GBSE_HANA - Messages for HANA hierarchie access
The following messages are stored in message class GBSE_HANA: Messages for HANA hierarchie access.
It is part of development package GBSE_HANA in software component FI-SL-SL-MD-SE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HANA extensions for Set Hierarchies".
It is part of development package GBSE_HANA in software component FI-SL-SL-MD-SE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HANA extensions for Set Hierarchies".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | ----- View maintenance ----- |
001 | Hierarchy cannot be activated before first Load. |
002 | Hierarchy has already been activated. |
003 | Hierarchy hasn't been loaded yet. |
004 | Hierarchy is already inactive. |
005 | Delta Load impossible before first Full Load. |
006 | Hierarchy has already been deleted or never been loaded. |
007 | "&" is not a hierarchy set. Use F4 search help to find values. |
008 | Hierarchy "&" replaced by unique root hierarchy "&". |
009 | Entry cannot be removed in current status. Delete hierarchy '&' first ! |
010 | Delta Loads are not yet implemented ! |
020 | Hierarchy '&' is up to date. |
021 | Hierarchy '&' is not existing on HDB. |
022 | Hierarchy '&' has possibly changed since last load. Load again ! |
023 | Error on HDB connection. Try again later ! |
040 | INSERT: Hierarchy '&', "No action" (&) |
041 | INSERT: Hierarchy '&', "Activate" (&) |
042 | INSERT: Hierarchy '&', "Inactivate" (&) |
043 | INSERT: Hierarchy '&', "DeltaLoad,Inactivate" (&) |
044 | INSERT: Hierarchy '&', "DeltaLoad,Activate" (&) |
045 | INSERT: Hierarchy '&', "Load,Inactivate" (&) |
046 | INSERT: Hierarchy '&', "Load,Activate"(&) |
047 | INSERT: Hierarchy '&', "Delete" (&) |
060 | UPDATE: Hierarchy '&', "No action" (&) |
061 | UPDATE: Hierarchy '&', "Activate" (&) |
062 | UPDATE: Hierarchy '&', "Inactivate" (&) |
063 | UPDATE: Hierarchy '&', "DeltaLoad,Inactivate" (&) |
064 | UPDATE: Hierarchy '&', "DeltaLoad,Activate" (&) |
065 | UPDATE: Hierarchy '&', "Load,Inactivate" (&) |
066 | UPDATE: Hierarchy '&', "Load,Activate"(&) |
067 | UPDATE: Hierarchy '&', "Delete" (&) |
070 | |
080 | DELETE: Hierarchy '&' (&) |
100 | ----- SETHANA_ACTIVATOR ---- |
101 | Could not get exclusive lock on table SETHANA_STATUS. Aborting. |
102 | Errors during activation, check protocols ! |
150 | ----- service functions ---- |
151 | Could not find status record for class "&", subclass "&", hierarchy "&" |
152 | CHECK '&' unknown, must be 'S' for simple or 'D' for detail |
153 | ACTION '&' unknown. |
154 | PRIORITY '&' unknown, must be 'P' for plan OR 'G' for global action |
155 | SIMULATION '&' unknown, must be 'X' for simulation mode, space for update |
160 | Priority G: Processing action '&' overriding plan action '&'. |
161 | Priority P: Processing plan action '&' ignoring global action '&'. |
162 | Conflict between plan action '&', global action '&'. Doing nothing. |
163 | Global action '&', plan action '&', performing '&1'. |
164 | Plan action '&', global action '&', performing '&1'. |
165 | Global action '&', plan action '&', doing nothing. |
170 | Processing hierarchy '&' in simulation mode. |
171 | Processing hierarchy '&' in update mode. |
172 | Setting status for '&' to "Deleted" |
173 | Setting status for '&' to "Inactive" |
174 | Setting status for '&' to "Active" |
175 | Removing plan action '&2' from '&1'. |
176 | No plan action to be removed from '&' |
177 | &3 records deleted from table &2 for hierarchy &1 |
178 | Added &3 nodes, &4 values to table &2 for hierarchy &1 |
179 | Deleting hierarchy view & |
180 | Missing hierarchy view name, using new name '&'. |
181 | Using existing hierarchy view name '&'. |
182 | Removing hierarchy view '&' and table '&' from SETHANA_STATUS table |
185 | Hierarchy sub-node '&' is dynamic ! |
186 | Hierarchy sub-node '&' is a set variable ! |
187 | Hierarchy sub-node '&' is a selection variant ! |
190 | Set class '&', subclass '&', hierarchy '&' is up to date, nothing to do! |
191 | Set class '&', subclass '&', hierarchy '&' not found, doing nothing ! |
192 | Set class '&', subclass '&', hierarchy '&' updated, perforrming action ! |
193 | Set class '&', subclass '&', hierarchy '&' error accessing HDB ! |
200 | No new values added |
201 | Added value &1 ( SUCC = &2,PRED = &3 ) |
299 | ERROR occurred. Removing data and setting status to RED. |
301 | Activation job '&' scheduled for immediate execution |
302 | No authorization to perform activation of planned actions. |
310 | No HANA set hierarchy containing set & found. Accessing ERP database. |
350 | ----- Hierarchy maintenance plugin ----- |
351 | Hierarchy view for &1 provided successfully. |
352 | Set class &1 not supported. |
353 | Hierarchy &1 cannot be provided because of pending planned action |
354 | &1 is not a root hierarchy, provide a root hierarchy containing &1 |
355 | &1 is not a root hierarchy, provide root hierarchy &2 if needed |