FSC1 - FI-CA extended: Nachrichtenklasse
The following messages are stored in message class FSC1: FI-CA extended: Nachrichtenklasse.
It is part of development package FSCR in software component FI-CAX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FI-CA Extended".
It is part of development package FSCR in software component FI-CAX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FI-CA Extended".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | ****Messages for Non-Ind.Sol.Contract Accts Rec. and Payable (FI-CA Ext.) |
001 | Enter a value in field &1 |
002 | Key is not completely qualified: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
003 | Record &1 not found in table &2 |
004 | Contract account &1 does not exist |
005 | Company code data has not been maintained for company code &1 |
006 | System error: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
007 | No chart of accounts found for company code &1 |
008 | External transaction &1/&2 is not assigned to an internal transaction |
009 | Document line item without main or sub-transaction transferred |
010 | Transaction not permitted |
011 | G/L account could not be determined |
012 | Payment condition &1 does not exist |
013 | Payment term &1 is not supported or is inconsistent |
014 | Internal main transaction &1 could not be found |
015 | Tax on sales and purchases code could not be determined from table &1 |
016 | Input error: Check your entries |
017 | No values maintained for posting area &1, application &2 |
018 | Definition of tax on sales and purchases determination code &1 incomplete |
019 | The acct assgmt data relevant to the main trans. do not provide G/L acct |
020 | Factory calendar ID &1 is incorrect or not completely maintained |
021 | No external transaction determined for internal transaction &1/&2 |
022 | Internal transaction (&1/&2) of application (&3) could not be determined |
023 | The internal transaction &1 is not assigned to an external transaction |
024 | The internal transaction &1 &2 is not assigned to an external transaction |
025 | No main transaction exists for internal main transaction &1 |
026 | Assignment to main transactions is not possible (application &1) |
027 | Account holder change impermissible (CA: &1, accnt hldr old/new: &2 &3) |
028 | Record &2 &3 &4 not found in table &1 |
029 | Internal error &1 in function module &2 |
030 | Enter a business area; business area financial statements active |
031 | Business area &1 does not exist |
032 | Controlling area could not be determined |
033 | Cost center &1/&2 requires entry of business area &3 |
034 | No cost element exists for G/L account &1; no CO acct assignment permittd |
035 | No cost element exists for G/L account &1; CO acct assignment required |
036 | Customizing missing (Cocd: &1, Division: &2, Main Trans. &3, Subtrans &4) |
037 | No business area determined for transaction &1 &2 |
038 | Manual posting not permitted (key: &1 / &2 / &3 / &4 ) |
039 | Do not specify a tax code for down payment request in USA! |
040 | Tax on sales and purchases determination code &1 does not exist |
041 | Business partner &1 |
042 | Business partner &1 contract account &2 |
043 | Unexpected ELSE case: Field &1 with value &2 (&3 &4) |
044 | The application could not be found |
045 | Main transaction &1 not found in table TFKHVOT |
046 | Transaction &1/&2 not found in table TFKTVOT |
047 | Installment plan &1 deactivated |
048 | No terms of payment exist for contract account &v1& |
049 | Error reading table TFSC052, terms of payment &1 |
050 | Printing of letter for &1 was cancelled |
051 | Installment plan &1 saved and print order created |
052 | Installment plan &1 saved and printed |
053 | The correspondence printout for &1 &2 was terminated |
054 | Correspondence requested (&1) |
055 | Error in correspondence request |
056 | No entry in posting area &1 for company code &2 |
057 | Payment media ID &1 in company code &2 for ctry/reg &3 does not exist |
058 | Payment form ID &1 is not supported for &2 |
059 | Security deposit &1 does not exist |
060 | Correspondence has been created for security deposit |
061 | Business partner &1 does not exist |
062 | Document number &1 does not exist |
063 | Selection criteria &1 does not exist |
064 | Account determination ID &1 does not exist |
065 | Number of returns &1 is not supported for returns reason &2 |
066 | Enter a number of returns |
067 | Enter a numerical value in the field 'Number of Returns' |
068 | Enter a numerical value |
