GMMASTERDATA - Grant master data maintenance messages only
The following messages are stored in message class GMMASTERDATA: Grant master data maintenance messages only.
It is part of development package GMMASTERDATA_E in software component PSM-GM-GTE-MD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Grants management (master data)".
It is part of development package GMMASTERDATA_E in software component PSM-GM-GTE-MD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Grants management (master data)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | <<<<<<<<<< Grant Master Data Maintenance 001 - 999 >>>>>>>>> |
002 | Grant valid from date must be before the valid to date |
003 | Invalid responsibility type &1 |
004 | Invalid object type &1 |
005 | Invalid object ID &1 |
006 | Company code &1 has no FM area and cannot be used for grants |
007 | Grant &1 does not exist |
008 | Budgeting not possible without grant validity ranges |
009 | Grant &1 is not valid on &2; grant is valid from &3 to &4 |
010 | Update to workflow status or block on grant &1 failed |
011 | Grant &1 deleted |
012 | Grant type &1 outgoing indicator does not match grant &2 |
013 | Invalid combination of grant &1, program &2, class &3, and fund &4 |
014 | Program &1 does not exist |
015 | Class &1 does not exist |
016 | Class &1 permitted by sponsor &2 but not on &3 |
017 | Class &1 not permitted by sponsor &2 |
018 | |
019 | Program &1 permitted by sponsor &2 but not on &3 |
020 | Program &1 not permitted by sponsor &2 |
021 | Fund &1 FM area &2 does not exist |
022 | Fund &1 is not valid on &2. Fund is valid from &3 to &4 |
023 | Fund &1 not used by grant &2 |
024 | Program &1 supported by sponsor &2 from &3 to &4 |
025 | Fund &1 cannot be verified. No company code in grant &2 |
026 | Cannot derive FM area from company code &1 in grant &2 |
030 | External funds were removed from this outgoing grant |
031 | Duplicate grant number |
032 | Do not specify a grant number when using internal number assignment |
033 | This grant type requires external number assignment |
034 | Cannot determine start of fiscal year &1 |
035 | Invalid fiscal year variant &1 |
036 | Sponsor &1 does not permit grant type &2 |
037 | Cannot get grant defaults for sponsor &1 |
038 | Time slices cannot be calculated without grant validity dates |
039 | Currency rate calculation failed. &1 |
040 | Cannot display application log |
041 | GM Fund Type must be maintained for Fund &1 in FM Area &2 |
042 | Program &1 not permitted by sponsor |
043 | Class &1 not permitted by sponsor |
044 | Expense and revenue classes cannot be simultaneously IDC-relevant |
045 | Grant &1 created |
046 | Grant &1 successfully modified |
047 | Grant &1 locked by user &2 |
048 | Sponsored class &1 updated |
049 | *Sponsored class &1 already used by at least one grant |
050 | *Sponsored program &1 lready used by at least one grant |
051 | *Sponsored class &1 created |
052 | *Sponsored program &1 updated |
053 | Sponsor &1 does not permit grant type &2 before &3 |
054 | No status profile assigned to grant type &1 |
055 | Grant type &1 assigned to status profile &2 is invalid for grants |
056 | Fund &1 needs to be defined as &2 |
057 | Class &1 must be flagged as "Expense" and "Billable" |
058 | *Class &1 must be flagged as "Revenue" and "Non-Billable" |
059 | *Description not found for fund &1 |
060 | Grant requires exactly one external fund |
061 | Program &1 not valid for life of grant |
062 | One or more sponsored programs required per grant |
063 | Class &1 not valid for life of grant |
064 | One or more sponsored classes are required per grant |
065 | Cannot determine FM area from company code &1 |
066 | Fund &1 does not exist in FM area &2 of company code &3 |
067 | Valid from and to dates required |
068 | Company code required |
069 | Billing rule required |
070 | Fiscal year variant required |
071 | Value Type &1 not available for the full life of the Grant. |
072 | There are gaps between budget validity periods |
073 | *Budget validity begins &1 days after start of grant |
074 | Budget validity ends &1 days before end of grant |
075 | Budget validity not created |
076 | Exchange rate factors between &1 and &2 are not maintained |
