HRASR00_ARCHIVE - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Archivierungsobjekte

The following messages are stored in message class HRASR00_ARCHIVE: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Archivierungsobjekte.
It is part of development package PAOC_ASR_ARC in software component PA-AS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Administrative Services: Archiving".
Message Nr
Message Text
000The interruption of the write program was requested on &1 at &2 (&3)
001Start the program from archive administration (transaction SARA)
002No authorization for this process
003No processes were found for the selection criteria
004The process was archived
005End of retention period reached
006Process was not archived due to a requested termination
007Entry created in table for archiving index
008Process status was set to archived
009No authorization to run program &1
010In archiving index table no entry found for archived process (GUID: &1)
011Country grouping &1 does not exist and will be removed from the selection
012Process &1 does not exist and will be removed from the selection
013You do not have a deletion log for this archived session.
014Process could not be archived due to a lock
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