HREIC - EIC Messages

The following messages are stored in message class HREIC: EIC Messages.
It is part of development package PAOC_EIC_INTEGRATION in software component PA-EIC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Employee Interaction Center Integration".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Error reading infotype 0105
002Error reading infotype 0001
003E-mail address not maintained in infotype 0105
004No EIC categories exist
005Welcome &1 on behalf of &2
006Number of entries in &1 is lower than the value for NUMQS in &2
007or choose &1
008Questions &1, &2, and &3 are identical. Change them and choose Save.
009An error occurred when determining the employee ID for user &1
010An error occurred when determining authentication data for &1
011Start date must be earlier than end date
012Settings for query &1 are not consistent with view &2
013Query field list for query &1 could not be found
100The length &1 of domain &2 is greater than the constant field
101Enter either a data element or search help.
102Enter a parameter and tab page.
110First enter a start and end date.
120Appointment rule is invalid
121Business hours not found. Re-enter the dates/times
122An error occurred while saving the business hours
123The appointment rule could not be deleted from the basis tables
124Appointment rule '&1' saved to basis table
125Appointment rule '&1' could not be saved to the basis table
126Basis table entrie for appointment rule '&1' not transported
127Basis table entry for appointment rule '&1' transported
300It is not possible to copy EIC business hours
301Appointment tables are consistent
302Application reference table is inconsistent
303Appointment tables in client &1 are inconsistent
304Appointment entries in source client are not all available
305Error in DB change
310&1 entries have each been added to the appointment tables
311An error occurred during the activity search
312An error occurred while opening the PDF form
313An error occurred while generating the PDF form
314An error occurred while closing the PDF form
320Appointment entries are consistent. No table changes necessary
321'Transport Only' determines source and target clients for logon clients
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