GHO_ALLOC_MEASPOINT - Message Class for the Report of Mass Creation Of MP
The following messages are stored in message class GHO_ALLOC_MEASPOINT: Message Class for the Report of Mass Creation Of MP.
It is part of development package EA_GHO_ALLOC in software component IS-OIL-UOM-ALN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Allocation: Outer Package for UI Layer".
It is part of development package EA_GHO_ALLOC in software component IS-OIL-UOM-ALN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Allocation: Outer Package for UI Layer".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Select a production network |
001 | Select a maintenance plant |
002 | Objects are not retrieved or the network is not modelled |
003 | Error in the docking control |
004 | Objects are not retrieved for maintenance plant |
005 | Select objects to create a measurement point |
006 | Enter all required fields |
007 | Production date cannot be greater than current date |
008 | Enter the production date |
009 | Error in fetching production network rules |
010 | Production network &1 is locked by &2 |
011 | Data saved successfully |
012 | Objects not found for the specified selection criteria |
013 | Error in fetching measurement group details |
014 | Error in fetching task list characteristics |
015 | Error in standard quantity conversion |
016 | Error in buffering well test standardized items |
017 | Well test standard header not found |
018 | Error in fetching well test standrardized items |
019 | Error in saving well test standarized items |
020 | Enter a valid production network |
021 | Measurement points created successfully |
022 | No measurement points were created |
023 | Network object &1 is locked by &2 |
024 | Enter a valid frequency |
025 | Enter a valid quantity type |
026 | Select a valid file |
027 | Select a production network and file |
028 | Select a network object type to generate template |
029 | Select a network object type and file to generate template |
030 | Quantity type &1 is not present in network &2 |
031 | Enter a valid directory path to fetch files |
032 | Cannot find files in specified directory path; upload files |
033 | Invalid data in &1 |
034 | User &2 does not have authority to perform this activity for &1 |
035 | Enter a numeric value for field &1 |
036 | Entry exceeds maximum limit for field &1 |
037 | Enter a valid value for field &1 |
038 | No Network object type found for selection |
039 | Network object type &1 does not exist for network &2 |
040 | File &1 does not have a valid header template |
041 | Invalid Network Object type &1 given in row &2 of file &3 |
042 | Error while writing to the file |
043 | Please Enter Date in DD.MM.YYYY format for input field &1 |
044 | Please Enter Time in HH:MM:SS format for input field &1 |
045 | The transaction MU01 is deprecated. Redirecting to new transaction MU01N |
046 | Key mapping upload started at: &1/&2 |
047 | No entry found for upload |
048 | Date is in incorrect format |
049 | Data for Meter ID not maintained for row : &1 |
050 | Date is not maintained for row : &1 |
051 | Time is not maintained for row : &1 |
052 | Allocation Material is not maintained for row : &1 |
053 | Quantity Type is not maintained for row : &1 |
054 | Allocation Type is not maintained for row : &1 |
055 | Frequency is not mainatined for row : &1 |
056 | Category ID is not maintained for row : &1 |
057 | MDC Parameter is not maintained or Wrongly maintained for row : &1 |
058 | MDC Value is not maintained for row : &1 |
059 | Duplicate entry for row &1 |
060 | Volume cannot be Negative for row : &1 |
061 | Please maintain valid Allocation Type for row &1 &2 |
062 | Invalid Measurement Date for row : &1 |
063 | Import on Future date is not Possible for row : &1 |
064 | Required data is missing for row : &1 |
065 | Enter a value for Measurement Parameter &1 for row &2 |
066 | Measurement Parameter for Node &1 Material &2 for row &3 is Required. |
067 | Invalid Measurement value for row : &1 |
068 | Negative MDC values not allowed for row : &1 |
069 | Measurement Category ID not maintained for Measuring Point for row : &1 |
070 | Log for Row:&1 |
071 | Measurement uploaded successfully |
072 | Measurement Category ID is not maintained for row : &1 |
073 | Measurement already exist for row : &1 |
074 | Invalid network object for row : &1 |
075 | Invalid Time maintained for row : &1 |
076 | Invalid Frequency maintained for row : &1 |
077 | Effective From date or time is not maintained |
078 | Effective To date or time is not maintained |
079 | Well Test Start date or time is not maintained |
080 | Well Test End date or time is not maintained |
081 | Invalid Measurement Category ID is maintained for row : &1 |
082 | Invalid Allocation Material is maintained for row : &1 |
083 | Well test already exist for row : &1 |
084 | Well test created successfully |
085 | Enter value greater than or equal to 0 |
086 | Please Enter Network object type |
087 | Enter quantity in decimal format (.) only. |
088 | No measurement point exists for &1 |
089 | Measurement point &1 does not exist |
090 | Enter a valid Measurement date (Curr. Value: &1) in row &2. |
091 | Enter quantity in decimal format (.) only (Curr. Value: &1) in row &2. |
092 | Enter a valid Effective From date (Curr. Value: &1) in row &2. |
093 | Enter a valid Effective To date (Curr. Value: &1) in row &2. |
094 | Enter a valid Start date (Curr. Value: &1) in row &2. |
095 | Enter a valid End date (Curr. Value: &1) in row &2. |