The following messages are stored in message class GHO_FC_DIF: .
It is part of development package EA_GHO_FC_DIF_COMMON in software component IS-OIL-UOM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Package for Common DIF Objects".
It is part of development package EA_GHO_FC_DIF_COMMON in software component IS-OIL-UOM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Package for Common DIF Objects".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Maintain Forecast Type |
002 | Network Conversion factor &1 created |
003 | Maintain Forecast Date |
004 | Enter Forecast Date in correct format |
005 | Enter Project Effective From date |
006 | Enter Project Effective From date in correct format |
007 | Enter Project Effective To date |
008 | Enter Project Effective To date in correct format |
009 | Enter Scenario Name |
010 | Enter Network Name |
011 | Enter Network Object Name |
012 | Enter Constraint Name |
013 | Enter Constraint Description |
014 | Enter Constraint Type |
015 | Enter valid Constraint Type &1 |
016 | Enter Constraint Effective Start Date |
017 | Constraint Effective From Date is in incorrect format |
018 | Constraint End Date is not maintained |
019 | Constraint Effective End Date is in incorrect format |
020 | Network hierarchy &1 is successfully created |
021 | Network Object Type is not maintained |
022 | Network Object Effective from date is not maintained |
023 | Network Object Effective from date is in incorrect format |
024 | Network Object Effective to date is not maintained |
025 | Network Object Effective to date is in incorrect format |
026 | Invalid record type for creating Project |
027 | Result date is not maintained |
028 | Result date is not in the correct format |
029 | Result type is not maintained |
030 | Value is not maintained |
031 | Medium is not maintained |
032 | Equation successfully created under network &1 |
033 | Operation Indicator is not maintained |
034 | Event Code is not maintained |
035 | Measurement Name is not maintained |
036 | Constraint Value is not maintained |
037 | Relational Operator is not maintained |
038 | Unit of Measure is not maintained |
039 | From Object is not maintained |
040 | To Object is not maintained |
041 | Link Effective from date is not maintained |
042 | Link Effective from date is not in the correct format |
043 | Medium is not present for inserting Network |
044 | Link Effective to date is not in the correct format |
045 | Effective from date is not maintained |
046 | Network Conversion factor &1 is successfully updated |
047 | Effective to date is not maintained |
048 | Network hierarchy &1 is successfully updated |
049 | Conversion factor effective from date is in incorrect format |
050 | Conversion factor effective to date is in incorrect format |
051 | Forecast date cannot be greater than Effective to date |
052 | Network medium cannot be updated |
053 | Network Effective from date is not maintained |
054 | Network Effective from date is not in the correct format |
055 | Network Effective to date is not in the correct format |
056 | Equation successfully updated for network &1 |
057 | Network Conversion Factor &1 is successfully deleted |
058 | File Type is not 'TXT' or 'CSV'. |
059 | File is empty to upload. |
060 | Frequency is not maintained |
061 | Equation succesfully deleted under network &1 |
062 | Invalid Record Type |
063 | File conversion error in file &1 |
064 | Timezone is not maintained |
065 | Network hierarchy &1 is successfully deleted |
066 | Record Type is not maintained |
067 | Basis is not maintained |
068 | Network Conversion factor &1 already exists |
069 | Precision is not maintained |
070 | Conversion Factor Name is not maintained |
071 | Conversion Factor Value is not maintained |
072 | Equation under Network &1 does not exists |
073 | Conversion Factor From Date is not maintained |
074 | Equation under Network &1 already exists |
075 | Invalid constraint value |
076 | Error in file conversion |
077 | Invalid Operation Indicator |
078 | Invalid Base case flag value |
079 | Forecast status profile ID is not maintained |
080 | Invalid Equation details or Equation under Scenario &1 does not exists |
081 | Invalid Project Details or no authorization |
082 | Invalid Scenario Details or no authorization |
083 | Invalid Network Details &1 or no authorization |
084 | Scenario &1 is created successfully |
085 | Scenario &1 is deleted successfully |
086 | Scenario &1 is updated successfully |
087 | Network &1 is created successfully |
088 | Network &1 is deleted successfully |
089 | Network &1 is updated successfully |
090 | Invalid Project Details or no authorization |
091 | Invalid Scenario Name or no authorization |
