GTCN_MESSAGE - GTCN: Message Class

The following messages are stored in message class GTCN_MESSAGE: GTCN: Message Class.
It is part of development package GLO_GLT_TR_TAXREF_CN in software component LO-GT-CSC-CN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Tax Refund: Global Trade Localization for China".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Verification document &1 is locked by another user
001Verification document &1 is created
002Verification document &1 is updated
003Verification document &1 is deleted
004Fail to create verification document &1
005Fail to update verification document &1
006Fail to delete verification document &1
007Verification document &1 already exists in another lot
008Lot ID is required to create a verifcation document
009You have no authorization to create a verification document
010You have no authorization to update a verification document
011You have no authorization to delete a verification document
012Neither verification document number nor lot ID can be changed
013Enter the required data
014Company code & does not exist
015Creation not possible; verification doc. &1 exists in this instance
016You have no authorization to display a verification document
017Update not possible; the verification document does not exist
018Deletion not possible; the verification document does not exist
019Display not possible; the verification document does not exist
020Deletion is allowed for new documents only
021Verification documents are created in batch
022Fail to create verification documents in batch
023Verification documents are updated in batch
024Fail to update the verification documents in batch
025Verification documents are deleted in batch
026Fail to delete verification documents in batch
027Verification lot is locked by another user
028New verification lot is successfully created
029Verification Lot is changed
030Verification Lot is deleted
031You have no authorization to create a verification document
032You have no authorization to display a verification document
033You have no authorization to update a verification document
034You have no authorization to delete a verification document
035Verification documents are retrieved in batch
036Fail to retrieve the verification documents in batch
037Customs office does not exist
038Valid-to date must be later than today
039Lot ID already exists
040Batch creation is allowed for new verification documents only
041Batch deletion is allowed for new verification documents only
042Batch update is allowed with unchanged lot ID only
043Fail to create the lot
044Fail to update the lot
045Fail to delete the lot
046Provide the verifcation document table for check
047Deletion is not possible; verification document &1 is released
048Mass update is allowed for valid verification documents only
049Mass display is allowed for existing verification documents only
050Mass deletion is allowed for existing verfication documents only
051Verification document &1 exists in another verification lot
052More than one user status are set as initial
053No user status is initial
054No shipping point assigned to the customs office
055Fail to lock
056Verification-from number must be smaller than verification-to number
057Shipping point cannot be changed
058Fail to retrieve the verification lots
059Shipping point cannot be changed
060Lot is not created
061Lot is created
062This field must be integer
063Verification document request is locked by another user
064Verification document request is created
065Fail to create verification document request
066Verification document request is updated
067Fail to update verification document request
068Verification document request is deleted
069Fail to delete verification document request
070You can dislay existing requests only
071The request already exists; creation not allowed
072You can update existing requests only
073You can delete existing requests only
074You can delete draft requests only
075Enter the mandatory fields
076You have no authorization to void a verification document
077Estimate receipient date must be in the future
078Select a void reason
079Verification documents must be new or released
080Verification documents are created for another company code
081You cannot update the completely released or rejected documents
082Void is not allowed for the verification document
083Changing company code is not allowed for open requests
084Changing customs office is not allowed with open request
085Verification document is void
086Verification document request is rejected by &1
087Fail to reject verification document request
088You can reject existing requests only
089You can reject submitted requests only
090The request is rejected
091You cannot reject completely released requests
092Failed to release verification document request
093Verification document request is released
094The request is open and &1 verification document released
095You can release submitted requests only
096The request is completely released
097You cannot release rejected requests
098Invoice number is empty
099Invoice &1 is neither pro-forma invoice nor standard invoice
100Invoice &1 does not exist
101Fail to assign verification document &1 due to its status
102Enter a sales organization
103You cannot create the verification document &1 that exists in lot
104&1 is not found in holiday calendar; check with system administrator
105Verification document &1 is currently used by another user
106Fail to assign invoice &1 to verification document &2
107Impossible to invalidate assignment of verification doc. &1 due to its st
