FV - Meldungen f�r Electronic Banking

The following messages are stored in message class FV: Meldungen f�r Electronic Banking.
It is part of development package FBAS in software component FI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Financial Accounting "Basis"".
Message Nr
Message Text
000$ $ $ $
001No statements/lists exist
002& statements/lists updated
003Bank account does not exist
004Bank account does not exist under this bank key
005Bank account number not unique
006Bank account does not exist under this bank key
007G/L account not maintained
008Specify a job name
009Specify a processing mode
010Cannot post. Processing status not correct
011Statement/list is being updated at the moment
012Statement/list does not exist
013Enter current date when creating
014Enter your own user name when creating
015Enter a transaction
016Enter a posting date
017Enter a value date
018Enter a currency key
019Enter an amount
020No statements entered in the system yet
021Value date does not correspond to the value determined
022Function cannot be carried out in display mode
023No lists were entered in the system as yet
024"Totaling level" switch changed: see long text
025Control record no longer exists in the system
026Header record no longer exists in the system
027Bank statement was entered electronically
028Transaction type is not maintained
029System error with database update
030System error with database update
031System error with database insert
032System error with database insert
033System error with database insert
034System error with database insert
035System error with database insert
036System error with database update
037System error with database insert
038Account statement locked by user &, only display possible
039System error in blocking
040System error with database update
041Statement/list posted
042Deletion indicator set
043Deletion indicator reset
044Currency key not correct
045Transaction not correct
046Posting date not correct
047Value date not correct
048Item already inactive
049Position cursor on a valid line
050Item already updated
051Statement/list saved
052Position cursor on valid field
053Select valid field
054Form ID & does not exist for SAPscript Form
055Item already active
056Variant & not active
057First statement
058Beginning balance does not match prior ending balance $
059Statements missing
060Opening balance is 0
061Statement date is before last statement date
062Closing balance does not correspond to next opening balance &
063Later account statement already exists
064Ending balance is 0
065Statement date is after the statement date of the next statement
066Enter lower limit
067Upper limit smaller than lower limit
068Exchange rate not correct
069Statement date not correct
070Opening balance not correct
071Closing balance not correct
072Amount entered does not correspond to the account statement amount
073Form & does not exist
074Check deposit list locked by user &, only display possible
075Enter 'Group from'
076'Group from' is larger than 'Group to'
077Matchcode ID & does not exist
078No statements/lists exist in the system
079Foreign currency does not correspond to account currency
080Other foreign curr.not possible since account curr.is not local curr.
081Matchcode ID & & does not exist
082Statement/list has already been set to completed
083Statement/list does not have a deletion indicator
084List has already been set to completed
085List does not have a deletion indicator
086Specify foreign currency key
087Specify foreign currency amount
088Function & currently not supported
089Enter several accounts with the same allocation key
090Different selection fields filled
091Value date determination not possible; see long text
092Value date determination not possible; see long text
093Warning: Values entered are ignored
094"Bank reference" field not filled
095"Bank reference" field is not interpreted
096Bank account has different account currency
097Bank account does not exist in this currency
098Statement &/& already exists for today's date
100Last header record
101Last memo record
102Last cash concentration record
103... & : &
104Processing was terminated
105File empty
106First data record has record type &, 0 is expected (header record)
107Header record &: No memo records exist
108Header record &: Table name & not allowed
109Memo record & &: Table name & not allowed
110Cash concentration record & & &: Table name & not allowed
111Cash concentration record & 0 1: Memo record is missing
112Subsequent rec.for cash conc.rec. & & &: Rec.type & not allowed
113Header rec. &, field &: Value & does not correspond to parameter &
114Header record &, field &: No value was transferred
115Header record &: Group field not filled; no check for existence
116& is not a valid date
117& is not a valid amount
118Memo record & &: Amount is missing
119Cash concentration & & &: selection value is missing
120Header record &: List could not be blocked
121Cash concentration record & & &: Selection field & is not supported
122Cash concentration record & & &: & is not a valid value
123List &: Number of checks & differs from transferred value
124List &: Total of check amounts & differs from transferred value
125Header record &: Transaction & does not exist
126Header record &: Currency & is no longer valid
127Header record &: Currency & does not exist
128Cash concentration record & & &: Customer not specified
129Header record &: Group & already imported
130Cash concentration record & & &: Field name is missing
131Header record &: & is not a valid exchange rate
132Bank details can only be searched through in the production run
133User exit can only be carried out in the production run
134No errors found
135Header record &: List with identical key already exists in the system
136Check deposit list stored with key & & & &
137Update for & called up
138Choose a further processing option
139Invalid contents in field: & (return code: &)
140No entry in house bank table with currency & for bank & and account &
141Currency & not permitted in account & / &.
142Statement is not linked to an intermediate document
143Sales are not linked to an intermediate document
144Lockbox is not linked to an intermediate document
145Currency key class is not defined for account &1 &2.
146Alternative currency key &1 from class &2 has not been maintained.
147Data length error in record &.
148Maximum sequence number exceeded -> last 3 digits are used
149No bal.check: Final sequence for statement & missing in bank data storage
150Termination in statement no. &3 of acct &1 &2; start record 60F missing
151Termination in statement no. &3 of acct &1 &2; closing record 62F missing
152Sequences interrupted for statement & & &
153Processing is complete
154Termntn during import: Statement no. missing (rec. type :28:): Acct &1 &2
155Form ID & does not exist for PDF form
156Bank account has a different account currency: &
160The EDI payment notice with number & has already been assigned
161Bank reference missing, function terminated
162Function only permitted for interpretation algorithm 032
163Search started; please wait...
