GRANTMGMT - Grants Management Message Class
The following messages are stored in message class GRANTMGMT: Grants Management Message Class.
It is part of development package GMBASIS_E in software component PSM-GM-GTE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Grants management (basis)".
It is part of development package GMBASIS_E in software component PSM-GM-GTE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Grants management (basis)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | <<<<<<<<<< Grant Master Data RELOCATED TO GMMASTERDATA >>>>>>>>> |
001 | Grantee is not active for company code &1/from date &2 |
002 | Funds Management is not active for company code &1/from date &2 |
003 | No FM budget type is assigned to company code &1 |
004 | Grant dimension is not active |
007 | Grant &1 does not exist |
014 | Program &1 does not exist |
015 | Class &1 does not exist |
019 | Program &1 is permitted by sponsor &2 but not on &3 |
020 | Program &1 is not permitted by sponsor &2 |
021 | Fund &1 FM area &2 does not exist |
022 | Fund &1 is not valid on &2. Fund is valid from &3 to &4 |
023 | Fund &1 is not used by grant &2 |
024 | Program &1 is supported by sponsor &2 from &3 to &4 |
027 | Grant is empty -> Specify a valid grant |
028 | Grant &1 does not have a company code |
029 | The system failed to create a dummy project for grant &1 |
030 | The system failed to create a dummy WBS element for grant &1 |
031 | Exchange rate is missing for grant &1 |
040 | Duplicated sponsored class &1 |
041 | Duplicated sponsored program &1 |
044 | &1 &2 &3 |
046 | Sponsored class &1 is already used by at least one Business Partner |
047 | Sponsored program &1 is already used by at least one Business Partner |
048 | Sponsored class &1 was successfully updated |
049 | Sponsored class &1 is already used by at least one grant |
050 | Sponsored program &1 is already used by at least one grant |
051 | Sponsored class &1 was successfully created |
052 | Sponsored program &1 was successfully updated |
053 | Sponsored program &1 was successfully deleted |
054 | Sponsored class & was successfully deleted |
055 | No data has been changed |
056 | Fund & needs to be defined as & |
057 | Class & must be flagged as "Expense" and "Billable" |
058 | Class & must be flagged as "Revenue" and "Non-Billable" |
059 | Description not found for Fund & |
065 | Cannot determine FM area from company code & |
066 | Revenue Sponsored Classes cannot be flagged as billable |
083 | Responsibility & does not exist |
084 | Org. type & and ID & do not exist |
085 | Invalid status of grant & |
086 | Budget validity for grant & in date & is not valid |
087 | Grant type & is not defined |
088 | Validity of Responsibility: valid from &1 is higher than valid to &2 |
089 | Unexpected system status & is assigned to grant |
090 | Cost sharing rate shall be less than 100 |
095 | Sponsored program & was successfully created |
100 | <<<<<<<<<< Sponsor >>>>>>>>>>>>> |
101 | Enter at least one allowed grant type |
102 | Enter at least one allowed sponsored & |
103 | Grant type & for date &2 already exists |
104 | Grant type & does not exist |
105 | Enter a valid from date for grant type & |
106 | Sponsored program & does not exist |
107 | Sponsored class & does not exist |
108 | Enter a valid from date for object & |
109 | Object & for date &2 already exists |
110 | No valid billing rules have been maintained |
111 | Master Data Extension for ISPS is not supported. Check your settings |
112 | Grant & does not have a sponsor |
113 | Sponsor & does not have a customer associated with it |
114 | Error occurs when trying to get the associated customer from sponsor & |
115 | Sponsor & does not exist |
116 | Before performing action, select a valid line |
117 | Sponsor & has been successfully created |
118 | Sponsor & has been successfully changed |
119 | Object &1 &2 &3 &4 already exists |
120 | No FM object assigned to FM area &1 |
121 | No FM object group assigned to FM area &1 |
122 | Sponsor Class & is being used in Budgeting (BCS) with In-Kind Data |
123 | Sponsor Class & is being used in Grant Masters with Billing Data |
