HRASR00_DT_FSCN_DATA - Nachrichten der Datenklasse f�r Formularszenarien

The following messages are stored in message class HRASR00_DT_FSCN_DATA: Nachrichten der Datenklasse f�r Formularszenarien.
It is part of development package PAOC_ASR_DESIGN_TIME in software component PA-AS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Administrative Services: Design Time".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Technical name from form scenario &1 copied to description
001Form scenario &1 was saved
002Form scenario group &1 does not exist
003Form scenario description must be specified
004Anchor number &1 does not exist
005Field &1 does not exist
006ISR scenario &1 is already used by form scenario &2
007No authorization to change form scenarios
008Field name must be specified
009Form scenario type &1 does not exist
010An ISR scenario must be specified
011Form scenario version &1 does not exist
012Cannot create new version (no free number available)
013Form &1 does not exist
014Back-end service must be specified
015Back-end service &1 does not exist
016Rule &1 does not exist in version &2 of the form scenario
017Name of field &1 must be specified
018Data element &1 does not exist
019Data type &1 is not a data element
020Select a setting for the default value
021Type of default value for field &1 is invalid
022Back-end service with number &1 is not defined
023Default value for &1 from certain service, but no service specified
024Manual default value not specified for field &1
025Type of default value from back-end service &1 is missing for field &2
026Field &1 in back-end service &2 not connected
027Field &1 in back-end service &2 with sequence number &3 not connected
028Type &1 of default value for field &2 is invalid
029Type &1 of default value is invalid
030Default value determination for field &1 in back-end srvc. &2 not unique
031Field &1 already exists
032Choose manual input help or input help for a back-end service
033No default val. determination specified for field &1 in back-end srvc. &2
034Type of default value determination for field &1 is invalid
035Manual input help for field &1 not specified
036Input help for field &1 from certain service, but no service specified
037Type of input help from back-end service &1 missing for field &2
038"Exclude from Operation" must be ' ' or 'X'
039No input help determination specified for field &1 in back-end service &2
040Selected data binding &2 in back-end service &1 has no input help
041Input help for data binding &2 in service &1 although not selected
042Value with key &1 already exists in value set
043Value with description '&1' already exists in value set
044Data element &1 does not exist
045No authorization to display data element &1
046No back-end service determines input help for field &1
047The selected data binding does not determine a default value
048Type &1 for determining input help invalid
049Attachment type &1 does not exist
050Field &1 does not exist and will be created
051Data binding to field &1 is deleted in back-end service &2
052Field &1 is not bound in service &2, data binding is added
053InfoObject &1 with operation &2 is deleted
054Type &1 for determining input help for field &2 invalid
055Description of scenario step &1 must be specified
056UI attribute &1 for field &2 is not permitted
057Attachment type &1 does not exist
058Attachment type &1 is not assigned to the form scenario and is added
059Additional information &1 does not exist
060Requirement of attachment type is invalid
061"Change of Attachment Permitted" must be ' ' or 'X'
062"Displaying Attachments Permitted" must be ' ' or 'X'
063Scenario step &1 does not exist
064Attachment type must be specified
065Attachment type &1 is already assigned to the scenario step
066Attachment type &1 is deleted from the form scenario
067Value &2 from the manual input help for field &1 has no text
068Attachment type &1 is already assigned to the scenario step
069Additional information &1 is already assigned to the scenario step
070Name of screen structure must be specified
071Name of field in service must be specified
072Data index must be specified
073Field &1 is not defined in screen structure &2
074Screen structure &1 is not a valid screen structure for infotypes
075Screen structure &1 does not match infotype &2
076Fld &1 is assgnd to different country vers. than fld &2 (binding no. &3)
077Screen structure &1 does not exist
078Specify the name of the attachment type
079Attachment type &1 was already defined
080ISR scenario &1 exists and is not assigned to application H
081Specify a form scenario
082Form scenario &1 already exists. Choose a different name
083Form scenario &1 was deleted
084Specify the name of the scenario step
085Scenario step &1 was already defined
086Scenario step must be specified
087Form scenario must be saved first
088ISR scenario &1 was generated and saved
089ISR scenario &1 is linked with form scenario &2 and is kept
090ISR scenario &1 does not belong to application 'H' and is kept
091ISR scenario &1 is no longer used and is deleted
092ISR scenario SASR cannot be assigned to form scenario
093Form name must be specified
094Data bindings could not be determined from form &1
095Form &1 does not exist
096Form scenario &1 is in customer namespace
097Form scenario &1 is in SAP namespace
098Invalid value for field attribute for field &1
099Form scenario &1 was included in transport request &2
100Enter the characteristic of additional information &1
101Field &1 is added to all instances of back-end service &2
102Field &1 is added to instance &2 of back-end service &3
103Field &1 is already used with sequence number &2
104Incomplete or undefined back-end service &1
105Class &2 to maintain back-end service &1 does not exist
106Field &1 still used in other instances of back-end service &2
107Specify name of additional information
108Additional information &1 already defined
109Infotype must be specified
110Enter the characteristic of attachment type &1
111Infotype &1 does not exist
112Field &1 is no longer used in the backend service and will be deleted.