077 | Exchange rate between &1 and &2 requires a date |
078 | Grant &1 does not have a version with system status AWARD |
079 | Maximum of one external fund permitted |
080 | No initial user state maintained for grant type &1 system status &2 |
081 | Funds not marked as internal external or auxillary were removed |
082 | Authorization type &1 is preventing you from accessing this grant. &2 &3 |
083 | Responsibility &1 does not exist |
084 | Org. type &1 and ID &2 do not exist |
085 | Invalid status from grant &1 |
086 | Budget validity for grant &1 in date &2 not valid |
087 | Grant type &1 not defined |
088 | Source grant &1 does not exist |
089 | Unexpected system status &1 assigned to grant |
090 | Budget validity periods cannot be calculated for grant status &1 |
091 | Number assignment failed; grant not created |
092 | Cannot create temporary object number |
093 | Cannot create a status object for grant &1. Error &2. |
094 | Cannot set initial status of grant |
095 | Sponsored program &1 created |
096 | Deletion of non manual period &1 not permitted |
097 | Splitting rule does not allow manual periods for [&1] [&2] |
098 | The last period for [&1] [&2] must not be deleted |
099 | Deletion not possible because budget already assigned to period &1 |
100 | Deletion not possible because postings exist for period &1 |
101 | Budget validity time slices cannot be reset after budget is assigned |
102 | Budget validity time slices do not cover the entire grant validity |
103 | Budget validity time slices overlap |
104 | Budget validity time slices are continuous and exceed life of grant |
105 | Grant creation not possible because status object cannot be assigned |
106 | Status object assignment failed; grant not created. |
107 | Cannot set default SD organization data for partner &1 |
108 | Fiscal year variant &1 not defined or maintained for date &2 |
109 | Budget validity periods cannot be calculated because of problem with &1 |
110 | User status management not active for grant type &1 |
111 | Special grant &1 (dummy grant) automatically created |
112 | Special grant &1 (dummy grant) cannot be edited |
113 | Award status not set because Sales and Distribution data is missing |
114 | Status object &1 not found |
115 | Status &1 cannot be set for object &2 |
116 | Permanent object number creation failed |
117 | Switch of object number from &1 to &2 failed |
118 | Grant contains no errors |
119 | Grant creation not possible because initial lifecyclestatus cannot be set |
120 | Grant creation not possible because initial user status cannot be set |
121 | Grant type &1 has no number range |
122 | Fund &1 does not exist in FM area &2 |
123 | Select one or more lines before selecting a function |
124 | Cost sharing percentages without a cost sharing rule are invalid |
125 | IDC Cap at grant level is less than sum of caps at program and class |
126 | IDC rate periods have gaps |
127 | IDC rate periods overlap |
128 | IDC rate periods are continuous and exceed life of grant |
129 | IDC program + class cap periods have gaps |
130 | IDC program + class cap periods overlap |
131 | IDC program + class cap periods are continuous and exceed life of grant |
132 | IDC total cap periods have gaps |
133 | IDC total cap periods overlap |
134 | IDC total cap periods are continuous and exceed life of grant |
135 | Fund recovery periods have gaps |
136 | Fund recovery periods overlap |
137 | Fund recovery periods are continuous and exceed life of grant |
138 | Application log not found |
139 | &1 not allowed by interval &2 |
140 | Number range interval &1 in grant type &2 does not exist |
141 | Number range interval &1 must be external |
142 | Number range object GRANT is missing. Contact your administrator. |
143 | Unspecified problem with number range &1 |
144 | Number range interval &1 must be internal |
145 | Grant type &1 does not allow internal number assignment |
146 | Grant type &1 does not allow external number assignment |
147 | Cannot set status &3 for grant &1 with object number &2 |
148 | Do not begin a grant number with the temporary prefix &1 |
149 | Temporary object number reassigned |
150 | Posting control handled at &1 level for grant type &2 |
