GHO_ALLOC_MEASPOINT - Message Class for the Report of Mass Creation Of MP

The following messages are stored in message class GHO_ALLOC_MEASPOINT: Message Class for the Report of Mass Creation Of MP.
It is part of development package EA_GHO_ALLOC in software component IS-OIL-UOM-ALN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Allocation: Outer Package for UI Layer".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Select a production network
001Select a maintenance plant
002Objects are not retrieved or the network is not modelled
003Error in the docking control
004Objects are not retrieved for maintenance plant
005Select objects to create a measurement point
006Enter all required fields
007Production date cannot be greater than current date
008Enter the production date
009Error in fetching production network rules
010Production network &1 is locked by &2
011Data saved successfully
012Objects not found for the specified selection criteria
013Error in fetching measurement group details
014Error in fetching task list characteristics
015Error in standard quantity conversion
016Error in buffering well test standardized items
017Well test standard header not found
018Error in fetching well test standrardized items
019Error in saving well test standarized items
020Enter a valid production network
021Measurement points created successfully
022No measurement points were created
023Network object &1 is locked by &2
024Enter a valid frequency
025Enter a valid quantity type
026Select a valid file
027Select a production network and file
028Select a network object type to generate template
029Select a network object type and file to generate template
030Quantity type &1 is not present in network &2
031Enter a valid directory path to fetch files
032Cannot find files in specified directory path; upload files
033Invalid data in &1
034User &2 does not have authority to perform this activity for &1
035Enter a numeric value for field &1
036Entry exceeds maximum limit for field &1
037Enter a valid value for field &1
038No Network object type found for selection
039Network object type &1 does not exist for network &2
040File &1 does not have a valid header template
041Invalid Network Object type &1 given in row &2 of file &3
042Error while writing to the file
043Please Enter Date in DD.MM.YYYY format for input field &1
044Please Enter Time in HH:MM:SS format for input field &1
045The transaction MU01 is deprecated. Redirecting to new transaction MU01N
046Key mapping upload started at: &1/&2
047No entry found for upload
048Date is in incorrect format
049Data for Meter ID not maintained for row : &1
050Date is not maintained for row : &1
051Time is not maintained for row : &1
052Allocation Material is not maintained for row : &1
053Quantity Type is not maintained for row : &1
054Allocation Type is not maintained for row : &1
055Frequency is not mainatined for row : &1
056Category ID is not maintained for row : &1
057MDC Parameter is not maintained or Wrongly maintained for row : &1
058MDC Value is not maintained for row : &1
059Duplicate entry for row &1
060Volume cannot be Negative for row : &1
061Please maintain valid Allocation Type for row &1 &2
062Invalid Measurement Date for row : &1
063Import on Future date is not Possible for row : &1
064Required data is missing for row : &1
065Enter a value for Measurement Parameter &1 for row &2
066Measurement Parameter for Node &1 Material &2 for row &3 is Required.
067Invalid Measurement value for row : &1
068Negative MDC values not allowed for row : &1
069Measurement Category ID not maintained for Measuring Point for row : &1
070Log for Row:&1
071Measurement uploaded successfully
072Measurement Category ID is not maintained for row : &1
073Measurement already exist for row : &1
074Invalid network object for row : &1
075Invalid Time maintained for row : &1
076Invalid Frequency maintained for row : &1
077Effective From date or time is not maintained
078Effective To date or time is not maintained
079Well Test Start date or time is not maintained
080Well Test End date or time is not maintained
081Invalid Measurement Category ID is maintained for row : &1
082Invalid Allocation Material is maintained for row : &1
083Well test already exist for row : &1
084Well test created successfully
085Enter value greater than or equal to 0
086Please Enter Network object type
087Enter quantity in decimal format (.) only.
088No measurement point exists for &1
089Measurement point &1 does not exist
090Enter a valid Measurement date (Curr. Value: &1) in row &2.
091Enter quantity in decimal format (.) only (Curr. Value: &1) in row &2.
092Enter a valid Effective From date (Curr. Value: &1) in row &2.
093Enter a valid Effective To date (Curr. Value: &1) in row &2.
094Enter a valid Start date (Curr. Value: &1) in row &2.
095Enter a valid End date (Curr. Value: &1) in row &2.
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