FOPC_XI - Nachrichten f�r XI Meldungen

The following messages are stored in message class FOPC_XI: Nachrichten f�r XI Meldungen.
It is part of development package FOPC_XI in software component FIN-CGV-MIC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "MIC - XI".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Use of attributes &1, &2, &3, &4 is not supported
001Generation of InternalControlIssue unsuccessful
002Deletion of InternalControlIssue unsuccessful
003Changing of InternalControlIssue unsuccessful
004Validation of the remediation plan was not successful
005Document was not deleted
006Document was not generated
007Performing Internal Control Signoff unsuccessful
008The assessment was not changed
009Status was not changed
010The assessment was not successfully validated
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