GA - Allocations
The following messages are stored in message class GA: Allocations.
It is part of development package KALC in software component CO-OM-CCA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Cost Accounting allocations RK-S".
It is part of development package KALC in software component CO-OM-CCA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Cost Accounting allocations RK-S".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | *********** allocations GL ************************************ |
001 | There are no change documents |
002 | The cycle specified has not been created |
003 | The cycle specified has already been created |
004 | System error: Table 811T is not maintained |
005 | Serious internal system error & & & & |
006 | The specified cycle has not been created |
007 | Postings exist for cycle &, starting date & |
008 | Cycle &, starting date & has been deleted |
009 | System error: Error while reading Table & |
010 | The cycle specified uses another allocation method |
011 | The cycle specified has another Act/Plan indicator |
012 | System error when storing cycle &, start date &. |
013 | Cycle &, starting date & has been saved |
014 | No valid sender entries exist |
015 | No valid receiver entries exist |
016 | You cannot change the combination fields |
017 | No combination fields because no sender values from data base |
018 | No combination fields because no receiver values from data base |
019 | You can process up to & combinations |
020 | No further segment exists |
021 | System error: No new segment could be generated |
022 | The name of the segment already exists |
023 | System error: No selection fields for new segment |
024 | No segments have yet been created |
025 | Segment & in cycle & & does not exist |
026 | You can only select a maximum of 10 criteria. |
027 | The total percentage must not exceed 100% |
028 | System error: Error in reloading segment & |
029 | The segment & to be deleted does not exist |
030 | The set & specified has not been created |
031 | The set & specified belongs to another field |
032 | The data field group & has not been created |
033 | Enter either single values (from-to) or a set |
034 | The "From" value is not smaller than the "To" value |
035 | Enter the name of the set |
036 | Set & has already been created |
037 | You are not authorized to generate set & |
038 | System error: Error in maintenance of set & |
039 | Position the cursor on a set field |
040 | You are not permitted to enter a set for the & field |
041 | Segment & has been deleted from the application |
042 | Enter values for the field "&" |
043 | Cost element & is not an assessment cost element |
044 | Version & does not exist |
045 | No valid assessment cost elements have been created |
046 | Position the cursor on a group field |
047 | No versions defined for controlling area & |
048 | Version & is not allowed for actual postings |
049 | Version & is not allowed for planning |
050 | System information: The function is not yet implemented |
051 | User & is locking the cycle |
052 | Assessment cost element & is not valid for the aggregate period |
053 | No cycle found |
054 | Enter a starting date |
055 | You are already locking the cycle |
056 | The sender rule & you entered is not allowed |
057 | The receiver rule & you entered is not allowed |
058 | Cycle & has not been created in & & |
059 | The reference cycle specified does not exist |
060 | The reference cycle specified has other allocation type |
061 | The reference cycle specified has another actual/plan indicator |
062 | To-date is smaller than From-Date |
063 | Printing carried out. |
064 | System error: Tables T811M and T811J differ |
065 | The reference cycle has not been created |
066 | The reference cycle has another allocation type |
067 | The reference cycle has another act/plan indicator |
068 | Do not enter over 100% for the sender |
069 | To-date of reference < from-date -> changed to from-date |
070 | Please enter sender portion > 0% |
071 | System error: Set name & has been deleted |
072 | The total sum of the parts may not exceed 99999.99 |
073 | It is not possible to maintain group & |
074 | Cost centers and orders are not active in & |
075 | Cost centers are not active in & |
076 | Alternative fields are filled simulataneously. |
077 | Enter values for fields & & . |
078 | Group & does not belong to controlling area &. |
079 | Group & does not belong to chart of accounts &. |
080 | Group & belongs to a different field |
081 | You are not permitted to enter a group for field & |
082 | Enter the name of the group |
083 | Group & already exists |