150 | <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< RECORDS MANAGEMENT INTEGRATION >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
151 | No customizing found for business partner with attributes &1 &2 &3 |
152 | Mandatory parameter &1 not found in table &2 |
153 | No Records Management customizing found for grant type &1 |
154 | No Records Managenment customizing found for budget document type &1 |
155 | No record has been created for this object |
200 | <<<<<<<<<Updating>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
201 | Value type & in grant & is blocked for posting. & |
202 | All postings are blocked for grant & |
203 | Value type & in grant & is not allowed for posting in date &. & |
204 | Value type & for grant & does not exist |
205 | Problem when deleting records database & |
206 | Error in period determination for variant & |
207 | Fiscal year variant for grant & not found |
208 | Currency & in not allowed for grant & |
209 | Value type cannot be determined for account & in company code & |
210 | System error: Grants Management update (&,&) |
211 | Grant & has not been found |
212 | Error in calculating exchange rate for grant & |
213 | Budget validity for date &1 is blocked in Grant &2 |
215 | Actual postings are not allowed for &1/&2/&3/&4 |
216 | Grant & has to be in "Award" or "Closing" phase; unable to post |
217 | After deletion, run GM AVC reconstruction |
218 | Split method &1 has been attached for ledger &2 |
219 | Split method &1 does not exist |
220 | Special period &1 is not defined for fiscal year variant &2 |
270 | <<<<<<<<<<< Application Log for Grants Management >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
271 | Grant &1 &2 |
272 | Budget document &1 &2 |
273 | Place your cursor on a &1 |
274 | Actual document &1 &2 &3 &4 |
275 | Sponsored program &1 &2 &3 &4 |
276 | Sponsored class &1 &2 &3 &4 |
277 | Sponsor &1 &2 &3 &4 |
290 | Inconsistency: Grant in the GM line is blank |
291 | Inconsistency: Grant &1 in the header and grant &1 in the GM line |
292 | Inconsistency: Grant in the FM line is blank |
293 | Inconsistency: Grant &1 in the header and grant &1 in the FM line |
300 | <<<<<<<<<<<Billing>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
301 | The "Record ID of LI Record" in DIP profile & is not set properly |
302 | Sales order & does not have a grant associated with it |
303 | There is no billing rule defined for grant & |
304 | Grant & must have a sales order with it in order to run billing |
305 | There is no data in GMIA table for billing |
306 | Letter of credit & does not exist |
307 | Value types allowed only for resource-related billing |
308 | Billing plan is unavailable because grant &1 has no sales order |
309 | Cannot determine customer number for partner & |
310 | Cannot retrieve SD configuration for partner & customer & |
311 | |
312 | Document type maintenance is only for manual billing relevant |
313 | Grant & is not relevant for resource-related billing. |
314 | No valid grants exist |
315 | No valid SD documents -> Resource-related billing cannot continue |
316 | No valid SD document items -> Resource-related billing cannot continue |
317 | Billing rule & is maintained in grant & |
318 | See log for grants |
319 | See log for billing documents |
320 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
321 | Billing document &1 generated |
322 | Sales org. & dist. channel & not maintained for material & |
323 | Grant is already billed. No changes of the amount allowed |
324 | Grant is already partially billed. No changes of the amount allowed |
325 | No billing plan is maintained |
326 | The total billing amount in grant & is unequal the billing plan net value |
327 | No blocking for partially billed item with grant &1, VT &2, RefDoc &3 |
328 | Grant &1 is NOT in a valid status for billing |
329 | All milestones with same billing date &2 are part of a single invoice |
330 | The billing block status &1 is not allowed |
331 | No update required for billing plan &1 item number &2 |
332 | More than one billing plan items found to unblock before date &1 |
333 | Billing plan items has been unblocked with billing date &3 |