069 | No items found in interest calculation period |
070 | Only enter numbers between -364 and 364 for the number of base days |
071 | --------------------------------------------------- |
072 | Int. calculation for bus. ptnr &1, contract acct &2, company code &3 &4 |
073 | Interest key &1 is invalid |
074 | Item &1 &2 is locked for interest calculation: Lock reason: &3 &4 |
075 | No data exists in &1 for the selection criteria entered |
076 | Please correct the debit/credit indicator for transaction &1 &2 |
077 | Correct the statistics indicator for transaction &1 &2 |
078 | No statistics indicator is to be maintained for transaction &1 &2 |
079 | Transaction &1 &2 is an interest trans.; maintain interest lock reason |
080 | The statistics indicator was corrected to &1 |
081 | Supplement the data for statistical transact. &1 &2 in posting area 1010 |
082 | Statistics indicator for transaction &1 &2 is not consistent |
083 | Error printing payment media |
084 | Interest time frame does not contain an interest period |
086 | Unable to determine start of interest period |
087 | Retroactive accounting of interest calculation is required |
088 | Interest period from &1 to &2 |
089 | No full interest period, interest det. w/o posting from &1 to &2 |
090 | New balance: &1 |
091 | Empty entry from &1 to &2 written in history, balance &3 |
092 | Error when determining interest &1 &2: Error code &3 |
093 | Interest calculation on &1 from &2 to &3 (&4 interest days) |
094 | Interest rate: &1 %, interest calculation rule: &2 |
095 | Balance: &2 &1, interest received: &2 &3 |
096 | Withholding tax: ID &1, base amount &2 &3, withholding tax &2 &4 |
097 | Empty entry &1 &2 in interest history deleted |
098 | Simulation: Old interest document &1 reversed, interest history deleted |
099 | Old interest document &1 was reversed by document &2 |
100 | Clarification cases were deleted |
101 | Line item &1 was posted, posting date: &2, document type: &3 |
102 | Amount: &1, currency: &2, due date for net payment: &3 |
103 | Main transaction: &1, subtransaction: &2 |
104 | Line item &1 was simulated, posting date: &2, document type: &3 |
105 | Interest amount of contract account in this run: &1 &2 |
106 | Net due date falls in a period for which interest was already calculated |
107 | Document &1 reverses interest document &2: Reversal not possible |
108 | First reverse the last interest document &1 for this contract account |
109 | Do not specify a division for transaction &1/&2 |
110 | Clearing of OIs is not permitted in contract accts with bal. int. calc. |
111 | Interest calculation is not possible with FPI2 |
112 | Interest calculation in the future is not permitted |
113 | Select a document |
114 | Contract account &1 is not supported for balance interest calculation |
115 | Contract account &1 is locked for item interest calculation |
116 | The new due date for net payt is a period for which int. already calc. |
117 | Correspondence creation for partner: &1 account: &2 checked |
118 | Correspondence variant for &1 &2 is empty |
119 | No interest calculated on contract account &1 up to issue date |
120 | No balance interest calculation took place between &1 and &2 |
121 | Correspondence type &1 is not contained in correspondence variant &2 |
122 | Correspondence has been created for the balance interest calc. letter |
123 | Correspondence for &1 &2 printed successfully |
124 | Interest lock exists for contract account &1 (business partner &2) |
125 | Interest docs cannot be reversed; an inverse posting will be created |
126 | Origin &1 not supported |
127 | Document type &1 not supported |
128 | An inverse posting &2 will be created for interest document &1 |
129 | Simulation: An inverse posting will be created for old interest doc. &1 |
130 | Error: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
131 | Cross-contract account clearing not permitted |
132 | Contract account &1 has balance interest calculation; write-off not poss. |
133 | No invoice exists for document &1 |
134 | Calc. of int. from orig. items is prohibited for accts with int. bal. cal |
135 | Interest adjustment not possible |
136 | Deactivation date is before the start date for the installment plan |
137 | Interest adjustment cannot be carried out for installment plan &1 |
138 | Reversal of interest document not possible |
140 | Rollback Work: Int. calculation not saved for ctr.acct &1 &2 to &3 &4 |
150 | Business function FICAX_SOLESALESBILL is a prerequisite f. Add-On SOLINVE |