084 | You are not authorized to generate group & |
085 | System error: error during maintenance of group & |
086 | Group & does not exist |
087 | Controlling area & is not assigned to the operating concern. |
088 | Cost center cost assessment to CO-PA must be installed |
089 | Enter the controlling area first |
090 | You must enter at least one field |
091 | Value field & is not defined |
092 | CO area & and operating concern use different fiscal year variants |
093 | CO area & and operating concern have different currencies |
094 | Enter either single values (from x to y) or a group |
095 | All possible distribution fields are selected for the receivers |
096 | Fiscal year variant & is not defined |
097 | Printing has been carried out |
098 | System error: No acct assignment field found |
099 | System error: serious error during processing of a cycle |
100 | *** Process.transaction *** |
101 | Name & of the segment appears more than once |
102 | System error: Item & in the segment already exists |
103 | System error: No exit module pool exists for file & |
104 | Maintain number range for controlling area & transaction & |
105 | Controlling area & has not been created |
106 | More than one acct assignment field found. |
107 | Controlling area & is not valid for fiscal year & |
108 | No valid sender entries exist |
109 | No valid receiver entries exist |
110 | No segments have yet been created |
111 | Batch job & is scheduled for & |
112 | First install top-down planning for operating concern & |
113 | Deactivate the test run indicator |
114 | System error: Version not specified for plan assessment |
115 | System error: Version not specified for plan distribution |
116 | Profitability analysis is not active for controlling area & |
117 | No master record created for sender cost center/act. type &/& |
118 | Either set master data indicator or selection values |
119 | Indirect activity allocation: Serious system error act. type master rec. |
120 | No document data found for reversal |
121 | Only activity types/processes of category "indirect calculation" valid. |
122 | Only activity types/processes of category "manual entry" valid. |
123 | Receivers CCtr/act. type cannot be mixed with other types of receivers |
124 | Activity types set up without dependent cost centers as receivers |
125 | Indirect activity allocation: Serious system error cost elem. master rec. |
126 | No valid activity types created |
127 | No master record created for receiver cost center/activ. type &/& |
128 | Activity type & not of "indirect determination" category |
129 | Activity type & not of "manual entry" category |
130 | Assessment account & is not a valid account/cost element |
131 | Version & is not a delta version |
132 | Version & is a delta version |
133 | Sender activity type may not be "initial". |
134 | No receiver available. |
135 | No sender available. |
136 | Non-allocatable activity type & is not a valid sender activity type |
137 | No actual price indicator set for sender activity type & |
138 | Variants & were saved. |
139 | Variants & not available. |
140 | Values in activation indicator and entry readiness are contradictory. |
141 | Texts were not found. |
142 | System error in variant processing. |
143 | No variants created as yet. |
144 | Variants & not created for & . |
145 | No segment found in interval &1 to &2 for cycle &3, start date &4 |
146 | Time interval & to & contains no periods. |
147 | Operating concern & is not assigned to a controlling area. |
148 | Formal cycle check was successful. |
149 | Cycle check with &1 completed: For details see error log |
150 | Plan allocation for order & in version & not allowed. |
151 | Plan allocation for WBS element & in version & not allowed. |
152 | Enter the cycle name and its start date. |
153 | No segment found. |
154 | No fixed amounts are possible in cumulated allocation. |
155 | The sender percentage must equal 100% in cumulated allocation. |
156 | Indirect activity allocation: No valid sender entries exist. |
157 | Not all transaction texts available in language &1. |
158 | Overrun error - the number of errors is too large. |
159 | Joint venture assessment/distribution not possible; inactive in CO area. |
160 | Group &1 does not exist for profitability segment &3. |
161 | Error during ABAP list viewer callup. |
162 | Version &1 is locked in fiscal year &2 in controlling area &3 |
163 | Error when checking the lock for version &3 in fiscal year &1 |
164 | Relevant version for transaction &1 and version &3 cannot be called |
165 | Position cursor on an entry |
166 | List contains no data |
167 | Error when sorting the segment list |
168 | Character string not found. |
