User Management Engine (UME) users
242SAP User Management Engine (UME) user &1 has been activated successfully
243Activation of SAP User Management Engine (UME) user &1 failed
246No tax asssessment was created for form bundle &1
247Status of form bundle &1 has been changed to &2
248&1 is not a valid GUID
300*** 300-350 reserved for tax case handling
301No tax case found for GUID &1
302Error updating or inserting tax case &1
303No risk profile found for taxpayer &1
304Error updating or inserting risk profile
305Error creating notes for tax case &1
306Category &1 ID number &2 not valid for selection date &3
350350 to 399 is reserved for tax return amendment
351Duplicated tax return with form bundle number &1 found
352Form &1 with form number &2 not found in source tax return
353Form &1 with form number &2 not found in target tax return
354Return merge can only happen between 2 tax returns
355Source and target tax return have same receipt date
356Tax return &1 merged to tax return &2
357Amendment processing for tax return &1 is starting
358Amendment processing for tax return &1 has ended
359Source or target tax return contain incorrect data; see long text
360Tax return &1 was merged with tax return &2
361Form &1 with form number &2 in tax return &3 is not active, merge stops
362Two duplicated tax returns required
363Merge proposal contains invalid form (form name &1/form number &2)
364Target tx retrn &1 not duplicated to source tx retrn &2; s. long text
365Status of tax return &1 does not allow merging
366Selected source/target return diffrnt from merge proposal; s. long text
367No authorization for amendment action &1 for process &2; s.long text
370No active form with form type &1 in form bundle type &2; s.long text
371You cannot merge forms with different form class
372You cannot merge table forms
373No.of actve forms (form type &1/form bndle type &2) inconsist; s.lng txt
374Error during copying of table form; see long text
375Form class &1 is not supported
376Form bundle &1 with status &2 cannot be processed
377Form bundle &1 contains too many active forms of type &2 (Max: &3)
378Form bundle &1 contains too few active forms of type &2 (Min: &3)
379Select two valid and different form bundles
380Not all forms compatible with Form Bundle &1
381Tax return &1 can be merged to tax return &2
382Late amendment return &1 found for tax return &2
383Process duplicated return &2 in amendment mode; see long text
384Exactly one duplicated tax return &2 found for tax return &1
385Duplicate return(s) found
386Duplicate check was not performed
400** Miscellaneous Form Processing 400-450
401Define residence time for revenue type &1; see longtext
402Document not old enough; receipt date &1 after key date &2
403Document not old enough; creation date &1 after key date &2
404Document not old enough; upper bound of period &1 after key date &2
405Document not old enough; statute of limitation date &1 after key date &2
406Form data version &1 does not exist for form &2 &3
407System has copied form data from version &1 to &2 for form &3 &4
408You can only remove newly created or draft forms
409No TRM-specifc settings are found for scenario &1 and version &2
410Form bundles with last 3 digits &1 to &2 are currently processed
411More than two ISR scenarios &1 &2 are found for template &3
412You cannot relate a scenario to itself
413Related scenarios must have different templates with the same interface
414The configuration of scenario &1 version &2 is incomplete
415No incomplete BI extraction history found in the system
416Number of form bundles updated: &1
417Number of forms updated: &1
418Form bundles with last 3 digits &1 to &2 were processed successfully
419Form data of &1 forms were updated in delta queue &2
420Do not use number range &1; see long text
421Fill BRFplus application when using BRFplus in the rule
422Only rules using same rule engine can be set in one variant
423Error occurred in BRFplus
424Function &1 not found in application &2
425Data object &1 does not exist or invalid input
426Calling function &1 failed
427Error reading value &1 from BRFplus context
428Error reading BRFplus trace
429Fill BRFplus function when using BRFplus in the rule
430BRFplus application &1 does not exist
431BRFplus function &1 does not exist in BRFplus application &2
432Error occurred in BRFplus: &1&2&3&4
433No deployed BRFplus application &1 found
434No deployed BRFplus function &1 found for BRFplus application &2
435Form &1 Scenario/Version changed due to Tax Period shift from &2 to &3
451***451-499*** reversed for BI extraction
452DataSource &1 of version &2 does not exist
453Form &1 does not support DataSource &2
454The DataSource &1 is not assigned to any ISR scenario
455There was an incomplete run on DataSource &1
456Incomplete run on DataSource &1 limited to form bundle type &2
457Delta on DataSource &1 was not initialized successfully
458Delta on DataSource &1 limited on FBTYP &2 was not initialized
459&2 form bundles that have a number ending with &1 are extracted
460&2 forms that have a number ending with &1 are extracted
461BI field name &1 is already assigned to the form view field &2
462Field name &1 is defined in extract structure but not in ISR Customizing
463Field name &1 defined in ISR &3 for field &2 but not in extract structure
464ISR scenario &1 does not exist in version &2
465Include name &1 must begin with CI_FPF_FORM_FIELDS or SI_FPF_FORM_FIELDS
466Characteristic &1 is not defined in ISR scenario/version &2/&3
467Definition of scenario &1 and extract structure &2 is consistent
468No activation; Use SE11 to check activation status for structure &1
469No DataSource is assigned to ISR scenario &1/version &2
470You cannot delete forms; BI extraction in mass processing is running
471Name of DataSource &1 should not begin with 0; see long text
472Enter the name for the extract structure to be generated
473Enter the name of the include for the fields to be generated
474Enter the name of the DataSource to be generated
475Function group &1 does not exist
476Include &1 has been created
477Structure &1 has been created
478Creation of include &1 has been reversed
479Creation of structure &1 has been reversed
480Enter the name of the function group for the extractor to be generated
481Structure &1 has no active version
482Extractor &1 has not been activated
483Extractor &1 already exists
484Fill in the name for the extractor to be generated
485Creation of extractor &1 has been reversed
486Creation of DataSource &1 in version D has been reversed
487Extractor &1 has been created in the function group &2
488DataSource &1 has been created in version D
489Use the same namespace for objects &1 and &2; see long text
490&1 activated with warnings.Check activation log for structure &1 (SE11)
491DDIC object &1 has been activated
492&1 has data type CURR or QUAN. Please specify a reference field.
