HRCCE00GROUPINGS - Grouping reader

The following messages are stored in message class HRCCE00GROUPINGS: Grouping reader.
It is part of development package PCCE_GROUPINGS in software component PA-CE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Grouping Tool Concurrent Employment".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*-- Messages 001-019 are reserved for maintainance views
001The entity key must not contain SPACE
002This SAP grouping reason must not be overwritten
020*-- Messages 020-029 are reserved for the search help HRCCE_GPVALUE
021Program error in form &2 of include &1
022Check your date entry &1
023Enter a grouping value
024No grouping rule for &1 found
030*-- Messages 030 - 039 are reserved for search helps linked to grp. rules
031Prerequisite for using the F4 help was ignored
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