FS_PPF_TEST - Nachrichten zur Testanwendung

The following messages are stored in message class FS_PPF_TEST: Nachrichten zur Testanwendung.
It is part of development package FS_PPF_TEST in software component CA-GTF-TS-PPM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Test Package for Parallel Processing".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Mass run with ID &1, &2, &3 has been started
001End of mass run with status &1 (=&2)
002Starting the mass run failed (return value: &1)
003Package grouping &1 successfully generated
004Generation of package grouping &1 failed (SY-SUBRC; &2)
005Package grouping &1 deleted successfully
006Deleting package grouping &1 failed (SY-SUBRC: &2)
007Termination in method &1, package &2
008Package &1 being processed
009&2 objects being processed in package &1
010Start of package creation
011Start of processing in job &1 &2
012Employee &1 processed in level &2
100Select use of package attributes
101Callbacks 206 and 207 not possible when you are using deep structures
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