FT - Fehlermeldungen Tabellenpflege RF

The following messages are stored in message class FT: Fehlermeldungen Tabellenpflege RF.
It is part of development package FBAS in software component FI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Financial Accounting "Basis"".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Lower limit & is greater than upper limit &
002Overlap within account type & from & to &
003Data input is incomplete
004Field & does not exist
005Alternative language & is not defined (table T002)
006Bill of exchange and bill of exch.pmnt request are mutually exclusive
007Invalid field name
008No valid object was selected
009Pmnt request for b/exch. only possible for incoming pmnt
010Maintain heading in table T021T
011Field & is not defined
012No postings are possible without fiscal year variants
013Fiscal year variant & has not yet been created
014Sample rule & is not defined
015Specify a maintenance language
016Deletion not possible. Bal.sheet/P+L version & has already been created
017Either copy condition from the invoice or specify a condition
018Deletion not possible. Chart of accounts & has already been created
019Alternative language & is the same as the maintenance language
020In language & & entries, language & & entries
021For chart of accounts & accounts exist in company code &
022Posting key & is not defined for account type &
023Posting key & is not a debit posting key
024Posting key & is not a credit posting key
025Posting key & is defined for special sales
026Posting key & is not defined for special sales
027Entry & cannot be deleted
028Enter a clearing procedure description
029Specify both languages
030Enter a description first
031Bank details do not exist
032Bank address added to bank & &
033Overlap with interval & - &
034There is no interval between field & and the previous field
035A cross is missing from item 1 (changeable field)
036Items 4, 5 and 6 are without meaning in the G/L account
037Bill/exch.not possible before due date if no bill/exch.is created
038Enter a special G/L indicator for bill of exchange/pmnt request
039Payment method & not defined for country/region &
040Only posting key for vendors/credit permitted
041Only posting key for customers/debit permitted
042Special G/L indicator & not permitted for bill of exchange (table T074U)
043Special G/L indicator & must not be statistical (table T074U)
044Special G/L indicator & must be statistical (table T074U)
045B/exch.liability only possible with an outgoing bank payment by b/exch.
046Specify both account numbers
047Account & does not exist in chart of accounts &
048No bill of exchange liability to be posted in payment method &
049Specify version
050Data changed
051No changes were made
052Data for version & year & not yet maintained
053Version & is not year dependent
054Version & is year dependent; specify year
055Specify the number of posting periods
056Select a maximum of one option
057Calendar years have 12 posting periods (= months)
058Select an option
059Data is incomplete
060Data for version & not yet maintained
061Table & blocked by another user
062Tax code & is not defined for country/region &
063Specify account for revenues from expenses
064Posting period = calendar month -> no annual dependency
065Posting period = calendar month -> no selection possible
066Version & is like calendar year -> no copying possible
067Posting periods + special periods = &, only 16 are possible
068Version & has only & periods
069Version & has & periods -> no copying possible
070Select one option
071Only enter '-1', '0' and '+1' as annual closing
072Enter a month between 01 and 12
073Enter a day between 01 and 30/31
074A fiscal year indicator should be entered
075Variant & cannot be deleted, it is still in use in table T021
076Variant & deleted in language &
077Variant & was changed
078Old definitions of version & deleted
079Account & does not exist in company code &
080For & & maintain tables & and & first
081Enter a transaction key
082Debit: Account & not created in chart of accounts &
083Credit: Account & not created in chart of accounts &
084No rules need to be specified in procedure &
085No general modifications are possible with transaction &
086No valuation modifications are possible with transaction &
087No modifications over valuation class are possible with transaction &
088No account determination is made in procedure &
089No account determination takes place in group &
090Data changed, existing accounts have been deleted
091Transaction & is not defined for balance sheet transfer
092Select 'Account determination' or delete 'dependant on'
093System error: Transaction & is missing in DFKB1INT
094Transaction & is not defined
095Account & not created in chart of accounts &
096Transaction & is defined for balance sheet transfer
097No changes were made
098Data changed
099Data was deleted
100In table &, the entry & & & is missing
101No fields are defined in table & for variant &
102No fields are defined in table & for class & variant &
103Enter percentage rates in descending order
104Enter periods in ascending order
105Specify a period for condition 2
106Specify either days or a fixed date for condition &
107No set day has been specified for condition &
108Conditions must be entered in full
109Periods to be calculated are not all in ascending order
110Text was changed
111Group was changed
112Field & also in table RFPOS ->enter RFPOS field name
113Field not changeable, therfore prerequisites to shown
114Account & does not exist in company code &
115Text & company code & does not exist. Maintain table T001T
116Use only the signs + . - *
117Do not enter more than 100%
118Only specify 1, 10, ..., 100,000,000 for the relation
119Only specify 1 : N or N : 1 for the relation
120Enter a chart of accounts
121Select only one category
122Entry for acct type & special G/L indicator & included
123Statistical posting => not credit limit relevant; no message
124Entry already exists for acct type & special G/L indicator &
125Variant & cannot be deleted because it is still used in table T021
126Enter account type D (customer) or K (vendor)
127Enter special G/L indicator
128Transaction & cannot be deleted because it is still used in table &
129No special G/L indicator is defined for transaction &
130All 4 posting keys (or none) must be payment relevant
131Posting key for carrying fwd residual items should not be sales-relevant
132Posting key & is sales related, & is not
133Posting key & is not defined
134Clearing acct only allowed for an outgoing bill of exch.pmnt
135Specify both accounts or none at all
136Address routine is missing in table T005A
137Enter less than 100%
138Unlimited items, remove entries for form overflow
139Enter both company codes
