FOX3 - Messages of FOX3
The following messages are stored in message class FOX3: Messages of FOX3.
It is part of development package FOX3 in software component CA-MDG-DRF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Framework for hierarchy explosion".
It is part of development package FOX3 in software component CA-MDG-DRF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Framework for hierarchy explosion".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Casting from &1 to &2 not possible |
001 | Object '&1' of type '&2' redefined |
002 | Explosion start: &1 '&2' &3 |
003 | Explostion finish: &1 '&2' &3 |
004 | Explosion: Level &1, object &2 '&4' '&3' |
005 | Total: &1 exploded |
006 | Inserted in cache '&1': &2 '&3' '&4' |
007 | &1 components in top object &2 '&3' '&4' |
008 | FOX controller &1: Number per object type |
009 | Create &1: &2 '&3' |
010 | &2 created, &3 found: &1 |
011 | &2 added, &3 referenced: &1 |
012 | &2 exploded: &1 |
013 | Initial object &1 '&2' has not been instantiated |
014 | Object not in cache: '&1' '&2' '&3' |
015 | Top object '&1' '&2' '&3' was not exploded |
016 | FOX Object Factory: Number per Object Type |
017 | FOX Cache &1: Number per Object Type |
018 | &1 '&2' '&3' is not a top object |
019 | Error while writing FOX data: ID &1 |
020 | Error while importing FOX data: ID &1 |
021 | Error while deleting FOX data: ID &1 |
022 | Unknown effectivity type |
023 | Do not enter exclusive and inclusive link types |
024 | Object &1 '&2' is not to be exploded |
025 | Object &1 '&2' is rejected |
026 | Unknown object type '&1' |
027 | Casting for class/interface &1 is not possible |
028 | Methods can only be called from the event handler |
029 | Object &1 '&2' does not exist |
030 | No object specified |
031 | Object data from &1 '&2' was deleted |
032 | Object data from &1 '&2' was read |
033 | No implementation available for object type '&1' |
034 | Object &1 '&2' is not valid |
035 | -&1 '&2' |
036 | Referenced as '&1' from |
037 | Referenced from |
038 | Referenced as '&1' |
039 | Delivered: &1 '&2' |
040 | Total of All Objects: &1 |
041 | Exploder &1: Structure ID &2 |
042 | Determine dependent objects from &1 '&2' |
043 | Internal error while mapping: Structure ID &1 |
044 | FOX: Implementation error |
045 | Total: Generated &1, found &2 |
046 | Total: Added &1, referenced &2 |
047 | Invalid reference: Structure ID &1, object ID &2 '&3' |
048 | Invalid structure ID: &1 |
049 | Unknown object ID: &1 |
050 | Error during import: Structure ID &1, object ID &2 '&3' |
051 | Indicator for saving: Structure ID &1 |
052 | Flag for deletion: Structure ID &1 |
053 | Saved: Structure ID &1 |
054 | Deleted: Structure ID &1 |
055 | Unknown object relationship: '&1' |
056 | Select a valid line |
057 | Incomplete storage data |
058 | Object &1 &2 was not found |
059 | No information exists for validity |
060 | No validity output possible |
061 | Object &1 &2 &3 not found |
062 | You must enter an object type |
063 | You must enter an object key |
064 | Error in the FOX analysis |
065 | Error initializing the FOX analysis |
066 | FOX: No authorization to explode |
067 | FOX: No authorization to create |
068 | FOX: No authorization to display |
069 | FOX: You do not have authorization to delete |
070 | FOX object factory &1: Anchor &2 added |
071 | Object cannot be diplayed |
072 | Changing the explosion parameters is not supported |
073 | The relationships are different |
074 | &1: &2 object relationships |
075 | Object relationship &1 |
076 | &1: &2 '&3' '&4' |
077 | &1: External key '&2' is not convertable |
078 | Top-level object &1 '&2' &3: &4 objects |
079 | Top-level object &1 '&2' &3: &4 object relationships |
080 | Total Object Relationships: &1 |
081 | Top-level object '&1' '&2' was not exploded |
082 | Deleted: &1 '&2' |
083 | &1: Internal key '&2' is not convertible |
084 | Technical type &1 cannot be converted to FOX object type &2 |
085 | Indicator for saving: Request &1, version &2 |
086 | Undo saving: Request &1, version &2 |
087 | Indicator for deletion: Request &1, version &2, scope '&3' |
088 | Undo deletion: Request &1, version &2 |
089 | Saved: Request &1, version &2 |
090 | Deleted: Request &1, version &2, scope '&3' |
091 | Request &1 version &2: No explosions to be saved |
092 | Request &1 not found |
093 | FOX: No authorization to change |
094 | Object not found |
095 | Request &1 already exists |
096 | Request &1, version &2: Saving terminated |
097 | Request &1, version &2: Deletion terminated |
098 | Request &1 version &2 has been deleted |
099 | Request &1 version &2 has been physically deleted |
100 | Request &1 version &2: No explosions to delete |
101 | Object &1 '&2' has been deleted |
102 | Statistics for FOX database interface: |
103 | In total &1 entries processed |
104 | &1 entries read |
105 | &1 entries inserted |
106 | &1 entries changed |
107 | &1 entries deleted |
108 | Database commit forced: |
109 | Database commit: |
110 | &1 database commit |
111 | Start of database LUW: Request &1 |
112 | End of database LUW: Request &1 |
113 | &1 entries read from table &2 |
114 | &1 entries inserted in table &2 |
115 | &1 entries in table &2 have been changed |
116 | &1 entries deleted from table &2 |
117 | Double key in table &1 |
118 | Error(s) while changing table &1 |
119 | Error(s) while deleting table &1 |
120 | Save: Structure ID &1 |
121 | Delete: Structure ID &1 |
122 | Read: Structure ID &1 |
123 | Was read: Structure ID &1 |
124 | Explosion not possible in mode '&1' |
130 | Incorrect table type &1 |
131 | Incorrect table name &1 |
140 | Deleted in cache: &1 '&2' '&3' |
141 | &1 explosion: &2 '&3' '&4' |
142 | Status '&1', not exploded = '&2', ignore unchanged obj. = '&3' |