FS - Messages from Tax Routines / Prenumbered Checks

The following messages are stored in message class FS: Messages from Tax Routines / Prenumbered Checks.
It is part of development package FBAS in software component FI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Financial Accounting "Basis"".
Message Nr
Message Text
002Table T009 is defective
003Tax conversion -> Only use tax codes Ax or Vx
004Valid document type for barcode entry for document type & missing
005IOSS should be linked to an 'IM*' tax number.
006For OSS, use either 'EU*', 'IM*', or country-specific tax number field.
007VAT registration number is not OSS-relevant.
016Enter both tax amounts or let the system calculate it
050System error: Error with archive function
051System error: Error with kernel function
052System error: Error in the communication tables for archiving
053Document type & is not defined
054Error when entering the barcode
055System error: Error in the link table for archive administration
056System error: Error when transferring parameter &
057Link to original document was made
100In table &, the entry & & & is missing
102Posting key &1 must have account type "G/L Account Posting"
103Posting key &1 must have &2 as debit/credit indicator
104Tax tolerance can be activated only with "Recalculate Tax"
105G/L account &1 not found in company code &2
106It needs to be possible to make postings without tax to account &1
107CoCode &1, Ctry/Reg. &2, not registered for OSS (OBDM); please amend
108Error in tax payable posting - AC_DOCUMENT_GENERATE
109Error when testing tax payable posting - AC_DOCUMENT_CREATE
110For exch. rate type &1, exch. rate for crcy &2 is missing for date &3
201Tax code & for country/region & has been deleted or incorrectly changed
202No tax jurisdiction code was entered
203No taxes were determined for tax jurisdiction code &
204Either enter tax base or let the system calculate it
205Tax code with non-deductible, distributable amount not permitted
206Down pmnts with taxes are not permitted when processing with jur.code
210TAXPS cannot be determined in non-tax items
211Enter base amount or let the system calculate it
212Tax posting with record 0 (code &) not possible
213Has the tax code been set correctly?
214G/L account & requires a valid tax code
215Only output tax is allowed for account & &, & is not allowed
216Only input tax is allowed for account & &, & is not allowed
217No taxes on sales/purch.are allowed for account & &, & is not allowed
218G/L account & permits only tax code &; & is not permitted
219G/L account & is relevant for tax; please check tax code
2202 different tax rates were used
221Posting was made with the wrong tax amount (tax code = & )
222Tax code must be entered
223Tax code '+B', '-B' is forbidden for paid taxes
225Enter a valid tax code for down payments
226Rule & for base amount determination is not defined
227Tax code & only for company codes with sales taxes
228Tax code & is not maintained for sales taxes
229No VAT registration numbers are allowed for down payments/requests
232Entries with non-empty countries are obsolete
233C/R-Specific Tax Accts: Maintenance with View Cluster VC_T030K (SM34)
301Table & is blocked by another user
302Blocking is not possible at present
303System error: Error in blocking &
308System error: Error in routine & & & &
317System error: Error in blocking &
318System error: Error in unblocking &
319No authorization for maintaining table & (category &)
320No authorization for displaying table & (category &)
321No check which could be assigned to a document was found
324Table & is blocked by another user ( & )
325Data can only be displayed - blocked by another user ( & )
326Data can only be displayed - data is still being processed
327Data is already being processed within table &
424Changes for vendor & not yet confirmed
425Changes for customer & not yet confirmed
426Changes for vendor &1 in company code &2 not yet confirmed
427Changes for customer &1 in company code &2 not yet confirmed
500----- Entries 500-699 reserved for prenumbered checks -------------------
501Enter either house bank or bank key data
502Specify house bank and bank account key
503No bank number is defined for company code & (country/region &)
504Specify bank key as well as bank account number
505No house bank found for bank key &
506Bank account & not found
507Account & not created
508No check information found
509No check exists which meets the selection criteia
510Specify a currency key
511Company code & is not defined
512Document & does not exist in company code & year &
513Specify bank data
514House bank & not created
515No display authorization for company code &
516Check numbers require a numerical portion
517Check numbers cannot have different lengths
518Check numbers cannot have different prefixes
519Check numbers cannot have different suffixes
520Specify lower limit as smaller than upper limit
521Status is not in check lot
522Lower limit can only be changed if status is initial
523Deletion only possible if status is initial
524Specify a lot number greater than 0
525Lot & already exists
526Next lot & does not follow sequence
527Lot & is already in use
528Check numbers have been saved
529Check numbers have not been saved
530No changes made; saving not necessary
531PCEC transfer structure not completely filled
532Next lot & not found
533Preceeding lot to & not found
534Lot & is already being used as a next lot
535Lot & and lot & overlap
536Check number maintenance currently blocked by user &
537Check number & does not belong to the bank account specified
538Check number & is not contained in any lot