151 | No initial lifecycle status defined for grant type &1 |
152 | Grant type &1 lifecycle &2 user status &3 not defined |
153 | User status &3 not defined in customizing of grant type &1 lifecycle &2 |
154 | Missing user status for lifecycle &2 grant type &1 |
155 | Grant type is mandatory when creating a new grant |
156 | End of network reached for grant type &1, lifecycle &2, user status &3 |
157 | Invalid user status &1 for grant type &2, lifecycle &3 |
158 | Unexpected lifecycle status &1 for grant type &2 |
159 | Selected FM objects are not assigned to sponsored program &1 |
160 | Selected commitment item is not assigned to sponsored class &1 |
161 | More than &1 grants found; display restricted to &1 |
162 | IDC fund recovery (replenishment) for grant &1 must exist without CAP |
163 | Grant &1 is blocked for editing pending workflow approval |
164 | Workflow will be triggered when grant is saved |
165 | Dimension &1 used by budget documents; delete with caution. |
166 | Dimension &1 has been posted against; deletion not permitted. |
167 | Specify the Funds Management budget ledger for integration. |
168 | Grant type &1 award to draft, application, or proposal not recommended |
169 | Postings impossible because grant type &1 has no Award status defined. |
170 | Grant type &1 has multiple initial states; remove all except one |
171 | Grant type &1 requires an initial state to function properly |
172 | Grant type &1 lifecycle status &2 has definition with circular logic |
173 | Lifecycle status &1 is the end of the network defined for this grant type |
174 | IDC rule exists but no classes are marked as relevant for indirect costs |
175 | IDC rule does not exist yet classes are marked relevant for IDC |
176 | IDC rule exists but IDC not configured for the chart of accounts |
177 | IDC cap for program &1 class &2 have overlapping time periods |
178 | IDC cap for program &1 class &2 have gaps in the time periods |
179 | IDC cap for program &1 class &2 is continuous and exceeds life of grant |
180 | IDC cap for grant has overlapping time periods |
181 | IDC cap for grant has gaps in the time periods |
182 | IDC cap for grant is continuous and exceeds life of grant |
183 | Award status not set because the sales order could not be created |
184 | SD Order cannot be created because partner &1 not assigned to a customer |
185 | Grant type &1 has user status management disabled. |
186 | Grant type &1 has records management integration disabled. |
187 | Grant currency cannot be changed to [&1] because postings exist in [&2] |
188 | Outgoing grants cannot have external funds. |
189 | Cost sharing rate on &1 and &2 is &3 but must not exceed 100% |
190 | Grant &2 maps to missing posting object &1 |
191 | Grant currency is mandatory except for grant status draft |
192 | Text for grant &1 in language &2 does not exist |
193 | Budget Splitting Rule has been redefined |
194 | Archiving process has started. Grant can only be displayed. |
195 | Sponsor required |
196 | Validity of Value Type &1 extends beyond the life of the grant. |
197 | No budget validity period available on &1 |
198 | No budget validity period available on &1 |
199 | No budget validity period available on &1 |
200 | No budget validity period available on &1 |
201 | No budget validity period available on &1 |
202 | Validity of value type &1 starts before the life of the grant |
203 | Budget Validity Period Number Overflow (&1 Lines - Maximum 999) |
204 | Budgeting blocked because grant &1/status &2 not approved in Workflow. |
209 | Company code &1 assigned to GM strategy environment &2 and &3 |
210 | Company code &1 not assigned to a GM strategy environment |
220 | Relationship &1 &2 violates &3 cardinality of Relationship Type &1 |
221 | Billing Rule &1 (Categ &2) cannot be change to Billing Rule &3 (Categ &4) |
222 | IDC rule and Overhead Cost record rates exist but no IDC relev Fund found |
223 | Special Collector Sponsored Class &1 cannot be marked IDC Relevant |
224 | Grant &1: Invoice &2 has been created for predecessor doc &3 |
225 | Budget validity time slice &1 cannot be changed after budget is assigned |
226 | Award status not set. Sales order cannot be created with initial Grant Nr |