108Unable to invalidate invoice assignment for verification document &1
109Enter the translation currency for company code &1
110Invoice &1 is assigned with verification document &2
111Invoice assignment is invalidated for verification document &1
112Enter the exchange rate to convert currency from &1 to &2
113Invoice &1 can be assigned only once
114No verification document can be assigned to the invoice
115Enter a valid date
116Initial status must be draft or new when a request is created
117Update not possible; UUID of the request cannot be changed
118Release is allowed for new documents only
119Invoice cannot be unassigned
120Release is allowed for documents without external assignment
121Quantity of supplied documents must be equal to the release quantity
122Release not possible; enter request UUID in order to release request
123Impossible to release all documents; release &1 verification documents on
124Number of verification doc. in a request must be between &1 and &2
125Reject not possible; the request is partially released
126Reject responsible is &1; you have no authorization to reject
127Release responsible is &1; you have no authorization to release
128Release request not possible; document list is missing
129Release not possible; some documents are released
130Release is allowed for new documents only
131Verification document cannot be changed after void, reject or close
132&1 verification document(s) are released
133Fail to determine verification document &1
134Fail to determine verification document request
135Unable to determine verification lot in the database
136Unable to clean test environment after test run
137Release not possible; release quantity is larger than request quantity
138Valid-to date must be later than the purchase date
139Verification documents are assigned to another customs office
140Verification documents are invalidated in batch
141Unassign is required for assigned verification document
142Unable to clean the simulated request after a failure
143Unable to update; lot expires
144Release quantity is not valid
145Activate status description in &1
146No pre-defined system status found
147&1 must contain all existing system status except void and closed
148Enter the organization group for the user status &2 in profile &1
149Define the corresponding status 1 for user status &2 in profile &1
150Define the corresponding status 2 for user status &2 in profile &1
151External assignment number 'to' must be larger than 'from'
152No user status allowed for system status &1 in profile &2
153status 1 must be equal or less than the user status &2 in profile &1
154status 2 must be equal or greater than the user status &2 in profile &1
155Base check rule is not maintained in the company code
156Valid-to date must be earlier than the purchase date plus &1 day(s)
157Valid-to date must be earlier than the creation date plus &1 day(s)
158Enter a positive integer
159Enter an integer less than the total number of doc. to be released
160Customs office is assigned to another company code
161Fail to determine plant by shipping point
162Fail to determine company code by plant and shipping point
163Fail to determine user status &1 in prorile &2
164Enter a valid company code
165No group defined for company code &1
166Group &1 is created successfully for company code &2
167No processor defined for group &1
168Verification document &1 is not assigned with a billing document
169No sales order found for billing document &1 &2
170No material ID and batch ID found for billing document &1 &2
171Action is cancelled
172No record exists in sales order list
173No trading contract found for the sales order list
174No purchase order found for trading contract
175No record exists in purchase order list
176No invoice info found for the purchase order list
177Fail to determine sales order for invoice &
178Verification document & does not exist
179Changes for group description/default processor are saved
180Material &1 with batch &2 has no goods receipt document
181Processor &1 is created successfully for group &2
182Verification document & has no change history
183Document type &1 is not allowed for referenced document
184Material number is missing in sales order &1 with item &2
185No substitute defined for processor &1
186Substitute &1 is created for processor &2
187Changes to substitute are saved
188Error in updating the table GTCN_INV_MAP
189Incoming invoice(s) are matched successfully
190No company code found for sales order &1
191No reference document &1 with item &2 found
192Group &1 is deleted successfully
193Processor &1 is deleted successfully
194Substitute for processor &1 is deleted
195Make the settings in GTCN_BILLING_TYP
196&1 configuration exists
197Group &1 exists in company code &2
198Processor &1 exists in group &2
199Substitute processor &1 exists for processor &2 within the same period
200The selected profile ID is created for another company code
201No profile ID &1 found in profile master data
202Enter a valid user &1
203Start Date must be earlier than End Date
204Error in locking table &1
205Substitutor and processor can not be the same person
206Verification lot & does not exist
207Status profile does not exist in company code &
208Verification group isn't assigned to status profile &1 and user status &2
209Default processor is not assigned in the verification group &
210Enter a verification doc. ID or company code and user status
211Assign a unique default processor for each group
212There must be one default processor for each group
213Enter the company code and user status
214No processor is assigned to company code &