169 | Error when reading the cycle fields |
170 | Enter values for fields & & . |
171 | A sender contains no values to be allocated |
172 | "To" period too small for reversal of cumulative cycles |
173 | The start period for cumulative processing must be the first period |
174 | Choose a valid row |
175 | Search was unsuccessful. |
176 | No authorization for deleting change document for cycle &. |
177 | Changing segment names causes problems during segment adjustment |
178 | Cycle already executed in another version. |
179 | Periodic reposting of revenues for revenue-recording orders/WBS elements. |
180 | WBS element & is not a billing element. |
181 | Statistical order & is not a valid sender in &. |
182 | Statistical order & does not have an associated cost center for posting. |
183 | Version & is not allowed. |
184 | There is no segment in the buffer. |
185 | You do not have the authorization to display valuation versions |
186 | Creating set & was cancelled. |
187 | Select a valid row |
188 | Enter a valid value |
189 | Segment was copied into buffer |
190 | Master data check ended with messages: See the error log. |
191 | No master data created for receiver business process &. |
192 | No actual price indicator set for sender business process & |
193 | Non-allocatable allocation category & is not a valid sender category. |
194 | The sum of the percentage rates for the receiver is less than 100% |
195 | Validation successfully created/deleted. |
196 | Increased accuracy during iteration |
197 | Segment correction already executed for cycle &1 |
198 | No version specified for the plan cycle |
199 | The sum of the values entered leads to a field overflow |
200 | No fixed amounts/activity prices are possible with cumulative processing |
201 | Sender percentage must amount to 100% with cumulative processing |
202 | Enter either an assessment cost element or an allocation structure |
203 | Enter either value fields or a PA transfer structure |
204 | You have changed the currency and thereby the number of decimal places |
205 | Background job & for check of the cycle run groups was released |
206 | Enter either one total value field or one PA transfer structure |
207 | Group & does not contain any entries |
208 | Cycle run group check is not up-to-date |
209 | Check the cycle run groups again with the System |
210 | Use a valid substitution |
211 | No substitution used |
212 | Errors in automatic transport |
213 | Select an existing layout |
214 | No currencies found to be translated |
215 | The amount in currency &1 could not be translated to euro |
216 | Database change on table &1 could not be executed |
217 | Receiver rule & is not allowed when entering an allocation structure |
218 | No assignments of cycle run groups to cycles in fiscal year &1 |
219 | Statistical WBS element & is not a valid sender in & |
220 | Statistical WBS element & contains no cost center to be posted to |
221 | Incompatible quantities were added together |
222 | Variant &1 has not been created for organizational unit &2 |
223 | Maintain fields &1 &2 |
224 | Sender object &1 has been overcredited in segment &2 |
225 | Error during database selection (table COEP) |
226 | Cycle &1 is not available |
227 | Background job & for formal cycle check released |
228 | Segment rebooking not possible -> see note no. 327293 |
229 | Key figure not present or else too long (max. 18 characters) |
230 | The entry in the "Product" field is ignored |
231 | Material &1 does not exist |
232 | &1 |
233 | Field &1 in not active in any scenario in ledger &2 |
234 | 'Cumulated' and 'Previous Periods' not possible at the same time |
235 | 'Previous Periods' is only possible with a period |
236 | 'Previous Periods' for cycle &1, &2 active with value &3 |
237 | Error when deriving the 'previous periods' (period &1, delta &2) |
238 | Period delta &1 is greater than the number of posting periods |
239 | No allocation of quantities possible for plan dist. with delta update |
240 | Rollup ledger (&1) is not supported |
241 | Appendix ledger (&1) is not supported |
242 | Cycle definition &1, &2 based on totals record table ACDOCT |
243 | Error during cycle validation with &1 |
244 | Check the integrated master data for the CO-PA field &1 |
255 | Please maintain a cycle run group |
270 | Combined profitability analysis active; assess./IIAA should not be used |
300 | *** List of postings *** |
301 | No postings have been selected |
333 | No suitable segments found |
400 | *** Utility reports for allocation (error analysis, simulation, etc.). |
401 | Error in system information for table &. |
402 | Table & is not included in allocation. |