334 | Billing plan items will be unblocked with billing date &3 |
335 | Update to Billing plan not successful. Error received in save process. |
350 | <<<<<<<<<< Revaluation of Currency >>>>>>>>>>>>> |
351 | Exchange rate &1 is NOT new for grant &2 |
352 | No actuals/commitments to be revaluated for grant &1 |
353 | The grant currency of grant &1 is &2, not &3 => No revaluation |
354 | Grant & has company code &1, not &2 => No revaluation |
355 | Company code's fiscal year variant does not exist for grant &1 |
356 | Grant &1 has no funds => Cannot revaluate its budget |
357 | Error fetching budget data during revaluation on grant &1 |
358 | No FM address is assigned to FM area &1,grant type &2,and grantee year &3 |
359 | Required fields missing when creating GM actuals/commitment |
360 | Failed creating FM docs for grant &1, grantee year &2, and fund &3 |
361 | Error in updating the grant master with new exchange rate for grant &1 |
362 | Grant &1 has same grant currency and company code currency |
363 | FM account assignments need to be assigned for each grantee year |
364 | No grant type is defined for grant &1 |
365 | Enter new exchange rate |
366 | Error in the calculation of local currency for FM integration |
367 | &1 billing items have been blocked |
368 | &1 billing items have been unblocked |
369 | &1 billing items have been blocked and &2 have been unblocked |
400 | <<<<<<<<<<<Derivation>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
401 | Program &1 is not sponsored by any grant |
402 | Class &1 is not sponsored by any grant |
403 | Program &1 and Class &2 is not sponsored by any grant |
404 | No derivation rule found in the strategy &1 |
406 | For grant &1, specify a value for object FUND |
407 | For grant &, program and class were not derived. Check rules. |
408 | Definition of a "NOT RELEVANT GRANT" is missing. Read long text |
410 | Program &1 is not sponsored by any business partner |
411 | Class &1 is not sponsored by any business partner |
412 | Grant &1 is not defined for Company &2. |
450 | <<<<<<<<<<< AVC >>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
451 | Availability control ledger &1 cannot be used in Grant Management |
452 | Budget filter settings missing for company code &2 |
453 | Budget values do not match the filter settings for availability control |
454 | Missing attributes for availability control ledger &1 in company code &2 |
455 | No availability control ledger active in company code &1 as specified |
456 | No activation status found for ledger &1, comp.code &2 and fiscal year &3 |
457 | Annual budget of &2 exhausted for &1 |
458 | Annual budget exceeded by &2 for &1 |
459 | Budget consumption &2 less than annual budget for &1 |
460 | Annual budget of &2 exhausted for document item &1 |
461 | Annual budget exceeded by &2 for document item &1 |
462 | Budget consumption &2 less than annual budget for document item &1 |
463 | Annual budget of &2 exhausted for several document items from item &1 on |
464 | Annual budget exceeded by &2 for several document items from item &1 on |
465 | Budget consumption &2 less than annual budget for several document items |
466 | Derivation of the overriding tolerance profile was aborted |
467 | Invalid account assignment element &3 of the availability control object |
468 | Invalid account assignment element Grant of the derived control object |
469 | Invalid account assignment of the availability control ledger &1 |
470 | Invalid tolerance profile derived for availability control |
471 | Posting values do not match the filter settings for availability control |
472 | Invalid tolerance profile derived for availability control |
473 | Derivation of the availability control object was aborted for ledger &1 |
474 | Invalid check horizon derived for availability control |
475 | Overall budget of &2 exhausted for &1 |
476 | Overall budget exceeded by &2 for &1 |
477 | Budget consumption &2 less than overall budget for &1 |
478 | Overall budget of &2 exhausted for document item &1 |
479 | Overall budget exceeded by &2 for document item &1 |
480 | Budget consumption &2 less than overall budget for document item &1 |
