FTR_GUI - TR Transaction Management
The following messages are stored in message class FTR_GUI: TR Transaction Management.
It is part of development package FTTR in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-TR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Treasury: Financial Transaction".
It is part of development package FTTR in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-TR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Treasury: Financial Transaction".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Enter a date for the flow |
001 | No flow types were selected |
002 | Correct the date entry &1 |
003 | Enter the flow type for the flow |
004 | Enter the direction for the flow |
005 | Flow type &1 is not permitted |
006 | Position the cursor on the required insert item |
007 | Select just one flow |
008 | The selected flow has not yet been posted |
009 | Posted and reversed flows can no longer be changed |
010 | Enter the currency for the flow |
011 | Enter the date for the flow |
012 | Correct the flow currency |
013 | Select at least one flow |
014 | &1 flow(s) was/were stored temporarily |
015 | No flows were stored temporarily |
016 | &1 flow(s) was/were inserted |
017 | &1 flow(s) was/were deleted |
018 | Netted flows cannot be deleted |
019 | Posted and reversed flows cannot be deleted |
020 | Netted flows cannot be changed |
021 | Flows cannot be changed |
022 | Processing of flows was cancelled |
023 | Flows cannot be deleted |
024 | Netted flows cannot be reversed |
025 | Flows cannot be reversed |
026 | Flows cannot be released |
027 | Flows cannot be blocked |
028 | Flow(s) is/are reversed |
029 | Flow(s) was/were blocked |
030 | Flow(s) was/were released |
031 | Flow(s) was/were changed |
032 | Reverse flow(s) function cannot be undone |
033 | Block flow(s) function cannot be undone |
034 | Release flow(s) function cannot be undone |
035 | Change flow(s) function cannot be undone |
036 | Reverse flow(s) function was undone |
037 | Block flow(s) function was undone |
038 | Release flow(s) function was undone |
039 | Change flow(s) function was undone |
040 | Flow(s) was/were not changed |
041 | Flows from transaction &1 released automatically |
042 | Flows cannot be posted manually |
043 | Flow(s) flagged for posting |
044 | Flow(s) flagged for posting cannot be undone |
045 | Flow(s) flagged for posting was/were undone |
046 | Early repayment with other changes in principle not allowed |
047 | There are no flows that can be deleted |
048 | There are no flows that can be reversed |
049 | There are no flows that can be released |
050 | ************* 50-69 Reserved for payment details ************************ |
051 | Select a set of payment details |
052 | Select only one set of payment details |
053 | &1 payment details were stored temporarily |
054 | No payment details were stored temporarily |
055 | &1 payment details were included |
056 | &1 payment details were deleted |
057 | Currency &1 not recognized |
058 | Payment details &1 &2 &3 &4 do not exist |
059 | The flow with key & does not exist |
060 | Flow with UUID &1 does not exist |
061 | Account assignment &1 for flow with UUID &2 does not exist |
062 | Enter nominal amounts, a payment amount, units, or a percentage |
063 | Select at least one account assignment item |
064 | &1 account assignment item(s) deleted |
065 | Account assignment item &1 cannot be deleted |
066 | No SEPA mandate reference assigned |
067 | SEPA mandate &1 not valid for payee &2, bank &3, and company code &4 |
068 | SEPA mandate &1 not found |
069 | SEPA mandate &1 is not active or validity from &2 until &3 does not match |
070 | There are no flows that can be modified |
071 | There are no flows that can be deleted |
072 | There are no flows that can be reversed |
073 | There are no flows that can be released |
074 | There are no flows that can be blocked |
075 | No payment request is assigned to the flow |
076 | No document is assigned to the flow |
077 | SEPA mandate &1 belongs to a different deal or contract no. &2 |
078 | Use of SEPA mandates needs a customer account for business partner &1 |
079 | SEPA mandate is required for payment method &1 |
088 | +++++++++++++++++++Worklist++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
