GHO_ALLOC - Message class for Allocation

The following messages are stored in message class GHO_ALLOC: Message class for Allocation.
It is part of development package APPL_GHO_ALLOC_BE in software component IS-OIL-UOM-ALN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Backend Logic for Allocation".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error in network structure: &1&2&3&4
001Valid network rule does not exist for network &1 and medium &2
002Valid network object rule does not exist for quantity type &1
003Enter capacity for node &1
004Enter node vol. for node &1 for UOM &2 Quantity Type &3
005UOM rule does not exist for network &1 and medium &2
006Estimated production for WC &1 and UoM &2 can't be calculated
007Valid well test data not found for well completion &1
008Object links for network &1 not maintained for medium &2
009Enter capacity quantity for node &1 and UOM &2
010Enter planned quantity for node &1 and UOM &2
011Network Object rule on &1 can't be validated without valid network rule
012Node volume can't be validated without valid network objects
013Estimated production can't be validated without valid network objects
014Select "Network To Be Allocated" checkbox
015Network rule cannot be validated without valid &1
016UOM rule cannot be validated without a valid &1
017Object link &1 already used in allocation run &2
018Theoretical override quantity for well completion &1 not found for UOM &2
019No quantity associated with &1 &2
020Well test and theoretical override data not found for well completion &1
021Metered volume is initial for well completion &1
022Metered volume not found for well completion &1 on Meter &2
023MRH processing of network &1 completed successfully
024Error while estimating the well test production maintained for PQ Curve
025Valid PQ Curve well test data not found for well completion &1
026Allocation was not run for previous &1
027Allocation was not run for Medium: &1 Material: &2
028Tolerance percentage not met
029Ownership Allocation cannot be submitted for Planned/Capacity Allocations
030Allocation not found for the specified selection criteria
031Allocation &1 is not archivable; Ownership results still exist
032No quantity entered for the volume and flow rate in well test
033No UOM maintained for dimension &1
034Quantity category not same for parent and dependant network at node &1
035Allocation has not been run for the parent network: &1
036Quantity at well completion &1 can't be calculated
037Planning Allocation can be run only with frequency as Daily
038GLG tcm is not maintained for well completion &1 in network &2
039Component data not maintained for well completions
040Enter chemical analysis for node &1
041No quantity entered for pressure in well test
042No quantity entered for temperature in well test
043No quantity entered for density in well test
044No quantity entered for heating value in well test
045No UOM rule maintained for the medium
046Enter correct measurement quantities
047PPN has been deleted by user &1 on &2 at &3
048Prior period notification exists for production date/time &1/&2
049Rules with status "Success" are confirmed
050Rules are not confirmed; check message log
051Invalid time unit; select value using F4 help only
052Non adjustable node quantity could not be achieved
053Valid downstream split rule not maintained for &1
054Allocation not run for dependent medium &1
055Valid formula not found for well completion &1
056Oil field not maintained for well completion &1
057Factors not maintained for oil field &1
058Measurement not maintained in the Customizing for medium &1
059BRF plus application name cannot be initial
060No context data objects given for formula
061No result data object given for formula
062Formula ID cannot be initial
063Enter data objects and their values to process formula &1
064Formula ID &1 is invalid
065Formula ID &1 not used by any BRF plus function; processing failed
066Node &1: Terminating node should not have any upstream links
067Depended medium found for &1
068Fetching &1 (Depended Medium) results for date &2 and time &3
069Triggering dependent medium &1 pre-processing
070Dependent medium &1 pre-processing completed
071Continuing pre-processing of medium &1
072Dependent medium &1 results already exist
073Triggering depended medium &1 allocation
074Continuing allocation of medium &1
075Deletion not possible for Measurement category Formula
076Modification not possible for Measurement category Formula
077Quantities for the node &1 are rolled up from the &2 frequency
078Network object &1 is invalid
080Could not get BAdI for network object type &1
081Could not convert object ID &1 into external format
082No formula is maintained for object &1, material &2, and quantity &3
083Unable to convert time stamp &1 into date time format
084Using factors maintained at cluster in the formula
085Error while reading factors from oil field &1
086Unable to convert date &1 and time &2 to timestamp
087Can't find network rule header while using formula
088Cannot find factors as cluster values and oil field values are empty
089Measurements are rolled up from higher frequency measurements
090Error while rolling up the measurements
091Time Stamp conversion failed; cannot check for depended mediums
092Formula used for well completion &1 production estimation
093Network objects does not exist for prod. network &1
094No prodcution exists to allocate entered volumes
095Allocated values greater than quantity to be allocated
096Allocation triggered successfully
097Action & 1 is not configured for status &2
098No function exists for action &1
099No transition defined for action &1
100Process &1 successfully executed/triggered
101Process &1 failled; check detailed error log
102Error in creating instance of function &1
103No instance for SAM db class exists
104No 'Initial Status' maintained for process &1 application &2
105No Status transition maintained for status &1
106No action maintained
107Initial status is not set for record at &1 position
108No record found
109Status &1 is final; no action can be performed
110Status &1 not found in configuration
111No convenience selector maintained
112No entries found in the footer configuration
113Entry with position as &1 already exists
114No header data found for allocation result
115No item details found for allocation result
116Status management profile for production network &1 is not maintained
117Unable to retrieve record status for production network &1
118No status found for Frequency &1 In Profile &2
119Frequency &1 does not exist
120Frequency not maintained
121Status &1 does not exist
122Audit Reason code &1 does not exist
123Generate Audit Trail
124Mapping of RSP to Record Status is missing
125PPN request Approved
126PPN request Rejected
127Enter Status or Data_guid of the data
128PPN request Pending
129Measurements are outside the specified range
130Invalid Action ID &1
131Allocation Failed; check error log
132Enter Action ID
133Audit Profile ID &1 is in use, change not possible
134Custom Allocation Calculation for node &1 performed successfully
135Node &1 Custom Calculation ID &1,doesn't have a BAdI impl;see long text
136Allocated values greater than quantity to be allocated at node &1
137Calculation routine not found for Calc ID &1
138Interval &1 doesn't exist for number range object &2.
