GDV_SCHEMA_METHOD - Message class for BS verifier package

The following messages are stored in message class GDV_SCHEMA_METHOD: Message class for BS verifier package.
It is part of development package SECATT_GDV_SCHEMA_METHOD in software component BC-SRV-PS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Generic Data Verifier - Schema Method".
Message Nr
Message Text
004No XML string provided for analysis!
005Value '&1' correct at path &2&3&4
006Values are not equal but similar at path &2&3&4
007Trying to process XML data without schema definition
008No valid XML schema found (neither WSDL nor XSD)!
009Actual is '&1' and expected is '&2'
010At least one of the comparison strings is empty
011Verification result: OK
012Error in comparison of element at path &2&3&4
013Severe error during the test execution
014Path: &2&3&4
015Value '&1' expected but nothing found at path &2&3&4
016Skipping path &2&3&4
017Comparing line of table at path &2&3&4
018End of compare of table at path &2&3&4
019Verification result: NOT OK
020Comparing line &1 (request) with line &2
021Comparing line &1 (request): No corresponding line found!
022No XML tag found. Either empty file or incorrect XML schema.
023Error when converting STRING to XSTRING
024XML document not well-formed!
025Runtime of &1 was &2 milliseconds
026Table expected but nothing found at path &2&3&4
027Top tag determined as: &1
028Unable to determine top tag
030Comparing line &1 (request) with line &2 for actionCode 'CREATE'...
031Comparing line &1 (request) with line &2 for actionCode 'CHANGE'...
032Comparing line &1 for actionCode 'DELETE': SUCCESS!
033Comparing line &1 for actionCode 'CREATE': NO corresponding line found!
034Comparing line &1 for actionCode 'CHANGE': NO corresponding line found!
035Comparing line &1 for actionCode 'DELETE': FAILED, line still present!
036SEVERE ERROR, line &1 contains INVALID actionCode '&2'!
037The lines &1 (request/response) are IDENTICAL at path &2&3&4
038The lines &1 (request/response) are DIFFERENT at path &2&3&4
039&1 elements have been compared
040&1 elements passed comparison with SUCCESS
041&1 elements passed comparison with SIMILAR
042&1 elements passed comparison with FAILURE
043ListCompleteTransmissionIndicator error at path &2&3&4
044Line &1 still present
045Attribute is missing at path &2&3&4
046Attribute '&1' with value '&2': NO corresponding attribute found!
047Attribute value is correct at path &2&3&4
048Attribute values are not equal but similar at path &2&3&4
049Error in comparison of attribute at path &2&3&4
050Attribute name is '&1' with value '&2'
051Actual is '&1' and expected is '&2' for attribute with name '&3'
053&1 table lines have been processed
054&1 table line assignments have been SUCCESSFUL
055&1 table line assignments have FAILED
056&1 attributes have been compared
057&1 attributes passed comparison with SUCCESS
058&1 attributes passed comparison with SIMILAR
059&1 attributes passed comparison with FAILURE
060&1 elements of &2 are filled, which are &3%
061XML tag name &1
062XML tag type &1
063Existing &1&2&3
064Missing &1&2&3
065&1 attributes of &2 are filled, which are &3%
066Listing filled elements...
067Listing missing elements...
068Listing filled attributes...
069Listing missing attributes...
070&1 tables of &2 are filled with a single line, which are &3%
071&1 tables of &2 are filled with multiple lines, which are &3%
072Listing tables with a single line filled...
073Listing tables with multiple lines filled...
074Listing missing tables...
079Please provide the expected value either as ABAP data or as XML
080Please provide the actual value either as ABAP data or as XML
081Error while converting the proxy structure to XML
090Name-code check SUCCESSFUL for path &1&2&3
091Name-code check FAILED for path &1&2&3
100Error while trying to upload a file
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