FPP - FPP: Nachrichtenklasse

The following messages are stored in message class FPP: FPP: Nachrichtenklasse.
It is part of development package FPPCO in software component ICM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Framework for Parallel Processing (FPP): Control".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error while writing application log
001No run data exists for &1. Start is terminated
002Missing data: &1
003No authorization to carry out framework for parallel processing (FPP)
004No external run identification exists
005System distributes jobs equally between existing servers
006No authorization for activity &1 of MID &2 and application &3
007No authorization for activity &1 from MID &2
008Server: &1, number of jobs: &2
009Function module call &1 returns errors
010Application log for &1 /&2 could not be created
011The number of intervals is zero
012Rewrite method &1
013No attributes have been defined for the BAdI for generating intervals
014Error while generating instance for object &1
015Level of parallel processing is set to 1
016Interval number &1 (exit 1300)
017Using external run identification &1
018Start of run &1 (time: &2)
019Restart number &1 of run &2
020fpp_sample: &1
021PPF error: Run could not be started
022PPF error: Restart could not be executed
023Run is being read (exit 1400): &1
024Interval &1, status &2, counter &3 (exit 1300)
025Error while assigning a field symbol
026Status of run is set to stopped
027Run data could not be added (program FPP_START)
028Details missing for application log (object/subobject)
029No authorization for activity &1 of authorization object &2
030Interval module &1 set no status
031Status is set to "complete" (interval processed without errors)
032Interval &1 cannot be processed again
033Status is set to "Cancelled, no restart"
034Error while calling authorization check method (parallel processing obj.)
035No module defined for "Checks before start".
036No module defined for "Activities after run"
037Interval status could not be read
038PID: &1, PPF identification &2,&3,&4
039&1 &2 &3 &4
040&1 is not authorized to use CL_FPP_SERVICES
041PFF error: No run identification exists
042Internal error in the interface
043Your time selection is in the past
044Status could not be set
045Error while instancing "application log"
050Open interval : &1
051Stopped intervals : &1
052Interrupted intervals : &1 (Restart possible)
053Interrupted intervals : &1 (No restart possible)
054Complete intervals : &1
055Intervals with status "In process" : &1
056Interval is currently being processed
057Interval was not yet processed
058Processing of interval was canceled
060Running exit &1
066Run status could not be determined
067Intervall status could not be determined
100No run found
101No application selected
102Run contains errors
103No run was created
104Choose a later time or choose the option "immediately..."
105No job has been started for this run
106Choose an interval distribution
200Run &1 was created
300Expert mode was switched on
301Expert mode was switched off
400No authorization for FPP transaction
401Do not allow any more mass activities
800Cannot add message to log; contact SAP
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