The following messages are stored in message class GHO_OWNERSHIP_BO: .
It is part of development package EA_GHO_OWNERSHIP_BO in software component IS-OIL-UOM-OWN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Ownership : BO Layer".
It is part of development package EA_GHO_OWNERSHIP_BO in software component IS-OIL-UOM-OWN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Ownership : BO Layer".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | DOI ID '&1' does not exist |
001 | Bearer group already exists for effective date |
002 | Sum is not equal to 1 for Bearer Group number &1 |
003 | Owner does not belong to DOI for the effective period of the bearer group |
004 | Scale Method '&1' already exists with the same medium &2 |
005 | Importing parameter - &1 must not be blank |
006 | DOI items with Effective From Date &1 is inconsistent |
007 | DOI items with Effective From Date &1 is consistent |
008 | Insufficient ownership transfer percentage of - &1 &2 &3 |
009 | Invalid Effective From Date for ownership transfer request of - &1 &2 &3 |
010 | Authorization denied to update DOI - &1 &2 &3 |
011 | Authorization denied to Check Out DOI - &1 &2 &3 |
012 | Authorization denied to Check In DOI - &1 &2 &3 |
013 | "To Quantity" is less than or equal to "To Quantity" of previous row |
014 | DOI - &1 &2 &3 is already locked |
015 | DOI - &1 &2 &3 must be checked in manually after adjusting Bearer Group |
016 | Bearer Group - &1 could not be locked;so manually check in DOI - &2 &3 &4 |
017 | Transfer of ownership does not exist |
018 | Owner does not exist |
019 | From owner's interest is blank |
020 | Sum of ownership interest must be equal to the transfer interest |
021 | Scale Method-ID: '&1', Type: &2 and Medium: &3 does not exist |
022 | DOIs updated successfully |
023 | Error occurred while updating DOIs |
024 | Owner &1 with same interest type &2 with sequence number &3 already exist |
025 | Royalty Interest cannot be transferred to Working Interest |
026 | DOI &1 &2 &3 is checked out |
027 | Interest Type cannot be in Bearer Group |
028 | Owner with interest and sequence already exists |
029 | Owner Invalid |
030 | Bearer group effective from date is less than DOI start date |
031 | Company Code is not valid |
032 | Concession is not valid |
033 | Interest Type '&1' does not exist |
034 | GRI is not valid for the selected interest type |
035 | NRI must not be more than 100% |
036 | GRI must not be more than 100% |
037 | Concession is not valid for selected DOI &1 |
038 | Company code is not valid for selected DOI &1 |
039 | Sum of the interest types is greater than 1 |
040 | Medium is not valid |
041 | Scale Method Type is not valid |
042 | Royalty bearer group is not allowed to be entered for non royalty type |
043 | Royalty calculation method is not allowed for non royalty type |
044 | Royalty calculation type is not allowed for non royalty type |
045 | Overlapping Dates not allowed for Owner &1, Interest Type &2, Sequence &3 |
046 | DOI ID &1 already exists for the company code &2 and concession &3 |
047 | DOI &1 &2 &3 is Checked-In |
048 | Incorrect combination of selected DOI and transfer of owner interest type |
049 | User &1 is editing Division of Interest &2 &3 &4 |
050 | Maintain the bearer group for royality interest(RI) type |
051 | ********************Report Error messages******************************** |
052 | Enter owner number in search criteria |
053 | No record found for given search criteria |
054 | Enter any one of the fields; DOI, Production N/W, Well or Well Completion |
055 | Enter Division of Interest id in search criteria |
056 | Enter Network, Medium, Production Date and Frequency |
057 | Enter a Network, Medium, Production Date and Frequency |
058 | Check-out cannot be done; DOI included in transfer request |
059 | Maintain bearer group details |
060 | NRI is insufficient for burden sharing |
061 | GRI is insufficient for burden sharing |
062 | Number range object &1 does not exist |
063 | Number range interval &1 for object &2 does not exiist |
064 | Bearer group effective to date is greater than DOI end date |
065 | Maintain 'Bearer Group' for royalty interest(RI) type |
066 | Bearer group effective from date is greater than DOI start date |
067 | Bearer group effective to date is less than DOI start date |
068 | Maintain burden share for working interest type |
069 | &1 for Bearer Group '&2' and Start Date &3 is not 100% in BG items |
070 | Item details not found; Check-in not allowed |
