FS - Messages from Tax Routines / Prenumbered Checks
The following messages are stored in message class FS: Messages from Tax Routines / Prenumbered Checks.
It is part of development package FBAS in software component FI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Financial Accounting "Basis"".
It is part of development package FBAS in software component FI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Financial Accounting "Basis"".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
002 | Table T009 is defective |
003 | Tax conversion -> Only use tax codes Ax or Vx |
004 | Valid document type for barcode entry for document type & missing |
005 | IOSS should be linked to an 'IM*' tax number. |
006 | For OSS, use either 'EU*', 'IM*', or country-specific tax number field. |
007 | VAT registration number is not OSS-relevant. |
016 | Enter both tax amounts or let the system calculate it |
050 | System error: Error with archive function |
051 | System error: Error with kernel function |
052 | System error: Error in the communication tables for archiving |
053 | Document type & is not defined |
054 | Error when entering the barcode |
055 | System error: Error in the link table for archive administration |
056 | System error: Error when transferring parameter & |
057 | Link to original document was made |
100 | In table &, the entry & & & is missing |
102 | Posting key &1 must have account type "G/L Account Posting" |
103 | Posting key &1 must have &2 as debit/credit indicator |
104 | Tax tolerance can be activated only with "Recalculate Tax" |
105 | G/L account &1 not found in company code &2 |
106 | It needs to be possible to make postings without tax to account &1 |
107 | CoCode &1, Ctry/Reg. &2, not registered for OSS (OBDM); please amend |
108 | Error in tax payable posting - AC_DOCUMENT_GENERATE |
109 | Error when testing tax payable posting - AC_DOCUMENT_CREATE |
110 | For exch. rate type &1, exch. rate for crcy &2 is missing for date &3 |
201 | Tax code & for country/region & has been deleted or incorrectly changed |
202 | No tax jurisdiction code was entered |
203 | No taxes were determined for tax jurisdiction code & |
204 | Either enter tax base or let the system calculate it |
205 | Tax code with non-deductible, distributable amount not permitted |
206 | Down pmnts with taxes are not permitted when processing with jur.code |
210 | TAXPS cannot be determined in non-tax items |
211 | Enter base amount or let the system calculate it |
212 | Tax posting with record 0 (code &) not possible |
213 | Has the tax code been set correctly? |
214 | G/L account & requires a valid tax code |
215 | Only output tax is allowed for account & &, & is not allowed |
216 | Only input tax is allowed for account & &, & is not allowed |
217 | No taxes on sales/purch.are allowed for account & &, & is not allowed |
218 | G/L account & permits only tax code &; & is not permitted |
219 | G/L account & is relevant for tax; please check tax code |
220 | 2 different tax rates were used |
221 | Posting was made with the wrong tax amount (tax code = & ) |
222 | Tax code must be entered |
223 | Tax code '+B', '-B' is forbidden for paid taxes |
225 | Enter a valid tax code for down payments |
226 | Rule & for base amount determination is not defined |
227 | Tax code & only for company codes with sales taxes |
228 | Tax code & is not maintained for sales taxes |
229 | No VAT registration numbers are allowed for down payments/requests |
232 | Entries with non-empty countries are obsolete |
233 | C/R-Specific Tax Accts: Maintenance with View Cluster VC_T030K (SM34) |
301 | Table & is blocked by another user |
302 | Blocking is not possible at present |
303 | System error: Error in blocking & |
308 | System error: Error in routine & & & & |
317 | System error: Error in blocking & |
318 | System error: Error in unblocking & |
319 | No authorization for maintaining table & (category &) |
320 | No authorization for displaying table & (category &) |
321 | No check which could be assigned to a document was found |
324 | Table & is blocked by another user ( & ) |
325 | Data can only be displayed - blocked by another user ( & ) |
326 | Data can only be displayed - data is still being processed |
327 | Data is already being processed within table & |
424 | Changes for vendor & not yet confirmed |
425 | Changes for customer & not yet confirmed |
426 | Changes for vendor &1 in company code &2 not yet confirmed |
427 | Changes for customer &1 in company code &2 not yet confirmed |
500 | ----- Entries 500-699 reserved for prenumbered checks ------------------- |
501 | Enter either house bank or bank key data |
502 | Specify house bank and bank account key |
503 | No bank number is defined for company code & (country/region &) |
