The following messages are stored in message class FMCCAVC_FPRL: Messages for FMCCAVC in PRL.
It is part of development package FMCCAVC_E in software component PSM-FA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Aktive Verf�gbarkeitskontrolle f�r Kassenbestand".
Message Nr
Message Text
000**********************General handler for PRL***************************
001Finish payment proposal online run
101Error in checking, go to warnings tabs to see the detail
102Check process done
103Error occurs during payment run, correct and try again
104Check with job was already triggered, press refresh to follow-up
105Job for document &1 &2 &3 is not finish yet, try later
106Job still running for document &1 &2 &3
107Item &1 &2 &3 is not ready for payment, the item status is &4
108Job finished unexpectedly; execute the same function again
109Error occurs during execution; check log for details
110Error occurs in item with status "Reserved"; status of item reestablished
111Check the warning tab to see errors raised
112Either no item was selected or the items are not ready for payment
113Job for item &1 &2 &3 &4 still running, unable to schedule next item
114There are no lines for cash control in document &1 line &2
115Error occurred during the payment run for document &1 line &2
116Document &1 Item &2 was cancel due to overlapping try again later
117Jobs still running, you cannot execute action &1 until jobs are finish
118You cannot execute this operation on items with RESERVED amounts
119The items you select are not valid for this operation
120Item with document number &1 position &2 is excluded
121Item with ID & has an inconsistency with its linked job &
122Item with ID &1 is linked to document &2 and can't be processed.
123Item with ID &1 job &2 has an internal error, check log.
201&1 &2 &3 &4
220****************************** Data base ********************************
221Unexpected error when trying to update reservation table
300************************* Delete Cluster Report ************************
301Deletion success: &1 records deleted
302No records deleted
303Processing List ID: &
304Locking List ID: &
305Unlocking List ID: &
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