113Enter the step characteristic of field &1
114Enter the characteristic for scenario step &1
115Back-end srvc. &1 (&2) no longer contains any fields and will be deleted
116Binding from field &1 (&2) cannot be deleted
117Form scenario &1 does not exist
118Field &1 still used by other back-end services
119Form-specific function module does not (yet) exist
120ISR scenario &1 is in customer namespace
121ISR scenario &1 is in SAP namespace
122Form layout does not (yet) exist
123Error reading status of form &1
124Error reading status of interface &2 for form &1
125Do you want to create form &1 and interface &2?
126Infotype &1 does not permit the use of object ID
127No operation is defined for InfoObject &1
128Infotype must be specified
129An operation is already defined for InfoObject &1
130Operation &1 is invalid
131Operation must be specified
132No form interface is specified for form &1
133InfoObject &1 already exists
134Form interface &1 for form &2 does not exist
135Form scenario &1 was not yet saved
136Form &1 is used in different version of form scenario &2
137Form &1 is used in different form or ISR scenarios
138Form &1 already exists, but is not used in scenarios
139Form scenario &1 is without errors
140Form scenario &1 version &2 is without errors
141Form scenario &1 is already locked by own transaction
142Form scenario &1 is not used
143Form scenario &1 version &2 is not used
144Error calling browser for service fields
145Setting for default value for field &1 is deleted
146Setting for input help for field &1 is deleted
147No data binding to invisible field &1
148Invisible field &1 does not need input help
149Input field &1 is not assigned to first form scenario step
150No data binding to read-only field &1
151Read-only field &1 does not need input help
152Mandatory field &1 is not assigned to first form scenario step
153Screen structure &1 does not exist or cannot be used
154Screen struc. &1 inconsistent with infotype &2, struc. type &3 version &4
155Subtype &1 does not exist for infotype &2
156No object identification is defined for infotype &1 subtype &2
157Data was changed - cannot navigate
158Field &1 will be created
159New binding will be created for field &1
160Back-end service &1 with number &2 does not exist
161Field group &1 with operation &2 is deleted
162Form &1 already exists
163ISR scenario &1 already exists and cannot be recreated
164New ISR scenario &1 was specified twice
165Error displaying documentation
166Generic service &1 has more than one implementation
167Implementation for generic service &1 is missing
168Cannot check operation &1; generic service &2 contains errors
169Generic service &1 does not support operation &2
170Identical binding to service field &1 is already defined
171Rule &1 is not used.
172A default value was already defined for form field &1
173An input help was already defined for form field &1
174Operation &4 is already defined for infotype &1 subtype &2 object ID &3
175Only one binding can be defined for form field &1
176Field &1 is not supported by operation &2 of generic service &3
177No fields were selected
178Error calling IMG activity &1
179Processor roles are ignored. Check the settings
180Form scenario &1 does not exist in the current system
181Can only load form scenario from XML file in change mode
182No form scenarios found
183No form scenario versions found
184New form scenario was not specified
185Function module &1 cannot be executed in remote system
188Select the form scenarios that you want to reconcile
189Form scenario &1 shows differences in remote system
190Form scenario &1 is identical in remote system and current system
191Select the form scenarios that you want to compare
192Error - could not reconcile form scenario &1
193Form scenario &1 successfully reconciled
194Select one row only
195Select at least one line
196No authorization to read form scenario &1 in remote system.
197Form scenario &1 does not exist in the remote system.
198ISR scenario &1 cannot be copied since it already exists
199No authorization for authorization-relevant Customizing in remote system.
200No authorization to change form scenario.
