FVD_DEFCAP - Deferral/Capitalization
The following messages are stored in message class FVD_DEFCAP: Deferral/Capitalization.
It is part of development package FVVCL_DEFCAP in software component FS-CML-PO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Payment Agreements (Deferral / Capitalization)".
It is part of development package FVVCL_DEFCAP in software component FS-CML-PO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Payment Agreements (Deferral / Capitalization)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
001 | Entries missing: Company code &1, contract number &2, log-ID &3 |
002 | Entries missing: Company code &1, contract number &2 |
003 | Deferral with business operation ID &1 does not exist |
004 | Posted receivables exist on/after the key date |
005 | Key date is not specified |
006 | Advance payments exist |
007 | Overpayments exist |
008 | Negative repayment amounts exist |
009 | Total amount of repayments is not equal to the deferral amount |
010 | Define interest calculation method |
011 | Date &1 is not the month-end |
012 | Bank details &2 do not match payment method &3 for partner &1 |
013 | Key date is after the end of term of the contract |
014 | &1 - inadmissible number of deferral installments |
015 | Contract &1 has no open items |
016 | No offsetting flow is maintained for flow type &1 |
017 | Error when converting deferral installments for display |
018 | Business operation is not saved !!! |
019 | Select open items |
020 | No regulated disbursements exist for the contract &1 |
021 | Incorrect partner number &1 |
022 | No capitalization disbursement flows exist |
023 | Key date is before the beginning of the fixed period |
024 | Due date for the first installment is before the key date |
025 | Due date for the first installment is before the full disbursement |
026 | Open installment plan is active; deactivate to recalculate the plan |
027 | Different payment info.for deferral installments was probably overwritten |
028 | Due date &1 was adjusted to deferral's full disbursement date &2 |
029 | Contract &1 has not been released |
030 | Contract &1 has unreleased flows |
031 | Partner &1 has not yet been released |
032 | Installment frequency must be greater than 0 |
033 | Disbursement obligations still exist for contract &1: &2 &3 |
034 | First due date for open installment plan comes before full disbursement |
035 | Loan & has no file number |
036 | Enter date for 'payments due to' |
037 | Business operation &1 is deleted/reversed |
038 | Insufficient authorization for the file |
039 | Specify a new number of installments or a new term end |
040 | Specify a new installment amount |
041 | Select only full installments if key date < full disbursement date |
042 | There are no overdue items to be cleared on the key date |
043 | No changes were made |
044 | Error occurred; correspondence request was terminated |
045 | New term end comes before the full disbursement |
046 | Posting date is in the past |
047 | Capital amounts cannot be determined |
048 | No planned records for reference interest rates |
049 | Contract &2 is blocked by &1; you can only display the business operation |
050 | Contract &2 is blocked by &1; you cannot create a business operation |
051 | Deferral is not activated for product type &1 |
052 | Capitalization of overdue items is not activated for product type &1 |
053 | Payment agreements exist that have not yet been posted in full |
054 | Enter the deferral partner in the payment arrangements |
055 | Internal error; business operation number missing |
056 | Posting date &1 is before the key date &2 |
057 | Contract conditions are only valid from &1 |
058 | Due date for a deferral installment &1 > end of term &2 |
059 | No open items or planned flows exist for the contract |
060 | Loan &1 has the status &2, and not contract status |
061 | Key date must not be before the repayment start &1 |
062 | No capitalization of overdue items exists for loan &1 in company code &2 |
063 | Incomplete import parameters: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
064 | You must specify the payment installment |
065 | You must specify the end of term |
066 | Choose one of the two alternatives |
067 | Bank details &1 entered in basic data for partner &2 do not exist |
068 | Partner &1 is not assigned to the loan as a business partner |
