GK - Nachrichten SAP Konsolidierung

The following messages are stored in message class GK: Nachrichten SAP Konsolidierung.
It is part of development package FC00_UC in software component EC-CS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Cons: General consolidation (cannot be assign.to FC01-FC09)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
001Data was saved
002Data was copied
003Copying requires a post-entry
004Position cursor on a valid line
005& entries were selected
0061 entry was selected
007Enter only one selection option
008Specify lower and upper limit
009Specify the fiscal year and period
010Error setting the global parameters
011Equity data does not contain subitem category &1 for equity holdings adjs
012Set & does not exist
013Cannot delete consolidation unit &1
014Specify positive or negative selection
015Error while reading table "&1"
016No tax rate is defined for consolidation unit &
017The tax rate for consolidation unit & is set to 0%
018Invalid formula found while breaking down period category &1
019Entry no longer unique after breaking down the period categories
020System error occurred during lock management
021&1 &2 is already being processed by user &3
022Changes cause ambiguous entries (tab. &1: CG/CU/FDT &2, period &3)
023Generation for SAP Consolidation completed successfully.
024Period category &1 still being used (control table &2)
025Breakdown cat. &1 incompatible with &2 (at independent item &3)
026The higher-level item & does not have a breakdown category
027Item &1 not contained in the item hierarchies of &2
028Breakdown cat. &1 incompatible with &2 (at dependent item &3)
029No breakdown category assigned to the lower-level item &
030Number range & not maintained
031Number range object & does not exist
032Number range & is not defined as internal
033Document number assignment not correct for number range &
034An error occurred during set generation
035Please maintain the from/to numbers in number range &1 for object &2
036Error found while checking breakdowns in the item hierarchies
037At the first consolidation unit
038At the last consolidation unit
039Specify a subitem category first
040Utilization of hierarchy levels is not supported
041Hierarchy level & is not valid
042Substitution of the partner unit is not supported
043File &1 cannot be downloaded
044The sets were generated and the data saved
045The string contains invalid characters
046Data was not saved
047Save the data!
048Select only one entry
049Enter a valid period between 1 and 16
050--------------- Authorizations -----------------------------------------
051Authorization "&" missing for & "&".
052Program error: Function module used with unknown authorization object
053Authorization "&" missing for & "&" in dimension "&".
054Authorization "&" is missing for subitems and subitem categories.
055No authorization "&" for tasks in version "&" and dimension "&"
056Authorization & is missing for task cat. & in version &, dimension &.
057Authorization "&1" is missing for task &2, category &3, CG/CU &4
058No authorization "&" for task category "&" in cons group "&"
059No authorization "&" for task category "&" and cons unit "&"
060No reporting authorization for cons group/unit &1
061Authorization "&" missing for ledger "&".
062No authorization for &1
063No authorization for creating authorizations for object &1
064Ledger assignment for consolidation group &1 cannot be changed
065An error occurred while calling the Intercompany Reconiliation report.
066Exchange rate type 'M' used for the translation
067Point the cursor at a partner unit
068Error while importing the global parameters
069Invalid language key
070No authorization for maintenance in dimension "&".
071No authorization for ledger "&".
072No maintenance authorization for view "&" - display only
073Validation cannot be changed because period category is missing
074Triggering item & is a totals item
075Item & requires a partner unit - inheritance not possible
076Item & requires a subitem - inheritance not possible
077Inconsistent sub-assignment at triggering item
078No authorization for subassignment &1 with characteristic value &2
079Reclassification version &1 deviates from global recl. version &2
080Program error (does not have to be translated) !
081An initiating item or a set must be entered.
082Specify either a single value or a set
083Specify the cons frequency in conjunction with periodic treatment
084Item & does not allow specification of a partner
085Document type & does not exist.
086Document type & cannot be used for reclassification.
087No task set up for reclassification.
088Business application for the doc. type is not set to reclassification
089Old documents with doc. type &1, period &2 and year &3 deleted
090&1 document(s) posted for document type &2, period &3 and year &4
091No reclassification required for &/&.