092 | Invalid Network Object Name or no authorization |
093 | Invalid constraints details |
094 | Potential Inserted successfully |
095 | Capacity Inserted successfully |
096 | Risk Inserted successfully |
097 | Opportunity Inserted successfully |
098 | Event Inserted successfully |
099 | Potential Updated successfully |
100 | Capacity updated successfully |
101 | Risk Updated successfully |
102 | Opportunity Updated successfully |
103 | Event Updated successfully |
104 | Potential Deleted successfully |
105 | Capacity Deleted successfully |
106 | Risk Deleted successfully |
107 | Opportunity Deleted successfully |
108 | Event Deleted successfully |
109 | Result is successfully inserted |
110 | Result &1 &2 is successfully updated |
111 | Result is successfully deleted |
112 | Link between &1 and &2 is successfully created. |
113 | Network Medium &1 is successfully created |
114 | Constraints &1 cannot be later than &2 |
115 | Update failed as multiple Events found with same business key. &1 &2 |
116 | Link between &1 and &2 is successfully updated |
117 | Link between &1 and &2 is successfully deleted |
118 | Link does not Exists to &1 |
119 | From Network Object &1 not found for given selection criteria |
120 | To Network Object &1 not found for given selection criteria |
121 | Conversion Factor &1 does not exists |
122 | Network Medium &1 is successfully deleted |
123 | Project Medium is not present for inserting Project |
124 | Object Name &1 does not exist |
125 | Scenario &1 with base case flag cannot be deleted |
126 | Base Case Scenario already exists |
127 | Base Case Flag cannot be updated |
128 | Project Name is not maintained |
129 | Project &1 successfully created |
130 | Project &1 successfully Updated |
131 | Medium &1 created successfully for project &2 |
132 | Medium &1 updated successfully for project &2 |
133 | Multiple Constraints exits, cannot perform delete |
134 | Link already exists and cannot be created again |
135 | Invalid Medium &1 for project |
136 | Network Object &1 is created successfully |
137 | Network Object &1 is updated successfully |
138 | Network Object &1 is deleted successfully |
139 | Object Effective to date is less than Effective from date |
140 | Effective to date is less than Effective from date |
141 | &1&2&3 |
142 | Sceanrio Name &1 does not exist |
143 | Project &1 successfully Deleted |
144 | Link effective from date cannot be greater than to date |
145 | Network Effective to date is less than Effective from date |
146 | Scenario effective from date cannot be greater than to date |
147 | Project Name &1 does not exist |
148 | Scenario already exists and cannot be created again |
149 | Invalid Scenario Details or no authorization |
150 | Network already exists and cannot be created again |
151 | Invalid Network Details or no authorization |
152 | Object &1 does not Exists to &2 |
153 | Operation indicator is invalid |
154 | Project &1 already exist |
155 | Invalid Project details or Project &1 does not exist to &2 medium |
156 | Project &1 successfully Deleted |
157 | Medium delete is not possible for project |
158 | Invalid constraint type |
159 | Invalid Relational Operator |
160 | Invalid Record Type |
161 | Risk data not found for given details or &1 |
162 | Opportunity data not found for given details or &1 |
163 | Potential data not found for given details or &1 |
164 | Capacity data not found for given details or &1 |
165 | Event data not found for given details |
166 | Constraint Description can't be more than 100 characters |
167 | Update failed as multiple &1 found with same business key. &2 &3 |
168 | Update failed as multiple Risks found with same business key. &1 &2 |
169 | No data has been changed for Potential |
170 | No data has been changed for Capacity |
171 | No data has been changed for Risk |
172 | No data has been changed for Opportunity |
173 | No data has been changed for Event |
174 | Result Date is outside Project Effective Dates |
175 | Value &1 is not a valid value |
176 | &1 &2 &3 |
177 | &1 |
178 | &1 &2 |
179 | Scenario Convfactor &1 exists and cannot be created again |
180 | Scenario Equation is successfully deleted |
181 | Conversion Factor UOM not maintained |
182 | Scenario Conversion Factor &1 is successfully created |
183 | Equation successfully created under Scenario &1 |
184 | Scenario Conversion factor &1 is successfully updated |
185 | Scenario Conversion Factor &1 is deleted successfully |
186 | Equation Effective From Date not maintained |
187 | Equation Effective From Date is in incorrect format |
188 | Scenario Equation is successfully updated |
189 | Equation Effective To Date is in incorrect format |