069 | Business operation &1 is reversed, so it cannot be &2 |
070 | There are still planned records before the key date |
071 | Calculation date &1 is before due date for the most recent open item &2 |
072 | There are posted receivables after the capitalized open items |
073 | Business operation &1 is deleted. |
074 | The BO is partially posted. Delete is not allowed. |
075 | There are posted receivables after the deferred open items |
090 | ************ Internal technical error *************** |
091 | Internal error in FORM & |
099 | *** Customizing |
100 | Invalid business operation category &1 in deferral/capitalization |
101 | Basic settings missing for product type &1 and company code &2 |
102 | Customizing entry &1 missing in table &2 |
103 | Condition type for cocd &1, bus. op. &2, cond. group &3 is not maintained |
104 | General ctrl data for prod. type &1 is not maintained in company code &2 |
105 | Enter a due date for flow type & |
106 | Flow type for company code &1, application subfunction &2, cond. group &3 |
107 | Flow type &1 for appl. funct. &2 must not be posted to customer accounts |
108 | Flow type &1 for appl. function &2 must be posted to customer accounts |
109 | Customizing; payment blocks are not maintained for open items |
110 | Specify only positive values for deferral interest rate |
111 | Specify only a positive amount for the new payment installment |
131 | Errors have occurred; the deferral cannot be deleted |
132 | Errors have occurred; capitalization of overdue items cannot be deleted |
134 | Deferral was not released |
135 | Capitalization of overdue items was not released |
137 | Cannot save in display mode |
138 | Cannot save in display mode |
139 | Errors occurred; deferral cannot be saved |
140 | Errors occurred; capitalization of overdue items cannot be saved |
141 | Deferral was not saved |
142 | Capitalization of overdue items was not saved |
143 | Cannot post in display mode |
144 | Cannot post in display mode |
145 | Errors occurred; deferral cannot be posted |
146 | Errors occurred; capitalization of overdue items cannot be posted |
147 | Deferral was not posted |
148 | Capitalization of overdue items was not posted |
149 | Deferral was posted successfully |
150 | Capitalization of overdue items was posted successfully |
151 | Deferral was not deleted |
152 | Capitalization of overdue items was not deleted |
153 | Deferral was deleted successfully |
154 | Capitalization of overdue items was deleted successfully |
155 | Deferral was activated successfully |
156 | Capitalization of overdue items was activated successfully |
157 | Go to change mode before you process the item list |
158 | Deferral/Capitalization of overdue items Switch is not found |
159 | No deferral exists for loan &1 in company code &2 |
160 | This business operation must be released |
161 | Release is not necessary; activate or post directly |
177 | Deferral was saved successfully |
178 | Capitalization of overdue items was saved successfully |
179 | Deferral was not activated |
180 | Capitalization of overdue items was not activated |
181 | Errors occurred; deferral cannot be released |
182 | Errors occurred; capitalization of overdue items cannot be released |
183 | Deferral was released successfully |
184 | Capitalization of overdue items was released successfully |
185 | Cannot include 'delete deferral' in the release procedure |
186 | Cannot include 'delete capitalizn of overdue items' in release procedure |
187 | Cannot include the deferral in the release procedure |
188 | Cannot include 'capitalization of overdue items' in the release procedure |
189 | Deferral was not released |
190 | Capitalization of overdue items was not released |
191 | 'Delete deferral' was included in the release procedure |
192 | 'Delete capitalizn of overdue items' was included in the release proced |
193 | Deferral was included in the release procedure |
194 | Capitalization of overdue items was included in the release procedure |
195 | Cannot activate in display mode |
196 | Cannot activate in display mode |
197 | Errors occurred; deferral cannot be activated |
198 | Errors occurred; capitalization of overdue items cannot be activated |
199 | *** Consistency |
200 | Contract & has no open items or planned records |
201 | You are not authorized to &1 the deferral |