481 | Overall budget of &2 exhausted for several document items from item &1 on |
482 | Overall budget exceeded by &2 for several document items from item &1 on |
483 | Budget consumption &2 less than overall budget for several document items |
484 | Activation of ledger &1 not possible: ledger attributes are missing |
485 | No valid availability control ledger specified |
486 | No error found: Customizing for &1 in &2 &3 complete |
487 | Availability control ledger &1 was copied accordingly to ledger &2 |
488 | No error found: AVC ledger &1 can be copied |
489 | Serious inconsistencies on check, press check button to correct |
490 | The &1 amount in line &2 is not equal to the total amount in &3 |
491 | Grant amount is not equal to total object &1 |
492 | Activation of ledger &1 not possible: budget filter settings are missing |
500 | <<<<<<<<<Customizing>>>>>>>>>>> |
501 | Assign upper limit as higher or equal to the lower limit |
502 | Overlap with interval &1 - &2 (&3) |
503 | Enter a valid value type |
504 | There is no value type assigned to account &1/&2 |
505 | No chart of accounts could be determined for company code &1 |
506 | Value type & not allowed for this activity |
507 | Grant & cannot be selected as "Non-Relevant" because it exists already |
508 | There is no value type assigned to cost element &1/&2 |
509 | Missing configuration for grant type &1, FM area &2 and process &3 |
510 | GM-FM integration is active but budget integration ledger is not defined |
511 | Inconsistent usage status for account assignment elements Fund and Grant |
512 | Grant blank is not allowed but grant "NOT RELEVANT" has not been set up |
513 | Interval &1 - &2 overlaps with another range of accounts |
514 | Account &1 is not greater than &2 |
515 | Interval &1 - &2 overlaps with another range of cost elements |
516 | Cost element &1 is not greater than &2 |
517 | G/L account/cost element &1/&2 has not been set up for updating in grants |
518 | Funding type with value: &1, cannot have a budget status value of &2 |
519 | Ledger &1 is not assigned to company code &2 |
520 | Some setting indicator prevents you from posting into ledger &1 |
521 | Initial Payment Rule value (&1) not allowed in customizing |
522 | Initial Time Splitting Rule value (&1) not allowed in customizing |
523 | Initial Indirect Cost Rule value (&1) not allowed in customizing |
524 | Initial Cost Sharing Rule value (&1) not allowed in customizing |
525 | Initial Billing Rule value (&1) not allowed in customizing |
550 | <<<<<<<<<Object Mapping>>>>>>>> |
551 | No object mapping data found |
552 | Grant &1 locked |
553 | Grant &1 is not an incoming grant. Only incoming grants allowed. |
554 | Grant &1 is not an outgoing grant. Only outgoing grants allowed. |
555 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
556 | Deletion of mapping not allowed |
557 | No object mappings found to grants &1 and &2 |
558 | Duplicate key in this row |
559 | No mappings can be proposed |
560 | Grant &1 and Grant &2 are in different statuses |
561 | Changes require entry of incoming and outgoing grant |
562 | Mapping assignment of Fund &1 to Fund &2 not allowed |
563 | Mapping assignment of Sponsored Classes &1 to &2 not allowed |
564 | Error when saving mapped objects. -> Check the message log |
565 | Propose Object Mappings only possible in initial state |
566 | Verify GM object combination &1/&2/&3/&4 |
567 | Deletion not allowed! GM object mapping defined in grant &1 |
580 | <<<<<<<<<< Budgeting >>>>>>>>> |
599 | Sponsored program could not be derived |
600 | |
601 | Held document &2 from user &1 does not exist |
602 | Budget document &1 does not exist |
603 | Document &1 has been preposted successfully |
604 | Document &1 has been posted successfully |
605 | Document &1 has been reversed successfully |
606 | Document &1 has been undone successfully |
607 | Document &1 not saved (problems when writing to &2) |
608 | Document &1 is not a parked document |
609 | Original document or reversal proposal is missing |
610 | Document &1 is reversed or a reversal |
611 | Document &1 is not a posted document |
612 | Document &1 is locked |
