FSH_DEM_PIR - Fashion planned independent requirement

The following messages are stored in message class FSH_DEM_PIR: Fashion planned independent requirement.
It is part of development package FSH_PP_DEM in software component LO-RFM-PP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Fashion Demand Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Enter a generic article
002Plant &1 does not exist
003Enter a valid requirement segment
004Enter a valid version
005Enter a material number
006Fill out all required entry fields
007Requirement is deleted
008Requirement saved
009No data was changed
010Requirement does not exist
011Select at least one row in header table
012Material &1 does not exist in plant &2
013Requirement with material number &1, version &2, plant &3, already exists
014Enter plant
015Enter requirement segment
016From Date is greater than To Date
017Errors occured while reading data, see the message log
018No message log exists
019Requirement blocked
020No requirements were found which correspond to the selection criteria
021Single materials and variants will be removed
022Data is not available for the selected planning horizon
023Requirement with material &1, plant &2, already exists
024Enter a product group
025Enter requirement plan number
026Enter external requirements plan ID
027Select a row in header table
028Requirement type &1 not found
029Invalid date
030Invalid planning period
031Special characters not allowed
032Requirement quantity exceeded the limit
033Invalid date
034Requirement does not exists for segment &1
035Product group &1 does not exist in plant &2
036Requirement segment &1 for material &2 and plant &3 is added
037User parameters were saved
038Material &1 removed from the list
039Planning horizon not changed
040Planning horizon changed
041User parameters were deleted
042Material &1 does not exist
043Target time window must be in between &1 and &2
044Locked entries are excluded, see the message log
045Requirements plan is generated internally for material with segmentation
046Use external requirements plan number for material with segmentation
047MRP area &1 for material &2 is not defined
048Requirement type does not exist for material &1 in plant &2
049Material &1 with plant &2 is added
050Consumption of PIRs for article &1 not found from date &2 to &3
051Enter requirement type
052Errors occured while processing data, see the message log
053Strategy group not maintained for article &1
054Errors occured while saving data, see the message log
055Filter is removed
056You can only select one row at a time
057You cannot distribute quantities for single articles
058Enter distribution curve ID for characteristic profile
059Enter distribution curve ID for individual characteristics
060Invalid article
061Filter is applied for &1.
062Determination procedure &1 does not exist
063Single article &1 not supported
064Could not determine cond. record
065Distribution of quantity has failed
068Enter a valid requirement segment
069Data doesn't exist for the selection criteria
070Material and plant combination doesn't exist
071Article &1 must be a generic or single article
072Variants of generic article &1 does not exist in plant &2
073Multiple requirement segments are not supported for Equal Distribution
074Req. segment must not be tranferred for a non-segment relevant article
075Segmentation is not fixed for plant &1
076Requirement segment &1 is invalid
077Cannot determine default requirement segment
078Default segment value &1 is invalid
079PIRs are maintained with default segment &1 for requirement date &2
080&1 &2 is invalid
081Variants does not exist with characteristic values &1 &2 &3
082Version number &1 is invalid
083Requirements plan number can be transferred only for single article
084Distribution curve ID &3 determined for req. date &1, req. segment &2
085Distribution curve ID not determined for req. date &1, req. segment &2
086Equal Distribution applied for req. date &1, req. segment &2
087Segment Distribution curve ID &2 is invalid for requirement date &1
088Cannot determine Segment distribution curve ID for req. date &1
089MRP area &1 is invalid
090Qty distributed for DCID &1 on date &2 for segment &3
091Qty distributed using consumption ratio from date &1 to &2
092Quantity distributed equally
093Quantities distributed according to current ratio
094DCID not determined for article &1 on date &2
095PIR consumption not found from date &1 to &2
096Qty distributed based on distribution curves, see message log
097PIR qty is not maintained for date &1
098Qty distributed for DCID &1, &2, &3 on date &4
099Char. color is not maitained for material &1
100InfoObject mapping not maintained for APO logical system &1
101InfoObject mapping is incomplete for APO logical system &1
102Qty distributed based on consumption ratios, see message log
103New working date &2 is determined for requirement date &1
104Planning date exceeds the target time window
105Reference time window must be in between &1 and &2
106Enter the segmentation structure
107Enter the segmentation strategy
108Requirement seg.&1 does not belong to seg. strategy &2
109Enter the segmentation structure and strategy
110Enter a valid season year for material &1 req date &2
111Enter a valid season for material &1 req date &2
112Enter a valid collection for material &1 req date &2
113Enter a valid theme for material &1 req date &2
114Check the entered season details for material &1 req date &2
115Material &1 is not season relevant
116Enter a valid combination of season details
117Season data not found for material &1
118A blank value is not allowed
119Season details maintained successfully
120Season details cleared
121PIR quantity is not maintained for the selected requirement date
122There are no requirements for the selected season filter.
123Enter a valid season year.
126Enter a LOW value for the entered season details.
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