HCNUSAC_MSG - Message Class for SASAC Report Management Tool
The following messages are stored in message class HCNUSAC_MSG: Message Class for SASAC Report Management Tool.
It is part of development package PB28_RM_OLD_VERSION in software component PA-PA-CN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Old Version, Only Bug Fixing Allowed".
It is part of development package PB28_RM_OLD_VERSION in software component PA-PA-CN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Old Version, Only Bug Fixing Allowed".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
016 | |
021 | Only the org reported to you are displayed |
022 | You are not in the report structure |
023 | No related report data |
100 | |
101 | |
102 | |
103 | Error while locking screen |
104 | Enter a valid reporting structure ID |
105 | Enter a valid business category ID |
106 | Editing is not possible; screen locked by &1 |
107 | Editing not permitted; reports already assigned to reporting structure &1 |
108 | Deletion not permitted; reports already assigned to reporting structure & |
109 | Assignment of business category &1 for year &2 already exists |
112 | An entry already exists with the same key |
113 | Reporting structure &1 is already assigned to a business category |
114 | Select the rows to be deleted |
115 | Deletion not permitted; reports already assigned to business category &1 |
116 | Saving is not possible; data is not changed |
129 | Data saved |
201 | Node &1 already exists in the reporting structure |
202 | Error while loading OM data |
203 | Select the nodes to be deleted |
204 | Error while locking data |
205 | Reporting structure is locked for editing |
206 | Enter a reporting structure ID |
207 | Reporting structure saved |
208 | Reporting structure does not exist |
209 | Copying is not possible; reporting structure ID is the same |
210 | Saving is not possible; reporting structure &1 is not changed |
211 | You are not authorized to change the reporting structure |
212 | Deletion is not permitted; Organiztion unit &1 has been assigned report. |
213 | Copying is not possible; reporting structure has been assigned reports |
301 | Select a statistical text item |
302 | Select a determining factor |
303 | Copying is not possible; multiple lines are selected |
304 | Determining factor &1 already exists |
305 | Enter a determining factor |
306 | Select a format |
307 | Enter a format |
308 | Format &1 already exists |
309 | Infotype &1 does not exist |
310 | Deletion is not possible; determining factor &1 is used in formats |
311 | Deletion is not possible; format &1 is used in reports |
312 | Enter an infotype |
313 | Statistical text item already exists |
314 | Formula &1 already exists |
315 | Subtype &1 of infotype &2 does not exist |
316 | Enter the infotype first |
317 | Enter a subtype of infotype &1 |
318 | Infotype &1 does not exist |
319 | No entries found |
320 | Infotype &1 not supported |
321 | No subtypes exist for infotype &1 |
322 | Save the format first |
323 | Enter the operator |
324 | Enter the constant |
325 | Enter the field |
326 | An entry with this key is marked for deletion |
327 | Selection of determining factor has changed |
328 | Selection of format has changed |
329 | Seniority rule does not exist |
335 | Error while retrieving the fields of infotype &1 |
336 | Field &1 does not exist in infotype &2 |
337 | Format saved in file &1 |
400 | Enter a valid organizational unit |
401 | Enter all period information |
402 | Enter a key date |
403 | Updating report &1 for organizational unit &2 is not possible currently |
404 | Report does not exist for the selected organizational unit |
405 | Report &1 has no format |
406 | Enter reporting period information first |
407 | Employee data does not exist for the selected organizational unit |
408 | Data saved successfully |
490 | |
493 | Updating is not permitted; reporting period &1 for type &2 is in use |
494 | Editing is not permitted; reporting period &1 for type &2 is in use |
495 | Key date is outside the valid range of some months |
496 | Key date is outside the valid range of February |
497 | Deletion is not permitted; reporting period &1 for type &2 is in use |
498 | Enter a valid key date |
499 | Reporting period &1 for reporting type &2 already exists for this year |
500 | Select a report |
501 | Report ID already exists for this year |
502 | Enter &1 |
503 | Report saved |
504 | You cannot copy a report to the same year |
505 | Copying is not possible for reports that exist for the target year |
506 | Only part of the selected reports are copied |
507 | Reports copied |
508 | Report deleted |
509 | Deletion is not possible for report &1; report is already assigned |
510 | Editing is not possible; report &1 is locked by &2 |
511 | Error while locking report &1 |
600 | Select an assigned report |
601 | Assignment saved |
602 | Reports assigned |
603 | Deletion is not permitted; assignment of report &1 is in use |
604 | Report assignment deleted |
605 | Your organization is not in the reporting structure |
606 | Error while locking the reporting structure |
607 | Editing is not possible; the reporting structure is locked by others |
608 | Report does not exist for the key date &1 |
609 | Select a node in the reporting structure |