071 | Bearer group '&1' entered in DOI items is not defined in BG header |
072 | Bearer group must have the same validity as that of the DOI item |
073 | Maintain the same validity for &1 in DOI item and &1 header |
074 | Authorization group &1 is not valid |
075 | Bearer group effective end date is not equal to DOI item valid to date. |
077 | Select either 'NRI' Or 'GRI' from the CalculationType to calculate |
100 | *********Network object to DOI assignment error messages*************** |
101 | &1 is not a valid Network Object ID |
102 | &1 is not of type Well or Well Completion or Production Network |
103 | Network Object &1 Concession does not match the DOI &2 Concession |
104 | Network object &1 with the same start date already exists |
105 | From Date must be less than the DOI Effective To Date |
106 | From Date must be greater than the DOI Effective From Date |
107 | From Date must always be the begining of a month |
108 | Network Object &1 with same start date already exists for a different DOI |
109 | Network object &1 does not belong to the Network Type |
110 | Network object &1 is either inactive or marked for deletion |
111 | Choose a different medium to assign the network object &1 to the DOI |
112 | DOI &1 medium does not match the Network Object &2 medium |
113 | Network Object &1 with From Date &2 and Medium &3 already exists in DOI |
114 | Duplicate entry at line &1 |
115 | User &1 is editing Division Of Interest for assignment of Network Object |
116 | Enter a valid DOI ID |
117 | Enter a DOI with a valid checked-in version |
118 | DOI Items are blank |
123 | *********** Scaling method Errors continued ************************** |
124 | "To Quantity" is greater than or equal to "To Quantity" of next row |
146 | Enter Calculation Type |
147 | Enter Calculation Method |
148 | Enter a valid calculation method or calculation type for the DOI medium |
149 | Scale ID with the respective method type does not exist |
150 | **************Division Of Interest error messages ********************** |
151 | Authorization denied for &1 of Division Of Interest |
152 | Enter field '&1' |
153 | Enter a valid Company Code |
154 | Enter a valid Concession ID |
155 | Enter a valid DOI ID that belongs to Concession ID and Company Code |
156 | Authorization denied for &1 of Division of Interest ID &2 |
157 | User &1 is editing Division of Interest |
158 | Effective From Date must be the first day of the month |
159 | Effective To Date must be the last day of the month |
160 | Effective To Date must be greater than Effective From Date |
161 | DOI ID &1 already exists for the company code &2 and concession &3 |
162 | Delete Bearer Group entries for Owner &1 with Interest type &2 and Seq &3 |
163 | Sum of NRI or GRI is not 1 for DOI items for Effective From Date &1 |
164 | Check-in done successfully |
165 | Check-in not done successfully |
166 | Item details not found; Check-in not allowed |
167 | Check-out done successfully |
168 | Check-out not done successfully |
169 | Cancel Check-out done successfully |
170 | Cancellation for check-out not successfull |
171 | Scale method medium is not consistent with DOI medium |
172 | NRI or GRI must not contain negative values |
200 | ******************Transfer of Ownership error messages***************** |
201 | Enter the Document Type |
202 | Enter the Owner |
203 | Enter the Effective From Date |
204 | DOI Item does not exist for transfer request for Owner &1 |
205 | Enter the Document Year |
206 | Enter a valid document number and document year |
207 | Vendor number is not part of Oil and Gas Business Partner |
208 | Enter valid Bearer Group Number |
209 | Authorization denied for &1 of ownership transfer request |
210 | Effective From Date must be from the beginning of the month |
211 | Scale Method &1 is deleted successfully |
212 | Enter the Document Number |
213 | Enter a valid Document Type |
214 | User &1 is editing Transfer of Request |
215 | Error during update of DOI from ownership transfer request |
216 | A valid Bearer Group does not exist for the selected DOI |
217 | Duplicate Bearer Group &1 is not allowed for Effective Start Date |
218 | Sum of ownership interest must be equal to 1 |
219 | DOI &1 net percentage must be greater or equal to transfer interest |
220 | Sum of ownership interest must be less than or equal to 1 |
221 | Total Transfer Interest must be less than or equal to 1 |
222 | total interest not equal to 1 |