The following messages are stored in message class FPM_BOL: FPM BOL Adapter.
It is part of development package APB_FPM_BOL_CORE in software component CA-UI2-INT-BE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Bol Adaptation for FPM".
Message Nr
Message Text
020Name collision of object &1 attribute &2 with object &3 attribute &4
021Attribute name for object &1 attribute &2 with suffix &3 too long (>30)
022Suffix contains invalid characters
024Child elements for the selected node not yet loaded
030Fast entry mode is not possible for object &1
040Entity with key &1 not found for object &2
041Key &1 is not unique for object &2
100Create scenario cannot be supported for component &1 and query &2
101Delete scenario not possible: Object &1 does not support direct deletion
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