The following messages are stored in message class FSBP_FND_INBOUND: .
It is part of development package FS_BP_FND2_ESA_INBOUND in software component FS-BP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Inbound Service Proxies for FS-BP in FND".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Relationship category &1 supports one-way relationships only
002Relationship category &1 does not exist
003Could not delete the alias &1
004Alias &1 already exists
005Could only create or delete aliases
006Change indicator &1 needs a data record in the table &2
007Intervals are not supported for roles
008No existing address found for UIID &1
009Invalid change state ID for business partner &1
010You can transfer either a CTI or action codes for &1
011You do not have authorization to display the details for BP &1
012Business partner with number &1 exists already
013Could not initialize general data for partner
014Business partner with UUID &1 exists already
015No changes were made
016Business partner &1 already has address-independent communication data
017BP &1 does not have any address-independent communication data
018Alias &1 does not exist for business partner &2
019Invalid combination of action code &1 and &2 in nodes &3 and &4
020Action codes in nodes &1 and &2 must be the same
021Action code &2 is not supported in node &1
022Action code no action expects a data record in table &1
023When you create &1, you must create &2 with at least &3
024&1 cannot be processed for &2 &3
025Action codes for nodes &1 and &2 must be the same if &3 is the same
026Action code &1 is not permitted for international address version
027Element &2 must be entered in node &1
028No relationships found for selection criteria
029Business partner relationship &1 already exists
030Business partner relationship does not exist
031Business partner &1 does not exist
032Validation: invalid query
033Validation: invalid request
034Result cannot be provided
035Invalid change state ID for relationship &1
036Address data is missing for contact person relationship
037Only one telephone number permitted for contact person relationship
038Only one fax number permitted for contract person relationship
039Only one e-mail address permitted for contact person relationship
040Only one workplace address permitted for contact person relationship
041Wildcard search (values &1) only permitted for interval code "1"
042Wildcard search (values &1) is not allowed
043You are not permitted to delete relationship &1 with the UPDATE service
044Relationship &1 must not occur more than once in a call
045&2 must not be set if &1 is "true"
046Workplace data to be created already exists
047Workplace data to be changed does not exist
048Workplace data to be deleted does not exist
049Telephone number to be created with ID &1 already exists
050Telephone number to be changed with ID &1 does not exist
051Telephone number to be deleted with ID &1 does not exist
052Fax number to be created wiht ID &1 already exists
053Fax number to be changed wiht ID &1 does not exist
054Fax number to be deleted wiht ID &1 does not exist
055E-mail address to be created wiht ID &1 already exists
056E-mail address to be changed wiht ID &1 does not exist
057E-mail address to be deleted with ID &1 does not exist
058Combination of addresses with and without ADDR_GUID is not permitted
059More than one address without OrganisationAddressUUID is not premitted
060There must be at least one sentence of address data
061Note to be created in language &1 already exists
062Note to be changed in language &1 does not exist
063Note to be deleted in language &1 does not exist
064There is no address with OrganisationAddressUUID &1
065Invalid business partner relationship; field &1&2 has not been filled
066Invalid combination of business partner's key elements
067Invalid business partner relationship in &1
069Value in element &1 must not exceed &2
070Value &1 in element &2 (&3 node) must be a maximum of &4 characters long
071Maximum length of an e-mail address is 241 characters
072Letters or special characters are not permitted
073Value &1 in element &2 (node &3) must be exactly &4 characters long
074Value &1 is not valid for element &2
075No address data permitted for combination of BP category &1 and &2
076Do not fill node &2 if relationship category is &1
077Either set the "Unlimited" checkbox to true or fill the Max. Hits field
078Value &1 is not permitted; use "I" only
079Only 1, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9 supported as the IntervalBoundaryTypeCode
080Only "I" is supported as InclusionExclusionCode (in &1)
081Either search by alias or by search text fields
082&2 must not be filled when you are searching by &1
083&2, &3, &4 must not be filled when you are searching by &1
084Note &1: Lower limit &2 is higher than the upper limit &3
085"Upper Boundary" field must not be filled for interval code &1
086Node &1: Upper limit not filled
087Business partner relationship still exists
088Data has been edited in ECH/PPO
089Only the digits &1 permitted
090Lower limit &1 is larger than upper limit &2
091Node &1 must not be filled
092"Lower Boundary" field must not be filled for interval code &1
093Text to be changed not found
094First business partner has not been entered in relationship
095Second business partner has not been entered in relationship
096You are not permitted to enter a period for a time-independent rel. cat.
097No nodes that determine the BP category have been filled
098More than one node that determines the BP category have been filled
099Enter the role code in format "nnnnnn-d"; for example: BUR004-0
100Role &1 cannot be created
101Currency code at node "&1"("&3") and note "&2"("&4") have to be identic
102The node &2 is only supported by the CategoryCode 2 (Organisations)
103'&1' and '&2' cannot be filled at the same time
105Extended XML does not work or Common is filled with Person, Org and Group
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