FS_CORR_HELP - Hilfsprogramme rund um die Korrespondenz

The following messages are stored in message class FS_CORR_HELP: Hilfsprogramme rund um die Korrespondenz.
It is part of development package FS_CORR_HELP in software component CA-GTF-COR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Auxiliary Program for Correspondence".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*** Functions ***
001No correspondence type specified
002Analyze objects of correspondence type &1
003Check and compare input parameters
004Generating objects of correspondence type &1 (&2) is possible
005Generating objects of correspondence type &1 (&2) is not possible
006Generate objects of correspondence type &1 (&2)
010*** Analysis ***
011Definition of correspondence type &1 (&2) exists
012Definition of correspondence type &1 does not exist
013- Event concept: &1
014- Related BAdI definition: &1
015No BAdI definition specified
016BAdI definition &1 exists in enhancement spot &2
017BAdI definition &1 does not exist
018No enhancement spot specified
019- Related BAdI interface: &1
020- Related default class: &1
021Enhancement spot &1 exists
022Enhancement spot &1 does not exist
023No BAdI interface specified
024BAdI interface &1 exists
025BAdI interface &1 does not exist
026- Implements necessary interface &1
027- implements additional interface &1
028No BAdI default class specified
029BAdI default class &1 exists
030BAdI default class &1 does not exist
031Enhancement spot &1 is inactive
033BAdI interface &1 is inactive
034BAdI default class &1 is inactive
035Activate or delete inactive objects, then repeat analysis
036- Method &1 for generating correspondence in interface &2 found
038- Method &1 found for packing a cluster in interface &2
039- Method &1 found for unpacking a cluster in interface &2
040No description specified for the correspondence type
041Correspondence type &1 does not conform to naming convention (Note 684657
050*** Generation ***
051Transport request &1
052Definition of correspondence type &1 (&2) adjusted
053Definition of correspondence type &1 (&2) created
054Error when changing definition of correspondence type &1 (&2)
055Error when creating definition of correspondence type &1 (&2)
057Enhancement spot &1 created
058BAdI definition &1 in enhancement spot &2 adjusted
059BAdI definition &1 in enhancement spot &2 created
060BAdI interface &1 adjusted
061BAdI interface &1 created
062BAdI default class &1 adjusted
063BAdI default class &1 created
070Change the description of the correspondence type
071Archive structure cannot be changed
072Cannot changes setting for own archiving object
074Cannot change BAdI definition name
075Cannot change enhancement spot
076Cannot change interface for BAdI definition
077Cannot change the default implementation
078Cannot change the interface for creating correspondence
079Cannot change the method for creating correspondence
080Cannot change the interface for packing a cluster
081Cannot change the method for packing a cluster
082Cannot change the interface for unpacking a cluster
083Cannot change the method for unpacking a cluster
084Cannot change the parameter name of the correspondence type
085Cannot change the parameter name of the buffering type
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