092Different cons frequencies are not permitted for same method
093Partner entry not allowed with posting level &1 (method &2:&3)
094Reclassification from &1 to partner &2 not allowed in local currency
095Partner account assignment cannot be found for item &1 in method &2
096Cons chart/accts &1 in method &2/&3 differs from global cons chart &4
097Period & is not allowed for cons frequency &
098Balance-driven reclassification requires a FS item
099Subitem & will be deleted
100Cons chart of accounts & does not exist
101Cons chart of accounts & already exists
102There is no text for cons chart of accounts &1
103Enter a valid cons chart of accounts
104Cons chart of accounts & was deleted
105New shorter output length conflicts with length of existing items
106Sets were not generated
107Hierarchy &1 is already created for dimension &2
108Node & already assigned in the hierarchies
109Only a top cons group can be created for hierarchy &1
110Selected combination is not allowed
111Item & does not exist
112Item &1 already exists
113There is no short text for item &
114Item & was deleted
115The output length may be a maximum length of 10 places
116Maintain required field
117Appending not possible
118You cannot branch to master data here
119The maximum item length is &1 in cons chart of accounts &2
120Item hierarchy &1 saved for cons chart of accounts
121Breakdown category & does not exist
122Breakdown category & already exists
123Please specify a breakdown category
124Breakdown category & was deleted
125Specify a subitem category
126Item category &1 does not exist
127Item category & already exists
128Enter an item category
129Item category was deleted
130Cons chart of accounts & can not be deleted here
131Subitem category & does not exist
132Subitem category & already exists
133Enter a subitem category
134Subitem category & was deleted
135The field length of the subitem is limited to 10 spaces
136Subitem category &1 not valid for FS item &2
137Cons chart of accounts & can not be reassigned
138Unallowed action: Creating intervals at & not supported
139Item hierarchy & already exists
140No ranges can be added to cons chart of accounts &
141Subitem & does not exist
142Subitem & already exists
143Subitem & was deleted
144No more additional entries exist
145No more previous entries exist
146Retrieval of text changes only after saving.
147Display only: Cons chart of accounts & is locked
148Specify a subitem
149Item &1 does not have any subitems
150Dimension & does not exist
151Dimension & already exists
152Dimension & was deleted
153&1 &2 does not exist in dimension &3
154&1 &2 already exists in dimension &3
155&1 &2 was deleted
156&1 &2 was already assigned
157Dimension entered does not correspond with the global dimension
158Length of CU may not be less than the length of CG
159Enter a dimension
160Specify &
161Create a ledger with currency key &
163First maintain the data that is relevant for the translation
164Data was copied to a different dimension and saved
165Specified length not allowed: maximum of 18 places
166&1 is not assigned to a hierarchy level directly under &2
167The allocation was read again after the deletion operation
168Allocate all relevant hierarchy levels to the hierarchy
169The relationships of the hierarchy levels are incomplete
170The starting consolidation group is not in the hierarchy
171The "to" hierarchy level must lie within the consolidation group
172No task set up for external documents
173Use of document type for posting external documents not permissible
174No list could be generated
175At least one consolidation unit is to be labeled as parent
176No data type was assigned to the rollup consolidation unit
177The &1 is not the top &2 of &3 &4, but assigned to the highest level
178No top consolidation group is assigned to hierarchy &
179Differential items missing for translation method &
180Exchange rate type &1 in ledger &2 is not allowed
181Master record not created for cons group &1, dimension &2, version &3
182Version & not defined
183Ledger & not defined
184Currency &1 of cons group &2 does not correspond with ledger currency &3
185No translation method was assigned to consolidation unit &
186No fiscal year variant assigned to consolidation unit &1
187Cons group &1, currency &2 not equal to ledger currency &3, ledger &4
188Cons group &1, ledger &2 not equal to ledger &3 of starting cons group
189Fiscal year variant &1 not defined (&3) for period &2
190Currency translation method & is not defined
191Consolidation group &1 is in use and therefore cannot be deleted
192Consolidation unit &1 is in use and therefore cannot be deleted
193Method &1, cons C/A &2 not identical to cons C/A &3 for hierarchy
194No reference exchange rate indicator defined for translation method &
197No group currency was assigned to consolidation group &
198Local currency of cons unit & is not maintained
199Currency for ledger & is not maintained
200No ledger assigned to cons group &1 for year &2
201The hierarchy level &1 is not assigned to hierarchy &2
202No reference hierarchy is assigned to dimension &
203Cons group &1 is not assigned to dimension &2 in the reference hierarchy
204&1 &2 does not exist
205No insertions allowed under &1 &2
206Only hierarchies can be inserted under the dimension
207Only &3 can be inserted under &1 &2
208&1 &2 was already specified
209&1 &2 is already assigned in hierarchy &3
210The dimension & can not be deleted here
211The dimension & can not be reassigned
212Internal hierarchy error occurred
213Cannot delete master data for &1 &2
214&1 can only be inserted at the same level as &2
215Cannot move hierarchy &1
216Only a top CG can be assigned to hierarchy &1
217Old and new hierarchy level of & do not concur.