090 | Duplicate payment date and flow category not allowed. Check flows for &1 |
093 | This folder may not be deleted |
094 | No facility is assigned to transaction &1 |
095 | No variants are available for you |
096 | No security ID number assigned to transaction &1 |
097 | No master agreement assigned to transaction &1 |
098 | No partner is assigned to transaction &1 |
099 | Worklist was updated successfully |
100 | You are already processing transaction &1 in company code &2 |
101 | Select only one entry |
102 | There is no personal worklist for you |
103 | File &1 successfully inserted |
104 | File &1 successfully deleted |
105 | Variant &1 successfully inserted |
106 | Variant &1 successfully deleted |
107 | File &1 successfully changed |
108 | Variant &1 successfully changed |
109 | Variant &1 is executed ... |
110 | Variant successfully executed |
111 | Variant could not be executed |
112 | Variant &1 does not exist |
113 | Variant &1 could not be created |
114 | There are no standard variants |
115 | There are no user variants |
116 | Variants could not be completely imported |
117 | Import error |
118 | Node &1 cannot be moved |
119 | No entries exist for the selections |
120 | ****************120 - 139 reserved for initial screen ******************* |
121 | Transaction &1 in company code &2 copied for initial screen |
122 | Transaction &1 with product type &2 does not belong to &3 |
124 | Transaction &2 in company code &1 has been archived |
125 | Transaction &2 does not exist in CoCode &1 or has been archived |
126 | Transaction has been archived |
141 | Fill the following required field: &1 &2 |
142 | Field selection &1: Tab index &2 is suppressed |
143 | Field selection &1: All tab indexes are hidden |
144 | Field selection &1: Tab index &2 is switched to display |
145 | Field selection for condition type &1 is not maintained |
146 | Field selection for calculation category &1 is not maintained |
200 | No transactions exist for partner &1 |
201 | No transactions exist for guarantor &1 |
202 | No transactions exist for payer/payee &1 |
203 | Partner &1 is not in any partner assignment |
204 | Partner &1 is not assigned as issuer in any class |
205 | Partner &1 is used in transactions as counterparty |
206 | Parter &1 is used in transactions as guarantor |
207 | Partner &1 is used in transactions as payer/payee |
208 | Partner &1 is used in partner assignments of transactions |
209 | Partner &1 is used in securities as issuer |
210 | In exchange (commodity &2), partner &1 used as issuer |
211 | Partner &1 is not assigned to an exchange (commodity) as an issuer |
220 | Partner &1 cannot be used, as per contract &2 |
221 | Partner &1 cannot be used, as per end of term &2 |
290 | Valuation area should not be empty for HIFO and LOFO |
300 | ++++++++++ Conditions and Flows (Cash Flow Object) 300 - 400 +++++++++++ |
301 | Enter a repayment rate |
302 | Repayment rate is greater than or equals 100 percent |
303 | Enter the condition currency |
304 | Correct the repayment currency |
305 | Enter a repayment amount or a repayment rate |
306 | Enter the repayment currency |
307 | A flow exists on &1 before start of term &2 |
308 | A flow exists on &1 after end of term &2 |
309 | A condition exists on &1 before start of term &2 |
310 | A condition exists on &1 after end of term &2 |
311 | Enter the cash flow currency |
312 | Correct the cash flow currency |
313 | Flow &1 on &2 is not relevant to accrual/deferral |
314 | No calculation bases were proposed for flow &1 on &2 |
315 | Dependent flows exist that cannot be changed |
316 | Condition type &1 is not permitted |
317 | Side &1 is not permitted |
318 | Condition type &1 not compatible with condition category &2 |
319 | Condition type &1 not compatible with condition class &2 |
320 | Transaction cannot be processed without cond. type for instalment repymt |
321 | Transaction cannot be processed without condition type for annuity rpymnt |
322 | Select the condition type for instalment repayment |
323 | Select the condition type for annuity repayments |
324 | Correct the condition currency |
325 | Correct the direction of the flow |
326 | Enter the interest form |
327 | Correct the interest form |
328 | Enter the repayment form |
329 | Correct the repayment form |
