GA - Allocations

The following messages are stored in message class GA: Allocations.
It is part of development package KALC in software component CO-OM-CCA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Cost Accounting allocations RK-S".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*********** allocations GL ************************************
001There are no change documents
002The cycle specified has not been created
003The cycle specified has already been created
004System error: Table 811T is not maintained
005Serious internal system error & & & &
006The specified cycle has not been created
007Postings exist for cycle &, starting date &
008Cycle &, starting date & has been deleted
009System error: Error while reading Table &
010The cycle specified uses another allocation method
011The cycle specified has another Act/Plan indicator
012System error when storing cycle &, start date &.
013Cycle &, starting date & has been saved
014No valid sender entries exist
015No valid receiver entries exist
016You cannot change the combination fields
017No combination fields because no sender values from data base
018No combination fields because no receiver values from data base
019You can process up to & combinations
020No further segment exists
021System error: No new segment could be generated
022The name of the segment already exists
023System error: No selection fields for new segment
024No segments have yet been created
025Segment & in cycle & & does not exist
026You can only select a maximum of 10 criteria.
027The total percentage must not exceed 100%
028System error: Error in reloading segment &
029The segment & to be deleted does not exist
030The set & specified has not been created
031The set & specified belongs to another field
032The data field group & has not been created
033Enter either single values (from-to) or a set
034The "From" value is not smaller than the "To" value
035Enter the name of the set
036Set & has already been created
037You are not authorized to generate set &
038System error: Error in maintenance of set &
039Position the cursor on a set field
040You are not permitted to enter a set for the & field
041Segment & has been deleted from the application
042Enter values for the field "&"
043Cost element & is not an assessment cost element
044Version & does not exist
045No valid assessment cost elements have been created
046Position the cursor on a group field
047No versions defined for controlling area &
048Version & is not allowed for actual postings
049Version & is not allowed for planning
050System information: The function is not yet implemented
051User & is locking the cycle
052Assessment cost element & is not valid for the aggregate period
053No cycle found
054Enter a starting date
055You are already locking the cycle
056The sender rule & you entered is not allowed
057The receiver rule & you entered is not allowed
058Cycle & has not been created in & &
059The reference cycle specified does not exist
060The reference cycle specified has other allocation type
061The reference cycle specified has another actual/plan indicator
062To-date is smaller than From-Date
063Printing carried out.
064System error: Tables T811M and T811J differ
065The reference cycle has not been created
066The reference cycle has another allocation type
067The reference cycle has another act/plan indicator
068Do not enter over 100% for the sender
069To-date of reference < from-date -> changed to from-date
070Please enter sender portion > 0%
071System error: Set name & has been deleted
072The total sum of the parts may not exceed 99999.99
073It is not possible to maintain group &
074Cost centers and orders are not active in &
075Cost centers are not active in &
076Alternative fields are filled simulataneously.
077Enter values for fields & & .
078Group & does not belong to controlling area &.
079Group & does not belong to chart of accounts &.
080Group & belongs to a different field
081You are not permitted to enter a group for field &
082Enter the name of the group
083Group & already exists
084You are not authorized to generate group &
085System error: error during maintenance of group &
086Group & does not exist
087Controlling area & is not assigned to the operating concern.
088Cost center cost assessment to CO-PA must be installed
089Enter the controlling area first
090You must enter at least one field
091Value field & is not defined
092CO area & and operating concern use different fiscal year variants
093CO area & and operating concern have different currencies
094Enter either single values (from x to y) or a group
095All possible distribution fields are selected for the receivers
096Fiscal year variant & is not defined
097Printing has been carried out
098System error: No acct assignment field found
099System error: serious error during processing of a cycle
100*** Process.transaction ***
101Name & of the segment appears more than once
102System error: Item & in the segment already exists
103System error: No exit module pool exists for file &
104Maintain number range for controlling area & transaction &
105Controlling area & has not been created
106More than one acct assignment field found.
