FVD_INV_ACC - Message Class for Investor Contract
The following messages are stored in message class FVD_INV_ACC: Message Class for Investor Contract.
It is part of development package FVVD_INVESTOR_ACCOUNT in software component FS-CML-NB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Investor Acount".
It is part of development package FVVD_INVESTOR_ACCOUNT in software component FS-CML-NB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Investor Acount".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | *** General / Method Messages ******************************************* |
001 | Company code or contract number not provided |
002 | Function not permitted for product category investor contract |
003 | Transfer parameters contradictory: &1 &2 |
008 | &1 could not be posted |
009 | *** Contract Creation *************************************************** |
010 | Product type &1 is invalid for investor contract |
011 | Product category &1 is not an investor contract |
012 | Conditions have been provided for product type &1; no conditions required |
013 | No flows have been provided for product type &1; Conditions not required |
014 | Flows have been provided for product type &1; Conditions required |
015 | No conditions have been provided for product type &1; Conditions required |
030 | *** Contract Change ***************************************************** |
031 | Missing contract lock, set a contract lock |
032 | Contract lock has been reset |
034 | Main contract partner cannot be changed, partner: &1 -> &2 |
035 | Incoming payment posted, change &1 not permitted, old value: &2 new: &3 |
039 | Posting date for balance sheet transfer missing |
049 | Status change is currently not supported |
050 | *** Conditions/Flow Data ************************************************ |
051 | &1 Condition &2 flow category &3 not permitted for investor contract |
052 | Condition type &1 does not belong to valid flow category for inv. contrct |
053 | Flow type &1 does not belong to valid flow category for investor contract |
055 | Planned record with due date &1 falls in posted period |
056 | Planned record with due date &1 affects the capital amounts |
057 | Planned record with due date &2 affects accrual/deferral |
058 | Due date for planned record must be provided |
059 | Calculation date for planned record must be provided |
060 | Planned record due date &1 is after end of term &2 |
061 | Planned record calculation date &1 is after end of term &2 |
062 | Planned record due date &1 is before start of term &2 |
063 | Planned record calculation data &1 is before start of term &2 |
064 | Double planned records exist (flow type &1 and calculation date &2) |
065 | Inconsistencies in new planned records |
066 | Exchange rate flows added to planned records due to rounding differences |
100 | *** Performance Problems ************************************************ |
101 | No flows maintained for application subfunction &1 (table &2) |
102 | Only 1 entry permitted cond. group &1 app. subfunction &2 table &3 |
103 | Assign exactly one flow to condition group &1 and appl. subfunction &2 |
104 | Enter a valid date for key date &1 |
105 | No alternative payer &2 exists as customer for loan &1 |
106 | Key date for payoff &1 is not the same as due date for payoff &2 |
107 | Payoff amount must be copied to field &1 parameter &2 |
108 | No entry in field &1 in full payoff parameter &2 |
109 | Field &1 of parameter &2 contains empty or invalid input value &3 |
110 | Condition header for company code &1 and loan &2 were not found |
111 | No partner data exists for date of payoff &2 for loan &1 |
112 | Flow type &1 for application subfunction &2 not permitted (table &3) |
113 | Error in the interface &1 &2 |
114 | &1 &2: enter at least &3 and &4 |
115 | An amount must be transferred field &1 parameter &2 |
116 | Parameter &1 contains invalid flow type &2 |
117 | &1 &2 contains no values, end of fixed int. per. or remaining cap. exists |
118 | New planned records have not been completed |
119 | Cannot assign &1 to &2 &3 |
120 | No new planned records are permitted in import table &1 |
121 | Due date for new planned record &1 must be after key date payoff &2 |
122 | Due date charge &1 is different than due date of payoff from &2 |
123 | Missing import parameter &1 for call &2 flow-based investor contract |
124 | Payment method must be transferred field &1 parameter &2 |
125 | No entries found in table &1 for product category investor contract |
