HR99E00_5R - Reuseable messages from message class 5R

The following messages are stored in message class HR99E00_5R: Reuseable messages from message class 5R.
It is part of development package P99E in software component PY-LOC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Human Resources Department: Cross-Country Objects East Asia".
Message Nr
Message Text
002Please enter a pay date
077There is mismatch between the fields table and data table
078Error due to print problems.
141Please enter a date as qualifying date for ex-employee!
142Please enter a valid teilmonth pro-rate rule.
143Invalid month!
144No part month rounding for pro-rate based on working day or calendar day.
145Begin date is later than end date.
146No proration for Ex-employee are required!
148This selection not possible
149Total pay rate is more than 100%.
150This wage type is not applicable for & &.
151Please enter a valid wage type.
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