107Controlling area & is not valid for fiscal year &
108No valid sender entries exist
109No valid receiver entries exist
110No segments have yet been created
111Batch job & is scheduled for &
112First install top-down planning for operating concern &
113Deactivate the test run indicator
114System error: Version not specified for plan assessment
115System error: Version not specified for plan distribution
116Profitability analysis is not active for controlling area &
117No master record created for sender cost center/act. type &/&
118Either set master data indicator or selection values
119Indirect activity allocation: Serious system error act. type master rec.
120No document data found for reversal
121Only activity types/processes of category "indirect calculation" valid.
122Only activity types/processes of category "manual entry" valid.
123Receivers CCtr/act. type cannot be mixed with other types of receivers
124Activity types set up without dependent cost centers as receivers
125Indirect activity allocation: Serious system error cost elem. master rec.
126No valid activity types created
127No master record created for receiver cost center/activ. type &/&
128Activity type & not of "indirect determination" category
129Activity type & not of "manual entry" category
130Assessment account & is not a valid account/cost element
131Version & is not a delta version
132Version & is a delta version
133Sender activity type may not be "initial".
134No receiver available.
135No sender available.
136Non-allocatable activity type & is not a valid sender activity type
137No actual price indicator set for sender activity type &
138Variants & were saved.
139Variants & not available.
140Values in activation indicator and entry readiness are contradictory.
141Texts were not found.
142System error in variant processing.
143No variants created as yet.
144Variants & not created for & .
145No segment found in interval &1 to &2 for cycle &3, start date &4
146Time interval & to & contains no periods.
147Operating concern & is not assigned to a controlling area.
148Formal cycle check was successful.
149Cycle check with &1 completed: For details see error log
150Plan allocation for order & in version & not allowed.
151Plan allocation for WBS element & in version & not allowed.
152Enter the cycle name and its start date.
153No segment found.
154No fixed amounts are possible in cumulated allocation.
155The sender percentage must equal 100% in cumulated allocation.
156Indirect activity allocation: No valid sender entries exist.
157Not all transaction texts available in language &1.
158Overrun error - the number of errors is too large.
159Joint venture assessment/distribution not possible; inactive in CO area.
160Group &1 does not exist for profitability segment &3.
161Error during ABAP list viewer callup.
162Version &1 is locked in fiscal year &2 in controlling area &3
163Error when checking the lock for version &3 in fiscal year &1
164Relevant version for transaction &1 and version &3 cannot be called
165Position cursor on an entry
166List contains no data
167Error when sorting the segment list
168Character string not found.
169Error when reading the cycle fields
170Enter values for fields & & .
171A sender contains no values to be allocated
172"To" period too small for reversal of cumulative cycles
173The start period for cumulative processing must be the first period
174Choose a valid row
175Search was unsuccessful.
176No authorization for deleting change document for cycle &.
177Changing segment names causes problems during segment adjustment
178Cycle already executed in another version.
179Periodic reposting of revenues for revenue-recording orders/WBS elements.
180WBS element & is not a billing element.
181Statistical order & is not a valid sender in &.
182Statistical order & does not have an associated cost center for posting.
183Version & is not allowed.
184There is no segment in the buffer.
185You do not have the authorization to display valuation versions
186Creating set & was cancelled.
187Select a valid row
188Enter a valid value
189Segment was copied into buffer
190Master data check ended with messages: See the error log.
191No master data created for receiver business process &.
192No actual price indicator set for sender business process &
193Non-allocatable allocation category & is not a valid sender category.
194The sum of the percentage rates for the receiver is less than 100%
195Validation successfully created/deleted.