215No processor is assigned to company code &1 and EFEV group &2
216User &1 has no authorization
218No default rule assigned to company code &
219No details found for default rule &
220Parameter & not found
221Company code &1 is assigned to default rule &2
222No date overlap allowed between different substitute processors
223No entries found
224No billing documents found
225Define the released user status
226User &1 has no authorization to process verification doc. &2
227Only one system status can be released
228User &1 is not valid
229The user status is inconsistent
230More than one item is not allowed
231Enter a valid due period
232Status ID must be numeric
233Fail to process FPM screen element &1
234Billing document &1 is assigned
235User &1 has no authorization to process current verification Doc. request
236Assign a default processor group &1
237Company code or user status is empty
238Billing document &1 is not assigned with a verification document
239Fail to declare verification document &1 due to its status
240Verification document &1 is declared successfully
241Fail to delete; substitute list for processor &1 is locked by &2
242Action failed, substitute list for processor &1 is locked by &2
243&1 is mandatory
244Assignment of verification document &1 to billing document &2 is sent
245Info. to undo assignment of verification doc. &1 with billing doc &2 sent
246Action failed; the list is locked by &1
247Fail to determine posting run id &1
248Fail to determine file id &1 posting run id &2
249Fail to insert records to tax refund posting related tables
250Only Assigned or Forwarded status allows changes; doc. &1 has status &2
251Fail to retrieve user status &1
252Fail to retrieve status values &1 for verification
253Verification doc. &1 with user status &2 cannot be changed with others
254Column position must be maintained
255Verification document &1 is locked by user &2
256Enter the required data
257Verification lot is locked by user &1
258Account assignment is updated successfully
259Account assignment is cancelled successfully
260Account assignment is not fully maintained
261Billing doc. No. &1 has already been uploaded
262Invoice &1 is not assigned to verification document &2
263Duplicate entry exists
264Verification document status &1 is not assigned
265Cannot find tax refund file item according to file id: &1
266Cannot find currency key/chart of accounts for company code &1
267Cannot find document type of posting in pervious year for company code &1
268Cannot find document type of posting in current year for company code &1
269Define condition types; see long text
270Define commission account determination; see long text
271Define tax refund receivables accounts; see long text
272Duplicate data exists in excel; check your entry
273Error in conversion due to unnecessary headline in your file
274Assign foreign exchange verification doc. number under company code &1
275Unable to update data due to data error
276File ID &1 uploading run successfully
277Error in the uploaded text file
278Data is saved successfully
279Data cannot be saved
280Splitting on used external lot is not allowed
281No spliting form lot
282Plant & does not exist
283Sales organizaiton & does not exist
284Distribution channel & does not exist
285Plant & exists
286Sales orgnization &1 and distribution channel &2 already exist
287No entries found that match selection criteria
288Select at least one entry
289&3 verification document &1 does not exist in company &2
290Customs declaration no. &1 is assigned to verification document &2
291Verification document in the NEW status can not be processed
292Fail to generate UUID
293Define a valid organization level for tax refund
294Duplicate tax refund exists
295&1 is updated
296Fail to update &1
297Invoice(s) does not exist in the system
298Outbound delivery(s) has not been created
299Billing invoice(s) has not been created
300No condition record data exists for specified condition types
301Tax refund difference was posted for file &1
302Tax refund commission was posted for file &1
303Error in updating tax refund file posting status
304Fail to update tax refund file status
305File &1 was marked as deleted
306Posting run id is out of usage for file &1
307Verification document &1 does not exist
308Tax refund rate is not maintained for comm./imp. code &1
309Comm./imp. code no. is not maintained for &1
310Could not find account no. for billing &1 &2
311No difference is adjusted, no document is generated
312No account document was generated for posting run id &1
313Billing document &1 does not exist
314Commission amount must be greater than 0
315Verification document number from is invalid
316Company code is different
317FI posting document has not been created for billing &1
318HS Code &1 does not exist in the tax refund file for billing &2 &3
319Lot is split successfully
320Select at least one posting type for reversal posting
321Fail to delete mapping relationship with billing invoice
322You have no authorization to create a refund list
323You have no authorization to delete a refund list
324You have no authorization to post a refund list
325You have no authorization to reverse a refund list
326You have no authorization to view a refund list
327Posted file can not be deleted
328Fail to delete file
329You have no authorization to modify a refund list
330You have no authorization to block a refund list
331You have no authorization to create verif lot
332You have no authorization to modify verif lot
333You have no authorization to view verif lot
334You have no authorization to create request for verif documents
