FM_LGD_ZAHLUNGSSICHT - Nachrichten f�r den Zahlungsbericht

The following messages are stored in message class FM_LGD_ZAHLUNGSSICHT: Nachrichten f�r den Zahlungsbericht.
It is part of development package FM_LGD_HEURISTIK in software component PSM-FM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Clearing Control".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
001List exited
002Selection was finished with & data records
003No selection parameters were entered
004No bank turnover for posting reference could be determined
005Both open items and cleared items exist for the posting reference
006Open items exist for the posting reference
007Cleared items exist for the posting reference
008No items exist for the posting reference
009No bank turnover exists
010Account statement & & does not exist
011No account statements exist
012Posting reference is posted on several customers
013Posting reference is posted on several vendors
014No posting reference was determined
015No payments exist
016There are no pending items
017Activity terminated
040No document was posted
041There is no account statement
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