GBSE_HANA - Messages for HANA hierarchie access

The following messages are stored in message class GBSE_HANA: Messages for HANA hierarchie access.
It is part of development package GBSE_HANA in software component FI-SL-SL-MD-SE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HANA extensions for Set Hierarchies".
Message Nr
Message Text
000----- View maintenance -----
001Hierarchy cannot be activated before first Load.
002Hierarchy has already been activated.
003Hierarchy hasn't been loaded yet.
004Hierarchy is already inactive.
005Delta Load impossible before first Full Load.
006Hierarchy has already been deleted or never been loaded.
007"&" is not a hierarchy set. Use F4 search help to find values.
008Hierarchy "&" replaced by unique root hierarchy "&".
009Entry cannot be removed in current status. Delete hierarchy '&' first !
010Delta Loads are not yet implemented !
020Hierarchy '&' is up to date.
021Hierarchy '&' is not existing on HDB.
022Hierarchy '&' has possibly changed since last load. Load again !
023Error on HDB connection. Try again later !
040INSERT: Hierarchy '&', "No action" (&)
041INSERT: Hierarchy '&', "Activate" (&)
042INSERT: Hierarchy '&', "Inactivate" (&)
043INSERT: Hierarchy '&', "DeltaLoad,Inactivate" (&)
044INSERT: Hierarchy '&', "DeltaLoad,Activate" (&)
045INSERT: Hierarchy '&', "Load,Inactivate" (&)
046INSERT: Hierarchy '&', "Load,Activate"(&)
047INSERT: Hierarchy '&', "Delete" (&)
060UPDATE: Hierarchy '&', "No action" (&)
061UPDATE: Hierarchy '&', "Activate" (&)
062UPDATE: Hierarchy '&', "Inactivate" (&)
063UPDATE: Hierarchy '&', "DeltaLoad,Inactivate" (&)
064UPDATE: Hierarchy '&', "DeltaLoad,Activate" (&)
065UPDATE: Hierarchy '&', "Load,Inactivate" (&)
066UPDATE: Hierarchy '&', "Load,Activate"(&)
067UPDATE: Hierarchy '&', "Delete" (&)
080DELETE: Hierarchy '&' (&)
101Could not get exclusive lock on table SETHANA_STATUS. Aborting.
102Errors during activation, check protocols !
150----- service functions ----
151Could not find status record for class "&", subclass "&", hierarchy "&"
152CHECK '&' unknown, must be 'S' for simple or 'D' for detail
153ACTION '&' unknown.
154PRIORITY '&' unknown, must be 'P' for plan OR 'G' for global action
155SIMULATION '&' unknown, must be 'X' for simulation mode, space for update
160Priority G: Processing action '&' overriding plan action '&'.
161Priority P: Processing plan action '&' ignoring global action '&'.
162Conflict between plan action '&', global action '&'. Doing nothing.
163Global action '&', plan action '&', performing '&1'.
164Plan action '&', global action '&', performing '&1'.
165Global action '&', plan action '&', doing nothing.
170Processing hierarchy '&' in simulation mode.
171Processing hierarchy '&' in update mode.
172Setting status for '&' to "Deleted"
173Setting status for '&' to "Inactive"
174Setting status for '&' to "Active"
175Removing plan action '&2' from '&1'.
176No plan action to be removed from '&'
177&3 records deleted from table &2 for hierarchy &1
178Added &3 nodes, &4 values to table &2 for hierarchy &1
179Deleting hierarchy view &
180Missing hierarchy view name, using new name '&'.
181Using existing hierarchy view name '&'.
182Removing hierarchy view '&' and table '&' from SETHANA_STATUS table
185Hierarchy sub-node '&' is dynamic !
186Hierarchy sub-node '&' is a set variable !
187Hierarchy sub-node '&' is a selection variant !
190Set class '&', subclass '&', hierarchy '&' is up to date, nothing to do!
191Set class '&', subclass '&', hierarchy '&' not found, doing nothing !
192Set class '&', subclass '&', hierarchy '&' updated, perforrming action !
193Set class '&', subclass '&', hierarchy '&' error accessing HDB !
200No new values added
201Added value &1 ( SUCC = &2,PRED = &3 )
299ERROR occurred. Removing data and setting status to RED.
301Activation job '&' scheduled for immediate execution
302No authorization to perform activation of planned actions.
310No HANA set hierarchy containing set & found. Accessing ERP database.
350----- Hierarchy maintenance plugin -----
351Hierarchy view for &1 provided successfully.
352Set class &1 not supported.
353Hierarchy &1 cannot be provided because of pending planned action
354&1 is not a root hierarchy, provide a root hierarchy containing &1
355&1 is not a root hierarchy, provide root hierarchy &2 if needed
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