FPDP_DOWN_PAYMENTS - Down Payments oder Down Payment Requests

The following messages are stored in message class FPDP_DOWN_PAYMENTS: Down Payments oder Down Payment Requests.
It is part of development package FIN_PDP in software component FI-AR-AR-DP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Down Payments for Purchase Orders".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Down payment category does not allow down payments or DP requests
002Items that allow a down payment/request per their down payment category
003Invoice is not available
004There are already down payments or down payment requests
005Value of down payment request is greater than item value
010At least one item must not equal 0 (zero)
011Posting without valid items is not possible
012Purchase order does not exist
013There are no down payment relevant items
014Item down payment amounts are not equal to total down payment amount
015DP to statistical item not possible. Distribute to other items
016A tax code must be defined for all posting-relevant items
017Enter a due date for all items <> 0
018Tax code must remain blank if jurisdiction code active
019Not all posting-relevant items contain a MWSKZ
020Transfer posting amounts are greater than the invoice amount
021The total of downpayments agreed in the PO has been exceeded
022No errors found
023Only enter amounts equal to zero or greater than zero
024Data transferred
025Currency has been changed, items are selected again
026There are no down payments in currency &1 present
027Cleared down payments already exist for invoice & & &
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