196Increased accuracy during iteration
197Segment correction already executed for cycle &1
198No version specified for the plan cycle
199The sum of the values entered leads to a field overflow
200No fixed amounts/activity prices are possible with cumulative processing
201Sender percentage must amount to 100% with cumulative processing
202Enter either an assessment cost element or an allocation structure
203Enter either value fields or a PA transfer structure
204You have changed the currency and thereby the number of decimal places
205Background job & for check of the cycle run groups was released
206Enter either one total value field or one PA transfer structure
207Group & does not contain any entries
208Cycle run group check is not up-to-date
209Check the cycle run groups again with the System
210Use a valid substitution
211No substitution used
212Errors in automatic transport
213Select an existing layout
214No currencies found to be translated
215The amount in currency &1 could not be translated to euro
216Database change on table &1 could not be executed
217Receiver rule & is not allowed when entering an allocation structure
218No assignments of cycle run groups to cycles in fiscal year &1
219Statistical WBS element & is not a valid sender in &
220Statistical WBS element & contains no cost center to be posted to
221Incompatible quantities were added together
222Variant &1 has not been created for organizational unit &2
223Maintain fields &1 &2
224Sender object &1 has been overcredited in segment &2
225Error during database selection (table COEP)
226Cycle &1 is not available
227Background job & for formal cycle check released
228Segment rebooking not possible -> see note no. 327293
229Key figure not present or else too long (max. 18 characters)
230The entry in the "Product" field is ignored
231Material &1 does not exist
233Field &1 in not active in any scenario in ledger &2
234'Cumulated' and 'Previous Periods' not possible at the same time
235'Previous Periods' is only possible with a period
236'Previous Periods' for cycle &1, &2 active with value &3
237Error when deriving the 'previous periods' (period &1, delta &2)
238Period delta &1 is greater than the number of posting periods
239No allocation of quantities possible for plan dist. with delta update
240Rollup ledger (&1) is not supported
241Appendix ledger (&1) is not supported
242Cycle definition &1, &2 based on totals record table ACDOCT
243Error during cycle validation with &1
244Check the integrated master data for the CO-PA field &1
255Please maintain a cycle run group
270Combined profitability analysis active; assess./IIAA should not be used
300*** List of postings ***
301No postings have been selected
333No suitable segments found
400*** Utility reports for allocation (error analysis, simulation, etc.).
401Error in system information for table &.
402Table & is not included in allocation.
403Mandatory field & is not included in the field use (T811I).
404Field use for mandatory field & is not maintained correctly (T811I).
405Field & may not be included in the field use (T811I).
406Remove sender field & from the field use (T811I).
407No field of type "Account" is included in the field use (T811J).
408Check the integrated master data for field &.
409Choose another row.
410No correct field groups have been maintained (T811J).
411Use one field group type only (T811J).
412Field group & is not maintained correctly (T811J).
413Field group & is not available (T811J).
414Use one data field type only for data control (T811H).
415Data field & is not maintained correctly (T811H).
416Data field & is not available (T811H).
417The definition of field groups and data control does not match.
418No correct data fields have been maintained (T811H).
419Do not use field & on the cycle and segment levels at the same time.
420Mark at least one row.
421Not all the errors could be removed by the SAP System.
422The customizing settings for allocation were corrected.
423The customizing settings for allocation are formally correct.
424Customizing entries were changed during data release.
425Partner object update has not been activated for table &
426Field & is being used in cycle & (&).
427Check control data for field & in the field usage.
428Check indicator "Without summarization" for field &.
429Structure &1 may have a maximum length of &2.
430Serious error in background processing: Incorrect business transaction.
431Serious error in background processing: Business transaction & unknown.
432Check results saved for cycle run group assignments.
433Entry & is not allowed.
434Inconsistencies in the field selection.
435Incorrect entry
436*** Cycle-independent messages (customizing for table &)
444No executions found for the cycles in the last 70 days
445Field RVERS may only be used for plan values (&1)
501Cycle & starting date & has not been created
502Cycle &, starting date &, has a different allocation type.