403 | Mandatory field & is not included in the field use (T811I). |
404 | Field use for mandatory field & is not maintained correctly (T811I). |
405 | Field & may not be included in the field use (T811I). |
406 | Remove sender field & from the field use (T811I). |
407 | No field of type "Account" is included in the field use (T811J). |
408 | Check the integrated master data for field &. |
409 | Choose another row. |
410 | No correct field groups have been maintained (T811J). |
411 | Use one field group type only (T811J). |
412 | Field group & is not maintained correctly (T811J). |
413 | Field group & is not available (T811J). |
414 | Use one data field type only for data control (T811H). |
415 | Data field & is not maintained correctly (T811H). |
416 | Data field & is not available (T811H). |
417 | The definition of field groups and data control does not match. |
418 | No correct data fields have been maintained (T811H). |
419 | Do not use field & on the cycle and segment levels at the same time. |
420 | Mark at least one row. |
421 | Not all the errors could be removed by the SAP System. |
422 | The customizing settings for allocation were corrected. |
423 | The customizing settings for allocation are formally correct. |
424 | Customizing entries were changed during data release. |
425 | Partner object update has not been activated for table & |
426 | Field & is being used in cycle & (&). |
427 | Check control data for field & in the field usage. |
428 | Check indicator "Without summarization" for field &. |
429 | Structure &1 may have a maximum length of &2. |
430 | Serious error in background processing: Incorrect business transaction. |
431 | Serious error in background processing: Business transaction & unknown. |
432 | Check results saved for cycle run group assignments. |
433 | Entry & is not allowed. |
434 | Inconsistencies in the field selection. |
435 | Incorrect entry |
436 | *** Cycle-independent messages (customizing for table &) |
444 | No executions found for the cycles in the last 70 days |
445 | Field RVERS may only be used for plan values (&1) |
501 | Cycle & starting date & has not been created |
502 | Cycle &, starting date &, has a different allocation type. |
503 | Cycle &, starting date & has other actual/planned indicator |
504 | Cycle & has not been created |
505 | Select a row |
506 | The clipboard is empty |
507 | Cursor is positioned on an empty row |
508 | The To-period is smaller than the From-period |
509 | Cycle & is not valid on & |
510 | Cycle & occurs twice |
511 | Reversal completed with errors |
512 | Generation of the report & finished |
513 | No reversal because & has not run yet |
514 | Reversal finished, & records written |
515 | Not all cycles have the same database |
516 | Start period for cumulation is greater than from-period value |
517 | & has already run, reversal will be started |
518 | System error: Entry in Table 811H missing |
519 | Reversal will be made in different posting period & & |
520 | No cycle has been specified |
521 | & entries transferred to the clipboard |
522 | 1 entry transferred to the clipboard |
523 | Activate either 'Update' or 'Detailed list' |
524 | Indirect activity allocation not allowed with posting; planning locked. |
525 | Enter an allocation group |
526 | The report to be generated is locked for other processing |
527 | Enter a cycle |
528 | Cycle & is not valid for complete period |
529 | Cycle & is not valid for complete period |
530 | No selection possible |
531 | Position the cursor on a cycle |
532 | User & has locked & |
533 | Program names starting with AL. are reserved for allocations |
534 | The reversal has not been updated |
535 | Cycle & is not valid for complete period |
536 | No reversal made, because & (old) has not yet run |
537 | Reversal of & has been cancelled |
538 | The "Update" function is not yet possible |
539 | System error: Data cannot be reversed |
540 | Cycle & in controlling area & does not exist |
541 | Planning locked by user & |
542 | Posting periods must be longer than adjustment periods |
543 | Reversal fiscal year cannot postdate posting fiscal year |
544 | Cycle in period &1 to &2, fiscal year &3, not yet posted. |
545 | Segment reversal is closed (& records written). |
546 | Segment reversal for segment & has already occurred |
547 | Cycle &, start date & is not an assessment/distribution/reposting cycle. |
548 | No data records to post found during segment reversal. |
549 | A mixture of cumulative and non-cumulative cycles is not possible |
550 | Cycle & & can not be performed in parallel |
551 | & for periods & to & is already run. Correct period intervals. |