504 | Specify bank key as well as bank account number |
505 | No house bank found for bank key & |
506 | Bank account & not found |
507 | Account & not created |
508 | No check information found |
509 | No check exists which meets the selection criteia |
510 | Specify a currency key |
511 | Company code & is not defined |
512 | Document & does not exist in company code & year & |
513 | Specify bank data |
514 | House bank & not created |
515 | No display authorization for company code & |
516 | Check numbers require a numerical portion |
517 | Check numbers cannot have different lengths |
518 | Check numbers cannot have different prefixes |
519 | Check numbers cannot have different suffixes |
520 | Specify lower limit as smaller than upper limit |
521 | Status is not in check lot |
522 | Lower limit can only be changed if status is initial |
523 | Deletion only possible if status is initial |
524 | Specify a lot number greater than 0 |
525 | Lot & already exists |
526 | Next lot & does not follow sequence |
527 | Lot & is already in use |
528 | Check numbers have been saved |
529 | Check numbers have not been saved |
530 | No changes made; saving not necessary |
531 | PCEC transfer structure not completely filled |
532 | Next lot & not found |
533 | Preceeding lot to & not found |
534 | Lot & is already being used as a next lot |
535 | Lot & and lot & overlap |
536 | Check number maintenance currently blocked by user & |
537 | Check number & does not belong to the bank account specified |
538 | Check number & is not contained in any lot |
539 | Void reason code is not allowed |
540 | Check numbers are not in the same lot |
541 | The next free number in lot & is & |
542 | Inconsistency: Check number & has already been allocated |
543 | Specify a company code |
544 | Specify a house bank |
545 | Specify a set of account data |
546 | Specify a lot number for the production run |
547 | Lot & not found |
548 | Lot & is full and does not have a next lot |
549 | Processing terminated |
550 | Check number status at beginning of processing: & |
551 | Document & & & already exists in the check file |
552 | Fatal error: Check number & & & & already exists in the check file |
553 | Checks & to & have been voided |
554 | Validate check interval to be renumbered |
555 | Checks & and & are not in connected lots |
556 | Payment transfer medium file currently blocked by user & |
557 | Renumbered from &-& to &-& |
558 | Specify new lower limit as larger than previous lower limit |
559 | Upper limit & and number status & do not correspond |
560 | New check number range is not in a lot |
561 | Select either proposal run or restart or reprint |
562 | Restart number is not in the check file or is not a From-number |
563 | Check number does not belong to this payment run |
564 | Document & & & does not yet exist in the check file |
565 | Document & & & is not a payment document |
566 | No customer/vendor line item found in the document |
567 | Complete check information before saving |
568 | Check & & & & created manually |
569 | Use payment method for checks |
570 | Sample printouts make renumbering necessary at a later date |
571 | Restart check is form closing; nothing is being selected |
572 | Specify complete set of selection data |
573 | No check information found |
574 | Check lot is missing for check & & & & |
575 | Last check & and number status & are not the same |
576 | The checks of the payment run are not in connected lots |
577 | A valid check lot number was not specified |
578 | Check numbers were corrected |
579 | Check information & successfully deleted |
580 | Only unused checks voided manually can be deleted |
581 | Only checks created manually can be deleted |
582 | Check encashment date is not after the date of issue |
583 | Check & & & & successfully saved |
584 | Cashed checks cannot be processed |
585 | Voided checks cannot be processed |
586 | Specified payment document does not exist; correct |
587 | Enter valid payment document |
588 | Print job was generated |
589 | No payee could be determined; check document |
590 | Editing was terminated |
591 | Check data and specify void reason code |
592 | Reprinting of checks was not successful |
593 | Check & voided, reprinted on check & |
594 | No authorization for maintaining check numbers in company code & |
595 | No authorization for changing number statuses in company code & |
596 | No authorization for maintaining in company code & |
597 | No authorization for deleting check info in company code & |
598 | Document & & & is not a clearing document |
599 | Error when reversing check payment UPDATE PAYR & |
600 | Void reason code is not needed |
601 | Document & & is not purely a clearing entry |
602 | Payment for check & was cancelled, reverse document & |