503Cycle &, starting date & has other actual/planned indicator
504Cycle & has not been created
505Select a row
506The clipboard is empty
507Cursor is positioned on an empty row
508The To-period is smaller than the From-period
509Cycle & is not valid on &
510Cycle & occurs twice
511Reversal completed with errors
512Generation of the report & finished
513No reversal because & has not run yet
514Reversal finished, & records written
515Not all cycles have the same database
516Start period for cumulation is greater than from-period value
517& has already run, reversal will be started
518System error: Entry in Table 811H missing
519Reversal will be made in different posting period & &
520No cycle has been specified
521& entries transferred to the clipboard
5221 entry transferred to the clipboard
523Activate either 'Update' or 'Detailed list'
524Indirect activity allocation not allowed with posting; planning locked.
525Enter an allocation group
526The report to be generated is locked for other processing
527Enter a cycle
528Cycle & is not valid for complete period
529Cycle & is not valid for complete period
530No selection possible
531Position the cursor on a cycle
532User & has locked &
533Program names starting with AL. are reserved for allocations
534The reversal has not been updated
535Cycle & is not valid for complete period
536No reversal made, because & (old) has not yet run
537Reversal of & has been cancelled
538The "Update" function is not yet possible
539System error: Data cannot be reversed
540Cycle & in controlling area & does not exist
541Planning locked by user &
542Posting periods must be longer than adjustment periods
543Reversal fiscal year cannot postdate posting fiscal year
544Cycle in period &1 to &2, fiscal year &3, not yet posted.
545Segment reversal is closed (& records written).
546Segment reversal for segment & has already occurred
547Cycle &, start date & is not an assessment/distribution/reposting cycle.
548No data records to post found during segment reversal.
549A mixture of cumulative and non-cumulative cycles is not possible
550Cycle & & can not be performed in parallel
551& for periods & to & is already run. Correct period intervals.
552Please enter segments.
553Segment reversal cancelled with errors.
554Identical segment reversal for segment & has already been performed
555Segment reversal for object &1, cost element &2 is not possible
556Segment adjustment completed
557Cycle in period &1, fiscal year &2 not posted.
558Cycle & & contains dependent documents
559& has blocked allocation for ledger & and company code/business area &
560Reversal document number(2): & - &
561Cycle & & cannot be executed in parallel.
562Cycle & & cannot be started because run group & is locked.
563Run group & locked by user &.
564User &3 has locked &4 (cycle process group "no parallel capability")
565Cycles & & is locked by user &
566Dependent documents for cycle &1 &v2 can not be reversed.
567Cycle &1 &2 cannot be started as cycle run group &3 is locked
568Entry only relevant when reversing assessment
569Reversal of & has been cancelled
570Reversal fiscal year must not be older than posting fiscal year
571Reversal period must not be older than posting period
572Allocation for Period 0 is not allowed
573It is not possible to select using field &1 (&2) from table &3
580*** CO cycles for each valuation variant
581Cycle & has a different valuation view to the cycles already entered
582Enter only cycles with the same valuation view
600****** Error Generation Allocation ********
601System error: Field group missing for computation of tracing factors
602Only cycles for exactly one controlling area may be executed together.
603System error : Read error in set & for Table &
604No clear receiver defined in cycle & , start date & , segment & .
605Non-specific sender definition in cycle & segment &
606Set & is locked by another user.
607System error: Error in conversion generation
608System error: The field & is not defined in table T811I
609Generation of the report terminated
610Generation of report & completed
611Generation of report & contains errors
612You are not authorized to delete set &.
613System error during set generation.
614System error: in table T811J
615Error in table T811J, no entry exists for field &-&
616System error: Assessment CElem incorrectly defined in T811I
617System error: Error in table T811J
618System error: Error in table T811J
619Cycle has no valid segments
620System error: Error in Table T811H/T811J
621System error: Internal program data structures generated incorrectly
622System error or customizing error: Read error in set & for table &
623Customizing error: Field & cannot be passed on from sender to receiver
624Sets/groups are being converted.
625System error: Generated program rows too long.
626Syntax error during generation of run report.
627Customizing error: Business transaction groups are not current.
628Cycles have different settings for indicator "Transfer prices active".
