The following messages are stored in message class GHO_FC_MANAGE_PROJ: .
It is part of development package APPL_GHO_FC_CMN in software component IS-OIL-UOM-FC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Common package for forecasting".
It is part of development package APPL_GHO_FC_CMN in software component IS-OIL-UOM-FC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Common package for forecasting".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
002 | Existing network name from PM cannot be used |
003 | Enter Effective From Date |
004 | Valid To date &1 must be greater/equal to Valid From date &2 |
005 | Record already exists |
006 | Invalid Frequency |
007 | Scenario with Base Case flag cannot be deleted |
008 | Network &1 does not contain a medium |
009 | Record does not exist |
010 | No Record(s) found |
011 | Invalid Network Object Type |
012 | Modifying an existing networks may lead to data inconsistencies |
013 | Network Id &1 not found for deletion |
014 | Chain Networks are not found |
015 | Frequency can be either daily or monthly |
016 | Scenario ID does not exist |
017 | Invalid Timezone for Project &1 |
018 | Project ID &1 does not exist |
019 | Please Provide Input Data |
020 | Invalid Project details or no authorization for the requested Project |
021 | Project data not found for given selection criteria |
022 | Network data not found for given selection criteria |
023 | Scenario data not found for given selection criteria |
024 | Network Object data not found for given selection criteria |
025 | Record with similar business key already exist |
026 | Network Medium not found for Network ID &1 |
027 | Netwrok Object ID &1 not found for deletion |
028 | Invalid Project medium |
029 | Invalid Basis with Project ID &1 and Medium &2 |
030 | Network Medium does not exist |
031 | Invalid Scenario IDs |
032 | Invalid UOM Basis for Medium ID &1 and Project ID &2 |
033 | Project ID &1 is set to Delete |
034 | Network ID &1 is set to Delete |
035 | Network Object &1 is set to Delete |
036 | Scenario &1 is set to Delete |
037 | Project Medium Records are not Found |
038 | Link does not exist for the given Measurement |
039 | Link ID &1 is set to Delete. |
040 | Invalid Medium &1 for project |
041 | Medium &1 of Network &2 is not defined for Project |
042 | Project ID &1 with Project Medium &2 is set to delete |
043 | Existing Scenario &1 is now not a base case |
044 | Project Setup is not complete |
045 | Scenario &1 can not be changed from Base Case to non-Base Case |
046 | Project &1 does not contain any medium |
047 | Error in creating object no for scenario. Contact System Administrator. |
048 | Error in creating object no for project. Contact System Administrator. |
049 | Scenario�s state does not allow I/U/D for Network |
051 | Project not found for Scenario &1 |
052 | Links are not found on given object |
053 | Network Medium is set to Delete with Network ID &1 and Medium &2 |
054 | Medium is not defined at Project |
055 | Invalid Medium |
056 | Invalid Basis |
057 | Invalid UOM |
058 | Invalid UOM Basis |
059 | Invalid Frequency &1 for Project |
060 | Network Mediums are not found for given networks |
061 | Enter Effective To Date |
062 | No records found for Proejct Medium &1 with project ID &2 |
063 | Record already exists for Project Medium &1 with Project &2 |
064 | No record found for Project medium |
065 | Basis ID &1 with medium &2 can not be changed |
066 | UOM &1 with medium &2 can not be changed |
067 | No data has been changed for Scenario &1 |
068 | No data has been changed for Network &1 |
069 | No data has been changed for Network Object &1 |
070 | Start date &1 and End date &2 should be same for Frequency &3 |
071 | Start date &1 and End date &2 are not valid for Frequency &3 |
072 | Link does not exist |
073 | No data has been changed for Project &1 |
074 | No data has been changed for Project medium &1 |
075 | No data has been changed for Link between &1 and &2 with medium &3 |
076 | Authorization missing for create operation in Manage Project |
077 | Medium data not found for given selection criteria |
078 | Link Cannot be deleted since it deletes the chain |
079 | Hierarchy is already Mapped |
080 | Equation string is blank |
081 | Invalid equation entered |
082 | Conversion factor &1 does not exist |
083 | Medium &1 does not exist |
084 | Dimension &1 does not exist |
085 | Equation data not found for given selection criteria |
086 | Hierarchy &1 doesnt Exist to update the Mapping |
087 | Hierarchy Name is Incorrect |
088 | Link with Overlapping Effective Dates Already Exists |
089 | Status Profile is not maintained for Project &1 |
090 | Profile Id is not maintained for Project &1 |
091 | Status Profile is incorrect for Project &1 |
092 | Profile Id is incorrect for Project &1 |
093 | Multiple Mediums &1 are not allowd for Basis &2 |
094 | Existing network object name from PM cannot be used |
095 | Invalid Basis for Project |
096 | Copied scenario status is not &1 or &2 |
097 | Project ID's are different; Copied scenario is invalid |
098 | UOM &1 is not Configured for Basis &2 |
099 | Invalid source type &1 |
100 | Valid source type not found |
101 | Link Cannot be created between &1 and &2 |
102 | Project not found for Scenario &1 |
103 | Record could not be processed due to Result Inconsistency |
104 | No Network exist under Scenario &1 |
105 | Project not found for Network &1 |
106 | Chaining Successfully got created between Object &1 and &2 |
107 | Object name is defined with Object type &1 under the project |
108 | Project already exists |
109 | Network already exists |
110 | Project's status does not allow I/U/D |
111 | Scenario already exists |
112 | Scenario's status does not allow I/U/D of Network Object |
113 | Project�s status does not allow I/U/D of Scenario |
114 | Scenario�s state does not allow I/U/D |
115 | Link cannot be updated between &1 and &2 |
116 | Link cannot be deleted between &1 and &2 |
117 | Project's status does not allow I/U/D of Medium |
118 | Project's status does not allow I/U/D of Network Object |
119 | Project's status doesn't allow I/U/D of Links |
120 | Project's status doesn't allow I/U/D of Links |
121 | Duplicate Mediums with same Dimension are not allowed |
122 | Project's status does not allow I/U/D of Hierarchy |
123 | Project's status does not allow I/U/D of Equation |
124 | Project's status does not allow I/U/D of Conversion Factors |
125 | Project�s status does not allow I/U/D of Network |
126 | Enter Equation String |
127 | Enter valid equation |
128 | Conversion factor &1 does not exist for Given Equation Period |
129 | Medium &1 does not exist |
130 | Dimension &1 does not exist |
131 | Invalid Medium &1 for basis &2 and dimension &3 |
132 | You are not authorized to see Network in Gather Data |
133 | Project is locked for changes |
134 | Maintain Basis,Medium,Dimension mapping for Basis &1, Medium &2 |
135 | Enter valid Forecast Type |
136 | Enter Forecast Type |
137 | Medium &1 does not exist for Network &2 |
138 | Enter valid Unit Of Measurement |
139 | Link already exists for medium &1 |
140 | Enter Factor Name |
141 | Only leaf node can be selected |
142 | Cannot validate Project's Effective dates for frequency &1 |
143 | Start data gathering not triggered for project &1 |
144 | Enter valid measurement |
145 | No data has been changed for hierarchy &1 |
146 | No data has been changed for conversion factor &1 |
147 | No data has been changed for equation |
148 | Hierarchy Node &1 does not exist |
149 | Conversion Factor name &1 Contains Space |
150 | No result exists for deletion |
151 | Project's status does not allow I/D of Results |
152 | Link already exist in other Network of same scenario |
153 | Conversion factor &1 is being used by Equation &2 |
154 | Link dates overlapping with existing link |
155 | Enter valid combination of Network Obj Type and Name |