603 | Reversal of check payment is possible |
604 | Check the remaining amount |
605 | Amount was already paid in full |
606 | Checks created manually cannot be edited |
607 | No check lots found for the specified bank account |
608 | Check & voided, payment document not reversed |
609 | No authorization for voiding issued checks |
610 | Enter payment run date and ID |
611 | Specify extract date and extract time |
612 | Maximum of one selection possible |
613 | Bank acct number not maintained as acct at the house bank |
614 | File & could not be opened |
615 | Report &: No processing for proposal run |
616 | & check(s) were selected for changing |
617 | Bank number could not be read |
618 | Payment summary only possible with update |
619 | No accounts found for given selection |
620 | Check register was issued in the spool file |
621 | & checks were written in the file & |
622 | Payment document & & & has been reversed |
623 | Make a selection |
624 | Data from & check(s) was cancelled |
625 | No voided checks area possible |
626 | First and second check match |
627 | Check info for & and & reallocated |
628 | Check & blocked by user & |
629 | No checks were entered |
630 | Maximum number of users reached |
631 | Online cashed checks function currently blocked by user & |
632 | Checks from Payroll cannot be processed |
633 | No payment method was created for checks in country/region & |
634 | No authorization for releasing check numbers in company code & |
635 | Only completely archived check lots can be released again |
636 | Completely archived check lots cannot be processed |
637 | No authorization for checks from Payroll Accounting (&) |
638 | No mixed processing of FI and HR checks possible |
639 | No authorization for automatic or online cashed checks |
640 | No information found on the settlement result |
641 | Check the entered check number & |
642 | Use the transaction for resetting check payments |
643 | These checks were not reprinted |
644 | Information about reprinting was reset |
645 | Enter the voided checks |
646 | Payment document & & is reversed for check &; see long text |
647 | Test printouts cannot be made when reprinting a check |
648 | Non-sequential lots that are already used cannot be split |
649 | The check information already exists in check management |
650 | Next lot & does not exist, must be created first |
651 | Next lot & must be a sequential lot |
652 | Non-sequential lots cannot be comprised of a next lot |
653 | The non-sequential check lot & cannot be used |
654 | Check lot & & & is not sequential |
655 | Check lot & is not sequential for the valid banks |
656 | Program is not designed for printing checks online |
657 | Current number level of lot & is correct |
658 | Cannot check the current number level of archived check lots |
659 | Current number level of lot & is too high |
660 | Checks from lot & were found, current number level corrected |
661 | There were no checks found in lot &, current number level reset |
662 | Current number level of lot & was too small and was corrected |
663 | Lot & is a subsequent lot for lot & |
664 | Check the format of the check numbers |
665 | Payment method &1 is not permitted for lot &2 |
666 | Do not enter payment methods when using non-sequential lots |
667 | Could not find any cleared items for document & & & |
668 | Clearing contains document & & & produced by the euro conversion |
669 | No void reason code found for 'Zero net checks' |
670 | Document & & & already exists in the check file |
671 | Specify check lot |
672 | Void check & manually (transaction FCH9) |
673 | Next lot & contains printed checks |
674 | Value date is not after issue date |
675 | You cannot print the manually created check &1 &2 &3 |
676 | Checks currently locked by user &1 |
677 | Payment method has changed; check alternative form |
678 | Payment is skipped due to insufficient authorization |
679 | Display not possible due to protection of personal data |
680 | Some items are not displayed due to protection of personal data |
681 | Error while reading ILM Customizing settings |
682 | Check cannot be processed |
683 | Additional authorization check is activated in Check Management |
684 | Additional authorization check is deactivated in Check Management |
685 | Check number &1 does not originate from check lot &2 |
688 | Check & to check & already exist in the check repository |
700 | Entries 700-800 reserved for tax maintenance |
701 | Enter a valid country/region key |
702 | Tax code & already exists |
703 | These taxes are already being maintained by another user |
704 | Country/Region & has not been created |
706 | Specify G/L account |
707 | Enter a tax code |
708 | G/L account & is not defined in chart of accounts & |
