FTOE_HDG_AREA_CORE - Message Class for Hedging Area

The following messages are stored in message class FTOE_HDG_AREA_CORE: Message Class for Hedging Area.
It is part of development package FTOE_HEDGING_AREA_CORE in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Implementation of Hedging Area".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Target status for automation not defined
002Value date definition not defined
003Working day handling not defined
004Rounding not supported
005You have no authorization to overwrite the target quota.
006Hedging strategy not defined
007Rolling interval not defined
008Rolling interval not supported
009Hedging classification for offsetting not specified
010Reclassification handling not defined
011Reclassification handling not supported
012Hedging classification for offsetting &1 is active for hedge accounting
013No hedging classification with des. category &1 assigned to hedging area
014Designation category &2 must be assigned to hedging classification &1.
015Incorrect value date entered in hedge request
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