218&1 &2 will not be created because hierarchy &2 already exists
219&1 &2 already assigned in other hierarchies
220The sets were generated
221Action not permitted
222&1 &2 already exists
223Error while simultaneously deleting node &
224Error while simultaneously inserting node &
225Error while simultaneously moving node &
226You cannot insert below the lowest hierarchy level
227An error occurred while expanding the hierarchy &
228No levels found under hierarchy &
229Node being inserted and the place of insertion must differ.
230Deletion of &1 only possible in &2/&3
231Master record for & deleted in the database
232Only &3 can be inserted at the same level as &1 &2
233No sets were generated
234No new sets were generated
235Some items were already assigned in the current item hierarchy
236Item & has already been assigned in the current item hierarchy
237Item & already exists
238& entries were made
239No more assignments of *&* found
240CG/CU with template *&* is not assigned in the hierarchies
241Please specify a search string
242Error while changing the data
243No changes were made
244No insertions allowed below value item &
245CG/CU &1 already assigned to CG &2: Reassignment not possible
246None of the assigned objects has been designated as the parent
247The indicator should only be activated for cons units
248&1 already created as &2 in dimension &3
249Item &1 succeeds &2 in the item hierarchies
250*------------------------Validation (251 - 299)-------------------------*
251Place the cursor on a line showing a validation
252Choose a validation for each cons group/cons unit
253No validation of reported data assigned for consolidation unit &
254No validation for standardized data assigned for consolidation unit &
255No validation assigned for consolidation unit &
256No validation for consolidated data assigned for consolidation group &
257Validation & has been deleted
258Validation & has no validation steps
259Validation step &1 for validation &2 contains a prerequisite
260Validation step &1 in validation &2 contains no check
261The consolidation unit(s) are not assigned to consolidation group &
262Place the cursor on a line showing a message
263Consolidated data can only be validated in group currency
264When a validation is specified, the task status does not change
265No location of equity data found in the present dimension
266Item &1/Subitem &2: Discrepancy btw. chgs in investee eqty and totals DB
267Subitem &2 for item &1 not in changes in investee equity table
268Investee &1, item/SI &2: Discrepancy btw. chgs in invest. and totals DB
269Investee unit &1/item &2/subitem &3 not in changes in investments table
270& already exists as a consolidation unit in the hierarchies
271& exists as a consolidation group in the hierarchies
272No task groups assigned to &
273Item &1 is already assigned to item &2
274The item &1 may not be defined recursively
275Hierarchy level &1 and the new insertion point are not identical
276No insertions allowed below value item &
277Consolidation group &1 has no consolidation units
278The assignment &1 --> &2 already exists
279Item &1 is already assigned to item hierarchy &2
280Please mark an entry in "&"
281Please select a valid entry before executing the function
282Task is blocked: Data cannot be validated
283CG/CU &1 is already assigned to CG/CU &2
284Period is already closed: Data cannot be validated
285Period '000' is invalid.