126 | Assignment of text to &1 &2 not possible |
127 | Assignment of defaults to &1 &2 not possible |
128 | Parameter &1 to &2 is initial/does not correspond to prod.type invst.ctrt |
129 | Status of contract for company code &1 and product type &2 not found |
130 | Parameter & must be transferred |
131 | No entries permitted for parameter & |
132 | Entries in form field &1: 'I' |
133 | Product Type &1 does not belong to Investor Contract |
134 | Outgoing payment method must be transferred field &1 parameter &2 |
135 | Simulation of payoff was & |
136 | Payoff posted successfully |
137 | Payment method for payoff &1 and payment method charges &2 not identical |
138 | Repayment type &1 changed to &2, since the loan contract is flow based |
139 | No entries found in table &1 for &2 |
147 | Planned records result in negative remaining capital (overpayment) |
148 | Conditions result in negative remaining capital (overpayment) |
149 | No flows for posting have been transferred |
150 | Field &1 with value &2 has been changed to &3 |
200 | ***Reversal************************************************************** |
201 | When posting (without simulation) an open item for document &1 is created |
300 | *** Payment upon Request ************************************************ |
301 | Payment amount & must be greater than 0 |
302 | No open items exist |
303 | Open items &1 &2 smaller than payment amount &3 &4 are not permitted |
304 | Split exec. for open itm &1 &2 using &3. &4 were released for pymt |
305 | Pymt lock removed for open item &1 &2. &3 were released for pymt |
306 | No authorization for Payment upon Request function (OBJ FD_IA_ZANF) |
307 | Enter a currency & |
308 | Error Customizing investor contract: maintain evaluation criteria |
311 | Document does not exist &1 &2 &3 |
352 | You cannot process parked document &1; Document has been deleted |
400 | Processing characteristics for investor contracts |
401 | Error in processing characteristics for interface &1 |
402 | Posting area check failed for posting area &1 in interface &2 |
403 | Specify company code interface &1 |
500 | No loan data for loan &1 company code &2 |
501 | Set either full payoff or repayment change type for partial payoff |
502 | Error calling condition- or flow-based contract product type &1 |
503 | File upload of &1 not possible |
504 | Generation of planned records table for flow-based contracts failed |
505 | Enter values in tab Payoff |
506 | Repayment not possible for syndicated shadow account |
550 | ****************************Inpayment |
551 | Disbursement not permitted for product type of investor contract |
552 | Amount to be disbursed &1 is more than disbursement obligation |
553 | Only full disbursement permitted for investor contract product &1 |
554 | Disbursement is not possible for product type &1. |
555 | Partial disbursement is not possible for product type &1. |
556 | Enter an amount less than disbursement obligation for this product |
557 | Partial disbursement is initial. Post as full disbursement. |
601 | Incoming payment not simulated or transferred |
602 | Business Partner &1 has not been assigned to contract &2 |
700 | *******************ROLLOVER****************************************** |
701 | Rollover not supported for product type |
702 | Discrepancy exists between old and new condition agreements |
703 | Posted flows exist after rollover key date |
704 | Manual or fixed flows exist after rollover key date |
705 | No remaining capital on key date of rollover |
706 | Contract number not specified |
707 | Contract number does not exist |
708 | Product type does not exist for contract |
709 | Product type does not correspond to investor contract |
710 | Error occurred when getting posted/fixed flows |
711 | Error occurred when checking posted/fixed flows |
712 | Error occurred when calculating remaining capital of loan |
713 | Error when generating the rollover number for the contract |
714 | No remaining capital exists at the end of condition header for rollover |
715 | Remaining capital &1 at end of new fixing |
716 | Rollover is not allowed on a non-disbursed loan |
717 | Start of fixing: New cond. header before old cond. header |
718 | End of term is before end of fixing for new condition header |
750 | *********RESERVED FOR ROLLOVER |
751 | This function is not available for product type &1. |
752 | Please enter valid flow types/categories for &1. |