The following messages are stored in message class FMCCAVC_FPRL: Messages for FMCCAVC in PRL.
It is part of development package FMCCAVC_E in software component PSM-FA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Aktive Verf�gbarkeitskontrolle f�r Kassenbestand".
It is part of development package FMCCAVC_E in software component PSM-FA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Aktive Verf�gbarkeitskontrolle f�r Kassenbestand".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | **********************General handler for PRL*************************** |
001 | Finish payment proposal online run |
100 | ********************************Actions********************************* |
101 | Error in checking, go to warnings tabs to see the detail |
102 | Check process done |
103 | Error occurs during payment run, correct and try again |
104 | Check with job was already triggered, press refresh to follow-up |
105 | Job for document &1 &2 &3 is not finish yet, try later |
106 | Job still running for document &1 &2 &3 |
107 | Item &1 &2 &3 is not ready for payment, the item status is &4 |
108 | Job finished unexpectedly; execute the same function again |
109 | Error occurs during execution; check log for details |
110 | Error occurs in item with status "Reserved"; status of item reestablished |
111 | Check the warning tab to see errors raised |
112 | Either no item was selected or the items are not ready for payment |
113 | Job for item &1 &2 &3 &4 still running, unable to schedule next item |
114 | There are no lines for cash control in document &1 line &2 |
115 | Error occurred during the payment run for document &1 line &2 |
116 | Document &1 Item &2 was cancel due to overlapping try again later |
117 | Jobs still running, you cannot execute action &1 until jobs are finish |
118 | You cannot execute this operation on items with RESERVED amounts |
119 | The items you select are not valid for this operation |
120 | Item with document number &1 position &2 is excluded |
121 | Item with ID & has an inconsistency with its linked job & |
122 | Item with ID &1 is linked to document &2 and can't be processed. |
123 | Item with ID &1 job &2 has an internal error, check log. |
200 | ********************************Generics********************************* |
201 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
220 | ****************************** Data base ******************************** |
221 | Unexpected error when trying to update reservation table |
300 | ************************* Delete Cluster Report ************************ |
301 | Deletion success: &1 records deleted |
302 | No records deleted |
303 | Processing List ID: & |
304 | Locking List ID: & |
305 | Unlocking List ID: & |