493No type was defined for &1
494Reference field &1 is not defined in the include &2
495Length of the extract structure name &1 shall not greater than 26
496Specify at least one delta queue for update
497Form bundle &1 field &2 could not be converted.
500***501-549 reserved for Table Form
501Table &1: Put field &2 of type &3 as key field at position &4
502Change document object &1 does not exist
503Include table &1 into change document object &2
504Do not copy table &1 as intrnl table in chnge doc. obj. &2; s. long text
505Copy table &1 as internal table in chnge doc. obj.&2; s. long text
506Remove table &1 from change document object &2
507Web Dynpro component &1 does not exist or is inactive
508Web Dynpro component &1 does not implement interface &2
509Class &1 does not exist or is inactive
510Class &1 does not implement interface &2
511Entries created based on fields of table &1
512Program deleted fields that were not available in table &1
513Entries refreshed based on fields of table &1
514No DDIC object generated for table &1
515Generated DDIC object &1 is not compatible with table &2
516Table form &1 does not exist
517You are not allowed to maintain this key field
518Table form &1 is already assigned to form type &2
519A key field has to be set as a read only input field
550***551-599 reserved for return duplicate check
551Provide form bundle GUID or business partner number
552Provide form bundle GUID or form bundle number
553Form bundle not found for &1 &2 &3 &4
554Error occurs when updating member table for return ID &1
600***600-649 reserved for Migration from ABTYP to FBTYP
601Form bundle type &1 already exists
602Rev. type &1 contains form types of different form-based processes
603Form bundle type &1 is already assigned to revenue type &2
604In &3 no form bundle type is assigned to rev. type/fb process &1/&2
605Table form definition &1 &2 could not be found
606In &3 form bundle type &1 is already assigned to revenue type &2
607Report a customer message to SAP; error occurred when accessing view &1
608Specify validity of revenue type &1/form bundle type &2 relationship
609No migration of tax return &1; revenue type missing
610Tax returns processed sucessfully: &1
611Tax returns not processed successfully: &1
612Tax returns simulated: &1
613Program did not migrate any tax returns in this run
614Specify complete validity of rev. type-form bundle type relationship
615In &3 several form bundle type is assigned to rev. type/fb process &1/&2
616Form bundle &1 has already form bundle type &2 -> no migration ncecessary
617Table form definition &1 &2 is not valid anymore
618Scenario is not valid anymore for period &1 and ISR template &2
619Scenario is not valid anymore for key date &1 and ISR template &2
620Scenario is not valid anymore for ISR template &2
621Related scenario could not be found for scenario &1 and version &2
622Form bundle type &1 is not assigned to revenue type &2 for &3 &4
623The selected options are not allowed
624In &3 several revenue types are assigned to fb type &1/fb process &2
625Cannot find revenue type for inbound corresp. category &1 and period &2
626Form bundle type could not be derived in event P348 for &1 &2
627Cannot create tax return for taxpayer &1, period &2, form bundle type &3
628Tax return &1 created for taxpayer &2, period &3, and form bundle type &4
629Trying to create estimated tax return for period &1, revenue type &2
630Trying to fill container for correspondence type &1
631Correspondence container for &1 filled
650***650-700*** reserved for application log and archiving
651Form was added
652Cannot archive status &1
653Work item with status &1 exists
700No billing document data is specified
701Table FMCA_ESH_TRM_XML_DATA was generated
702No forms were found for the specified form bundle types
703Check for addition of generated structures to transport request failed
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