202 | You are not authorized to &1 the capitalization of overdue items |
203 | Conflict exists with change to installment plan; from &1 installment = &2 |
204 | Conflict exists with saved payoff; open items blocked |
300 | Maximum number of deferral installments &1 exceeded in the deferral plan |
301 | Maximum number of risk-increasing measures &2 has been exceeded |
302 | Error occurred when checking business operation against product profile |
303 | Deferral interest rate should be between &1 % and &2 % |
304 | Charge falls below the minumum charge of &1 &3 |
305 | Charge is not equal to the default value &1 &2 |
306 | Deferral interest differs from the default value &1 % |
307 | Maximum loan term of &1 months has been exceeded |
308 | Term falls below the minimum loan term of &1 months |
309 | Installment amount falls below the minimum installment amount of &1 &2 |
310 | Maximum increase of &1 months in the length of the term was exceeded |
311 | Charge exceeds the maximum limit of &2 &3 |
312 | Number of installments chosen for deferral exceeds the maximum limit &1 |
313 | Deferral term exceeds the maximum duration of &1 months |
314 | No. of installments selected for capitalization exceeds the max. limit &1 |
315 | Effective interest rate cannot be determined |
316 | Lock period for creating risk-increasing measures has not yet elapsed |
317 | Manual changes in additional flows for interest on arrears will be lost |
318 | Installment amount is too low; end of term cannot be determined |
319 | Maximum deferral term &1 less than number of deferral installment &2 |
320 | Due date for a deferral flow &1 is after end of fixed period &2 |
321 | Contradicting conditions exist in the future |
322 | Choose a loan with an annuity repayment type |
323 | Enter the end of fixed period in the loan contract |
324 | Due date of first installment is after end of fixed period &1 |
325 | Repayment amount is adjusted as it is greater than deferral amount |
326 | Last repayment installment amount has been adjusted |
327 | Number of installments capitalized exceeds the maximum limit &1 |
328 | You are not authorized to use flow type &1 |
329 | Flow type for &1 not maintained in customizing |
330 | Deferral installment amount made zero, delete the installment if not used |
331 | Enter effective interest calculation method |
332 | Capitalized amount exceeds the maximum amount allowed |
333 | Capitalized amount is less than the minimum amount allowed |
334 | Rollover date &1 is on or before the due date &2 of cap. or def. flows |
335 | Due date for a deferral flow &1 falls after contract term end date &2 |
336 | Due date of first installment is after the contract term end date &1 |
337 | Enter a key date that falls on or before the contract Fixed Until Date |
338 | Enter a key date that falls on or before the new term end date |
339 | New term end date falls before the contract Fixed Until Date |
340 | Calendar not found |
341 | Key date is out of range |
342 | Amount for payment installment must not be changed |
343 | Contract with dynamic repayment conditions |
344 | Repayment schedule records before payments-to date not permitted |
345 | |
346 | |
347 | Currency should be &1 |
348 | &1 cannot be &2 . Because release indicator is active |
349 | &1 item &2 &3 &4 is not found |
350 | &1 item &2 &3 &4 not available |
351 | Provide atleast one open item |
352 | &1 was successfully &2 in simulation mode |
353 | Custom deferral plan is not allowed to enter |
354 | &1 in entered state can only be calculated |
355 | Activity &1 not permitted in status &2 |
356 | Capitalization with business operation ID &1 does not exist |
357 | Deferral was sucessfully reversed |
358 | Field &1 cannot be edited |
359 | Invalid value '&1' for '&2' |
360 | Repayment amount is greater than deferral amount |
361 | Either deferral plan or installment condition has to be provided |
362 | Errors have occurred; the deferral cannot be reversed |
363 | Errors have occurred; capitalization of overdue items cannot be reversed |
364 | Capitalization of overdue items was sucessfully reversed |
365 | &1 was sucessfully forwarded for release |
366 | Key date must be after 'Payments to' |
367 | Selected planned records have been changed |
368 | Planned records for settlement installment must not be selected |
888 | Internal error: &1 &2 &3 &4 |