539Void reason code is not allowed
540Check numbers are not in the same lot
541The next free number in lot & is &
542Inconsistency: Check number & has already been allocated
543Specify a company code
544Specify a house bank
545Specify a set of account data
546Specify a lot number for the production run
547Lot & not found
548Lot & is full and does not have a next lot
549Processing terminated
550Check number status at beginning of processing: &
551Document & & & already exists in the check file
552Fatal error: Check number & & & & already exists in the check file
553Checks & to & have been voided
554Validate check interval to be renumbered
555Checks & and & are not in connected lots
556Payment transfer medium file currently blocked by user &
557Renumbered from &-& to &-&
558Specify new lower limit as larger than previous lower limit
559Upper limit & and number status & do not correspond
560New check number range is not in a lot
561Select either proposal run or restart or reprint
562Restart number is not in the check file or is not a From-number
563Check number does not belong to this payment run
564Document & & & does not yet exist in the check file
565Document & & & is not a payment document
566No customer/vendor line item found in the document
567Complete check information before saving
568Check & & & & created manually
569Use payment method for checks
570Sample printouts make renumbering necessary at a later date
571Restart check is form closing; nothing is being selected
572Specify complete set of selection data
573No check information found
574Check lot is missing for check & & & &
575Last check & and number status & are not the same
576The checks of the payment run are not in connected lots
577A valid check lot number was not specified
578Check numbers were corrected
579Check information & successfully deleted
580Only unused checks voided manually can be deleted
581Only checks created manually can be deleted
582Check encashment date is not after the date of issue
583Check & & & & successfully saved
584Cashed checks cannot be processed
585Voided checks cannot be processed
586Specified payment document does not exist; correct
587Enter valid payment document
588Print job was generated
589No payee could be determined; check document
590Editing was terminated
591Check data and specify void reason code
592Reprinting of checks was not successful
593Check & voided, reprinted on check &
594No authorization for maintaining check numbers in company code &
595No authorization for changing number statuses in company code &
596No authorization for maintaining in company code &
597No authorization for deleting check info in company code &
598Document & & & is not a clearing document
599Error when reversing check payment UPDATE PAYR &
600Void reason code is not needed
601Document & & is not purely a clearing entry
602Payment for check & was cancelled, reverse document &
603Reversal of check payment is possible
604Check the remaining amount
605Amount was already paid in full
606Checks created manually cannot be edited
607No check lots found for the specified bank account
608Check & voided, payment document not reversed
609No authorization for voiding issued checks
610Enter payment run date and ID
611Specify extract date and extract time
612Maximum of one selection possible
613Bank acct number not maintained as acct at the house bank
614File & could not be opened
615Report &: No processing for proposal run
616& check(s) were selected for changing
617Bank number could not be read
618Payment summary only possible with update
619No accounts found for given selection
620Check register was issued in the spool file
621& checks were written in the file &
622Payment document & & & has been reversed
623Make a selection
624Data from & check(s) was cancelled
625No voided checks area possible
626First and second check match
627Check info for & and & reallocated
628Check & blocked by user &
629No checks were entered
630Maximum number of users reached
631Online cashed checks function currently blocked by user &
632Checks from Payroll cannot be processed
633No payment method was created for checks in country/region &
634No authorization for releasing check numbers in company code &
635Only completely archived check lots can be released again
636Completely archived check lots cannot be processed
637No authorization for checks from Payroll Accounting (&)
638No mixed processing of FI and HR checks possible
639No authorization for automatic or online cashed checks
640No information found on the settlement result
641Check the entered check number &
642Use the transaction for resetting check payments
643These checks were not reprinted
644Information about reprinting was reset
645Enter the voided checks
646Payment document & & is reversed for check &; see long text
647Test printouts cannot be made when reprinting a check
648Non-sequential lots that are already used cannot be split
649The check information already exists in check management
650Next lot & does not exist, must be created first
651Next lot & must be a sequential lot
652Non-sequential lots cannot be comprised of a next lot
653The non-sequential check lot & cannot be used
654Check lot & & & is not sequential
655Check lot & is not sequential for the valid banks
656Program is not designed for printing checks online
657Current number level of lot & is correct
658Cannot check the current number level of archived check lots
659Current number level of lot & is too high
660Checks from lot & were found, current number level corrected
661There were no checks found in lot &, current number level reset