330 | Final maturity date not permitted for instalment and annuity repayments |
331 | Enter the interest amount |
332 | Enter the interest currency |
333 | Correct the interest amount |
334 | Correct the interest currency |
335 | Interest reference &1 does not exist |
336 | The currency entered does not match currency &1 for reference int.rate &2 |
337 | Transaction cannot be processed without condition type for int. rate adj. |
338 | Default value for number of fixing days was not copied |
339 | Enter an 'Effective from' date |
340 | Enter calculation date |
341 | Enter the maturity date |
342 | Correct the 'Effective from' date |
343 | Correct the calculation date |
344 | Correct the maturity date |
345 | The 'Effective from' date &1 lies outside the term from &2 to &3 |
346 | Enter the frequency in days or months |
347 | The interest rate adjustment condition was deleted |
348 | The repayment form was changed to repayment by instalment |
349 | At least one non-changeable flow exists |
350 | The calendars of the transaction can no longer be changed |
351 | Calendars &1 &2 were copied to the conditions |
352 | No currency maintained for reference interest rate &1 |
353 | The condition cannot be deleted |
354 | Enter the calculation base |
355 | Correct the calculation base |
356 | Select a charge |
357 | A condition with 'Effective from' date &1 already exists |
358 | A formula is defined for the condition |
359 | The condition cannot be changed |
360 | The condition cannot be determined |
361 | The frequency entries for the condition cannot be changed |
362 | At least one non-changeable flow exists after &1 |
363 | The flow cannot be determined |
364 | Zero conditions cannot be processed in this view |
365 | Transaction cannot be processed w/o condition type for final repayment |
366 | The rounding option is not changeable |
367 | Payment date is before end of calculation period of non-changeable flow |
368 | Flows that have been changed manually exist on or after &1 |
369 | Flows exist whose interest rate were adjusted on or after &1 |
370 | Posted flows exist on or after &1 |
371 | Flows exist after &1 that are included in a netting transaction |
372 | Flows with fixed amounts exist on or after &1 |
373 | Transaction cannot be processed without condition type for interest |
374 | Enter the condition type |
375 | This transaction cannot be processed without condition type for &1 |
376 | This transaction cannot be processed without flow type for &1 |
377 | Early repayment not permitted if interest is capitalized |
378 | Nominal amount total is 0 |
379 | Flow not allowed on end of term date |
380 | Flow data and account assignment data is inconsistent |
381 | Total payment amount of account assignments (&1) is incorrect |
382 | Total nominal amount of account assignments (&1) is incorrect |
383 | Total units in the account assignments (&1) is incorrect |
384 | Total percentage rates in the account assignments (&1) is not complete |
385 | More than one column filled |
386 | Account assignment items &1 and &2 have the same objects (&3) |
387 | Overflow when totaling partial amounts (&1) |
388 | Distribution does not contain any values (&1) |
389 | Enter a fund |
390 | Enter a grant |
391 | Payment date &1 is before payment rate fixing on &2 |
392 | Planned flow on &1 has to be fixed before payment rate fixing on &2 |
393 | Whole group &1 is deleted |
394 | New group &1 is created |
395 | Select an interest condition |
396 | Accrued interest rate condition exists in group &1 |
397 | Cond. group cannot be deleted; delete single cond. from detail screen. |
398 | Early rpayt not allowd wthout accrued cndn if scaled intrst cndn is used |
399 | Specify one condition group |
400 | ++++++++++++++++++++++ Facilities +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
401 | Facility &2 is in status &3 |
402 | This transaction has already been assigned to a facility |
403 | This transaction cannot be reversed because drawings exist |
404 | Drawings on this facility are only permitted in change mode |
405 | Enter a facility number |
406 | &1 The facility cannot be blocked |
407 | &1 The facility cannot be edited |
408 | &1 The facility cannot be saved |
409 | Select an interest condition of current activity |
