HRFORMS - Nachrichten HR Form Builder

The following messages are stored in message class HRFORMS: Nachrichten HR Form Builder.
It is part of development package PAOC_PAY_HRFORMS in software component PY-XX-FO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Forms".
Message Nr
Message Text
000***************** Messages from Interface 0-300 *******************
001This is a test message and should only be used for test purposes
002&1 &2 &3 &4
003The Object Has Already Been Processed
005Form &1 already exists
006Form &1 does not exist
007Enter the form name
008Select a form
009Enter a valid country grouping
010Form &1 saved
011Generated print program contains a syntax error
012Generated DDIC structures for dimension &1 contain errors
013Generated DDIC structures for InfoStar &1 contain errors
014Generated DDIC structure for form &1 contains errors
015Dimension is not permitted for this InfoStar
016Dimension is already contained in InfoStar
017DDIC structures activated for form &1
018Print program successfully generated for form &1
019Form &1 will not be saved because it was not changed
020Form &1 deleted
021Form name &1 not active for form &2
022Form Name &1 does not exist
023Form &1 has been changed and is inactive; activate the form
024Form &1 is already active
025Form &1: generate DDIC structures
026Form &1: generate print program
027MetaStars that are not allowed in form class &1 are inactive
028Form &1: read
029DDIC structures are not active; print program will not be generated
030Specify a valid form class
031Print program not activated for form &1
032DDIC structures not activated for form &1
033Generation not possible; InfoStar &1 is empty
034Form &1 could not be created for form &2
035There is an inactive version of the form name for this form
036There is either no print program for the form or it is not active
037The variant for the print program does not exist
038Enter the correct form name
039The DDIC Structure &1 for Country &2 Does Not Exist
040Class &1 (Payroll Results for Country &2) Does Not Exist
041Interface &1 already exists
042Form &1 already exists
043Could not create form &1 or interface &1
050You have terminated the activity
100Control framework cannot be initialized
150***************** Drag&Drop/Cut and Paste ******************************
151Drag&Drop and/or pasting not allowed for the selected object
152MetaStar &1 is not allowed in forms of form class &2
153InfoStar &1 already exists
154Selection of MetaStars and MetaDimensions not allowed
155Selection of MetaDimensions not allowed
156InfoObject & already exists
157InfoObject &1 is not permitted in InfoStar &2
301**************** Messages from classes 301-500 **************************
601************ Messages for metadata maintenance 601--700 *****************
602&1 already exists
603MetaField &1 already exists in MetaDimension &2
604&1 was read using function module; table field assignment deleted (&2)
605Infotype &2, which is used in MetaStar &1, does not exist
606Specify the read function and structure for the secondary table of &1
607MetaStar &1 already contains field &2 (unit from MetaFigure &3)
608Type &2 of MetaStar &1 is not valid
609MetaStar &1 read from table &2; secondary table is ignored
610&1 is in the international part of &2
611&1 was saved
612Text is in the international part of &2
613Metadata was successfully saved
614Enter the start and end date fields or leave them both blank
615Enter a field type for figure &1
616Specify a field type for the unit for figure &1
617Unit is empty for figure &1; field type and text are ignored
618Name of figure &1 und name of its unit must not be identical
619Specify a field type (&1)
620&1 was checked successfully
621Table field &1-&2 does not exist (&3)
622Table field &1-&2 is not a date field (&3)
623MetaNet &3 and MetaStar &1 have different country groupings
624&1 is reserved for the country grouping &2
625Figures can only be inserted in MetaStar &1 for country &2
626Do not specify any additional read info for MetaDimension EMPLOYEE (&1)
627&1 is defined as fixed value of &2; do not specify table field
628MetaField &1 does not exist; no fixed value possible for &2
629MetaField &1 is not a key field; no fixed value possible for &2
630&1 is not included in &2
631&1 is already included in &2
632Specify a MetaNet and country grouping
633Specify a function module or a field assignment (&1)