662Current number level of lot & was too small and was corrected
663Lot & is a subsequent lot for lot &
664Check the format of the check numbers
665Payment method &1 is not permitted for lot &2
666Do not enter payment methods when using non-sequential lots
667Could not find any cleared items for document & & &
668Clearing contains document & & & produced by the euro conversion
669No void reason code found for 'Zero net checks'
670Document & & & already exists in the check file
671Specify check lot
672Void check & manually (transaction FCH9)
673Next lot & contains printed checks
674Value date is not after issue date
675You cannot print the manually created check &1 &2 &3
676Checks currently locked by user &1
677Payment method has changed; check alternative form
678Payment is skipped due to insufficient authorization
679Display not possible due to protection of personal data
680Some items are not displayed due to protection of personal data
681Error while reading ILM Customizing settings
682Check cannot be processed
683Additional authorization check is activated in Check Management
684Additional authorization check is deactivated in Check Management
685Check number &1 does not originate from check lot &2
688Check & to check & already exist in the check repository
700 Entries 700-800 reserved for tax maintenance
701Enter a valid country/region key
702Tax code & already exists
703These taxes are already being maintained by another user
704Country/Region & has not been created
706Specify G/L account
707Enter a tax code
708G/L account & is not defined in chart of accounts &
709Tax code & is not defined for country/region &
710Tax code & is not defined in the procedure &
711Chart of accounts entered & does not exist
712Only tax types 'V' and 'A' are permitted
713No entry made; saving not necessary
714Acct key & not correctly maintained for chart of accts &
715Following tax codes are not allowed: **,-,+,<,>,+B,-B
716G/L account & in tax code & not found
720Error when adding the tax code (Code = &)
721Deletion of tax code & not possible
722Tax code & does not yet exist
730No authorization for maintaining a tax code
731No authorization for displaying a tax code
732No authorization for deleting the tax code
735Foreign customer is subject to tax according to code; check
750Tax code & was changed
751Tax code & has been deleted
752System error: Error in blocking &
753Accounts do not exist
754Tax type used does not require any accounts
755Tax code & was created
756Internal error when changing table: & & &
757EU indicator correctly set for output tax ?
758Calculation procedure is not specified in country/region &
759Internal error during table change: & & & &
760Jurisdiction code for procedure & may not be more than & places long
761Jurisdiction code for procedure & should be & characters long
762Enter tax jurisdiction code
763Jurisdiction code & is not defined
764Only use this function for taxes with jurisdiction code
765Tax code & cannot be maintained using this function
766Tax code & cannot be displayed using this function
767Tax jurisdiction code entries are inconsistent
768For tax code &, entries for tax jurisdiction code & were deleted
769Specify a chart of accounts
770Code & not created in selected jurisdictions
771Tax code & is already created in country/region &
772Position cursor on a jurisdiction
773Tax type & not yet maintained in jurisdiction &
774Position cursor on a tax type
775Only tax types for jurisdiction & can be deactivated
776Tax type & deactivated
777Tax type & is not active
778No changes have been made
779Tax code & jurisdiction & was deleted
780Define the tax code on level &
781Tax code & is still used in country/region &
782Tax code & is still used in country/region & jurisdiction &
783Target tax code & is not defined in procedure &
784Specify target tax code different to tax code
785Structure of jurisdiction in procedure & is not defined
786Calculation procedure has not been specified
787No access sequence defined for condition type &
788Transporting of tax codes was terminated
789Calculation procedure not maintained correctly for level &
790Tax jurisdiction & has defective structure
791Tax jurisdiction & has incorrect length
792Target tax code &1 is not activated; correct the error
793OSS tax country/region &1 does not exist; adjustment required &2
794OSS tax country/region &1 is not an EU country; adjustment required &2
795OSS tax country/region &1 cannot be used with deferred tax; &2 &3
796OSS tax C/R &1: only output tax permitted; adjustment required &2 &3
797OSS tax C/R &1: Specify without EU code &2; adjustment required &3
798Target tax code &1 must not have an OSS reporting C/R &2; adjust &3
799OSS is not permitted for tax jurisdiction country/region: &1 &2
800OSS tax codes for down payments are not permitted: &1 &2
801Tax code & defined for sales taxes
802OSS tax code with cash discount is not permitted: &1 &2
803Company code &1 does not exist; adjustment required
804Registration Ctry/Reg. &1 must be an EU Ctry/Reg.; adjustment required
805Validity of registration &1 is incorrect.
806Valid-to date of regist. &1 must be start of quarter; adjustment required
807Valid-to date &2 must be after valid-from date &1; adjustment required
808Valid-to date of registr. &1 must be end of quarter; adjustment required
809OSS tax code is not permitted: &1 &2
810Tax on sales/purchases group &1 does not exist; adjustment required
811When sls/pur. tax grp &1 used, only use leading CoCde &2 for registration
812CoCde &1 is leading CoCde for sls/pur. tax grp &2; use sls/pur. tax grp?