286Enter a valid callup point
287Consolidation unit &2 already exists in dimension &1
288Item &1, partner unit &2: discrepancy between inventory and totals data
289Item &1: discrepancy between inventory and totals data
290Selecting consolidation units is not allowed
291Complex selection not allowed, only a simple list of fields is permitted
292Posting and entry block is set for subitem &1
293Subitem &1 used as default subitem for subitem category &2
294No Rollup records were read
295The obligatory characteristic "FS item" is missing in validation rule &1
296Consolidation group &1 has an invalid length (maximum is &2)
297Posting level &2: Remove the units from the selection screen
298Too many units/partner units in document (doc. type &1, posting level &2)
299No explicit partner account assignment allowed when posting to partner
300The range is not correct
301Specify the desired financial statement items
302The item set & already exists
303You selected an empty item set
304The range was already specified
305Consolidation unit & not found
306No company code found for consolidation unit &1
307Error while saving data
308Currency key & not found
309First specify a version in the global parameters
310File & not found
311Enter the ledger
312Requested period & does not correspond with period from extract &
313Rollup records can only be validated in test run
314Book values in local and group currencies of CU &2 must match
315Assignment of investee unit &2, activity &3 is ambiguous
316Changes in investments table contains one or more ambiguous entries
317You have not specified a consolidation unit
318Caution: Subassignment revoked for item &
319Reported data for changes in investments comes from the totals database
320The data entry profile does not allow layout &1 for cons unit &2
321Missing financial data type in cons unit &1 of dimension &2
322No period categories are defined
323The data entry profile does not contain any data entry groups
324Data entry layout & does not exist
325Value & does not exist
326Dimension &1 in global params does not match dimension &2 in the layout
327Version &1 in the global params does not match version &2 in the layout
328Fiscal year &1 in global params does not match FY &2 in the layout
329Period &1 in the global params doesn't match period &2 in the layout
330Cons C/A & in global params doesn't match cons C/A &2 in the layout
331Cons unit &1 doesn't match the cons unit &2 in the layout
332Data was updated
333Set & does not exist
334Entries are missing in the changes in investments table
335Missing entries for item & in changes in investments table
336Missing entries in the changes in investee equity table
337Entries are missing for combined data entry
338Default values are displayed
339Book values entered in local and group currencies are incomplete
340The investee is equivalent to the cons unit
341The sum of the shares in cons unit & exceeds 100 %
342Shares set back to zero
343Change of total share in cons unit & does not equal 0 %
344Invalid subitem &1 specified for item &2
345Structure version &1 does not exist
346Recursive definition of the structure version
347Equity item & already has an entry
348Item & requires a subitem
349Reported data for changes in inv. equity comes from the totals database
350----------------- Generate selection screens 350 - 399 -----------------
351Char &1 contains an invalid value (&2)
352The & field contains an invalid range of values
353The dependent char. &1 contains an invalid value (&2) (see the &3)
354The dependent & field contains an invalid range of values (see &)
355The dependent char. &1 contains an invalid value (&2) (see the &3)
356The dependent & field contains an invalid range of values (see &)
357Char &1 contains an invalid value (&2)
358The & field contains an invalid range of values
359Invalid combination of test run and original list
360Record type &1 is not supported
361Place the cursor on a valid selection
362Characterstic &1 is not contained in the data model for consolidation
363Invalid value for consolidation of investments transaction
364Two settings are a mismatch
369Specify a consolidation group / -unit or a translation method
370Specify a consolidation group or consolidation units
371No consolidation units passed on call-up
372Specify which consolidation groups or units are to be copied
373Specified units do not match the maintained units
374No source tasks are assigned to the copy task
375No matching source tasks are assigned to the copy task
376Group currency value was initialized
377There is no data to be copied
378Entry for book value in group currency is incomplete
379Entry for book value in local currency of investee unit is incomplete
380Enter the source information
381Task &2 is blocked for target cons unit &1
382Overall status of source cons group &1 is not "Complete"
383Local crcy of target CU &1 does not equal group crcy of source CG &2
384Cons group &1 does not contain cons unit &2
385Group crcy of target CU &1 does not equal group crcy of source CG &2
386Data transfer method for CU &1 is not "extract from step consolidation"
387Posting in local currency of the investee unit &1 is not possible
388Consolidation unit &1: Two-way elimination without partner unit