629Field overflow in iteration
630Receiver &2/&1 invalid: Activity type &1 not planned for cost center &2
631Periodic reposting of activity-dependent costs on CCtr/AtyType only
632No valid combinations found for ledger and company code
633No valid combinations found for ledger and company
634Company codes & and & cannot be processed together
635Companies & and & cannot be processed together
636Cross-company allocation is not supported
637The "Controlling area" field can only be used at header level
638Only one controlling area can be processed in the allocation
639No clearing account found for company codes & and &
640Cross-company code allocation only possible with partner-object update
641Enter an organizational unit in the header or as a sender
642Enter company code/company in all segments as the sender
643Begin the update of table T811U
644End the updating of table T811U
645Periodic reposting of activity-dep.costs only with CCtr/activity type
646Sender &2/&1 invalid, because activity type &1 not planned on CCtr &2
647Cycle run group &1 for cycles in &2 not yet available
666SAP trace: Table &1 was saved under key &2
667Table &1 does not contain data
668Segment information is not unique
699Settlement unit occurs more than once
700****** Error Process Allocation ************
701Tracing base units not compatible
702Document number: interval not found
703Document number: range not found
704Document number: Number range & not internal
705Document number: Object & not found
706Document number: Number in critical area (Object & sub-object &)
707Document number: last number assigned (Object & sub-object & )
708System error: When reading set & table &
709No valid receiver entries were found
710No valid sender entries were found.
711System error: Error in combination manager
712System error: during period determination for currency transformation
713System error: No exit found in the combination manager
714The segment does not contain any senders.
715No valid combinations were found
716No sender values defined
717No receiver tracing factors defined
718The unit field & is not unique
719No update performed due to an error
720The segment is locked
721A sender is credited by more than 100 %
722Update of documents & to & is completed
723In period & quantity is not complete for & &
724In segment &, the activity is incorrect for & &
725System error: incorrect layout of internal tables
726Use a correct document type
727Sender base in period & is 0; therefore, no allocation is possible
728The cycle has not been defined in interval &1 - &2
729System error: Error in reading INDX cycle & &
730& terminated - see long text
731Print out the list of errors
732The unit field & is not unique
733The segment contains no receivers
734System error: during determination of posting date
735System error: during currency translation
736System error: during conversion of consumption unit
737No update due to error (see GOTO -> MESSAGES)
738Iteration terminated with divergence
739No line items exist.
740Unit cannot be converted, quantities set to 0
741Unit cannot be standardized since target unit does not exist
742Reset: document & has other from-period
743Reset: document & has other to-period
744Reset: Document & does not exist
745Reset: document & has already been reversed
746Reset: document & has already been partly reorganized
747Reset: document & has different fiscal year
748& ended without update
749Cycle &1, start date &2, does not include any senders.
750No update was made.
751Receiver allocation bases > 100% for sender &
752System error: Table setting is incomplete
753System error: discrepancy in internal table
754Document number: interval not found
755Further processing terminated due to divergence
756No sender values defined
757No receiver tracing factors defined
758System error with sender rule fixed price or qtys calculated inversely
759No unit of measure defined for sender
760No unit of measure defined for receiver
761More than one company code/company were used in the allocation
762Data record & already in file CSSL
763Update executed with document numbers & to & .
764Local updating could not be activated.
765Termination of & in background processing.
766Errror during callup of & in background processing.
767No line items exist.
768No posting of consumption quantities for &1 as quantity is incomplete
769Fixed sender values overwritten with total of fixed receiver values
770Sender & will not be credited 100%.
771*** General cross-segment messages ****************
772Function is no longer supported
773No sender values entered in segment &1.
774No valid master data for double-posted receiver &.
775Field overrun during sender value allocation (BCD_FIELD_OVERFLOW)
776Cumulation not possible; no stable allocation network exists for year.
777Total of receiver tracing factors equals zero; scaling carried out.
778Segment &1 is locked
779Scaling carried out for segment &.