813Company code &1 is not set up for OSS
814OSS tax code &1 is not permitted in company code &2
815Multiple customers in OSS document not permitted: &1 &2
816Registration from &1 until &2 already exists; check your entries
817Registr. for Ctry/Reg. &1 not permitted because already registered for &2
818Company code &1 already registered as plant for &2 &3 &4
819Ctry/Reg. of customer item is not same as OSS Ctry/Reg.: &1 &2 &3 &4
820Posting for OSS not permitted; nec. Customizing settings are missing: &1
821Vendor postings with tax code for OSS are not permitted: &1 &2
822CoCode &1 for tax grp &2 already registered from &3 until &4; adjust
823Specify plant for OSS tax code &1 in company code &2
824Incorrect plant for OSS tax code &1 in company code &2
825Incorrect plant for OSS tax code &1 in company code &2
826Indic. for actual tax entity w/o tax on sls/pur. grp; adjustment required
827Only use tax on sales/purch. group &1 in cocode C/R &2. Correct this
828Registration Ctry/Reg. &1 is incorrect; use company code Ctry/Reg. &2
829UIN no. &1 is not the same as UIN of company code &2; adjustment required
830UIN no. &1 is not same as UIN for plant abroad &2; adjustment required
831Do not use EU tax no. &1 because plans abroad exist
832Format of EU UIN &1, points 3-5, must be ISO code of country/region &2
833Format EU UIN &1, point 6-11, must be numeric; adjustment required
834Format EU UIN &1: length is only 11 chars; adjustment required
835Currency &1 is no longer valid as of &2; adjustment required
836Currency &1 does not exist; adjustment required
837Specify OSS tax Ctry/Reg. &1 without regist. C/R (WIA) &2; adjust &3
838Tax on sls/pur. tax grp / EU registration do not require a plant
839Plant Ctry/Reg. &1 must be different from registration Ctry/Reg. &2
840Plant Ctry/Reg. &1 must be a Ctry/Reg. in the EU; adjustment required
841Specify plant for OSS tax code &1 in company code &2
842UIN no. &2 is not same as UIN &3 of comp. code &1; adjustment required
843Valid-from date of plant &1 is after registration date &2; adjust
844Valid-to date of plant &1 is after registration end date &2; adjust
845Company code &1 is registered company code &2; adjustment required
846Valid-to date of plant &2 must fall after valid-from date &1; adjust
847Company code &1 is already registered as &2 &3 &4; adjustment required
848Plant Ctry/Reg. &1 already exists from &2 through &3; adjustment required
849Tax code &1 is not OSS-relevant.
850*** Entries 850-859 reserved for F80T function group ***
851No tax calculation procedure exists in the Ctry/Reg. table for C/R &
852Calculation procedure & does not use any tax jurisdiction codes
853External tax system has returned inconsistent total tax amount
860*** Entries 860-879 reserved for FYTX function group ***
861Error in external tax system: &
862Function is not known in the external tax system (&)
863System error in the external tax system (&)
864Communication error with the external tax system (&)
865Error when defining the RFC buffer (TAX_DATA_EXCHANGE_ON_RFC function)
866Function module & does not exist; create
867External tax interface: RC = &
868Error in external tax package, RC = &
869Address data incomplete for &
870Internal error when determining tax amounts
871Error when determining jurisdiction: & &
872Error when determining taxes: & &
873Calculation procedure & and tax key & not in table T007A
874Tax key & not allowed. See table T007A
875Error when inserting in audit/register, file index TTXU
876You cannot select this line
878Internal error occurred
879Select a valid function
880Error when inserting in audit/register, index file TTXI
881Error when inserting in audit/register, tax file TTXY
882Address data incomplete for 'Ship from'
883Address data incomplete for 'Ship to'
884Reversal not possible - external tax information not found
885Posting in foreign currencies not recommended in US ext. tax solution
886Error occured when assigning document number of external tax interface
887Error tax interface when creating external tax document
888External system returned different number of items: Input &1 <> Output &2
889Ext. system returned different number of levels to expected number: &1 &2
890Tax event & has not been assigned an RFC function to for ext. system
891Error when inserting in table &
892Online update of the tax system not supported for API version &
893Updating the external tax system is currently not active
894Only manage balances in local curr. for G/L account & in company code &
895The combination [Item &, TaxCode &, JurCode &, JurLevel &] is not unique
896Select & as the interface version for the external tax system
897Item &2 was returned by external system but not sent: &1
898No long material number &1 in external tax calculation
899& & & &
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