552 | Please enter segments. |
553 | Segment reversal cancelled with errors. |
554 | Identical segment reversal for segment & has already been performed |
555 | Segment reversal for object &1, cost element &2 is not possible |
556 | Segment adjustment completed |
557 | Cycle in period &1, fiscal year &2 not posted. |
558 | Cycle & & contains dependent documents |
559 | & has blocked allocation for ledger & and company code/business area & |
560 | Reversal document number(2): & - & |
561 | Cycle & & cannot be executed in parallel. |
562 | Cycle & & cannot be started because run group & is locked. |
563 | Run group & locked by user &. |
564 | User &3 has locked &4 (cycle process group "no parallel capability") |
565 | Cycles & & is locked by user & |
566 | Dependent documents for cycle &1 &v2 can not be reversed. |
567 | Cycle &1 &2 cannot be started as cycle run group &3 is locked |
568 | Entry only relevant when reversing assessment |
569 | Reversal of & has been cancelled |
570 | Reversal fiscal year must not be older than posting fiscal year |
571 | Reversal period must not be older than posting period |
572 | Allocation for Period 0 is not allowed |
573 | It is not possible to select using field &1 (&2) from table &3 |
580 | *** CO cycles for each valuation variant |
581 | Cycle & has a different valuation view to the cycles already entered |
582 | Enter only cycles with the same valuation view |
600 | ****** Error Generation Allocation ******** |
601 | System error: Field group missing for computation of tracing factors |
602 | Only cycles for exactly one controlling area may be executed together. |
603 | System error : Read error in set & for Table & |
604 | No clear receiver defined in cycle & , start date & , segment & . |
605 | Non-specific sender definition in cycle & segment & |
606 | Set & is locked by another user. |
607 | System error: Error in conversion generation |
608 | System error: The field & is not defined in table T811I |
609 | Generation of the report terminated |
610 | Generation of report & completed |
611 | Generation of report & contains errors |
612 | You are not authorized to delete set &. |
613 | System error during set generation. |
614 | System error: in table T811J |
615 | Error in table T811J, no entry exists for field &-& |
616 | System error: Assessment CElem incorrectly defined in T811I |
617 | System error: Error in table T811J |
618 | System error: Error in table T811J |
619 | Cycle has no valid segments |
620 | System error: Error in Table T811H/T811J |
621 | System error: Internal program data structures generated incorrectly |
622 | System error or customizing error: Read error in set & for table & |
623 | Customizing error: Field & cannot be passed on from sender to receiver |
624 | Sets/groups are being converted. |
625 | System error: Generated program rows too long. |
626 | Syntax error during generation of run report. |
627 | Customizing error: Business transaction groups are not current. |
628 | Cycles have different settings for indicator "Transfer prices active". |
629 | Field overflow in iteration |
630 | Receiver &2/&1 invalid: Activity type &1 not planned for cost center &2 |
631 | Periodic reposting of activity-dependent costs on CCtr/AtyType only |
632 | No valid combinations found for ledger and company code |
633 | No valid combinations found for ledger and company |
634 | Company codes & and & cannot be processed together |
635 | Companies & and & cannot be processed together |
636 | Cross-company allocation is not supported |
637 | The "Controlling area" field can only be used at header level |
638 | Only one controlling area can be processed in the allocation |
639 | No clearing account found for company codes & and & |
640 | Cross-company code allocation only possible with partner-object update |
641 | Enter an organizational unit in the header or as a sender |
642 | Enter company code/company in all segments as the sender |
643 | Begin the update of table T811U |
644 | End the updating of table T811U |
645 | Periodic reposting of activity-dep.costs only with CCtr/activity type |
646 | Sender &2/&1 invalid, because activity type &1 not planned on CCtr &2 |
647 | Cycle run group &1 for cycles in &2 not yet available |
666 | SAP trace: Table &1 was saved under key &2 |
667 | Table &1 does not contain data |
668 | Segment information is not unique |
699 | Settlement unit occurs more than once |
700 | ****** Error Process Allocation ************ |
701 | Tracing base units not compatible |
702 | Document number: interval not found |
703 | Document number: range not found |
704 | Document number: Number range & not internal |