335You have no authorization to modify request for verif documents
336You have no authorization to view request for verif documents
337You have no authorization to delete request for verif documents
338You have no authorization to release request for verif documents
339You have no authorization to reject request for verif documents
340No HS code for material &1 in plant &2
341You have no authorization to submit request for verif documents
342No country/region key found for company code &1
343Fail to lock file header
344Fail to unlock file header
345Fail to split the lot
346You have no authorization to delete verification lot
347Export invoice &1 only can be edited in refund list &2
348Company code &1 does not exist in T001
349Both VAT and consumption tax refund amount are 0
350Successfully added to refund list
351Successfully unmatched
352Successfully matched
353Export invoice &1 has not been completely matched
354Export invoice & 1 item &2 has no matched quantity
355Fail to set the refund list &1 status to claimed
356Fail to delete refund list &1
357Fail to save refund list &1
358Export invoices have been removed from refund list
359Batch operation for block is not supported
360Refund list is locked by &1
361You have no authorization to create a refund file
362You have no authorization to delete a refund file
363You have no authorization to post a refund file
364You have no authorization to reverse a refund file
365You have no authorization to view a refund file
366You have no authorization to modify a refund file
367You have no authorization to block a refund file
368Fail to cancel the invoice, remove it from the tax refund list first
369Export invoice &1 has been cancelled
370Vendor invoice &1 fiscal year &2 has been cancelled
371Export invoice &1 item &2 has been unblocked
372Fail to update status of refund list &1
373Saving empty refund list is not allowed
375Company code &1 refund list &2 has been changed to status &3 by &4
376Company code &1 refund list &2 does not exist
380Year must between &1 to &2
381Period must between 1 to 16
382Invalid input; Commodity Codes with time overlap found
383Commission amount must be greater than zero
384Valid From must be earlier than Valid To
385Update successfully
386Update failed
387Date &1 is invalid
388Year/Period is invalid
389Tax refund control parameter is not maintained for company code &1
390Tax refund posting type is not maintained for company code &1
391Tax claimed type is not maintained for company code &1
392Tax refund commission posting type is not maintained for company code &1
393Batch operation for unblocking is not supported
394Export invoice items have been unblocked
395No HS code exists for material &1 in plant &2
396Tax refund rate must be greater than zero
397Wrong date &1; Date is invalid or or the format is not YYYYMMDD
398Check the path or the type of file
399No authorization to create
400No authorization to delete
401HS code &1 does not exist
402Enter a company code that exists in GTCN_V_CRT_CFG
403The number in query by period must be greater than zero
404The number in top query by HS code must be greater than zero
405HS code &1,&2
406Enter a Valid From date
407No files selected according to your criteria
408Tax refund file cannot be reloaded
409Refund list &1 has been created successfully
410Refund list &1 has been updated successfully
411Refund list &1 has been deleted successfully
412Refund list &1 has been set to claimed successfully
413Refund list &1 has been reverted to new successfully
414Data is saved
415Comm./imp. code &1 does not exist
416Invoice amount is greater than Max. invoice amount deviation
417Wrong rate &1; the rate must not be greater than 99999.999
418Overlap:commodity code--&1 , two start date--&2 and &3
419You can maintain only one record
420Max. Tax Refund Amount Deviation must be maintained
421Max. Tax Refund Amount Deviation must be maintained
422VAT refund amount is greater than Max. VAT refund amount deviation
423Period must be between 1 to 16
424Year must be between &1 to &2
425Customer to & does not exist
426Customer from & does not exist
427Division &1 is not defined for sales org. &2 and distr. channel &3
428Division & does not exist
429Distribution channel &1 is not defined for sales organization &2
430Distribution channel & does not exist
431Sales organization &1 is not defined for company code &2
432Sales organizaiton & does not exist
433Company code & does not exist
434File item (billing &1 declaration no. &2 HS code &3) is not adjusted
435Consumption tax refund amount is greater than Max. CT refund deviation
436Column position must be maintained
437You have no authorization to delete tax refund files related objects
438Error in deleting tables
439Select at least one posting type
440Define tax refund file column position in Customizing
441Refund file &1 has been deleted successfully
442You can only delete tax refund files that existed more than three years
443No maximum number of results found; default value 100 used.
444You do not have authority to run refund list from purchase report
445No authority to run report.
448You do not have authority to run refund file report.
449No authority to display company code that you have input.
450You do not have authority to run this report
451No authority to display distribution channel &1.
452No authority to display sales organzation that you have input.
453No authority to display distribution channel that you have input.
454Only one type document type can be maintained under one company code.
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