613 | Objects for document &1 are locked for posting at totals level |
614 | Document type &1 does not exist |
615 | Number for object GRANT_BDGT and number range &1 cannot be determined |
616 | Document type &1 does not have an assigned FM budget document type |
617 | Budget transfer to Funds Management failed |
618 | Version & has not been assigned to a budget phase |
619 | Grant & is in a lifecycle status that is incompatible with version & |
620 | Grant & has been flagged as closed. No further operations are allowed. |
621 | Fund & cannot be used with grant & |
622 | Funds center & cannot be used with grant & and sponsored program & |
623 | Functional area & cannot be used with grant & and sponsored program & |
624 | Funded program & cannot be used with grant & and sponsored program & |
625 | Commitment item & cannot be used with grant & and class & |
626 | Budget cannot be transferred between grants and/or funds |
627 | Grant & must contain at least one sponsored program |
628 | Grant & must contain at least one sponsored class |
629 | Grant & must contain at least one financing object(fund) |
630 | No sponsored program could be derived from funds center & . |
631 | No sponsored class could be derived from commitment item & . |
632 | Sponsor program & has an invalid "FM budget allowed object" assignment |
633 | Sponsored class & has an invalid "FM budget allowed object" assignment |
634 | Budget validity not defined for grant &1 in budget phase &2 |
635 | For budget scenario released/unreleased only unreleased budget is allowed |
636 | For budget scenario released, elements do not allow unreleased status |
637 | Grant & cannot be used for entering budget in Funds Management |
638 | Errors occurred (&1 errors, &2 warnings). See details in error log |
639 | Held document cannot be saved; choose a valid name |
640 | Held document number &1 saved successfully |
641 | DB inconsistencies -> Run REFRESH process |
642 | Document &1 already exists; choose another name |
643 | Invalid document budget phase &1 for grant number &2 |
644 | Document type &3 is not allowed for budget phase &2 but allowed for &4 |
645 | Document number &1 cannot be held |
646 | Version &1 is not valid |
647 | Versions must be different |
648 | Release process is only relevant for grant with budget scenario U/R |
649 | Distribution key field is a required field |
650 | Texts have been saved successfully |
651 | Document type &1 does not have &2 status. See long text |
652 | There are no supported elements for grant & to budget |
653 | Fund could not be determined; check grant &1 |
654 | Sponsored programs could not be determined; check grant |
655 | Sponsored classes could not be determined; check grant |
656 | Time intervals could not be determined; check grant &1 |
657 | Funds Management document &1/&2/&3 has been posted for GM document &4 |
658 | Funds Management mandatory assignment for &1 is missing for class &2 |
659 | Funds Management mandatory assignment for &1 is missing for program &2 |
660 | Budget transfer for year &1, version &2, and fund &3 cannot take place |
661 | No active budget version exists |
662 | Budget phase for grant award is only valid for version '000'. |
663 | An entry for version '000' must exist with budget phase for grant award |
664 | Document &1 not saved (problems when writing to &2) |
665 | Document has not been posted (problems when accessing &1) |
666 | Missing data for chart of accounts &1 and grant type &2 |
667 | Unable to display indirect cost impact due to missing customizing |
668 | Critical inconsistencies between old(preposted) and new(posted/undo) doc. |
669 | Posting date &1 must be between &2 and &3 |
670 | The document must be different than SPACE |
671 | You cannot post or prepost an unbalanced document |
672 | No documents satisfy the selection criteria |
673 | Invalid fiscal year &1 |
674 | The grant dimension order has changed since documents were first posted |
675 | Changes in the dimension order of a grant can lead to data loss |
676 | Invalid Data & in Field & |
677 | Group &1/&2 assigned to program &3 does not exist |
678 | No funds center group has been defined for sponsored program & |