190 | Measurement not maintained |
191 | Equation String not maintained |
192 | Scenario &1 does not Exists |
193 | Network Objects does not Exists |
194 | Deletion not allowed |
195 | Equation under Scenario &1 already exists |
196 | Invalid Project Details or Project &1 does not exist to insert hierarchy |
197 | Hierarchy &1 successfully mapped to project &2 |
198 | Project &1 was not found for updating hierarchy |
199 | Project &1 was not found for deleting hierarchy |
200 | Hierarchy map was deleted successfully for project &1 |
201 | Equation under Network Object &1 does not exists |
202 | Invalid Project Details or Project &1 does not exist |
203 | Conversion Factor &1 successfully mapped to project &2 |
204 | Project &1 was not found for updating conversion fcator |
205 | Conv Fact &1 was successfully deleted for project &2 |
206 | Project &1 was not found for deleting conversion factor |
207 | Invalid Project details or Project &1 does not exist to insert equation |
208 | Equation &1 successfully mapped to project &2 |
209 | Project &1 was not found for updating equation |
210 | Equation map was deleted successfully for project &1 |
211 | Project &1 was not found for deleting equation |
212 | Equation successfully deleted under Network Object &1 |
213 | Network Object hierarchy &1 is successfully deleted |
214 | Hierarchy under Network Object &1 does not exists |
215 | Hierarchy name not maintained |
216 | Hierarchy node name not maintained |
217 | Project Conversion factor &1 already exists |
218 | Conversion Factor &1 successfully updated in project &2 |
219 | Network Object &1 already exist |
220 | Network Object Conversion factor &1 already exists |
221 | Invalid Object Details or no authorization |
222 | Network Object Equation &1 already exists |
223 | Hierarchy &1 successfully updated for project &2 |
224 | Existing network cannot be handled |
225 | Equation under Project &1 already exists |
226 | Equation under Project &1 does not exists |
227 | Network Object Hierarchy &1 already exists |
228 | Equation &1 successfully updated in project &2 |
229 | Network Object Conversion Factor &1 does not exists |
230 | Equation does not exists |
231 | Hierarchy does not exists |
232 | Network Object Conversion Factor &1 successfully updated |
233 | Network Object Equation &1 successfully updated |
234 | Network Object Hierarchy &1 successfully updated |
235 | Network Object Conversion Factor &1 successfully created |
236 | Network Object Hierarchy &1 successfully created |
237 | Network Object Equation &1 successfully created |
238 | Network Object Conversion Factor &1 successfully deleted |
239 | Status cannot be changed since all results were not uploaded |
240 | Scenario state is not Calculation in Progress |
241 | Status has been successfully changed to Results available |
242 | Status Profile is not maintained |
243 | This file does not belongs to user &1. File is not processed |
244 | User Name is not maintained |
245 | Delete failed as multiple Risks found with same business key. &1 &2 |
246 | Delete failed as multiple &1 found with same business key. &2 &3 |
247 | Delete failed as multiple Events found with same business key. &1 &2 |
248 | Invalid conversion factor value |
249 | Precision Value should be type Numeric |
250 | Invalid File Format |
251 | Forecast date cannot be greater than Effective from date |
252 | Invalid Profile id |
253 | Invalid UOM |
254 | Project Frequency can not be updated |
255 | Dimension is not maintained |
256 | Error in Row Number &1 |
257 | Processing for Row Number &1 Started |
258 | Invalid Project Details or no authorization for &1 &2 &3 |
259 | Basis is not an editable field |
260 | Status Profile is not an editable field |
261 | Timezone is not an editable field |
262 | Profile ID is not an editable field |
263 | Invalid operation indicator &1 for record type &2 |
264 | Scenario Description cannot be more than 100 characters |
265 | Invalid equation string |
266 | Invalid measurement |
267 | Link cannot be created between same object |
268 | No data has been changed for Link |
269 | Link already exist in other network of same scenario |
270 | Update link eff from date can't be maintained for Insert/Delete operation |
271 | Update link eff to date can't be maintained for Insert/Delete operation |
272 | Update Link Effective from date is not maintained |
273 | Update Link Effective to date is not maintained |
274 | Update Link Effective from date is not in the correct format |
275 | Update Link Effective to date is not in the correct format |
276 | Update Link effective from date cannot be greater than to date |
277 | Enter quantity in decimal format (.) only. |