FSBP_GENERIC - Nachrichten zu den generischen �bergreifenden Services

The following messages are stored in message class FSBP_GENERIC: Nachrichten zu den generischen �bergreifenden Services.
It is part of development package FS_BP_AL_GENERIC_SERVICES in software component FS-BP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Generic Services".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Table &1 is not supported. Check XO Customizing
002Data record being created already exists
003Data record being changed does not exist
004No data was passed
005Data record being deleted does not exist
006The application is in a test run - data will not be posted
007Data for business partner &1 contains errors
008Required entry field &3 is not filled: field &1 in table &2
009Date &1 is invalid
010Value &1 for field &2 is not valid
011Change made to BP &2 by user &1 has not been released yet
012No data record passed or no change parameter passed
013Time-dependency of central data is not allowed in FS environment
014Currency &1 is invalid
015Currency &1 is invalid on date &2
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