164Search successfully completed
165EDI payment already assigned to other sales
166No EDI payment advice note found
167The payment advice with number & has already been assigned; continue?
170Account & statement &: OCMT amount too high or too low
172Posting not possible since the deletion indicator was set
173Posting not possible because of incorrect balance of account statement
180Account is not active in bank account management
181Account is only valid from &1 until &2 in bank account management
183Account for posting on account could not be determined
200You do not have authorization for the selected function
201You do not have authorization for company code &
202You have no create authorization in company code &1
203You have no change authorization in company code &1
204You do not have authorization for displaying
205You do not have authorization for authorization group &
206You do not have authorization for displaying the existing lists
207You do not have authorization for displaying the existing statements
208You do not have authorization for creating
209You do not have authorization for changing
210You do not have authorization for displaying
211You do not have authorization for cash management in company code &
212Bank statement has "Closed" status but was not posted
213Bank statement item has "Completed" status but was not posted
214No statistic because account set to "No Posting Proc."
216Calculated exchange rate & differs from current exchange rate & by &%
250System is customer or partner system (see note 661400)
251Test program does not run in productive client
300Upload from server is not supported in S/4 Cloud
500Table & is blocked; key & & &
501File & could not be opened
502File & in disk drive & cannot be opened
503Read error in file & in disk drive &
555Record type & only applies for preselection items (MT942)
556Record type 60 does not apply to preselection items (MT942)
557& is not a valid time
558Preselection items & &: Duplicate sheet &
600Table T049B does not have an entry with key & &
601Table T049A does not have an entry with key & &
602Table & does not have an entry with key & & &
603RFEBBU00: Only a short key is allowed when selecting line items
604Check was already posted with document number &
605Error during Array insert in FEBEP: Short key &
606Lockbox file ist already in FEBKO: Key & & &
607Lockbox file is already in FEBVW: Key & & &
608Enter value between 5 and 10 for document numbers
609Enter value between 5 and 16 for reference document numbers
610Deactivate the plan.pmnt advices field if you want to post immediately
611If you generate batch input then bank and subedger are always generated
612Enter a payment advice type
613Item was already posted with document number &
614In & a posting is not necessary for transaction &
615Specify the number of items per bundle
616No bank statements corresponding to your selection exist
617Item already posted; internal transaction cannot be changed
618Number of items must = 0 when bundling per accounting clerk
619A rule for the session names is required for batch input
620Cannot process advice, since item has "completed" status
621Line item file field can only be used with MultiCash format
622Specify either destination and origin or nothing
623No entries found for this selection
624Payment advices can only be changed if you are in subledger posting sess.
625You have not selected a lockbox file
626Incorrect input file: No & separator exists in & format
627No line items exist for your selection
628You do not have authorization for creating
629You do not have authorization for changing
630You do not have authorization for displaying
631Payment advice note is blocked by another user
632You do not have authorization for changing this payment advice
633No checks exist for your selection (Lockbox/batch/status)
634Enter BAI or BAI2
635A record in stmnt file does not exist for record & & & in line item file
636You must specify a valid account to change the advice note
637This format is not supported
638No automatic clearing: advice note contains uncleared items
639Restart the program
640Spool file & was created
641Only the LOCKBOX procedure is currently supported
642Use program RFEBKA00 (see long text)
643This check is blocked by another user &
644Error in blocking the check
645Error in updating the check status
646Check status has not been changed
647The status of this check cannot be reset
648This function can only be used in the SUBLEDGER posting area
649The status of & checks has been changed
650The check status has not been changed
651Process lockbox data using the function specifically designed for this
652Display of all statements for which you have authorization.
653No data was selected.
654The line item amounts do not match the balances (statement &1)
655Document numbers are different (payment ref.-doc.number) & - &
656No document found for payment reference: &
657Program termination: Double entries in statement file
658Total of line items in line item file not the same as in statement file
659MULTICASH format: You must specify the path for the line item file
660If no data is imported, you must select the bank statements
661Amounts greater than &1 are cut off in the display
665Function not permitted with split payment advice note
666Check and payment advice note will be split
667Check & split into & subchecks
668Payment advice note & split into & partial payment advice notes
669Error writing bank data memory; changes rejected
670Module BKK_IHB_WRITE_FEBCL_RFC does not exist in the target system
671Payment advice note has fewer than & items and will not be split
672Partial payment advice note would have negative amount - no split
673Planning payment advice notes or FEBCL exist - advice note not split
674No lockbox, payment advice note will not be split
675Internal error from module REMADV_SPLIT_PAYMENT_ADVICE
700Document &1 was posted in fiscal year &2
701House bank and account ID were not maintained in Lockbox Customizing
713Item already posted: application & document number &
714No posting required in & in application &
715Item would not be posted in new transaction; transaction not changed
770Account &: No sequence for statement & previously existed in system
771Account &: Sequence & for statement & not contained in bank data storage
772Error when compressing bank statement data. Notify SAP.
780Statement & & & will be ignored, since there are no sales/purchases
781Statement & & & contains zero sales
783No data processed
800Check the statement date
899& & &
999& & &
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