410 | Facility category &1 is not supported |
450 | ++++++++++ Conditions and Flows (Cash Flow Object) 450 - 500 +++++++++++ |
451 | Change calc. date &1 later than the modified flow or undo modification |
452 | Condition amounts and percentage rates for single dates are not supported |
500 | *** Ratings **** |
501 | Select a row in the rating table |
502 | Select exactly one row in the rating table |
503 | &1 rating lines were saved to the buffer |
504 | No rating lines were saved to the buffer |
505 | &1 rating lines were added |
506 | &1 rating lines were deleted |
507 | . |
508 | Rating lines were deleted |
509 | Rating as per &1 for &2 is incomplete |
510 | Rating on &1 for &2 already exists |
520 | No rating exists for transaction &2 in company code &1 |
521 | No rating exits for transaction &1 &2 for key date &3 |
523 | The selected rating lines were not deleted |
525 | *** SPPI Classifications **** |
526 | Select a row in the SPPI classification table |
527 | Select exactly one row in the SPPI classification table |
528 | &1 SPPI classification lines were saved to the buffer |
529 | No SPPI classification lines were saved to the buffer |
530 | &1 SPPI classification lines were added |
531 | &1 SPPI classification lines were deleted |
532 | SPPI classification lines were deleted |
533 | SPPI classification as per &1 is incomplete |
534 | SPPI classification on &1 already exists |
535 | |
540 | *** Clearing Data **** |
541 | External account &1 does not exist in company code &2 |
542 | Planned clearing date &1 lies before contract date &2 |
543 | Planned clearing date &1 lies after end of term date &2 |
544 | Clearing date &1 different from contract date &2 |
545 | Partner &1 different from counterparty &2 of external account |
560 | *** Trade Repository **** |
561 | Selected trade repository lines were not deleted |
562 | &1 trade repository lines were added |
563 | Adding a trade repository line is not permitted |
564 | Select a line in the trade repository table |
565 | Deletion of the selected trade repository line is not permitted |
566 | &1 trade repository lines were deleted |
567 | Trade repository field legal basis not filled |
568 | Trade repository field legal basis filled with invalid entry |
569 | Trade repository field trade ID not filled |
570 | Trade repository field trade ID &1 already used for legal basis &2 |
571 | Legal basis &1: trade ID &2 and trade ID &3 have overlapping validity |
572 | Trade repository valid from &1 later than valid to &2 |
573 | Trade ID &1 used in financial transaction &2 &3 |
574 | External trade ID &1 is invalid, regard validation rules of &2 |
575 | You already reported external trade ID &1, you may not use it again |
600 | ++++++++++++ General messages for transaction +++++++++++++++++++++ |
601 | Enter the start of term for the transaction |
602 | Enter the end of term for the transaction |
603 | This activity transition is not defined |
604 | Activity &1 for transaction &2 is not active in company code &3 |
605 | This activity cannot be reversed due to dependent int. rate adjustments |
606 | Interest rate/ price adjustments only possible if contract is settled |
607 | Interest rate/ price adjustments only possible if status 'contract' |
608 | You cannot create/change/reverse a rate/price adjustment on &1 |
609 | Transaction &1 in company code &2 has 'Reversed' status |
610 | Reversal of interest rate/price adjustment not possible after termination |
611 | Index adjustment is insufficient |
612 | Lagged index too big |
613 | Index calculation can be used only in Brazil localization |
614 | Index calculation can be used only for product category 550 |
615 | Not yet possible to use index calculation |
616 | Setting for cash flow calc. can be used only for product category 550 |
617 | Lower Limit 0 must exist for product category 550 |
618 | Lower Limit -99999999999999999999,99 must exist for prod. cat. 580 |
619 | Upper Limit 999999999999999999999,99 must exist for prod. cat. 550/580 |
620 | Negative Lower Limit is not allowed for product category 550 |
621 | Negative Upper Limit is not allowed for product category 550 |
622 | No step condition data available |
623 | Lower Limit should be less than Upper Limit |
624 | Same Lower Limit entered twice |