389Function not available if new group reporting logic is active
390Function is only available in S4H Group Reporting
396Document already being changed by user &1 - processing not possible
397Document already being reversed by user &1 - processing not possible
399Choose 'Include CU' or 'Include rollup cons unit'
400*----------- 400 messages reserved for currency translation !! ---------*
401Errors occurred while starting currency translation
425Consolidation unit & is in 'no data' status
426Consolidation unit & is in 'OK' status
427Consolidation unit & was not assigned any local currency
450*-------------------------- Status Management --------------------------*
451Transformation & is not allowed for & in & status
452Bundling can only take place on consolidation groups
453Save the assignment of the fiscal year variant
495* Reserved for Journal Entry Reporting and Mass Reversals *
496Specify a journal entry layout
497Period for data selection and reversal period/year are incompatible
500No top CG is assigned to hierarchy &
501Hierarchy & could not be fully exploded
502Consolidation group & could not be fully expanded
503Period & is not a valid period
504None of the period categories includes period &
505More than one period category includes period &
506No task version is maintained for cons task &
507No method is maintained for consolidation task &
508No method can be assigned to the top consolidation group &
509The allocation tables have been maintained incorrectly
510Consolidation version &1 does not exist
511Recursive definition of the consolidation version
512Maintain a default subitem
513No method is assigned to consolidation group &
514Only one unit is included in the elimination
515The type of assigned method does not correspond with that of the activity
516Requested method &1 for cons chart of accounts &2 not defined
517Cons unit &1 is created in ledger &2. Initial CG in ledger &2
518Assignment of consolidation unit & is inactive
519Items in set &1 are used inconsitently (please correct)
520Splitting differences requires an exchange rate indicator (method &1)
521Translation difference items missing for entry &1 in method &2
522Method &1 breaks down differences, but document type &2 does not
523Document type &1 breaks down differences, but method &2 does not
524No elimination needs to be done for the specified selection.
525Please choose a valid list type.
526Place the cursor on a set ID
527Relationships of hierarchy levels &1 and &2 are reciprocal
528Maintain a default subitem
529The two sets use the items differently
530The assignment of task groups is not allowed
531No reclassification to 3rd party defined for item &1 &2
532Item &1 &2 does not support a breakdown by subitem
533Wrong subitem category in reclassification of item &1 &2 to 3rd party
534You can only display an initial list in test mode
535No threshold specified for currency &1 (method &2)
536Subitem cat. in data record inconsistent with master data of item &1 &2
537Hierarchy cannot be restricted in dimension &
538Enter a numeric value for the hierarchy breakdown level
539Specify the subitem category for subitem set &
540Place the cursor on a cons group/cons unit or an activity
541Place the cursor on a cons group or cons unit
542Place the cursor on one or more activities/cons units/cons groups
543Error while deleting data in table &
544Inconsistent subitem categories for item &1
545Exchange rate type assignment missing for exchange rate indicator &1
546All documents have already been posted
547Documents were posted
548Elimination differences exceed threshold value (&1 &2)
549No reclassification to 3rd party defined for item &1 &2 and subitem &3
550*----- Method hierarchy: Cons of investments 550-599 -------------------*
551Place the cursor on &1 or &2
552Place the cursor on & first.
553Method assignment for &1 &2 deleted.
554Top-down inheritance not allowed for &3
555Bottum-up inheritance not allowed for &3
556The method &3 was used for cons group &2 in hierarchy &1
557"To" period &2 is not valid for cons group &1
558Period for change in method &1 must lie within the closing per. interval
559No consolidation frequency for cons group &1
560The consolidation frequency for cons group &1 no longer exists
561A change period or an activity must be specified
562The method requires a proportion greater than zero
563The proportion must not be greater than 100
564The proportion for the cons unit will also be changed elsewhere
565Method assignment is currently being processed by user &1
566Org change number &1 does not exist in dimension &2; please create it
567Item role &1 is assigned to an item with a different breakdown
600& & & & ------- Drilldown link ------------- 600-699 --------------------
601No dimension was specified for cons unit &.
602No dimension was specified for hierarchy &.
603No version specified for hierarchy &.
604No year specified for hierarchy &.
605No ledger assigned to cons entities in dimension &.
606Ledgers with differing ledger currencies are assigned to the cons groups
607The CE hierarchy is not unique (see year/version dependency)
608No top CG found for dimension &, hierarchy &, year &, period &
609No cons chart of accounts in hierarchy &, in dimension &, version &
610Reporting only possible with a cons chart of accounts!