679 | No commitment item group has been defined for sponsored class & |
680 | Grant &1 is not available for budget carryover in year &2 |
681 | Problems when trying to post document &1 during a Workflow process |
682 | Group &1/&2 assigned to class &3 does not exist |
683 | Check complete |
684 | Version &1 is not a valid one, check F4 options |
685 | No cost sharing rules exist for grant &1 |
686 | Version &3 is assigned to phase &4 while the grant is still in phase &2 |
687 | The cost sharing rule &1 does not have a proper setting |
688 | Document &1 deleted |
689 | Sponsored Class &1 type &3 is not compatible with CI &2 category &4 |
690 | If transfer is to be made to all open fiscal years, do not specify one |
691 | Grant & has been flagged as closing -> No further budgets allowed |
692 | Grant & has been flagged as canceled -> No further budgets allowed |
693 | For grant &1, operations between fund &2 and &3 are not allowed |
694 | You are trying to copy an empty line &1 |
695 | No objects mapping match to process a passthrough transfer |
696 | Inconsistencies between Grant's objects and posted document |
697 | Inconsistencies between grant's time definition and posted document |
698 | The selected document type &1 has funding type '&2' which is not valid |
699 | Differences between grants mean transfers are not allowed |
700 | <<<<<<<<<< Reporting >>>>>>>>> |
701 | No data returned in grants lookup |
702 | No data returned in sponsored programs lookup |
703 | No data returned in sponsored class lookup |
704 | No data returned in grant sponsors lookup |
705 | No Budget validity for grant &1 budget phase &2 validity no. &3 status &4 |
708 | Enter HR planning object type |
709 | Award type & does not exist |
710 | Billing rule & does not exist |
711 | IDC rule & does not exist |
712 | Splitting rule &1 does not exist |
713 | Cost sharing & does not exist |
714 | Enter responsibility object ID |
715 | LD code & does not exist |
716 | Class type & does not exist |
717 | No data returned in sponsored object lookup |
718 | Budget version & does not exist |
719 | Enter responsibility type |
720 | Enter user status |
721 | & & & & not found |
722 | No suitable records found |
723 | & messages occurred during the process; check the message log |
724 | Budget reason code & does not exist |
725 | No data returned in budget key figures lookup |
726 | No data returned in actual key figures lookup |
727 | Select released or unreleased budget |
728 | Select held, parked, or posted budget |
729 | Report class &1 does not exist |
730 | Task type &1 is not supported |
731 | Report rule &1 does not exist |
732 | Record (task type &1 and task name &2) already exists |
733 | Task will be run at &1. It is determined by report rule &2 |
734 | No schedule rule exists for this report rule |
735 | Enter the name of a flow definition |
736 | Enter a program name |
737 | Program &1 does not exist |
738 | No variant for program &1 |
739 | The variant name &1 cannot begin with a blank character |
740 | The variant name &1 cannot contain double blank figures |
741 | Record (task type &1, task name &2, and variant &3) already exists |
742 | Variant &1 for program &2 does not exist |
743 | Flow definition &1 does not exist |
744 | Not Used |
745 | Only active record can be deleted |
746 | Only active record can be scheduled |
747 | Only can perform deletion of scheduling on active record |
748 | No scheduling to be deleted |
749 | Start date cannot be empty or in the past |
750 | End date cannot be earlier than the start date |
751 | Cannot change inactive record(task type &1, task name &2, and variant &3) |
752 | Cannot change record (task type &1, task name &2, and variant &3) |
760 | <<<<<<<<<Archiving>>>>>>>> |
761 | &1% of objects processed (&2 of &3) |
762 | Object archived completely |
763 | Object archiving with problems |
764 | No data found for archiving |
765 | Object deleted completely |
766 | Object deletion with problems |
767 | Archiving inside retention period not allowed |
768 | Object has existing original documents |
769 | Object excluded in BADI exit |
770 | Object reloaded completely |
771 | Object reload with problems |