610 | Select a report in the report list |
611 | There is no corresponding reporting structure |
700 | Report data does not exist |
701 | Report data saved |
702 | Report data of subordinate organizational units is not ready |
703 | Cannot display data; you are not in the reporting structure |
704 | System data and uploaded data merged |
705 | Reporting completed |
706 | Withdrawal applied for |
707 | Error while locking reporting structure |
708 | Error while locking reporting period |
709 | Error while locking reporting period status; try again later |
710 | Format details are not correctly defined |
711 | You cannot apply for withdrawal |
712 | Transaction code does not exist |
713 | Program does not exist |
714 | Importing report result failed |
799 | This report is locked by &1 |
800 | Withdrawal approved |
801 | Only the organizational units reporting to you are displayed |
802 | Cannot display organizational units; you are not in the structure |
803 | You are not in any organizational unit |
804 | Withdrawal rejected |
805 | Report rejected |
806 | You cannot approve the withdrawal; report is already submitted |
807 | You cannot reject the report; report is already submitted |
808 | Assigned user name already exists |
809 | You are already the owner of this report |
810 | You are not authorized to delete report & |
811 | You can only display the report format setting |
812 | Report & already exists; you are not authorized by the report owner & |
813 | The following reports are not saved: & |
814 | Enter a valid user name |
815 | You are not authorized to run the report & |
816 | Report &1 is locked by user &2 |
817 | &1 records have been updated |
818 | Source language does not exist |
819 | Target language does not exist |
820 | Enter a dynamic report ID |
821 | Dynamic report &1 is marked for deletion |
822 | Report &1 already exists |
823 | Select a dynamic report first |
824 | Enter a grouping type |
825 | Infotype is not permitted for grouping type &1 |
826 | Subtype is not permitted for grouping type &1 |
827 | Field name is not permitted for grouping type &1 |
828 | Fomula is not permitted for statistical type &1 |
829 | Determining factor is not permitted for statistical type &1 |
830 | Data type is required for statistical type &1 |
831 | Determining factor is required for statistical type &1 |
832 | Data type is not permitted for statistical type &1 |
833 | Infotype is not permitted for statistical type &1 |
834 | Subtype is not permitted for statistical type &1 |
835 | Field name is not permitted for statistical type &1 |
836 | Fomula is required for statistical type &1 |
837 | Service year calculation rule is required for statistical type &1 |
838 | Enter a grouping dimension type |
839 | Report import cancelled |
840 | Enter a valid period |
841 | &1 Report is imported |
842 | Enter a file name |
843 | Report &1 does not exist |
844 | File does not exist |
845 | Determining factor & does not exist |
846 | Formula & does not exist |
847 | Service year rule does not exist |
848 | Formula & is deleted sucessfully |
849 | Formula is valid |
850 | Select the statistical items to calculate summation |
851 | Select the statistical items to calculate numerator |
852 | Select the statistical items to calculate denominator |
853 | Report structure is incomplete |
854 | Enter a payroll period |
855 | Wage type does not exist |
856 | You are not the owner of the selected report |
857 | Constant value should be empty if operand type is not constant |
858 | Formula is not saved |
859 | Select a valid operand |
860 | Formula & already exists |
861 | Some of the operands in the formula are not defined |
862 | Enter a valid statistical dimension type |
863 | Formula is invalid |
864 | The period is not input correctly |
865 | From date must not be later than To date |
866 | Enter a formula ID |
867 | Enter the formula description |
868 | From date must not be later than To date |
869 | Operand type cannot be wage type if the constant field has a value |
870 | The field should be empty if operand type is not wage type |
871 | Cumulation type should be empty when wage type source is RT |
872 | No report imported |
873 | Operand & already exists; you can refresh the operand list |
874 | RATE is not permitted for the CRT wage type source |
875 | Formula brackets do not match in number |
876 | Select a cumulation type when wage type source is CRT |
877 | Report columns (&) exceed the max value |
878 | Enter a formula ID first |
879 | Operand type cannot be constant if wage type related fields have value |
880 | Constant is not permitted for this statistics type |
881 | Formula & is saved successfully |
882 | Select the statistical items to be deleted |
883 | Select the grouping items to be deleted |
884 | Select the change management attributes to be deleted |
885 | Enter a change type |
886 | Enter a valid action type |
887 | Enter a valid formula ID |
888 | Brackets are not maintained correctly |
890 | Enter the year |
891 | Enter the organizational unit |
892 | Enter the business category |
893 | Enter the reporting type |
894 | Specify the source language |
895 | Specify the target language |
896 | Report deleted |
897 | Select a report |
898 | Report does not exist |
899 | Enter the period type and period ID |