FVD_CANCRES - Messages for Rescission / Withdrawal

The following messages are stored in message class FVD_CANCRES: Messages for Rescission / Withdrawal.
It is part of development package FVVD_AL_ACCOUNT_OPERATION in software component FS-CML-PO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Business Operations: Application Logic".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Rescission period expired; rescission no longer possible
001Enter the non-acceptance reason
002Non-acceptance reason &1 is not maintained
003Subsequent status &1 not found in Customizing
004Rescission can be executed
005Enter a date
006Non-acceptance reason in co. code &1 for product cat. &2 not maintained
007Status transfers in co code &1 for product category &2 not maintained
008Texts for non-acceptance reasons in language &1 are not maintained
009Posted flows exist
010Activated business operation exists
011Processing date is in the future
012Date of execution is outside of the rescission period
013Rescission period has not yet expired; execute a rescission
014Planned disbursement exists
015Posted disbursement exists
016Disbursement was already transferred
017Error occurred reading the relevant actual data and flow data
018Disbursement posted, but not yet transferred
019Withdrawal can be executed
020It is possible to delete the rescission
021Reset of withdrawal possible
022Rescission executed
023Executed rescission has been deleted; Loan contract reactivated
024Execution date is before the start of contract
025You have entered a withdrawal; execute a reversal of the withdrawal
026You have entered a rescission; enter a reversal of the rescission
027Rescission has not yet been entered for loan contract &1
028Withdrawal/Reduction has not yet been entered for loan contract &1
029You cannot create a rescission in display mode
030You cannot create a withdrawal/reduction in create mode
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