201Form scenario &1 not written to order; data current
202ISR scenario &1 is locked
203Error - Could not reconcile form scenario version &1
204Form scenario version &1 successfully reconciled
205All form scenarios assigned to a process need to have the same form type
206Cannot change form type; form scenario is used by processes
207Configuration &1 does not exist
208Configuration &1 already exists
209Configuration &1 could not be created due to errors in FPM
210Select a configuration first
211Spaces and special characters are not allowed
212&1 has already been added to the configuration table
213&1 already exists; form type and description will be displayed
214Choose from manual/back-end service/Web Dynpro input help options
215Enter a valid Web Dynpro component for the input help
216Alternative UI switch is deactivated; form scen. &1 cannot be displayed
217Configuration &1 is not of the type FORM, LIST, or COMPOSITE
219Some configurations added in form scenarios have not yet been created
220&1 does not exist; use F4 help to choose a field name
221Back-end service does not exist in the target system
223Configuration ID &1 does not exist
225Enter a valid infotype version
226Subtype &1 is not defined for configuration ID &2
227Variable key &1 does not exist for configuration ID &2
230Enter a configuration ID
231Maximum number of entries (999) has been reached
232Configuration ID &1 does not exist for infotype version &2
233Data is incorrect; form scenario was saved anyway
234Infotype operation is not specified
235Subtype &1 is not defined for the configuration ID &2 infotype version &3
237Form scenario &1 not possible; switch HRASR_SFWS_UI_ENH_09 inactive
241No configuration ID available for sequence number &1
242Attribute &1 is not valid for the configuration ID with the number &2
243Enter a step attribute for the configuration ID with the number &1
300Field group &1 already exists
301No operation is defined for field group &1
302Name of service field must be specified
303Field group &1 with operation &2 is deleted
304Field group must be specified
305An operation is already defined for field group &1
306Specify a field group
307Field &1 is already bound to service field &2 of field group &3
308A default value was already defined for field &1
309An input help was already defined for field &1
400Form must be specified
401Field group must be specified
402Description for field group must be entered
403Field group &1 does not exist
404Field &1 does not exist in form scenario &2 version &3
405User event must be specified
406Description for user event must be specified
407User event &1 does not exist in form scenario &2 version &3
408Processing type &1 does not exist
409Processing type must be specified
410Object type &1 not supported
411FPM WDA application must be specified
412Action reason &1 does not exist
413Action type &1 does not exist
414Enter a valid action type
500Enter the name of the rule.
501Rule &1 has already been defined
502Name of rule &1 must be specified
503Rule &1 is used in form scenarios. Continue?
504The formula defined in rule &1 will also be deleted. Continue?
505Field &1, which is used in the formula by rule &2, does not exist.
506No formula assigned to rule &1
507Formula assigned to rule &1 does not exist
508An attribute containing errors was specified for field &1
509Sequence numbers of scenario step &1 and &2 are identical
510Inconsistent entry for &1 in &2 compared with &3
600Message type cannot be changed for E, A, and X messages
601Cannot hide messages of type E, A, or X
602Enter the message number
603No alternate messages found for one or more messages
604Enter alternate message
605Message and alternate message must not be identical
606Enter an alternate message number
607Enter context ID
608Only message types I, W, E, A, S, and X are supported
609An error occurred. Contact your system administrator
610Enter a form scenario
611Enter an alternate message ID
612Entered processor role is invalid. Choose a valid value
613Enter a valid notification type
614Enter a valid notification ID
615Enter a valid notification number
616Enter a valid alternative notification type
617Enter a valid alternative notification ID
618Enter a valid alternative notification number
619Enter a valid error category
620Infotype &1 does no belong to the "Time Management Infotypes" service
621File &1 could not be opened
622File &1 could not be loaded
623File &1 could not be written
624Form scenario could not be read
625File &1 does not contain any Customizing of a form scenario
626Notification is already assigned
627Required organizational management object is already specified
628Relationship is already specified
629Define all required objects for the relationship
630Infotype &1 does not belong to service infotypes of Org. Management
631Enter a unique field name
632LEAD_OBJECT_ID is not to be deleted, the SAP_PD service
633Areas assigned infotype 1000 can only be deleted by PD objects
634LEAD_OBJECT_TYPE is not to be deleted
635Areas assigned infotype 1000 and 1001 can only be deleted by &1
636Copying versions of different form type is not allowed
637Form type roadmap can only be specified for the process start
638Form type cannot be changed while there are errors; will be reset
701&1 does not exist; use F4 help to choose a valid bgRFC destination
702Configuration &1 is not of the type LIST
703Configuration must be specified
704Form type &1 is not supported in the current system
705Form scenario cannot be copied; source form scenario has not been saved
706Activate the switch to create mass form
800Specify a field label in &1
801Specify a field container in &1
802Specify a control type in &1
803Specify a field container ID in &1
804Specify a field sequence in &1
805Specify a group name in &1
806Specify a group ID in &1
807Specify a group sequence in &1
808Activate business function HCM_ASR_CI_7 to use Fiori
809Value for field container cannot be changed in &1
810Value for control type cannot be changed in &1
811Value for field label cannot be changed in &1
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