772 | Object has related items |
773 | Deletion flag not set for object |
774 | Object cannot be archived completely |
775 | Business Partner used in Grants |
776 | No detailed information available for selected document |
777 | & & & & |
778 | Document already archived |
779 | Object read completely |
780 | Object read with problems |
800 | ************************ Authorization Messages ************************ |
801 | Authorization group &1 for sponsored class is not defined |
802 | Authorization group &1 for sponsored program is not defined |
803 | Authorization group &1 for grant is not defined |
804 | No authorization for activity &1 data using the Strategy Environment &2 |
805 | No authorization for activity &1 entries in the Strategy Environment &2 |
808 | Authorization group &1 is not defined for object &2 |
809 | Authorization activity &1 is not allowed for authorization object &2 |
810 | No authorization for act. &1 on a sponsored class in auth. group &2 |
811 | No authorization for activity &1 on a sponsored class |
812 | No authorization for the activity &1 on a grant on status &2 |
813 | No authorization for act. &1 on a grant in auth. group &2 and status &3 |
814 | Life cycle status &1 does not exist |
815 | No authorization for activity &1 on a sponsored program in auth. group &2 |
816 | No authorization for activity &1 on a sponsored program |
817 | Budget process &1 is not valid |
818 | Budget version &1 is not valid |
819 | Budget document type &1 is not valid |
820 | No authorization for activity &1 on a budget document |
821 | No authorization for activity &1 on a budget for process &2 and type &3 |
822 | Error getting instance for BAdi &1 |
823 | No authorization for activity &1 to sponsored class &2 in auth. group &3 |
824 | No authorization for activity &1 to sponsored class &2 |
825 | No authorization for activity &1. Sponsored program &2. Auth. group &3 |
826 | No authorization for activity &1 to sponsored program &2 |
827 | No auth. for activity &1 the grant &2 in auth. group &3 and status &4 |
828 | No authorization for activity &1 the grant &2 in status &3 |
850 | ************************ IDC Messages ************************ |
851 | IDC cut-off date &1 is bigger than posting date &2 or document date &3 |
852 | The selected period &1 conflicts with the posting date &2 |
853 | Grant &1 is not productive |
854 | Grant &1 is not assigned to a company code |
855 | Missing chart of accounts for company code assigned to grant &1 |
856 | IDC account customizing missing for chart of accounts &1 grant type &2 |
857 | Grant &1 is not assigned to any IDC rule |
858 | Grant &1 uses the IDC rule &2 that is not customized |
859 | No indirect cost (IDC) rate is maintained for grant &1 |
860 | No fund recovery available for grant &1 in selected date range |
861 | No documents match the selection criteria to generate IDC for grant &1 |
862 | Document &1 has been posted successfully for Grant &2 |
863 | You are not authorized to post IDC document in grant &1 |
864 | Test Run. IDC document was not posted for grant &1 |
865 | No IDC entries generated for grant &1 using these selection criteria |
866 | Could not read IDC customizing: chart of accts and/or grant type missing |
867 | Grant &1 matches the selection criteria to process Indirect Cost |
868 | Grant &1 sponsored program &2 and sponsored class &3 reached CAP of &4 |
869 | Grant &1 reached CAP of &2 |
870 | No awarded grant exists for the company code &1 on &2 |
871 | IDC calculation for Grant &1 is not consistent (missing Business Area) |
872 | Grant &1 is not customized as a passthrough grant |
873 | GM Accrual account customizing missing for chart of accounts &1 |
874 | No document match the selection criteria to generate accrual for grant &1 |
875 | Test Run. Accrual document was not posted for grant &1 |
876 | You are not authorized to post Accrual document in grant &1 |
877 | GM Accrual Value Type customizing missing for Grant &1 |
878 | Subtractive IDC calculation: Invalid IDC rate for grant &1 |
890 | << In-Kind Grants>>> |
891 | Sponsored Class &1 is not in-kind. Do not enter value for &2 |
900 | |
930 | |
931 |