634The unit of figure &2 in MetaStar &1 has no field assignment
635Enter the read function and the line structure for MetaStar &1
636Split information is missing between &1 and &2 (&3)
637Payroll table/structure &1 does not exist for country &2 (MetaStar &3)
638Field &1 does not exist in payroll table &3 for country &2 (MetaStar &4)
639Enter the payroll table or secondary table for MetaStar &1
640&1 defined as fixed value of &2; type must be VAL_TEXT
641Enter the name of the function module (&1)
642MetaField &1 already exists in the table
643MetaField &1 is a key field; read information must be defined
644MetaNet &1 already exists
645MetaNet &1 does not exist
646MetaNet &1 is reserved for country grouping &2
647&1 was not deleted
648The documentation is included in the international part of &1
649Data element &1 does not exist (&2)
650MetaDimension WAGETYPE cannot be read by a function module
651Function module &1 does not exist (&2)
652Table &1 does not exist (&2)
653Specify the table or the function module (&1)
654Specify a table field (&1)
655MetaDimension &1 has changed; check the read info for MetaFields
656Read information is missing for MetaStar &1
657Read info for international part of MetaStar &1 contains errors
658Read information changed for MetaStar &1 MetaDim. &2; check the fields
659Line structure &1 does not exist (&2)
660Make entries in all fields
661MetaDimension &1 does not exist
662MetaField &1 does not exist in MetaDimension &2
663An entry with the same key exists already
664Subapplication &1 does not exist
665Selected function not possible for selected object
666Clipboard cannot be pasted here
667MetaField &1 is a key field; no fixed value possible
668Field &1 entered several times as fixed table value for dimension &2
669MetaStars cannot be passed from country &2 to country &4
670Endless loop; MetaNet &1 must not pass data to MetaNet &2
671Form class &1 already exists
672Form class &1 is used in forms; deletion not possible
673MetaDimension &1 is not allowed for this type of MetaStar
674Enter the time evaluation table for MetaStar &1
675Form table &1 does not exist for time evaluation (MetaStar &2)
676Parameter &1 is entered several times for MetaStar &2
677Inheritance is contained in the international part of MetaNet &1
678Country versions exist: inheritance cannot be changed
679Form class &1 does not exist
680Figures can only be deleted in MetaStar &1 for country &2
681You may only create objects in the customer name area (Z*)
682Function Module &1 Was Created Successfully
683Structure &1 Does Not Exist (&2)
700************** Messages from generated program 701-800 ******************
701The system has not selected any data
702&1 personnel numbers were processed successfully
703&1 personnel numbers were rejected
704&1 payroll results were processed successfully
705Read authorization is missing for at least one record of infotype &1
706&1 pages were printed by Smart Forms
707Error when reading data for PAYMENTS MetaStar for PerNo &1, SeqNo &2
708Company code data could not be read for company code &1
709Data on payee key &1 could not be read for date &2
710Check number could not be read: PerNo &1, SeqNo &2, BTLNo &3
711You are not authorized to display form &1
712You are not allowed to use the logical database to sort
713Excel output not possible in the background; ALV is used
714Statistics cannot be suppressed for Excel output
715No employee language if all employees are in one form
716You are not authorized to activate form &1
717Form &1 was not activated; check the form
718BADI method SET_ARCHIVE_INDEX incorrect; standard constants transferred
719Basic parameters for archiving: &1 &2 &3
720You are not authorized to change form &1
721Personnel number was skipped
722&1 Employees were processed successfully
723&1 Employees were rejected
724List of used spool order numbers:
726&1 Pages were printed by SAP Form-Builder
727&1 documents generated by SAP Form Builder
729&1 employees were printed
801************** Messages for WBO Connection 801--900 *******************
802Status for form &1 could not be set correctly
804Status 'inactive' successfully set for form &1
805'&1' is not a valid country
806You are not authorized to perform this action
898***************** Messages for zero downtime maintenance ****************
899Form &1 locked by user &2
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