625 | Same Upper Limit entered twice |
626 | Gap between interval/increment is not allowed |
627 | Select one among ref. int. rate, percentage rate and fomula for int. rate |
628 | Invalid currency in scaled condition |
629 | You can't use this feature; the version of component SAP_ABA is too low |
630 | Nominal flows on the same payment or calculation date not allowed |
631 | Flow type &1 with Accrued Int. Calc. not allowed in nominal change |
632 | Percentage rate is not empty, condition amnt value will be cleared |
633 | Posted flows will be reversed. Do you want to continue? |
634 | Posted flows will be reversed. |
635 | Enter the price index for the transaction. |
636 | Enter all necessary fields for the price index. |
637 | Enter the index fixing date high value for the transaction. |
638 | Enter the Price Index Application Method |
639 | Fix Date High &1 is before the Fix Date Low &2. |
640 | Index Base Date &1 is before the Term Start &2. |
641 | Capitalized interest requires price index applied also to repayments. |
700 | ++++++++++++++++++ Messages for rule management ++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
701 | The rule for company code &1 is not defined |
702 | &1 End of term &2 lies before start of term &3 |
703 | &1 company code &2 is not permitted |
704 | The rule is not defined for currency &1 |
706 | &1 Currency &2 is not permitted |
707 | Rule for partner &1 in role &2 is not defined |
709 | &1 Partner &2 in role &3 is not permitted |
710 | The rule for transaction type &1 &2 is not defined |
711 | &1 Transaction type &2 &3 is not permitted |
712 | &1 Rule for product type &2 is not defined |
713 | &1 Product type &2 is not permitted |
714 | &1 Term (&2 days) is greater than maximum term (&3 days) |
715 | &1 Term (&2 days) is less than minimum term (&3 days) |
716 | &1 Start of term for transaction &2 lies before start of term &3 |
717 | &1 Start of term for transaction &2 lies after end of term &3 |
718 | &1 End of term for transaction &2 lies before start of term &3 |
719 | &1 End of term for transaction &2 lies after end of term &3 |
720 | Transaction &1 in CoCd &2 contradicts the rules (-> &3) |
722 | If &1 is selected then rules listed in rule maintenance will not be valid |
723 | Please select &1 or specify rules in rule maintenance above |
800 | ******************* Technical Messages 800 - 899 ******************* |
801 | Start date is initial |
802 | Incorrect update rule for the calculation date/due date |
803 | Incorrect parameter in adapter &1 |
804 | Data in CONDLINK: &1 is incorrect |
805 | CONDLINK in the IRATE adapter contains incorrect data |
806 | More than one main condition is available |
807 | Incorrect parameter in adapter: &1 &2 |
808 | Process has not been initialized |
810 | Method must not be used in dialog mode |
811 | Method can only be used in dialog mode |
812 | No flow category for interest rate adjustments |
813 | Parameter error in NOMFLOW |
814 | Parameter is missing in NOMFLOW adapter |
815 | Setlink failed while editing NOMFLOW |
816 | Incorrect plus/minus sign in the parameters |
817 | Different key in adapter |
818 | Invalid key in NOMFLOW |
819 | Financial transaction activity is invalid |
820 | Unknown transaction code |
821 | Interest rate adjustment service is not instanced |
822 | Interest rate adjustment ID is initial |
823 | No interest rate adjustments were transferred |
824 | Transaction was not updated |
825 | You can't change the product type &1 for company code &2 |
880 | ******************* Technical messages 880 - 899 *********************** |
881 | The file name does not have to contains ':\' or '\\' or '/' |
882 | The path has to end with '\' or '/' |
885 | You cannot use a flow type that is position-relevant after contract |
888 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
889 | Object reference is initial |
890 | COMMIT or ROLLBACK are not permitted in the BAPI |
892 | &1 &2 &3 successful |
893 | Callup sequence control of screen logic was deactivated |
894 | Callup sequence control of screen logic was activated |
895 | Processing has been terminated |
896 | Worklist &1 successfully deleted |
897 | Incorrect call sequence for screen logic |
898 | Incorrect call sequence for screen logic - &1 instead of &2 |
899 | Error &1 &2 &3 |