705 | Document number: Object & not found |
706 | Document number: Number in critical area (Object & sub-object &) |
707 | Document number: last number assigned (Object & sub-object & ) |
708 | System error: When reading set & table & |
709 | No valid receiver entries were found |
710 | No valid sender entries were found. |
711 | System error: Error in combination manager |
712 | System error: during period determination for currency transformation |
713 | System error: No exit found in the combination manager |
714 | The segment does not contain any senders. |
715 | No valid combinations were found |
716 | No sender values defined |
717 | No receiver tracing factors defined |
718 | The unit field & is not unique |
719 | No update performed due to an error |
720 | The segment is locked |
721 | A sender is credited by more than 100 % |
722 | Update of documents & to & is completed |
723 | In period & quantity is not complete for & & |
724 | In segment &, the activity is incorrect for & & |
725 | System error: incorrect layout of internal tables |
726 | Use a correct document type |
727 | Sender base in period & is 0; therefore, no allocation is possible |
728 | The cycle has not been defined in interval &1 - &2 |
729 | System error: Error in reading INDX cycle & & |
730 | & terminated - see long text |
731 | Print out the list of errors |
732 | The unit field & is not unique |
733 | The segment contains no receivers |
734 | System error: during determination of posting date |
735 | System error: during currency translation |
736 | System error: during conversion of consumption unit |
737 | No update due to error (see GOTO -> MESSAGES) |
738 | Iteration terminated with divergence |
739 | No line items exist. |
740 | Unit cannot be converted, quantities set to 0 |
741 | Unit cannot be standardized since target unit does not exist |
742 | Reset: document & has other from-period |
743 | Reset: document & has other to-period |
744 | Reset: Document & does not exist |
745 | Reset: document & has already been reversed |
746 | Reset: document & has already been partly reorganized |
747 | Reset: document & has different fiscal year |
748 | & ended without update |
749 | Cycle &1, start date &2, does not include any senders. |
750 | No update was made. |
751 | Receiver allocation bases > 100% for sender & |
752 | System error: Table setting is incomplete |
753 | System error: discrepancy in internal table |
754 | Document number: interval not found |
755 | Further processing terminated due to divergence |
756 | No sender values defined |
757 | No receiver tracing factors defined |
758 | System error with sender rule fixed price or qtys calculated inversely |
759 | No unit of measure defined for sender |
760 | No unit of measure defined for receiver |
761 | More than one company code/company were used in the allocation |
762 | Data record & already in file CSSL |
763 | Update executed with document numbers & to & . |
764 | Local updating could not be activated. |
765 | Termination of & in background processing. |
766 | Errror during callup of & in background processing. |
767 | No line items exist. |
768 | No posting of consumption quantities for &1 as quantity is incomplete |
769 | Fixed sender values overwritten with total of fixed receiver values |
770 | Sender & will not be credited 100%. |
771 | *** General cross-segment messages **************** |
772 | Function is no longer supported |
773 | No sender values entered in segment &1. |
774 | No valid master data for double-posted receiver &. |
775 | Field overrun during sender value allocation (BCD_FIELD_OVERFLOW) |
776 | Cumulation not possible; no stable allocation network exists for year. |
777 | Total of receiver tracing factors equals zero; scaling carried out. |
778 | Segment &1 is locked |
779 | Scaling carried out for segment &. |
780 | Document &/& already exists (line items not posted) |
781 | Document &/& is being processed (line items not posted) |
782 | Error during lock. Transfer of assessment costs to CO-PA terminated |
783 | Criteria could not be derived as no rules defined for structure & |
784 | No internal no. range defined for CO-PA act. line items of trans. type & |
785 | Do not define an int. no. range for CO-PA plan. LItems of trans. type & |
786 | Error during posting of CO-PA line items |
787 | System error: During derivation of currency types |
788 | Fixed costs are not transferred |
789 | Variable costs are not transferred |
790 | No summarization level exists for cycle & |
791 | Reference data read from summarization level &1 |
792 | Transfer of cost center costs is temporarily locked due to conversions. |
