FMGL - Neues Hauptbuch f�r Public Sector

The following messages are stored in message class FMGL: Neues Hauptbuch f�r Public Sector.
It is part of development package FMGL_TOOLS in software component PSM-FA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Functions for the New General Ledger for Public Sector".
Message Nr
Message Text
007This function is only available if EA-PS is active
008Specify a complete interval
009Specify the periods in ascending order
010Create an active implementation for BAdI & first
020Customer fields not identical in tables FMGLFLEXT and PSGLFLEXT
021Only ledgers that use table FMGLFLEXT can be converted
030Checkbox for adjusting ledgers is not allowed to be selected
031Existing ledgers are not changed (see long text)
032It is not possible to reset ledgers to the GLF subapplication
101Processing procedure for item cat. &1 (&2 &3 &4) not processing cat. 0
102Period &1/&2 is not open for &3 &4
103You do not have authorization &1 to post in period &2/&3
104Enter account assignments is ascending order
105The field is not updated in general ledger table FMGLFLEXT
106The application can only be used with the active new gnrl ldgr accounting
107Constant &1: No field value assigned for document splitting charact. &2
201No account assignment object exists with zero balance
202Enter a value for the new account assignment
203Account &: Balance carryforward does not match asset value
204Balance crryfrwrd contains different values for acct asmnt &1 and acct &2
205Incorrect selection conditions
206Account assignment & is not an account assignment with zero balance
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