140No percentage rate for additional tax was entered
141Additional tax will not be posted with other signs
142Additional tax must have the same percentage rate as tax
143Select exactly one tax type
144Select exactly one calculation method
145No additional tax was calculated
146Enter basis for additional tax
147Specify a cost relevant additional tax
148With postponed accting sys, offsetting entry must be entered in OI acct
149The company codes have different local currencies
150Version & was deleted
151Version & was not changed
152Version & was changed
153Data of version & copied according to version &
154Description of version & was changed
155Position the cursor on a valid line
156Specify number of items or select a payment advice
157Reduced tax rate should be less than the normal tax rate
158Customer & is not created in company code &
159Partial payment amounts are only permitted with bills of exchange
160Enter a valid object (KUNNR, LIFNR, SAKNR, BUKRS)
161Company code & is not defined
162Customer & has not been created
163Vendor & has not been created
164Specify a company code
165Speciy an account
166Worklist & & is not defined
167Worklist & & will be used again (table TFAVW)
168Net tax base only allowed for net cash discount base
169Fiscal year variant corresponds to the calendar year
170Enter field length no longer than &
171Specify the field length
172Check that the text is still correct
173In total & characters should be transfered; only 18 are permitted
174Field & is not defined in tables BKPF, BSEG, BSEC and BSED
175Also enter the length of field &
176Partial payment amount must be smaller than receivables amount
177Specify the document currency
178Tax amount without taxes on sales/purchases code is not permitted
179Specification of a tax code without expense amount is not possible
180Specify a complete interval
181Specify the periods in ascending order
182In fiscal year version &, the period & does not exist
183Do not enter an account number for a masked account type
184Enter account numbers in ascending order
185Enter an account type
186Enter a company code
187Printer & is not defined
188Print control & is not defined for printer &
189Editing format & is not defined for printer &
190Specification of expense account without expense amount not possible
191No output tax posting allowed for this expense account
192Specify customer
193Specify amount of the payment transaction
194This function has not yet been realized for checks and collection
195Tax code & is not defined for country/region &
196Tax code & is not an output tax code
197At least one entry must exist for each account type
198Inconsistent field status, see help text
200No rules need to be specified in procedure &
201You should not enter any posting keys for transaction &
202You should not enter a special G/L indicator for transaction &
203Data changed
204Currently in development
205Rule for bank key is 1 - specify length of bank number
206Rule for bank key is 2 - specify length of bank account
207Rule for bank key is 4 - specify length of bank key
208Enter a valid rule for the bank key
209Account & does not exist in company code &
210Maximum number of special G/L indicators allowed (dunning) reached
300Texts from dunning procedure & will be used again for procedure &
301Specify a dunning procedure
302Dunning procedure & is already defined
303Dunning interval must be at least one day
304Specify either normal transactions or a special G/L indictaor
305Dunning data is alreay defined, copying is not possible
306Dunning procedure & is not defined
307Dunning level data has still not been entered
308You must enter the days in arrears strictly in ascending order
309Specify the number of dunning levels
310Dunning procedure has only & dunning levels
311Texts maintained with reference to dunning procedure & co.code &
312Deletion of cross-referenced texts is not permitted
313Only one dunning level is permitted
314No dunning charges have been entered as yet
315No minimum amounts have been entered as yet
316No texts have been entered as yet
317Select a reply
318Cross-referenced texts for dunn.procedure & has & dunning levels
319Texts for dunning procedure & have not been maintained
320You are already maintaining dunning procedures
321Dunning procedures are being maintained by &
322System error: in blocking (&) ; notify system administrator
323Place the cursor on a valid entry
324Entry for company code & already exists
325Field name & is incorrect
326Field which has type & must be of the type C,D,N,S or T
327Fields from table & are not permitted
328First create dunning procedure for company code &
329OK code & is not defined
330Data was saved
331No saving required, the data was not changed
332Maintain dunning data for company code & first
333Form & is not available in language &
334Specify text name
335Form & is not yet created
336Place the cursor on a valid line
337No minimum amounts should be maintained for dunning level 0
338Currency key & is not defined
339Dunning procedure & was saved
340Place the cursor on a field in the desired line
341Company code & is not defined
342Company code & is already defined
343Dunning procedure & does not exist. Delete and create again
344No authorization for text & & &
345You do not have any authorization to change text & & &
346System error: error with READ_TEXT
347System error: error with EDIT_TEXT
348No display authorization for dunning procedure (& &)
349For dunning procedures you only have authorization to display (& &)
350Select a display type
351Select a balance type
352Select a principle
353Select a valuation area
354System error: Error for INIT_TEXT
355Field & does not exist
356Error in CHECK_RECORD_KEY_ALLOWED for dunning procedure &
357Error in FINALIZE_SAVE for dunning procedure &
358You are not authorized for view maintenance
359You are not authorized to use transaction &
360Use the delimiter (;)
361This entry is still being used in table &
362System error: Error in internal table &
363Either specify a dunning charge in percent or a fixed charge
364Dunning level entered is too high (larger than highest dunning level)
365Reference dunning procedure has & dunning levels
366Posting keys for carry-forward of residual items should be sales-relevant
367Dunning levels: & not maintained; old dunning level is saved
368Days in arrears &1 <= grace days &2: Itms in arrears <= &2 not in dunning
400The selected entry is used in target system
800Function is not supported here
801End of the page reached
802Beginning of the page reached
803Entry saved
804No changes - saving is unnecessary
805Previous entry was saved
806Data was copied from entry & & & &
810Table name was not entered
899In table &, the entry & & & is missing
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