793 | Function not possible - administrative table is not converted. |
794 | Version & has not been planned. |
795 | Cycle & was not reversed. Line items not available |
796 | Reference basis "Variable portions" for special periods is not supported. |
797 | Maximum of 9999 receiver weighting factors possible. |
798 | No cost-based Profitability Analysis active in controlling area &. |
799 | No accounting-based Profitability Analysis active in controlling area &. |
800 | *********Error Display ***************** ********************* |
801 | Position the cursor on a cycle entry |
802 | No further field groups exist |
803 | No further field groups exist |
804 | No further periods exist |
805 | The first period is already displayed |
806 | Position your cursor on a segment entry |
807 | *** general messages for cycle & & ********************** |
808 | *** General messages for segment & *********************** |
809 | Position the cursor on a sender entry |
810 | Processing terminated: error when reading change-documents |
811 | **** General messages ****************************************** |
812 | You do not have authorization to create cycle & |
813 | You do not have authorization to change cycle & |
814 | You do not have authorization to display cycle & |
815 | You do not have authorization to delete cycle & |
816 | You do not have authorization to execute cycle & |
817 | System error in the authorization check (RC & ) |
818 | No reversed cycles found |
819 | Maximum of 9999 receiver tracing factors allowed in segment &. |
820 | No more than 9999 sender values allowed in segment &. |
821 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
822 | Cycle run group & was created successfully. |
823 | Cycle run group & still used in existing cycles. |
824 | Cycle run group & was successfully deleted. |
825 | Cycle run group & could not be deleted. |
826 | Basic set & successfully created in client &. |
827 | Error in client &, set &. |
828 | RK811XUP: Generate business transaction set for allocations |
829 | No. of decimal places rounded to is reduced for unit & from & to 3 |
830 | Breakpoint set: &. |
831 | Cycle updated in all current execution periods |
832 | The cycle was posted in current individual periods. |
833 | Additional document rows generated due to delta update |
834 | No assignment of an assessment cost element to cost element &2 |
835 | Cost Center Accounting and Activity-Based Costing not active in & |
836 | Cost Center Accounting and Activity-Based Costing not active in & |
837 | No assess. cost element assigned to cost element and recovery indicator |
838 | No value fields assigned to cost element &2 |
839 | Enter either an assessment cost element or "by cost element" |
840 | Sender cost elements must contain assessment cost elements in cum. proc. |
841 | Allocation structure & does not contain a valid assessment cost element |
842 | Only sender rule 1 is allowed when you use an allocation structure |
843 | The company code or company was used incorrectly in cycle & |
844 | No valid company code used in cycle & |
845 | No valid company used in cycle & |
846 | Activity-dependent costs are not allocated during the distribution |
847 | Error during update on table &V1& |
848 | It is not possible to delete cycle run group &1 |
849 | No valid document types found |
850 | No valid document types found |
851 | Field overflow when calculating the receiver tracing factor |
852 | Only sender rule is allowed for a PA transfer structure |
853 | You cannot post using cost element "space" |
854 | No summarization level exists for cycle &1, segment &2 |
855 | Reference data read from summarization level &1 |
856 | Customizing error in table T811KL |
857 | Allocation type and plan/actual indicator must not be changed |
858 | Cycle &1, &2 already updated -> Return = Continue |
859 | Segment of a cumulated cycle cannot be moved |
860 | Cycle &1, start date &2 was created/changed |
861 | Assessment has balance of balance sheet account (&1) as sender value |
862 | No actual documents could be deleted in the general ledger |
863 | Entry '*' is not allowed |
871 | Segment reversed -> cannot be moved |
872 | No line items are available for document &1 |
880 | Parallel update control active |
888 | Cycles are being modified |
889 | Cannot execute; delete data first using transacton GCDE |
890 | Document & for cycle & was correctly posted |
899 | *********End of Allocations GL********************************* |
901 | Choose the 'Receiver Tracing Factor' title element after changing object |
902 | 'Optimized cumulation' is only possible with activated 'cumulation' |