FMFG_BLCORE - Message class from BL core

The following messages are stored in message class FMFG_BLCORE: Message class from BL core.
It is part of development package FMFG_BLCORE_E in software component PSM-FM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Core of the Budgetary Ledger".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Account &1/&2 not classified for Budgetary Ledger
001Budget posting not allowed on account &1 according to BL classification
002Actuals posting not allowed on account &1 according to BL classification
003Only Budgetary Ledger posting allowed on account &1 (BL classification)
004Budgetary posting not allowed on acct &1 according to BL classification
005No account found for budget type &1
006Offset account not derived for Budgetary Ledger
007No account found for Budgetary Ledger (use Trace Function of Derivation)
008Budgetary Ledger account &1/&2 does not exist
009Too many document lines in the document due to Budgetary Ledger
010Budgetary Ledger does not support 2nd or 3rd local currency at the moment
011Lot &1: predecessor reference &2 &3 not found
012No correction posting required
013Transaction not relevant to Budgetary Ledger
014Requested function not valid for subtotal line
015Requested function not valid when more than one line selected
016Transaction has no Budgetary Ledger impact
017Budgetary Ledger postings are already correct
018FM document header not found for FMBELNR &1 in FM area &2
019Only change the period with one of the special periods between &1 and &2
020Select Budget Entries, Commit. Items, FM Actuals, and/or CO postings
021A Budgetary Ledger posting is required but none exists
022A Budgetary Ledger posting exists, but there should not be any
023A Budgetary Ledger posting exists but is not correct
024This is an expert tool. Use this program with caution
025All entries within lot &1 have zero amounts; this is bad FM data.
026No lot selected
027Payment doc/company code/fiscal year &1/&2/&3 not found in table BKPF
028Select either selection by FI document or selection by payment document
029Negative posting settings for BL do not fit settings of company code &1
030Budgetary Ledger used without Periodic Based Encumbrance Tracking
031Budgetary Ledger document not balanced
032Field &1 not marked as "zero balancing" in the ledger &2 split method
033The Budgetary Ledger does not support multi-period postings
034Document reference not passed to the Budgetary Ledger
035'Use Specific Date/Period' must be selected if new values simulated used
036Amount is too large to process.
098Errors exist in the Application Log
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