611FS item & is not unique inside the item hierarchy specified!
612No top consolidation group found for dimension &, hierarchy & and ...
613Error during generation. Print the screen that follows!
614Version not specified or not unique
615Fiscal year not specified
616Selection criteria unsuitable in regards to fiscal year/period
617The specified version does not exist
618The ledger could not be derived from the totals consolidation group
619The hierarchy name could not be derived for the cons. group hierarchy
620The hierarchy name could not be derived for the item hierarchy
621The selection criteria for characteristic &1 is ambiguous
622Invalid use of reference parameters
623Global parameters were not filled
624Form definition for totals cons group probably contains an error
625Form definition for totals item probably contains an error
626No data found due to selection criterion for characteristic &1
627Form definition for characteristic &1 contains an error
630Persistence of totals records with report logic only in Cloud application
631Period &1, cons. grp &2: &3 totals records updated with report logic
632Period &1, cons. grp &2: No update of report logic necessary
633Cons. grp &1 or &2: Different ledger assignments (&3 or &4)
634Cons. grp &1 is locked: No update of report logic possible
635There are no log entries for the specified selection
636Period &1, cons. grp &2: &3 data records from universal doc. updated
637Period &1, cons grp &2: No update fron universal document required
638Period &1, cons. grp &2: &3 data records to be updated w. report logic
639Period &1, cons. grp &2: &3 data records from univ. doc. to be updated
640ConsUnit &1 locked: No update of report logic possible
646ALL hierarchies for drilldown reports of SAP Cons. will be transported!
647Unpermitted combination of topdown flag and hierarchy display
648Generic entry already exists
649Item and item hierarchy cannot be entered simultaneously
650& & & & Consolidation of investments 650-699
651One or more cons groups have no assigned parent unit
652Shares of investee units are greater than 100% or less than 0%
653Cons groups have a frequency that no longer exists
654Different cons frequencies have been assigned to the cons groups
655Ending period &4 is not applicable
656Reported financial data is inconsistent
657No ledger has been specified for cons group &2
658Missing document type in task &1
659Missing item assignment for '&1'
660The item '&1' has not been maintained
661Global C/I settings not maintained for chart of accounts &2
662Global settings not maintained for Consolidation of Investments
663Group shares and direct shares saved
664Cons group &3 has an invalid ledger &2
665Treatment of goodwill must be chosen
666The item '&1' has not been maintained
667System utilization for consolidation of investments not maintained
668One or more cons groups do not have any cons unit assignments
669The treatment of negative goodwill must be chosen.
670System utilization not maintained for consolidation of investments.
671C/I methods &1 do not exist
672The global method attribute '&1' not maintained for dimension &2
673Consolidation groups without a consolidation frequency
674No C/I methods assigned to consolidation units
675Equity method not selected in C/I System Utilization
676The current settings are not compatible with the global definitions
677System utilization: Minority ownership not selected
678Posting items are not maintained for scope of reported data &1
679Item &1 is not maintained in chart of accounts &2
680System utilization does not support any global settings.
681The definition of method &1 is inconsistent.
682The definition of method &1 is inconsistent.
683No cons chart of accounts-related attributes for method &1 found
684System utilization does not support any method settings.
685Reported equity data: Item set does not exist.
686Reported equity data: Subitem set does not exist.
687Reported equity data: Bad item set
688Reported equity data: Bad subitem set
689Reported equity data: Item is either not defined or erroneous
690Reported equity data: Subitem not defined.
691Reported equity data: Items require subitems
692Reported equity data: Items have no subitem breakdown
693Reported equity data: Items have different subitem categories
694Reported equity data: Overlapping items/subitems
695Clearing item for elim.of investment income not defined or erroneous
696Error in &1 / &2 / &3 / &4 (cons group/unit/activity/number)
697No documents were posted for consolidation group &1
698No document type assigned to combination of activity/acctg technique
699No document types assigned to combinations of activity/acctg technique
700Higher-level field & for field & not clearly defined
701No group currency unit found for ledger &
702No valid exchange rate found for translating currency &1 to &2
703No currency unit found for consolidation unit &
704Breakdowns by 'subitem' require a subitem category
705No text info found for cons unit &1 in dimension &2 in language &3
706No text found for item &1 in cons chart &2 in language &3
707No text found for subitem &1 of subitem category &2 in language &3
708No consolidation groups or units specified
709Cons units cannot be restricted to rollup or adjustment posting levels
710Hierarchy level & of initial consolidation group is not allowed
711No text found for version & in language &
712No text found for dimension & in language &
713No text found for hierarchy & for dimension & in language &
714No text found for cons chart of accounts & in language &
715The characteristic & does not exist in the report
716Cons group & not contained in hierarchy &.
