HP_TEST - Test Messages

The following messages are stored in message class HP_TEST: Test Messages.
It is part of development package HP_TEST in software component CA-MDG-HP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Hierarchy Processing: Tests and Consistency Checks".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Node type &1 used in table &2 does not exist
002Node &1 &2 used in table &3 does not exist
003Edge type &1 used in table &2 does not exist
004Edge &1 &2 used in table &3 does not exist
005ID &1 contains invalid characters
006ID &1 starts with forbidden prefix
007Node type &1 is used in &2 &3
008Deletion canceled due to usage in referencing objects
009Edge type &1 is used in &2 &3
010Graph &1 is used in &2 &3
011Attribute name &1 used in table &2 does not exist
012Consistency check successfully executed. No inconsistent data found.
013Edge type &1 is used in template &2
014Consistency check resulted in errors
015Node type &1 is used in template &2
016Node &1 &2 used in hierarchy &3 does not exist
020Hierarchy ID &1 used in table &2 does not exist
021Template ID &1 used in table &2 does not exist
022Graph ID &1 used in table &2 does not exist
023Hierarchy ID &1 has no template assigned
029Edge type &2 can not be deleted due to usage of its graph in &1 &3
030Template &1 is used in &2 &3
031Node attribute &2 can not be deleted due to usage in &1 &3
032Edge attribute &2 can not be deleted due to usage in &1 &3
033Node type can not be deleted due to usage of its graph &2 in &1 &3
034Attribute can not be deleted due to usage of its node type &2 in &1 &3
035Attribute can not be deleted due to usage in &1
036Attribute can not be deleted due to usage of its edge type &2 in &1 &3
037Save aborted due to invalid IDs
038Level(s) can not be deleted
039Node attributes of hierarchy &1 are not valid
040Checking that hierarchy nodes have valid hierarchies
041Checking that hierarchy nodes have valid node types
042Checking that hierarchy nodes have valid nodes
043Checking that nodes have valid node types
044Checking that node texts have valid node types
045Checking that node texts are valid
046Checking that node attribute values have valid node types
047Checking that node attribute value texts have valid node types
048Checking that node attribute values have valid nodes
049Checking that edges have valid edge types
050Checking that edge texts have valid edge types
051Checking that edges have valid node types
052Checking that edges have valid nodes
053Checking that edge texts have valid edges
054Checking that edge attribute values have valid edge types
055Checking that edge attribute value texts have valid edge types
056Checking that edge attribute values have valid edges
057Checking that node type attribute names have valid node types
058Checking that node type attribute names have valid attribute names
059Checking that hierarchies have valid transformations
060Checking that hierarchies have valid graphs
061Checking that graphs have valid node types
062Checking that graphs have valid edge types
063Checking that hierarchy node attributes are valid
064It is not allowed to choose hierarchy IDs which contain only numbers
065It is not allowed to create hierarchies without assigning a graph
066Checking that attribute names are valid
070Attribute &1 can not be deleted due to usage in node type &2
071Attribute &1 can not be deleted due to usage in edge type &2
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