780Document &/& already exists (line items not posted)
781Document &/& is being processed (line items not posted)
782Error during lock. Transfer of assessment costs to CO-PA terminated
783Criteria could not be derived as no rules defined for structure &
784No internal no. range defined for CO-PA act. line items of trans. type &
785Do not define an int. no. range for CO-PA plan. LItems of trans. type &
786Error during posting of CO-PA line items
787System error: During derivation of currency types
788Fixed costs are not transferred
789Variable costs are not transferred
790No summarization level exists for cycle &
791Reference data read from summarization level &1
792Transfer of cost center costs is temporarily locked due to conversions.
793Function not possible - administrative table is not converted.
794Version & has not been planned.
795Cycle & was not reversed. Line items not available
796Reference basis "Variable portions" for special periods is not supported.
797Maximum of 9999 receiver weighting factors possible.
798No cost-based Profitability Analysis active in controlling area &.
799No accounting-based Profitability Analysis active in controlling area &.
800*********Error Display ***************** *********************
801Position the cursor on a cycle entry
802No further field groups exist
803No further field groups exist
804No further periods exist
805The first period is already displayed
806Position your cursor on a segment entry
807*** general messages for cycle & & **********************
808*** General messages for segment & ***********************
809Position the cursor on a sender entry
810Processing terminated: error when reading change-documents
811**** General messages ******************************************
812You do not have authorization to create cycle &
813You do not have authorization to change cycle &
814You do not have authorization to display cycle &
815You do not have authorization to delete cycle &
816You do not have authorization to execute cycle &
817System error in the authorization check (RC & )
818No reversed cycles found
819Maximum of 9999 receiver tracing factors allowed in segment &.
820No more than 9999 sender values allowed in segment &.
822Cycle run group & was created successfully.
823Cycle run group & still used in existing cycles.
824Cycle run group & was successfully deleted.
825Cycle run group & could not be deleted.
826Basic set & successfully created in client &.
827Error in client &, set &.
828RK811XUP: Generate business transaction set for allocations
829No. of decimal places rounded to is reduced for unit & from & to 3
830Breakpoint set: &.
831Cycle updated in all current execution periods
832The cycle was posted in current individual periods.
833Additional document rows generated due to delta update
834No assignment of an assessment cost element to cost element &2
835Cost Center Accounting and Activity-Based Costing not active in &
836Cost Center Accounting and Activity-Based Costing not active in &
837No assess. cost element assigned to cost element and recovery indicator
838No value fields assigned to cost element &2
839Enter either an assessment cost element or "by cost element"
840Sender cost elements must contain assessment cost elements in cum. proc.
841Allocation structure & does not contain a valid assessment cost element
842Only sender rule 1 is allowed when you use an allocation structure
843The company code or company was used incorrectly in cycle &
844No valid company code used in cycle &
845No valid company used in cycle &
846Activity-dependent costs are not allocated during the distribution
847Error during update on table &V1&
848It is not possible to delete cycle run group &1
849No valid document types found
850No valid document types found
851Field overflow when calculating the receiver tracing factor
852Only sender rule is allowed for a PA transfer structure
853You cannot post using cost element "space"
854No summarization level exists for cycle &1, segment &2
855Reference data read from summarization level &1
856Customizing error in table T811KL
857Allocation type and plan/actual indicator must not be changed
858Cycle &1, &2 already updated -> Return = Continue
859Segment of a cumulated cycle cannot be moved
860Cycle &1, start date &2 was created/changed
861Assessment has balance of balance sheet account (&1) as sender value
862No actual documents could be deleted in the general ledger
863Entry '*' is not allowed
871Segment reversed -> cannot be moved
872No line items are available for document &1
880Parallel update control active
888Cycles are being modified
889Cannot execute; delete data first using transacton GCDE
890Document & for cycle & was correctly posted
899*********End of Allocations GL*********************************
901Choose the 'Receiver Tracing Factor' title element after changing object
902'Optimized cumulation' is only possible with activated 'cumulation'
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