717No posting-related data found
718Hierarchy level & not allowed - maximum is &
719Controlling area & not defined
720Place the cursor on a valid line
721-----------------ReportWriter 700-734------------------------------------
722No text found for document type &1, dimension &2 in language &3
723Period char. for drilling the CG hierarchy missing for attributes
725Task or period blocked for CU; no posting data
735*------------ Line item report / Mass reversal: 735-779 -----------------
740&1 documents cannot be reversed due to task status
741&1 documents no valid tasks could be assigned
742No valid tasks could be assigned to the selected data
743In dimension &1 no tasks exist with valid task category
744&1 documents are invalid due to posting level/ accounting technique
745&1 reversed documents (reversal document in same per.) are not reversible
746Selection contains no reversible journal entries
747&1 documents cannot be reversed in prior periods
748Document &1 in dimension &2 is intended for automatic postings
749Document type &1 does not exist in dimension &2 (please correct)
750No document types exist in dimension &1 for manual posting
751Error while generating the temporary subroutine pool &1
752Selection item for consolidation group cannot be completely processed
753Temporary routine pool successfully generated
754No data records were selected
755No valid data records were selected
756&1 valid data records selected
757Field position &1 used more than once in journal entry layout &2
758More than one default journal entry layout defined
759No journal entry layouts found
760Field position &2 in journal entry layout &1 is not positive
761Journal entry layout &1 has no fields
762List of documents to be reversed
763Error while opening the batch input session: &
764Error while determining the ledger version for consolidation version &1
765Ledger not maintained for cons group &1 in fiscal year &2
766Document with posting level & cannot be reversed!
767Error while creating the folder (entry &): &
768Error while executing the mass reversal
769All documents were successfully reversed
770Error while displaying the non-reversed documents
771& documents to be reversed
772One document to be reversed
773No ledger maintained for cons group &1 for the time period specified
774No consolidation units were found
775Field name is invalid (correct the entry)
776------------- Data Consistency Check: 776 - 799 -------------------------
777Dimension &1 does not have document type &2
778Attributes for version &3 missing for document type &1 in dim.&2
779The where-applied indicator cannot be changed
780Breakdown category &1 cannot be deleted - still in use!
781Subitem &1 cannot be deleted - still in use!
782Item &1 cannot be deleted - still in use!
783The change was not carried out
784System error while locking &1
785Error while unlocking of &1
786Error during substitution/initialization of breakdown data
787No entry with breakdown category &1 exists in the database
788No entry for FS item &1 found in the database
789Error while deleting &1 entries
790Error during database commit
791Error during search of inconsistent reported data
792Reported financial data is consistent
793Error while processing breakdown data for &1
794&1 subitem categories have no default subitem
795Subitem category &1 does not have a valid default subitem
796Subitem &1 is marked for deletion
797Data conversion finished successfully
798Error while inserting entries in &1
799A default subitem is missing for subitem category &1
800FS item & permits no additional account assignments
801Subassignments are possible only in a valid line item
802Balance is &1 &2
803FS item & in line item & permits no subassignments
804Specify a line item or FS item only
805Document type &1 must be able to post in a currency or quantities
806FS item requires breakdown by subassignments
807First FS item reached
808Last FS item reached
809FS item &1 with item category &2 not allowed with doc type &3
810Caution! Check the trading partner assignment
811Error while determining the activity number
812Document type & is not allowed for manual posting
813Line item & not allowed, only & line(s) present
814Currency assignment not supported with document type &1
815Balance &1 &2 --> posting not possible
816Maintenance of subassignments not allowed for automatic line items
817Account assignment of item & is not allowed (please correct)
818Attributes for version &3 missing with document type &1 (dim &2)
819Number range object &1 in dimension &2 is not defined
820Interval missing in number range &1 of dimension &2 in version &3
821Unable to assign document no. with number range &1 (dim. &2, version &3)