709 | Tax code & is not defined for country/region & |
710 | Tax code & is not defined in the procedure & |
711 | Chart of accounts entered & does not exist |
712 | Only tax types 'V' and 'A' are permitted |
713 | No entry made; saving not necessary |
714 | Acct key & not correctly maintained for chart of accts & |
715 | Following tax codes are not allowed: **,-,+,<,>,+B,-B |
716 | G/L account & in tax code & not found |
720 | Error when adding the tax code (Code = &) |
721 | Deletion of tax code & not possible |
722 | Tax code & does not yet exist |
730 | No authorization for maintaining a tax code |
731 | No authorization for displaying a tax code |
732 | No authorization for deleting the tax code |
735 | Foreign customer is subject to tax according to code; check |
750 | Tax code & was changed |
751 | Tax code & has been deleted |
752 | System error: Error in blocking & |
753 | Accounts do not exist |
754 | Tax type used does not require any accounts |
755 | Tax code & was created |
756 | Internal error when changing table: & & & |
757 | EU indicator correctly set for output tax ? |
758 | Calculation procedure is not specified in country/region & |
759 | Internal error during table change: & & & & |
760 | Jurisdiction code for procedure & may not be more than & places long |
761 | Jurisdiction code for procedure & should be & characters long |
762 | Enter tax jurisdiction code |
763 | Jurisdiction code & is not defined |
764 | Only use this function for taxes with jurisdiction code |
765 | Tax code & cannot be maintained using this function |
766 | Tax code & cannot be displayed using this function |
767 | Tax jurisdiction code entries are inconsistent |
768 | For tax code &, entries for tax jurisdiction code & were deleted |
769 | Specify a chart of accounts |
770 | Code & not created in selected jurisdictions |
771 | Tax code & is already created in country/region & |
772 | Position cursor on a jurisdiction |
773 | Tax type & not yet maintained in jurisdiction & |
774 | Position cursor on a tax type |
775 | Only tax types for jurisdiction & can be deactivated |
776 | Tax type & deactivated |
777 | Tax type & is not active |
778 | No changes have been made |
779 | Tax code & jurisdiction & was deleted |
780 | Define the tax code on level & |
781 | Tax code & is still used in country/region & |
782 | Tax code & is still used in country/region & jurisdiction & |
783 | Target tax code & is not defined in procedure & |
784 | Specify target tax code different to tax code |
785 | Structure of jurisdiction in procedure & is not defined |
786 | Calculation procedure has not been specified |
787 | No access sequence defined for condition type & |
788 | Transporting of tax codes was terminated |
789 | Calculation procedure not maintained correctly for level & |
790 | Tax jurisdiction & has defective structure |
791 | Tax jurisdiction & has incorrect length |
792 | Target tax code &1 is not activated; correct the error |
793 | OSS tax country/region &1 does not exist; adjustment required &2 |
794 | OSS tax country/region &1 is not an EU country; adjustment required &2 |
795 | OSS tax country/region &1 cannot be used with deferred tax; &2 &3 |
796 | OSS tax C/R &1: only output tax permitted; adjustment required &2 &3 |
797 | OSS tax C/R &1: Specify without EU code &2; adjustment required &3 |
798 | Target tax code &1 must not have an OSS reporting C/R &2; adjust &3 |
799 | OSS is not permitted for tax jurisdiction country/region: &1 &2 |
800 | OSS tax codes for down payments are not permitted: &1 &2 |
801 | Tax code & defined for sales taxes |
802 | OSS tax code with cash discount is not permitted: &1 &2 |
803 | Company code &1 does not exist; adjustment required |
804 | Registration Ctry/Reg. &1 must be an EU Ctry/Reg.; adjustment required |
805 | Validity of registration &1 is incorrect. |
806 | Valid-to date of regist. &1 must be start of quarter; adjustment required |
807 | Valid-to date &2 must be after valid-from date &1; adjustment required |
808 | Valid-to date of registr. &1 must be end of quarter; adjustment required |
809 | OSS tax code is not permitted: &1 &2 |
810 | Tax on sales/purchases group &1 does not exist; adjustment required |
811 | When sls/pur. tax grp &1 used, only use leading CoCde &2 for registration |
812 | CoCde &1 is leading CoCde for sls/pur. tax grp &2; use sls/pur. tax grp? |
813 | Company code &1 is not set up for OSS |
814 | OSS tax code &1 is not permitted in company code &2 |
815 | Multiple customers in OSS document not permitted: &1 &2 |
816 | Registration from &1 until &2 already exists; check your entries |
817 | Registr. for Ctry/Reg. &1 not permitted because already registered for &2 |
818 | Company code &1 already registered as plant for &2 &3 &4 |
