FTOE_HREQ_CORE - Messages for Hedge Requests

The following messages are stored in message class FTOE_HREQ_CORE: Messages for Hedge Requests.
It is part of development package FTOE_HEDGE_REQUEST_CORE in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Hedge Request".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Hedge request must have category &1
001Select exactly one row
002Hedge request &1 not found
003No hedging instruments found
004Please select only one financial transaction
005No hedging relationship selected
006Amount of requested hedging relationship has wrong sign
010Hedge request submitted
011Hedge request released
012Hedge request rejected
013Hedge request deleted
014Hedge request withdrawn
015&1 hedge requests submitted
016&1 hedge requests released
017&1 hedge requests rejected
018&1 hedge requests deleted
019&1 hedge requests withdrawn
020Total HR amount chosen &2 does not match the requested amount &1
021Consumption seq. &1 not fulfilled (expected relationship &2 with seq. &3)
022Requested amount &1 for relationship &2 greater than designated amount &3
023No settings for hedge accounting in hedging area &1
024No hedging relationships found
025Valuation area &1 does not exist in hedging area &2
026Withdrawal of hedge request &1 not possible
027Hedge request &1 is being used in &2
028You have no authorization to withdraw the hedge request
029Value date &1 has to be in period &2 from &3 to &4
030Drilldown is not possible
031Calculated value date &1 does not fall in period &2
032Check mode is invalid
033Select a currency for working day check
034Initial value date has to fall in the from-period
035No exposure item specified for amount of &1 to be assigned
036Hedge request &1 cannot be edited
037Value date has to be between &1 and &2 for this currency pair
038Instrument category must be FX Spot or FX Forward
050Hedge requests with group ID &1 were saved
051No hedge requests selected
060Hedging area &1 could not be locked
061Rounding &1 not supported
062Selected differentiation criteria are not maintained in hedging area &1
063&1 is not supported as default value date
064Working day handling &1 is not supported
065Amount exceeds &1.
066Hedging relationships for valuation area &1 not maintained
067Hedging relationship &1 is not valid in this hedge request.
068You can only assign exposure items with analysis item definition &1.
069Due date must be filled.
070Risk currency of exp. item is not equal to risk currency of transaction.
071Assigned amount is larger than amount of exposure item &1.
072Assignment to exposure item &1 will be reversed.
073Hedging classification &1 does not belong to hedging area &2.
074Entry for hedging classification is missing
075Hedging areas of exp. item (&1) and hedge request (&2) do not match.
076The entered hdg clas. &1 does not match the hdg clas. of hedge request &2
077The entered exp. item &1 does not match the exp. item of hedge request &2
078Exposure item and financial transaction have the same direction.
079Product type &1 does not fulfill any of the filters of hedging area &2.
080&1 is not supported as default rolling interval
081&1 is not supported as default hedging strategy
082Value date &1 of relationship &2 does not match value date &3 of request
083Hedge request &1 is not released
084The amt in hedge manag. cockpit &1 must match the amt of hdg. rel. &2.
085Value date of offsetting request cannot be calculated.
086Value date &1 of hedge req. must be after value date &2 of offset. req.
087Hedging classification &1 must be inactive for hedge accounting.
088Contract date &1 is before the snapshot date &2 (snapshot &3)
089No hedge request settings found for company code &1 and currency &2
090Assigned volume has the same direction as exp. item &1
091Exposure due date &1 has already passed.
092Overhedged; hedge request will not be created.
093Error in offsetting request prevents creation of hedge request.
094Offsetting request not necessary
095Hedge request cannot be created because exposure item does not exist.
096Transaction &1/&2 is already included in termination request &3.
097Termination not possible for transaction &1/&2
098You have no authorization to overrule the hedge request
099Volume &1 of hdg. rel. &2 exceeded (requested plus reserved vol. &3)
100Entries on hdg. rel. tab inconsistent. Verify the amounts and their signs
101Hedge Request $1$ exists for Exposure Item $2$
102Transaction not in same period as hedge request &1
103Hedge request cannot be created for exposure item &1
104Company code of exp. item &1 does not match the instrument's company code
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