139Interval &1 of number range object &2 is not internal.
140Activate Business Function 'OIL_UOM_UPST_CI_3' to use this feature
141Status Profile &1 does not exist
142Interval &1 of number range object &2 is not internal.
143Interval &1 doesn't exist for number range object &2.
144Maintain Customizing for Number Range Interval.
145Maintain the threshold value for Profile &1 before saving
146Theoretical data not found
147Inserting network rule data aborted
148Status Profile not maintained for the Production Network &1.
149Record Status Process not maintained for Status Profile &1.
150Inserting UOM rule data aborted
151Inserting node rule data aborted
152Enter Zonal Contribution Factor in Well &1 for Medium &2
153Enter Effective Meas.:Obj. &1 Medium &2 from &3 to &4
154&1 Well tests not found for &2- TCM No. of tests: &3, available tests: &4
155Invalid BRF plus application
156Maintain ZCF for well &1, from &2 to &3 for medium &4
157Save Canceled
158Enter Zonal Contribution Factor for well &1 and Medium &2
159Action description change is applied to all screens
160Network object rule &1 has qty type &2. It isn't maint. at Network rule
161Deletion not allowed as Custom Calc. ID&1 is assigned to Allocation Rule
162Estimated prod. for Well &1 and UoM &2 can't be calculated
163Enter Object Type and then save
164Obj Type &1 with User Status Profile &2 exists; Save canceled
165Object Type &1 with User Status Profile &2 already exists
166Maintain only one Threshold Status
167Metered volume not found for well &1 on Meter &2
168Object ID already exists
169Source data update failed
170Unit &1 for Frequency &2 not found
171Unit &1 for frequency &2 could not be converted to seconds
172Date ranges could not be determined for frequency &1
173Enter either Start or End date
174Metered volume not found for Network Object &1
175Frequency Period can not be zero or blank
176Frequency Period Unit should be from TIME dimension
177Frequency Period Unit can not be blank
178Zero theoratical found at all the parents of node &1 with disposition &2
179Injected qty on WC &1 greater than disposition qty
180Gas lift on well- From WC and Injection meter together is not possible
181Cannot delet this rule; Well/Well Compl. Test exists
182Deletion not allowed for this rule; Measurement exists
183You are not authorized to execute this action
184Allocation Run not possible as errors exist after pre-processing
185Network Rules has been created
186UOM Rules have been created
187Successful simulation of Network rule creation
188Successful simulation of UOM rule creation
189Network Object Rules created
190Successful simulation of Network Object creation
192Production From Date cannot be greater than To date
193Medium &1 does not exist
194Valid network rule does not exist for network &1 medium &2 frequency &3
195Medium &1 does not exists at production network
196Frequency &1 does not exists at prosuction network
197Cannot calc. theo. as more than one GLG meters are connected to &1.
198Cannot calc. theo. at &1 as GLG meter &2 is linked to more than one well
199Cannot calc. theo. as GLG meters are connected to WC &1 and its well &2
200Cannot calc. theo as GLG meter &1 is connected to WC &2 of commingled wel
201Cannot calc. theo as GLG meter &1 is connected to non-commingled well &2.
202Cannot calc. theo at & due to missing Lift Gas vol. using GLG metered Vol
203Cannot calc. theo using GLG TCM due to missing measurement on meter &1.
204No. of items for ZCF does not match with no. of comm. WC's for well &1
205UOM is blank for Origin Node ID &1 Destination Node ID &2
206Heating value not maintained for Origin Node- &1, Destination Node- &2
207Energy value not maintained for Origin Node- &1, Destination Node- &2
208Allocation Results can not have A and D both Theo Indicators
209Density value not maintained for Origin Node- &1, Destination Node- &2
210Originating MP not maintained for Origin Node- &1, Destination Node- &2
211Ticket number is not maintained for Origin Node- &1, Destination Node- &2
212Meter &1 having invalid qty category &2 is injecting into &3 &4.
213Object injecting to &1 &2 is not a meter.
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