819 | Ctry/Reg. of customer item is not same as OSS Ctry/Reg.: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
820 | Posting for OSS not permitted; nec. Customizing settings are missing: &1 |
821 | Vendor postings with tax code for OSS are not permitted: &1 &2 |
822 | CoCode &1 for tax grp &2 already registered from &3 until &4; adjust |
823 | Specify plant for OSS tax code &1 in company code &2 |
824 | Incorrect plant for OSS tax code &1 in company code &2 |
825 | Incorrect plant for OSS tax code &1 in company code &2 |
826 | Indic. for actual tax entity w/o tax on sls/pur. grp; adjustment required |
827 | Only use tax on sales/purch. group &1 in cocode C/R &2. Correct this |
828 | Registration Ctry/Reg. &1 is incorrect; use company code Ctry/Reg. &2 |
829 | UIN no. &1 is not the same as UIN of company code &2; adjustment required |
830 | UIN no. &1 is not same as UIN for plant abroad &2; adjustment required |
831 | Do not use EU tax no. &1 because plans abroad exist |
832 | Format of EU UIN &1, points 3-5, must be ISO code of country/region &2 |
833 | Format EU UIN &1, point 6-11, must be numeric; adjustment required |
834 | Format EU UIN &1: length is only 11 chars; adjustment required |
835 | Currency &1 is no longer valid as of &2; adjustment required |
836 | Currency &1 does not exist; adjustment required |
837 | Specify OSS tax Ctry/Reg. &1 without regist. C/R (WIA) &2; adjust &3 |
838 | Tax on sls/pur. tax grp / EU registration do not require a plant |
839 | Plant Ctry/Reg. &1 must be different from registration Ctry/Reg. &2 |
840 | Plant Ctry/Reg. &1 must be a Ctry/Reg. in the EU; adjustment required |
841 | Specify plant for OSS tax code &1 in company code &2 |
842 | UIN no. &2 is not same as UIN &3 of comp. code &1; adjustment required |
843 | Valid-from date of plant &1 is after registration date &2; adjust |
844 | Valid-to date of plant &1 is after registration end date &2; adjust |
845 | Company code &1 is registered company code &2; adjustment required |
846 | Valid-to date of plant &2 must fall after valid-from date &1; adjust |
847 | Company code &1 is already registered as &2 &3 &4; adjustment required |
848 | Plant Ctry/Reg. &1 already exists from &2 through &3; adjustment required |
849 | Tax code &1 is not OSS-relevant. |
850 | *** Entries 850-859 reserved for F80T function group *** |
851 | No tax calculation procedure exists in the Ctry/Reg. table for C/R & |
852 | Calculation procedure & does not use any tax jurisdiction codes |
853 | External tax system has returned inconsistent total tax amount |
860 | *** Entries 860-879 reserved for FYTX function group *** |
861 | Error in external tax system: & |
862 | Function is not known in the external tax system (&) |
863 | System error in the external tax system (&) |
864 | Communication error with the external tax system (&) |
865 | Error when defining the RFC buffer (TAX_DATA_EXCHANGE_ON_RFC function) |
866 | Function module & does not exist; create |
867 | External tax interface: RC = & |
868 | Error in external tax package, RC = & |
869 | Address data incomplete for & |
870 | Internal error when determining tax amounts |
871 | Error when determining jurisdiction: & & |
872 | Error when determining taxes: & & |
873 | Calculation procedure & and tax key & not in table T007A |
874 | Tax key & not allowed. See table T007A |
875 | Error when inserting in audit/register, file index TTXU |
876 | You cannot select this line |
878 | Internal error occurred |
879 | Select a valid function |
880 | Error when inserting in audit/register, index file TTXI |
881 | Error when inserting in audit/register, tax file TTXY |
882 | Address data incomplete for 'Ship from' |
883 | Address data incomplete for 'Ship to' |
884 | Reversal not possible - external tax information not found |
885 | Posting in foreign currencies not recommended in US ext. tax solution |
886 | Error occured when assigning document number of external tax interface |
887 | Error tax interface when creating external tax document |
888 | External system returned different number of items: Input &1 <> Output &2 |
889 | Ext. system returned different number of levels to expected number: &1 &2 |
890 | Tax event & has not been assigned an RFC function to for ext. system |
891 | Error when inserting in table & |
892 | Online update of the tax system not supported for API version & |
893 | Updating the external tax system is currently not active |
894 | Only manage balances in local curr. for G/L account & in company code & |
895 | The combination [Item &, TaxCode &, JurCode &, JurLevel &] is not unique |
896 | Select & as the interface version for the external tax system |
897 | Item &2 was returned by external system but not sent: &1 |
898 | No long material number &1 in external tax calculation |
899 | & & & & |