822Document posted under number &
823Warning: document already contains & lines, maximum number = &
824Maximum number of line items exceeded with &: no posting possible
825Document &1 does not exist in fiscal year &2
826Doc no. & not in valid interval for no. range & in dim. & and year &
827You cannot delete the automatic posting lines
828No selected items defined in version &1 and cons chart of accounts &2
829Posting in several currencies: enter missing values
830Item & is not a valid line item
831The document type & may not post in local currency
832The document type & may not post in group currency
833Posting level & is not allowed for automatic postings
834Automatic posting in local and group currency is not possible
835Document no. &1 already exists in number range &2, dimension &3, year &4
836The wrong totals database is assigned to ledger &
837Document type &1 incompatible w/document type &2 in reference document
838Consolidation group has a missing specification
839Consolidation unit 1 & not assigned in all document lines
840Document type &1 not defined in dimension &2 - please check
841External number assignment not allowed in automatic postings
842Cons unit & only permits posting in group currency
843Item & requires the assignment of a subitem
844Item & requires the assignment of a partner unit
845Item & requires the assignment of year/period of acquisition
846Document type & is not allowed for automatic posting
847Document type & not defined for posting level &
848The where-applied indicator is invalid for item &1
849Clearing item & must be defined as an appropriations item
850Error & in message Id & while processing transaction &
851Task &2 in dimension &1 already created in task category &3
852Method &2 in dimension &1 already created with task category &3
853Caution! Document type & posts in group currency
854Posting with identical currencies, but amounts do not agree
855Document & cannot be used as a template due to inconsistent doc. type.
856Document type &1 may not merely post in group currency
857No items defined for posting deferred income taxes
858Document type cannot be used for consolidation of investments
859External number assignment not allowed with automatic reversal
860Sign of the book value is blank (unit &, partner &)
861Activity & requires the sign or percentage rate
862Cannot maintain a clearing item for document type &1
863Document type & can not be posted with deferred taxes
864Posting level & only intended for elimination of investment income
865C/I activity & not defined
866Partner unit &1 not assigned to consolidation group &2
867Consolidation unit &1 not assigned to consolidation group &2
868Ledger &1 does not support currency type &2 for the third currency
869Entry cannot be posted: B/S or I/S balance of &1 in &2
870The posting level &1 is not valid in this context.
871No valid task group assigned to dimension &1 in the subsequent period
872No number ranges / auto reversal for document type &1 (dimension &2)
873No tasks are assigned to dimension &1
874None of the tasks you specified are assigned to dimension &1
875No document types exist in version &1 for the tasks specified
876All the records selected have invalid document types
877Doc.type &1 (dim. &2) not assigned to a task with the suitable category
878Consolidation group &3 assigned to an inappropriate ledger &2
879Consolidation group &3 assigned to ledger &2 with an invalid crcy type
880Rollup cons unit &1: Entry/posting in version &2, period &3 forbidden
881Interval missing in number range &1 of dimension &2, version &3, FY &4
882Reversal requires a document number
883Document to be reversed must belong to current or previous fiscal year
884Unable to reverse documents from future periods
885Number range &3 almost exhausted for dimension &1, year &2
886Number range &3 is exhausted for dimension &1, year &2
887No number range specified for document type &1, version &2
888Data entry and posting to consolidation unit &1 not allowed
889Reversed document &1 &2 &3 will be reposted with reversed values
890Group currency translation not allowed with document type &1
891In ledger &2, document type &1 does not post currency nor quantities
892Document type &1 may not merely post in group currency
893Unable to post in more than one local currency (&1 in &2, &3 in &4)
894Clearing item needed for posting multiple cons units in LC (doc.type &1)
895Document and auto reversal document posted with numbers &1 and &2
896Clearing item &1 contains wrong value (cons unit &2)
897Auto posting item &1 contains wrong value (cons unit &2)
898Document &1 changed
899Cannot post to item &1 (is either a totals item or a text item)
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