FVD_INSURANCE - Messages for Insurance (Package FVVD_INSURANCE)

The following messages are stored in message class FVD_INSURANCE: Messages for Insurance (Package FVVD_INSURANCE).
It is part of development package FVVD_DELETE_INSURANCE in software component FS-CML. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Obsolete Objects CML: Insurance Policies".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Insurance policy &1 does not exist
002Key fields for reading insurance are empty
003Internal error in &1; missing parameter(s) &2 &3 &4
004You can only access insurance policy &1 in display mode
005Due to errors, you cannot delete insurance policy &1
006Insurance policy &1 was not deleted
007Insurance policy &1 was deleted successfully
008Simulated deletion of insurance policy &1 was successful
009You cannot save in display mode
010Due to errors, insurance policy &1 cannot be deleted
011Due to errors, insurance policy &1 cannot be saved
012Insurance policy &1 was not released
013Insurance policy &1 was not saved
014Insurance policy &1 was released successfully
015Release of insurance policy &1 was simulated successfully
016Insurance policy &1 was saved successfully
017Saving of insurance policy &1 was simulated successfully
018Internal error; operation in table &1 was unsuccessful
019Internal error; input parameter &1 &2 is missing
020No insurance data exists for status &1
021Insurance policy &1 was not found on the database
022No insurance data exists for the date &1
023No insurance categories have been defined in Customizing
024No insurance types have been defined in Customizing
025No texts for insurance types have been defined in Customizing
026Internal error; errors exist in the object key
027Internal error; errors exist in the insurance key
028Error occurred when locking the object &1/&2
029Date for the insurance event is missing for the insurance policy &1
030Indicator for the insurance event is missing for the insurance policy &1
031Date of force placed insurance is missing for the insurance policy &1
033Start date for the insurance policy &1 is missing
034End date for the insurance policy &1 is before the start date
035Premium effective from date for policy &1 is before insurance start date
036Insurance policy cannot be deleted; premium data has expired
037Insurance type is missing for insurance policy &1
038Policy number is missing for insurance policy &1
039Insurance company is missing for the insurance policy &1
040Valid-from date for the premium data is missing for insurance policy &1
041Billing date for the premium data is missing for insurance policy &1
042Payment due date for the premium data is missing for insurance policy &1
043Payment due amount for premiums from &2 missing for insurance policy &1
044Payer of insurance premium is missing for insurance policy &1
045Internal error occurred in LOG processing
046Insurance policy &1 has already been deleted
047You are not authorized to delete insurance policy &1
048Insurance policy &1 is locked; you cannot delete the policy
049Insurance policy &1 has already been activated
050You are not authorized to reactivate insurance policy &1
051Insurance policy &1 is locked; you cannot reactivate the policy
052No changes were made
053Internal error; no active detail data was found
054Combination of category and type is not permitted for insurance policy &1
055Payment due date for insurance policy &1 is before the premium start date
056Role &2 is added when you save business partner &1
057Date of birth does not exist for the business partner
058No business partner data was found for the insurance policy
059Insurance premium valid from &1 already exists
060Insurance policy &3 already exists
061No &1 was created
062Insurance policy &1; billing date must be after the previous billing date
063Insurance policy &1; valid-from date for premium is invalid
064Error occurred when adding a role to the business partner &1
065Business partner &1 does not exist in the role of &2
066FI customer for the business partner &1 - &2 does not exist
067Insurance policy &1; payer &2 does not exist
068Insurance policy &1; internal error occurred when checking the payer data
069Insurance policy &1; specified bank details &2 do not exist
070Insur. policy &1; collection auth. missing for specified payment method
071Insurance policy &1; payment method &2 does not exist
072Insurance policy &1; payment method &2 is not an incoming payment method
073Insurance policy &1; valid bank details ID required for payment method &2
074Insurance policy &1; specify a bank details ID for payment method &2
075Insurance policy &1; bank details with collection authorization missing
076Policy &1; collection authorization is missing for bank details ID &2
077Insurance type &1 already exists for the loan
078Payer &1 for the premium valid from &2 is missing in the partner overview
079Payer &1 of the insurance premium is missing in the partner overview
090Object in the application log was recreated/initialized
099-- Messages for new insurance policy functionality: --
100Updated insurance policy is invalid
888Internal error: &1 &2 &3 &4
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